@NotNull @Override public SuggestedNameInfo suggestUniqueVariableName( @NotNull final SuggestedNameInfo baseNameInfo, PsiElement place, boolean ignorePlaceName, boolean lookForward) { final String[] names = baseNameInfo.names; final LinkedHashSet<String> uniqueNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>(names.length); for (String name : names) { if (ignorePlaceName && place instanceof PsiNamedElement) { final String placeName = ((PsiNamedElement) place).getName(); if (Comparing.strEqual(placeName, name)) { uniqueNames.add(name); continue; } } uniqueNames.add(suggestUniqueVariableName(name, place, lookForward)); } return new SuggestedNameInfo(ArrayUtil.toStringArray(uniqueNames)) { @Override public void nameChosen(String name) { baseNameInfo.nameChosen(name); } }; }
public static void determineDependencies(AbstractMetadataRecord p, Command command) { Collection<GroupSymbol> groups = GroupCollectorVisitor.getGroupsIgnoreInlineViewsAndEvaluatableSubqueries(command, true); LinkedHashSet<AbstractMetadataRecord> values = new LinkedHashSet<AbstractMetadataRecord>(); for (GroupSymbol group : groups) { Object mid = group.getMetadataID(); if (mid instanceof TempMetadataAdapter) { mid = ((TempMetadataID) mid).getOriginalMetadataID(); } if (mid instanceof AbstractMetadataRecord) { values.add((AbstractMetadataRecord) mid); } } Collection<ElementSymbol> elems = ElementCollectorVisitor.getElements(command, true, true); for (ElementSymbol elem : elems) { Object mid = elem.getMetadataID(); if (mid instanceof TempMetadataAdapter) { mid = ((TempMetadataID) mid).getOriginalMetadataID(); } if (mid instanceof AbstractMetadataRecord) { values.add((AbstractMetadataRecord) mid); } } p.setIncomingObjects(new ArrayList<AbstractMetadataRecord>(values)); }
public static LinkedHashSet<String> disintegrate( String text, String origText, LinkedHashSet<String> set, int inputLength, int origLength, int subStrLength, int pos) { if (text.length() < subStrLength) { set.add( (subStrLength < inputLength) ? origText.substring(0, subStrLength + 1) : origText.substring(0, subStrLength)); return set; } if (subStrLength <= text.length()) set.add(text.substring(0, subStrLength)); disintegrate( text.substring(pos), origText, set, inputLength, text.substring(1).length(), subStrLength, pos); disintegrate( origText.substring(pos), origText, set, inputLength, origText.length(), ++subStrLength, pos); return set; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public String toString() { LinkedHashSet<Field> fields = new LinkedHashSet<Field>(); for (FieldSpec<KeyAnn> spec : getJsonKeySpecs(getClass())) { fields.add(spec.field); } if (this instanceof Entity) { for (FieldSpec<ColumnAnn> spec : getTableColumnSpecs((Class<? extends Entity>) getClass())) { fields.add(spec.field); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<String> fieldVals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Field field : fields) { sb.append(field.getName()).append(": "); try { sb.append(getFieldVal(this, field)); } catch (Exception e) { sb.append("n/a"); } fieldVals.add(sb.toString()); sb.setLength(0); } sb.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append(" ["); sb.append(join(fieldVals, ", ")); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); }
public void test_toArray$Ljava_lang_Object() { LinkedHashSet<Integer> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); lhs.add(new Integer(1)); lhs.add(new Integer(6)); lhs.add(new Integer(7)); lhs.add(new Integer(8)); lhs.add(new Integer(9)); lhs.add(new Integer(10)); lhs.add(new Integer(11)); lhs.add(new Integer(12)); lhs.add(new Integer(13)); Object[] o1 = new Object[lhs.size()]; Object[] o2 = new Double[lhs.size()]; lhs.toArray(o1); for (int i = 0; i < o1.length; i++) { assertTrue(lhs.contains(o1[i])); } try { lhs.toArray(null); fail("NullPointerException expected"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { lhs.toArray(o2); fail("ArrayStoreException expected"); } catch (ArrayStoreException e) { // expected } }
protected Set<ToutElement> listeAny(final String namespace, final String targetNamespace) { final LinkedHashSet<ToutElement> liste = new LinkedHashSet<ToutElement>(); if (namespace == null || "".equals(namespace) || "##any".equals(namespace)) { for (final WXSElement el : lTousElements) if (el.getName() != null && el.getRef() == null && !el.getAbstract()) liste.add(el); } else if ("##local".equals(namespace)) { for (final WXSElement el : lTousElements) { if (el.getName() != null && el.getRef() == null && !el.getAbstract()) { final String tns = el.getNamespace(); if (tns == null || tns.equals(targetNamespace)) liste.add(el); } } } else if ("##other".equals(namespace)) { final ArrayList<Element> references = cfg.listeElementsHorsEspace(targetNamespace); for (Element ref : references) liste.add(new ElementExterne(ref, cfg)); } else { // liste d'espaces de noms s?par?s par des espaces final HashSet<String> espaces = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(namespace.split("\\s"))); if (espaces.contains("##targetNamespace")) { espaces.remove("##targetNamespace"); espaces.add(targetNamespace); } if (espaces.contains("##local")) { espaces.remove("##local"); espaces.add(""); } final ArrayList<Element> references = cfg.listeElementsDansEspaces(espaces); for (Element ref : references) liste.add(new ElementExterne(ref, cfg)); } return (liste); }
/** * Creates a map which provides project ids for each working set. If the working set is an * AggregateWorkingSet then these are the ids of (simple) working sets. Otherwise these are ids of * the contained projects. * * @return */ private Map<String, Set<String>> getWorkingSetTable() { LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>> table = new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(); Map<String, IWorkingSet> workingSetMap = getWorkingSetMap(); for (String wsId : workingSetMap.keySet()) { if (wsId == null) { System.err.println("Illegal AggregateWorkingSet: key is null"); continue; } IWorkingSet ws = workingSetMap.get(wsId); LinkedHashSet<String> ids = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (ws instanceof IAggregateWorkingSet) { IWorkingSet[] components = ((IAggregateWorkingSet) ws).getComponents(); for (IWorkingSet _ws : components) { if (_ws == null) { System.err.println("Illegal AggregateWorkingSet: null component in " + wsId); continue; } String _wsId = _ws.getName(); ids.add(_wsId); } } else { IAdaptable[] elements = ws.getElements(); for (IAdaptable e : elements) { String pId = ((IProject) e).getName(); ids.add(pId); } } table.put(wsId, ids); } return table; }
/** * Test importing of Clinical Data File. * * @throws DaoException Database Access Error. * @throws IOException IO Error. */ @Test @Ignore("To be fixed") public void testImportClinicalDataSurvival() throws Exception { // TBD: change this to use getResourceAsStream() File clinicalFile = new File("target/test-classes/clinical_data.txt"); ImportClinicalData importClinicalData = new ImportClinicalData(study, clinicalFile); importClinicalData.importData(); LinkedHashSet<String> caseSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SB"); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SI"); caseSet.add("TCGA-A1-A0SE"); List<Patient> clinicalCaseList = DaoClinicalData.getSurvivalData(study.getInternalId(), caseSet); assertEquals(3, clinicalCaseList.size()); Patient clinical0 = clinicalCaseList.get(0); assertEquals(new Double(79.04), clinical0.getAgeAtDiagnosis()); assertEquals("DECEASED", clinical0.getOverallSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals("Recurred/Progressed", clinical0.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals(new Double(43.8), clinical0.getOverallSurvivalMonths()); assertEquals(new Double(15.05), clinical0.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); Patient clinical1 = clinicalCaseList.get(1); assertEquals(new Double(55.53), clinical1.getAgeAtDiagnosis()); assertEquals("LIVING", clinical1.getOverallSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals("DiseaseFree", clinical1.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalStatus()); assertEquals(new Double(49.02), clinical1.getOverallSurvivalMonths()); assertEquals(new Double(49.02), clinical1.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); Patient clinical2 = clinicalCaseList.get(2); assertEquals(null, clinical2.getDiseaseFreeSurvivalMonths()); }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private boolean addOrderedElement(Ordered adding) { boolean added = false; E[] tempUnorderedElements = (E[]) this.toArray(); if (super.contains(adding)) { return false; } super.clear(); if (tempUnorderedElements.length == 0) { added = super.add((E) adding); } else { Set tempSet = new LinkedHashSet(); for (E current : tempUnorderedElements) { if (current instanceof Ordered) { if (this.comparator.compare(adding, current) < 0) { added = super.add((E) adding); super.add(current); } else { super.add(current); } } else { tempSet.add(current); } } if (!added) { added = super.add((E) adding); } for (Object object : tempSet) { super.add((E) object); } } return added; }
@Test public void testCalculaFreteLocalDiferente() { LinkedHashSet<Livro> cestaLivro = new LinkedHashSet<Livro>(); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(0, "Guia do exame SCJP", 1)); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(1, "Dominando Hibernate", 2)); assertEquals("Entrega em 15 dias", new Livro().checkout(cestaLivro, "BA", "SP")); }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method is called before a * test is executed. */ protected void setUp() { objArray = new Object[1000]; for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) objArray[i] = new Integer(i); hs = new LinkedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) hs.add(objArray[i]); hs.add(null); }
/** Format deadlock displaying to a user. */ public static String prettyFormat(Collection<Dependency> deadlock) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); LinkedHashSet<LocalThread> threads = new LinkedHashSet<LocalThread>(); Set<Object> seenDependers = new HashSet<>(); Object lastDependsOn = text; Object lastDepender = text; for (Dependency dep : deadlock) { Object depender = dep.getDepender(); Object dependsOn = dep.getDependsOn(); String dependerString; if (lastDependsOn.equals(depender)) { dependerString = "which"; } else if (lastDepender.equals(depender)) { dependerString = "and"; } else { dependerString = String.valueOf(depender); } lastDepender = depender; lastDependsOn = dependsOn; String also = seenDependers.contains(depender) ? " also" : ""; seenDependers.add(depender); if (depender instanceof LocalThread) { text.append(dependerString) .append(" is") .append(also) .append(" waiting on ") .append(dependsOn) .append("\n"); threads.add((LocalThread) depender); } else if (dependsOn instanceof LocalThread) { text.append(dependerString).append(" is held by thread ").append(dependsOn).append("\n"); threads.add((LocalThread) dependsOn); } else { text.append(dependerString) .append(" is") .append(also) .append(" waiting for ") .append(dependsOn) .append("\n"); } text.append("\n"); } text.append("\nStack traces for involved threads\n"); for (LocalThread threadInfo : threads) { text.append(threadInfo.getLocatility()) .append(":") .append(threadInfo.getThreadStack()) .append("\n\n"); } return text.toString(); }
/** java.util.LinkedHashSet#add(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_addLjava_lang_Object() { // Test for method boolean java.util.LinkedHashSet.add(java.lang.Object) int size = hs.size(); hs.add(new Integer(8)); assertTrue("Added element already contained by set", hs.size() == size); hs.add(new Integer(-9)); assertTrue("Failed to increment set size after add", hs.size() == size + 1); assertTrue("Failed to add element to set", hs.contains(new Integer(-9))); }
/** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (21.12.2000 22:24:23) * * @return boolean * @param object com.cosylab.vdct.graphics.objects.VisibleObject * @param zoomOnHilited sets the option whether the hilited object should be zoomed in */ public boolean setAsHilited(VisibleObject object, boolean zoomOnHilited) { this.zoomOnHilited = zoomOnHilited; if (zoomOnHilited) { DrawingSurface.getInstance().repaint(); hilitedObjects.clear(); if (hilitedObject != null) { hilitedObjects.add(hilitedObject); } } if (object == null) { hilitedObjects.clear(); hilitedObject = null; return false; } if (object != hilitedObject || hilitedObjects.size() == 1) { hilitedObject = object; // initialization hilitedObjects.clear(); hilitedObjects.add(hilitedObject); Object obj = hilitedObject; // inlinks Vector outlinks = null; if (obj instanceof MultiInLink) { outlinks = ((MultiInLink) obj).getOutlinks(); } else if (obj instanceof InLink) { outlinks = new Vector(); outlinks.add(((InLink) obj).getOutput()); } if (!zoomOnHilited) { if (outlinks != null) for (int i = 0; i < outlinks.size(); i++) { obj = outlinks.elementAt(i); hilitedObjects.add(obj); while (obj instanceof InLink) { obj = ((InLink) obj).getOutput(); hilitedObjects.add(obj); } } // outLinks obj = hilitedObject; while (obj instanceof OutLink) { obj = ((OutLink) obj).getInput(); hilitedObjects.add(obj); } } return true; } else return false; }
@Override public Set<Object> getSingletons() { LinkedHashSet<Object> instances = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(); instances.add(StreamingOutputProvider); // provider instances.add(new BadResource()); // simulate resource exception instances.add("bla-bla"); // should be ignored instances.add(new BadProvider()); // simulate provider exception instances.add(rootResource); // resource return instances; }
@Test public void testCalculaMaisUmKg() { LinkedHashSet<Livro> cestaLivro = new LinkedHashSet<Livro>(); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(0, "Guia do exame SCJP", 1)); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(1, "Dominando Hibernate", 2)); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(3, "TomCat Administrador", 1)); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(4, "Core JSF 2.0", 1)); cestaLivro.add(new Livro(5, "Certificação LPI", 1)); assertEquals("Entrega em 5 dias", new Livro().checkout(cestaLivro, "RJ", "rj")); }
/** * Builds a list of components (Component) for a form that are ordered in the default focus order. */ public static LinkedHashSet buildDefaultFocusPolicy(FormComponent fc) { System.out.println("buildDefaultFocusPolicy form: " + fc.getId()); final FormComponent theform = fc; LinkedHashSet default_policy = new LinkedHashSet(); LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy policy = new LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy() { protected boolean accept(Component aComponent) { if (aComponent instanceof StandardComponent) { if (((StandardComponent) aComponent).getBeanDelegate() == null) return false; } if (aComponent == theform) return super.accept(aComponent); if (aComponent instanceof FormComponent) { if (((FormComponent) aComponent).isTopLevelForm()) return false; } if (aComponent instanceof JTabbedPane) return true; if (aComponent != null) { /** handle the case for embedded focus cycle roots such as JTabbedPane forms */ Container cc = aComponent.getParent(); while (cc != null && cc != theform) { if (cc instanceof FormContainerComponent) { return false; } cc = cc.getParent(); } } return super.accept(aComponent); } }; Component comp = policy.getFirstComponent(fc); Component last_comp = policy.getLastComponent(fc); while (true) { /** Don't add scroll pane in design mode since the scroll bars might not be visible */ if (FormUtils.isDesignMode()) { if (!(comp instanceof JScrollPane) && !(comp instanceof JScrollBar)) { default_policy.add(comp); } } else { default_policy.add(comp); } if (comp == last_comp) break; System.out.println("FormFocusManager.getComponentAfter: " + comp.getClass()); comp = policy.getComponentAfter(fc, comp); } return default_policy; }
/* * @see java.util.HashSet#add(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean add(E o) { if (remove(o)) { super.add(o); return false; } if (size() >= fMaxSize) remove(this.iterator().next()); super.add(o); return true; }
public ClassLoaderServiceImpl( ClassLoader applicationClassLoader, ClassLoader resourcesClassLoader, ClassLoader hibernateClassLoader, ClassLoader environmentClassLoader) { this.classLoadingClassLoaders = new LinkedHashSet<ClassLoader>(); classLoadingClassLoaders.add(applicationClassLoader); classLoadingClassLoaders.add(hibernateClassLoader); classLoadingClassLoaders.add(environmentClassLoader); this.resourcesClassLoader = resourcesClassLoader; }
@Override public Set<String> keySet() { LinkedHashSet<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); set.add("database"); set.add("table"); for (String key : this.pkKeys) { set.add(key); } return set; }
public ArrayList<String> IPTrack( String ipaddr, boolean IPdisp, boolean recursive, boolean override) { ArrayList<String> output = new ArrayList<String>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT `accountname` " + "FROM `" + table + "` " + "WHERE `ip` = ? " + "ORDER BY `time` DESC"); ps.setString(1, ipaddr); rs = ps.executeQuery(); LinkedHashSet<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); while (rs.next()) { if ((!plugin.untraceable.contains(rs.getString("accountname"))) || (override)) names.add(rs.getString("accountname") + ((IPdisp) ? " (" + ipaddr + ")" : "")); } if (recursive) { // OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD LinkedHashSet<String> names_spent = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); java.util.Iterator<String> names_itr = names.iterator(); while (names_itr.hasNext()) { String thisName = names_itr.next(); if (names_spent.contains(thisName)) continue; names_spent.add(thisName); if (names.addAll( PlayerTrack( ((thisName.indexOf(" ") != -1) ? thisName.substring(0, thisName.indexOf(" ")) : thisName), IPdisp, false, override, false, false))) names_itr = names.iterator(); } } output.addAll(names); } catch (SQLException ex) { PlayerTracker.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "[P-Tracker] Couldn't execute MySQL statement: ", ex); } return output; }
public void addFile(File file, boolean warn) { if (contains(file)) { // discard duplicates return; } if (!fsInfo.exists(file)) { /* No such file or directory exists */ if (warn) { log.warning(Lint.LintCategory.PATH, "path.element.not.found", file); } super.add(file); return; } File canonFile = fsInfo.getCanonicalFile(file); if (canonicalValues.contains(canonFile)) { /* Discard duplicates and avoid infinite recursion */ return; } if (fsInfo.isFile(file)) { /* File is an ordinary file. */ if (!isArchive(file)) { /* Not a recognized extension; open it to see if it looks like a valid zip file. */ try { ZipFile z = new ZipFile(file); z.close(); if (warn) { log.warning(Lint.LintCategory.PATH, "unexpected.archive.file", file); } } catch (IOException e) { // FIXME: include e.getLocalizedMessage in warning if (warn) { log.warning(Lint.LintCategory.PATH, "invalid.archive.file", file); } return; } } } /* Now what we have left is either a directory or a file name conforming to archive naming convention */ super.add(file); canonicalValues.add(canonFile); if (expandJarClassPaths && fsInfo.isFile(file)) addJarClassPath(file, warn); }
public static void main(String a[]) { LinkedHashSet<String> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // add elements to HashSet lhs.add("first"); lhs.add("second"); lhs.add("third"); System.out.println("My LinkedHashSet content:"); System.out.println(lhs); System.out.println("Clearing LinkedHashSet:"); lhs.clear(); System.out.println("Content After clear:"); System.out.println(lhs); }
public static <I, S extends AbstractNode<I, S>> LinkedHashSet<S> findAllowedRootsByAffectedNodes( TreeAndParentMap<I, S> tree, Set<S> affectedNodes) { final S treeRoot = tree.getTree(); final Map<S, S> parentMap = tree.getParentMap(); LinkedHashSet<S> ret = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (S affectedNode : affectedNodes) { S node = affectedNode; while (node != treeRoot) { ret.add(node); node = parentMap.get(node); } ret.add(node); } return ret; }
public static LinkedHashSet<String> findJars(LogicalPlan dag, Class<?>[] defaultClasses) { List<Class<?>> jarClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); for (String className : dag.getClassNames()) { try { Class<?> clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(className); jarClasses.add(clazz); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load class " + className, e); } } for (Class<?> clazz : Lists.newArrayList(jarClasses)) { // process class and super classes (super does not require deploy annotation) for (Class<?> c = clazz; c != Object.class && c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) { // LOG.debug("checking " + c); jarClasses.add(c); jarClasses.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getInterfaces())); } } jarClasses.addAll(Arrays.asList(defaultClasses)); if (dag.isDebug()) { LOG.debug("Deploy dependencies: {}", jarClasses); } LinkedHashSet<String> localJarFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // avoid duplicates HashMap<String, String> sourceToJar = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Class<?> jarClass : jarClasses) { if (jarClass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() == null) { // system class continue; } String sourceLocation = jarClass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toString(); String jar = sourceToJar.get(sourceLocation); if (jar == null) { // don't create jar file from folders multiple times jar = JarFinder.getJar(jarClass); sourceToJar.put(sourceLocation, jar); LOG.debug("added sourceLocation {} as {}", sourceLocation, jar); } if (jar == null) { throw new AssertionError("Cannot resolve jar file for " + jarClass); } localJarFiles.add(jar); } String libJarsPath = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.LIBRARY_JARS); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(libJarsPath)) { String[] libJars = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(libJarsPath, LIB_JARS_SEP); localJarFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(libJars)); } LOG.info("Local jar file dependencies: " + localJarFiles); return localJarFiles; }
public LinkedHashSet<Path> scan(FileSystem fs, Path filePath, Set<String> consumedFiles) { LinkedHashSet<Path> pathSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); try { LOG.debug("Scanning {} with pattern {}", filePath, this.filePatternRegexp); FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(filePath); for (FileStatus status : files) { Path path = status.getPath(); String filePathStr = path.toString(); if (consumedFiles.contains(filePathStr)) { continue; } if (ignoredFiles.contains(filePathStr)) { continue; } if (acceptFile(filePathStr)) { LOG.debug("Found {}", filePathStr); pathSet.add(path); } else { // don't look at it again ignoredFiles.add(filePathStr); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to list directory {}", filePath, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return pathSet; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public DynamicGroup newInstance(Entry groupEntry) throws DirectoryException { ensureNotNull(groupEntry); // Get the memberURL attribute from the entry, if there is one, and parse // out the LDAP URLs that it contains. LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL> memberURLs = new LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL>(); AttributeType memberURLType = DirectoryConfig.getAttributeType(ATTR_MEMBER_URL_LC, true); List<Attribute> attrList = groupEntry.getAttribute(memberURLType); if (attrList != null) { for (Attribute a : attrList) { for (AttributeValue v : a) { try { memberURLs.add(LDAPURL.decode(v.getValue().toString(), true)); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } Message message = ERR_DYNAMICGROUP_CANNOT_DECODE_MEMBERURL.get( v.getValue().toString(), String.valueOf(groupEntry.getDN()), de.getMessageObject()); ErrorLogger.logError(message); } } } } return new DynamicGroup(groupEntry.getDN(), memberURLs); }
/** * The place where feature sets get added to the classification run. If you're building a new * feature set, put the symbol here and the add code that instantiates the class after the * appropriate case statement and add a break * * @param featureSetName */ public void addFeatureSet(FeatureSetName featureSetName) { switch (featureSetName) { case ColorRingScores: feature_sets.add(new ColorRingScores()); break; case ColorDiameterScores: feature_sets.add(new ColorDiameterScores()); break; case MaxLineScores: feature_sets.add(new MaxLineScores()); break; case EdgeRingScores: feature_sets.add(new EdgeRingScores()); break; } }
@Override public void run() { timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { for (String ip : ips) { int idx = Math.abs(ip.hashCode() % ip_cnts.length); if (ip_cnts[idx] > DISC_THRESHOLD) { log.warning("Many disconnects for IP: " + ip + " - " + ip_cnts[idx]); } ip_cnts[idx] = 0; } } }, CLEANUP_RATE, CLEANUP_RATE); while (!stopped) { try { String ip = queue.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (ip != null) { int idx = Math.abs(ip.hashCode()) % ip_cnts.length; ++ip_cnts[idx]; if (ips.size() < MAX_SIZE) { ips.add(ip); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Error processing queue: " + e); } } timer.cancel(); }
public void bePatternConfiguration(List<PsiClass> classes, PsiMethod method) { data.TEST_OBJECT = TestType.PATTERN.getType(); final String suffix; if (method != null) { data.METHOD_NAME = method.getName(); suffix = "," + data.METHOD_NAME; } else { suffix = ""; } LinkedHashSet<String> patterns = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (PsiClass pattern : classes) { patterns.add(JavaExecutionUtil.getRuntimeQualifiedName(pattern) + suffix); } data.setPatterns(patterns); final Module module = RunConfigurationProducer.getInstance(TestNGPatternConfigurationProducer.class) .findModule(this, getConfigurationModule().getModule(), patterns); if (module == null) { data.setScope(TestSearchScope.WHOLE_PROJECT); setModule(null); } else { setModule(module); } setGeneratedName(); }