Example #1
  * Creates a Tree of the given elements.
  * @param <T> Component type of the List.
  * @param values Zero or more values.
  * @return A Tree containing the given values.
  * @throws NullPointerException if {@code values} is null
 static <T> Tree<T> of(T... values) {
   Objects.requireNonNull(values, "values is null");
   List<T> list = List.of(values);
   return list.isEmpty() ? Empty.instance() : new Node<>(list.head(), list.tail().map(Tree::of));
  public static void jdk9List() {
    List<Integer> numList = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4);

    List<String> strList = List.of("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno");

    List<Integer> emptyList = List.of();

    // Old collection API allows null to it
    List<String> arr = new ArrayList<>();

    // from JDK 8 APIs, won't allow null as value
    List<Integer> nullList = List.of(2, 1, null);
Example #3
  @DataProvider(name = "csvdata")
  public Object[][] getCSVData() {
    return new Object[][] {
      {"", List.of("")},
      {"a", List.of("a")},
      {"a,b", List.of("a", "b")},
      {"a,b,c", List.of("a", "b", "c")},
      {",a,b", List.of("", "a", "b")},
      {"a,b,", List.of("a", "b", "")},
      {",a,b,", List.of("", "a", "b", "")},
      {",a,,b,", List.of("", "a", "", "b", "")},
      {",", List.of("", "")},
      {",,", List.of("", "", "")},
      {",,,", List.of("", "", "", "")},
      {" a , b ", List.of(" a ", " b ")},
      {"a,\",\",b", List.of("a", ",", "b")},
      {"a,\"b\"\"c\",d", List.of("a", "b\"c", "d")},
      {"a,\"b,c\",d", List.of("a", "b,c", "d")},

      // from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
      // slightly modified to enable round-tripping

        List.of("Year", "Make", "Model", "Description", "Price")
        "1997,Ford,E350,\"ac, abs, moon\",3000.00",
        List.of("1997", "Ford", "E350", "ac, abs, moon", "3000.00")
        "1999,Chevy,\"Venture \"\"Extended Edition\"\"\",,4900.00",
        List.of("1999", "Chevy", "Venture \"Extended Edition\"", "", "4900.00")
        "1999,Chevy,\"Venture \"\"Extended Edition, Very Large\"\"\",,5000.00",
        List.of("1999", "Chevy", "Venture \"Extended Edition, Very Large\"", "", "5000.00")
        "1996,Jeep,Grand Cherokee,\"MUST SELL!\nair, moon roof, loaded\",4799.00",
        List.of("1996", "Jeep", "Grand Cherokee", "MUST SELL!\nair, moon roof, loaded", "4799.00")
Example #4
 // won't round-trip
 public void testEmptyQuote() {
   assertEquals(CSV.split("a,\"\",b"), List.of("a", "", "b"));
Example #5
 // won't round-trip
 public void testExtraQuote() {
   assertEquals(CSV.split("a,\"b\",c"), List.of("a", "b", "c"));
Example #6
  * Returns a new Node containing the given value and having the given children.
  * @param value A value
  * @param children The child nodes, possibly empty
  * @param <T> Value type
  * @return A new Node instance.
 static <T> Node<T> of(T value, Node<T>... children) {
   Objects.requireNonNull(children, "children is null");
   return new Node<>(value, List.of(children));
Example #7
 protected final <T> PriorityQueue<T> of(T... elements) {
   return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), List.of(elements));
Example #8
 protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> of(T element) {
   return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), List.of(element));
Example #9
public class PriorityQueueTest extends AbstractTraversableTest {
  private final List<Integer> values =
          3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 3, 3, 8, 3, 2, 7,
          9, 5, 0, 2, 8, 8, 4, 1, 9, 7, 1, 6, 9, 3, 9, 9, 3, 7, 5, 1, 0);

  protected <T> Collector<T, ArrayList<T>, PriorityQueue<T>> collector() {
    return PriorityQueue.collector();

  protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> empty() {
    return PriorityQueue.empty(toStringComparator());

  protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> of(T element) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), List.of(element));

  protected final <T> PriorityQueue<T> of(T... elements) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), List.of(elements));

  protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> ofAll(Iterable<? extends T> elements) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), elements);

  protected <T> Traversable<T> ofJavaStream(Stream<? extends T> javaStream) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(toStringComparator(), javaStream);

  protected PriorityQueue<Boolean> ofAll(boolean[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Byte> ofAll(byte[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Character> ofAll(char[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Double> ofAll(double[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Float> ofAll(float[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Integer> ofAll(int[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Long> ofAll(long[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected PriorityQueue<Short> ofAll(short[] array) {
    return PriorityQueue.ofAll(List.ofAll(array));

  protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> tabulate(int n, Function<? super Integer, ? extends T> f) {
    return PriorityQueue.tabulate(n, f);

  protected <T> PriorityQueue<T> fill(int n, Supplier<? extends T> s) {
    return PriorityQueue.fill(n, s);

  protected boolean useIsEqualToInsteadOfIsSameAs() {
    return true;

  protected int getPeekNonNilPerformingAnAction() {
    return 1;

  protected boolean emptyShouldBeSingleton() {
    return false;

  protected boolean isOrdered() {
    return true;

  private static SerializableComparator<Object> toStringComparator() {
    return (o1, o2) -> String.valueOf(o1).compareTo(String.valueOf(o2));

  private static Comparator<Integer> composedComparator() {
    final Comparator<Integer> bitCountComparator =
        (o1, o2) -> Integer.compare(bitCount(o1), bitCount(o2));
    return bitCountComparator.thenComparing(naturalComparator());

  public void shouldScanLeftWithNonComparable() {
    // The resulting type would need a comparator

  public void shouldScanRightWithNonComparable() {
    // The resulting type would need a comparator

  public void shouldPreserveSingletonInstanceOnDeserialization() {
    // The empty PriorityQueue encapsulates a comparator and therefore cannot be a singleton

  // -- static narrow

  public void shouldNarrowQueue() {
    final PriorityQueue<Double> doubles = of(1.0d);
    final PriorityQueue<Number> numbers = PriorityQueue.narrow(doubles);
    final int actual = numbers.enqueue(new BigDecimal("2.0")).sum().intValue();

  // -- toList

  public void toListIsSortedAccordingToComparator() {
    final Comparator<Integer> comparator = composedComparator();
    final PriorityQueue<Integer> queue = PriorityQueue.ofAll(comparator, values);

  // -- merge

  public void shouldMergeTwoPriorityQueues() {
    final PriorityQueue<Integer> source = of(3, 1, 4, 1, 5);
    final PriorityQueue<Integer> target = of(9, 2, 6, 5, 3);
    assertThat(source.merge(target)).isEqualTo(of(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3));

    assertThat(PriorityQueue.of(3).merge(PriorityQueue.of(toStringComparator(), 1)))
        .isEqualTo(of(3, 1));

  // -- distinct

  public void shouldComputeDistinctOfNonEmptyTraversableUsingKeyExtractor() {
    final Comparator<String> comparator = (o1, o2) -> Integer.compare(o1.charAt(1), o2.charAt(1));
            PriorityQueue.of(comparator, "5c", "1a", "3a", "1a", "2a", "4b", "3b")
                .map(s -> s.substring(1)))
        .isEqualTo(of("a", "b", "c"));

  // -- removeAll

  public void shouldRemoveAllElements() {
    assertThat(of(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6).removeAll(of(1, 9, 1, 2))).isEqualTo(of(3, 4, 5, 6));

  // -- enqueueAll

  public void shouldEnqueueAllElements() {
    assertThat(of(3, 1, 4).enqueueAll(of(1, 5, 9, 2))).isEqualTo(of(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2));

  // -- peek

  @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
  public void shouldFailPeekOfEmpty() {

  // -- dequeue

  public void shouldDeque() {
    assertThat(of(3, 1, 4, 1, 5).dequeue()).isEqualTo(Tuple.of(1, of(3, 4, 1, 5)));

  @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
  public void shouldFailDequeueOfEmpty() {

  // -- toPriorityQueue

  public void shouldKeepInstanceOfPriorityQueue() {
    final PriorityQueue<Integer> queue = PriorityQueue.of(1, 3, 2);

  // -- property based tests

  public void shouldBehaveExactlyLikeAnotherPriorityQueue() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      final Random random = getRandom(-1);

      final java.util.PriorityQueue<Integer> mutablePriorityQueue = new java.util.PriorityQueue<>();
      javaslang.collection.PriorityQueue<Integer> functionalPriorityQueue =

      final int size = 100_000;
      for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
        /* Insert */
        if (random.nextInt() % 3 == 0) {
          assertMinimumsAreEqual(mutablePriorityQueue, functionalPriorityQueue);

          final int value = random.nextInt(size) - (size / 2);
          functionalPriorityQueue = functionalPriorityQueue.enqueue(value);

        assertMinimumsAreEqual(mutablePriorityQueue, functionalPriorityQueue);

        /* Delete */
        if (random.nextInt() % 5 == 0) {
          if (!mutablePriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
          if (!functionalPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
            functionalPriorityQueue = functionalPriorityQueue.tail();

          assertMinimumsAreEqual(mutablePriorityQueue, functionalPriorityQueue);

      final Collection<Integer> oldValues =
      final Collection<Integer> newValues = functionalPriorityQueue.toJavaList();

  private void assertMinimumsAreEqual(
      java.util.PriorityQueue<Integer> oldQueue, PriorityQueue<Integer> newQueue) {
    if (!newQueue.isEmpty()) {