  public String visitBoilerplate(@NotNull InfixParser.BoilerplateContext ctx) {
    // Declare all functions.
    ListIterator<InfixParser.FuncContext> funcIt = ctx.func().listIterator();

    String funcDefinitions = "";
    while (funcIt.hasNext()) {
      funcDefinitions += visit(funcIt.next());
      funcDefinitions += " ";

    // Declare all variable names.
    String varDeclarations = "";

    for (VariableSymbol variableSymbol : variableSymbols) {
      varDeclarations += "variable ";
      varDeclarations += variableSymbol.getCompiledVariableName();
      varDeclarations += " ";

    // Generate program code.
    String formatString = "%s%s: program %s ; program";
    forthSource =
        String.format(formatString, varDeclarations, funcDefinitions, visit(ctx.sequence()));

    // This is to allow generation of the postscript parse tree at a later time.
    rootCtx = ctx;

    return forthSource;
  * Prints the postscript parsetree to a .ps file with the given name
  * @param filename used to generate a file of the form <filename>.ps
 public void outputPSGraphToFile(String filename) {
   try {
     rootCtx.save(Arrays.asList(parser.getRuleNames()), filename + ".ps");
   } catch (IOException | PrintException e) {
         .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File
                             // Templates.