/** * Read a chunk of repository connections. * * @param rval is the place to put the read policies. * @param returnIndex is a map from the object id (resource id) and the rval index. * @param params is the set of parameters. */ protected void getRepositoryConnectionsChunk( RepositoryConnection[] rval, Map returnIndex, ArrayList params) throws ManifoldCFException { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); String query = buildConjunctionClause(list, new ClauseDescription[] {new MultiClause(nameField, params)}); IResultSet set = performQuery("SELECT * FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + query, list, null, null); int i = 0; while (i < set.getRowCount()) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i++); String name = row.getValue(nameField).toString(); int index = ((Integer) returnIndex.get(name)).intValue(); RepositoryConnection rc = new RepositoryConnection(); rc.setIsNew(false); rc.setName(name); rc.setDescription((String) row.getValue(descriptionField)); rc.setClassName((String) row.getValue(classNameField)); rc.setACLAuthority((String) row.getValue(groupNameField)); rc.setMaxConnections((int) ((Long) row.getValue(maxCountField)).longValue()); String xml = (String) row.getValue(configField); if (xml != null && xml.length() > 0) rc.getConfigParams().fromXML(xml); rval[index] = rc; } // Do throttle part throttleSpecManager.getRows(rval, returnIndex, params); }
/** * Check if underlying connector exists. * * @param name is the name of the connection to check. * @return true if the underlying connector is registered. */ @Override public boolean checkConnectorExists(String name) throws ManifoldCFException { beginTransaction(); try { StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionKey(name)); StringSet localCacheKeys = new StringSet(ssb); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(nameField, name)}); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT " + classNameField + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + query, params, localCacheKeys, null); if (set.getRowCount() == 0) throw new ManifoldCFException("No such connection: '" + name + "'"); IResultRow row = set.getRow(0); String className = (String) row.getValue(classNameField); IConnectorManager cm = ConnectorManagerFactory.make(threadContext); return cm.isInstalled(className); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } catch (Error e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } }
/** * Get a list of repository connections that share the same connector. * * @param className is the class name of the connector. * @return the repository connections that use that connector. */ @Override public String[] findConnectionsForConnector(String className) throws ManifoldCFException { StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionsKey()); StringSet localCacheKeys = new StringSet(ssb); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(classNameField, className)}); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + query, params, localCacheKeys, null); String[] rval = new String[set.getRowCount()]; int i = 0; while (i < rval.length) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i); rval[i] = (String) row.getValue(nameField); i++; } java.util.Arrays.sort(rval); return rval; }
/** * Return true if the specified authority name is referenced. * * @param groupName is the group name. * @return true if referenced, false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean isGroupReferenced(String groupName) throws ManifoldCFException { StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionsKey()); StringSet localCacheKeys = new StringSet(ssb); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(groupNameField, groupName)}); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + query, params, localCacheKeys, null); return set.getRowCount() > 0; }
/** * Obtain a list of the repository connections, ordered by name. * * @return an array of connection objects. */ public IRepositoryConnection[] getAllConnections() throws ManifoldCFException { beginTransaction(); try { // Read all the tools StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionsKey()); StringSet localCacheKeys = new StringSet(ssb); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT " + nameField + ",lower(" + nameField + ") AS sortfield FROM " + getTableName() + " ORDER BY sortfield ASC", null, localCacheKeys, null); String[] names = new String[set.getRowCount()]; int i = 0; while (i < names.length) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i); names[i] = row.getValue(nameField).toString(); i++; } return loadMultiple(names); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } catch (Error e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } }
/** Install the manager. */ public void install() throws ManifoldCFException { // First, get the authority manager table name and name column IAuthorityGroupManager authMgr = AuthorityGroupManagerFactory.make(threadContext); // Always use a loop, and no transaction, as we may need to retry due to upgrade while (true) { Map existing = getTableSchema(null, null); if (existing == null) { // Install the "objects" table. HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(nameField, new ColumnDescription("VARCHAR(32)", true, false, null, null, false)); map.put( descriptionField, new ColumnDescription("VARCHAR(255)", false, true, null, null, false)); map.put( classNameField, new ColumnDescription("VARCHAR(255)", false, false, null, null, false)); map.put( groupNameField, new ColumnDescription( "VARCHAR(32)", false, true, authMgr.getTableName(), authMgr.getGroupNameColumn(), false)); map.put(maxCountField, new ColumnDescription("BIGINT", false, false, null, null, false)); map.put(configField, new ColumnDescription("LONGTEXT", false, true, null, null, false)); performCreate(map, null); } else { // Upgrade code ColumnDescription cd = (ColumnDescription) existing.get(groupNameField); if (cd == null) { Map addMap = new HashMap(); addMap.put( groupNameField, new ColumnDescription( "VARCHAR(32)", false, true, authMgr.getTableName(), authMgr.getGroupNameColumn(), false)); performAlter(addMap, null, null, null); } // Get rid of the authorityName field. When we do this we need to copy into the group name // field, adding groups if they don't yet exist first cd = (ColumnDescription) existing.get(authorityNameField); if (cd != null) { ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT " + nameField + "," + authorityNameField + " FROM " + getTableName(), null, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < set.getRowCount(); i++) { IResultRow row = set.getRow(i); String repoName = (String) row.getValue(nameField); String authName = (String) row.getValue(authorityNameField); if (authName != null && authName.length() > 0) { // Attempt to create a matching auth group. This will fail if the group // already exists IAuthorityGroup grp = authMgr.create(); grp.setName(authName); try { authMgr.save(grp); } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED) throw e; // Fall through; the row exists already } Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(groupNameField, authName); params.clear(); String query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(nameField, repoName)}); performUpdate(map, " WHERE " + query, params, null); } } List<String> deleteList = new ArrayList<String>(); deleteList.add(authorityNameField); performAlter(null, null, deleteList, null); } } // Install dependent tables. historyManager.install(getTableName(), nameField); throttleSpecManager.install(getTableName(), nameField); // Index management IndexDescription authorityIndex = new IndexDescription(false, new String[] {groupNameField}); IndexDescription classIndex = new IndexDescription(false, new String[] {classNameField}); // Get rid of indexes that shouldn't be there Map indexes = getTableIndexes(null, null); Iterator iter = indexes.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String indexName = (String) iter.next(); IndexDescription id = (IndexDescription) indexes.get(indexName); if (authorityIndex != null && id.equals(authorityIndex)) authorityIndex = null; else if (classIndex != null && id.equals(classIndex)) classIndex = null; else if (indexName.indexOf("_pkey") == -1) // This index shouldn't be here; drop it performRemoveIndex(indexName); } // Add the ones we didn't find if (authorityIndex != null) performAddIndex(null, authorityIndex); if (classIndex != null) performAddIndex(null, classIndex); break; } }
/** * Save a repository connection object. * * @param object is the object to save. * @return true if the object was created, false otherwise. */ public boolean save(IRepositoryConnection object) throws ManifoldCFException { StringSetBuffer ssb = new StringSetBuffer(); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionsKey()); ssb.add(getRepositoryConnectionKey(object.getName())); StringSet cacheKeys = new StringSet(ssb); while (true) { // Catch deadlock condition long sleepAmt = 0L; try { ICacheHandle ch = cacheManager.enterCache(null, cacheKeys, getTransactionID()); try { beginTransaction(); try { // performLock(); // Notify of a change to the configuration ManifoldCF.noteConfigurationChange(); boolean isNew = object.getIsNew(); // See whether the instance exists ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(nameField, object.getName())}); IResultSet set = performQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE " + query + " FOR UPDATE", params, null, null); HashMap values = new HashMap(); values.put(descriptionField, object.getDescription()); values.put(classNameField, object.getClassName()); values.put(groupNameField, object.getACLAuthority()); values.put(maxCountField, new Long((long) object.getMaxConnections())); String configXML = object.getConfigParams().toXML(); values.put(configField, configXML); boolean notificationNeeded = false; boolean isCreated; if (set.getRowCount() > 0) { // If the object is supposedly new, it is bad that we found one that already exists. if (isNew) throw new ManifoldCFException( "Repository connection '" + object.getName() + "' already exists"); isCreated = false; IResultRow row = set.getRow(0); String oldXML = (String) row.getValue(configField); if (oldXML == null || !oldXML.equals(configXML)) notificationNeeded = true; // Update params.clear(); query = buildConjunctionClause( params, new ClauseDescription[] {new UnitaryClause(nameField, object.getName())}); performUpdate(values, " WHERE " + query, params, null); throttleSpecManager.deleteRows(object.getName()); } else { // If the object is not supposed to be new, it is bad that we did not find one. if (!isNew) throw new ManifoldCFException( "Repository connection '" + object.getName() + "' no longer exists"); isCreated = true; // Insert values.put(nameField, object.getName()); // We only need the general key because this is new. performInsert(values, null); } // Write secondary table stuff throttleSpecManager.writeRows(object.getName(), object); // If notification required, do it. if (notificationNeeded) { IJobManager jobManager = JobManagerFactory.make(threadContext); jobManager.noteConnectionChange(object.getName()); } cacheManager.invalidateKeys(ch); return isCreated; } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } catch (Error e) { signalRollback(); throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } } finally { cacheManager.leaveCache(ch); } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { // Is this a deadlock exception? If so, we want to try again. if (e.getErrorCode() != ManifoldCFException.DATABASE_TRANSACTION_ABORT) throw e; sleepAmt = getSleepAmt(); } finally { sleepFor(sleepAmt); } } }