private Collection<TypedDependency> parseSentenceTDL(String text) { System.out.println("Parsing sentence..."); Collection<TypedDependency> tdl = null; TreebankLanguagePack tlp = lp.treebankLanguagePack(); GrammaticalStructureFactory gsf = null; if (tlp.supportsGrammaticalStructures()) { gsf = tlp.grammaticalStructureFactory(); } Reader reader = new StringReader(text); for (List<HasWord> sentence : new DocumentPreprocessor(reader)) { Tree parse = lp.apply(sentence); if (gsf != null) { GrammaticalStructure gs = gsf.newGrammaticalStructure(parse); tdl = gs.allTypedDependencies(); } } return tdl; }
/** * Tests that we can extract the basic grammatical relations correctly from some hard-coded trees. * * <p>Sentence examples from the manual to at least test each relation. */ public void testBasicRelations() { Pair<String, String>[] examples = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast( new Pair[] { // Gloss: Shanghai Pudong de orderly advance T( "(NP (DNP (NP (NP (NR 浦东)) (NP (NN 开发))) (DEG 的)) (ADJP (JJ 有序)) (NP (NN 进行)))", C( "nn(开发-2, 浦东-1)", "assmod(进行-5, 开发-2)", "case(开发-2, 的-3)", "amod(进行-5, 有序-4)", "root(ROOT-0, 进行-5)")), // Gloss: Shanghai Pudong expand and legal-system synchronous T( "(ROOT (IP (NP (NP (NR 上海) (NR 浦东)) (NP (NN 开发) (CC 与) (NN 法制) (NN 建设))) (VP (VV 同步))))", C( "nn(浦东-2, 上海-1)", "nn(建设-6, 浦东-2)", "conj(建设-6, 开发-3)", "cc(建设-6, 与-4)", "nn(建设-6, 法制-5)", "nsubj(同步-7, 建设-6)", "root(ROOT-0, 同步-7)")), // Gloss: this-year T("(LCP (NP (NT 近年)) (LC 来))", C("root(ROOT-0, 近年-1)", "case(近年-1, 来-2)")), // Gloss: according country and Shanghai de relevant law T( "(PP (P 根据) (NP (DNP (NP (NP (NN 国家)) (CC 和) (NP (NR 上海市))) (DEG 的)) (ADJP (JJ 有关)) (NP (NN 规定))))", C( "case(规定-7, 根据-1)", "conj(上海市-4, 国家-2)", "cc(上海市-4, 和-3)", "assmod(规定-7, 上海市-4)", "case(上海市-4, 的-5)", "amod(规定-7, 有关-6)", "root(ROOT-0, 规定-7)")), // Gloss: building is expand Shanghai de primary economic activity T( "(IP (NP (NN 建筑)) (VP (VC 是) (NP (CP (IP (VP (VV 开发) (NP (NR 浦东)))) (DEC 的)) (QP (CD 一) (CLP (M 项))) (ADJP (JJ 主要)) (NP (NN 经济) (NN 活动)))))", C( "nsubj(活动-10, 建筑-1)", "cop(活动-10, 是-2)", "relcl(活动-10, 开发-3)", "dobj(开发-3, 浦东-4)", "mark(开发-3, 的-5)", "nummod(项-7, 一-6)", "clf(活动-10, 项-7)", "amod(活动-10, 主要-8)", "nn(活动-10, 经济-9)", "root(ROOT-0, 活动-10)")), // Gloss: nickel has-been named modern industry de vitamins T( "(IP (NP (NN 镍)) (VP (SB 被) (VP (VV 称作) (NP (PU “) (DNP (NP (ADJP (JJ 现代)) (NP (NN 工业))) (DEG 的)) (NP (NN 维生素)) (PU ”)))))", C( "nsubjpass(称作-3, 镍-1)", "auxpass(称作-3, 被-2)", "root(ROOT-0, 称作-3)", "punct(维生素-8, “-4)", "amod(工业-6, 现代-5)", "assmod(维生素-8, 工业-6)", "case(工业-6, 的-7)", "dobj(称作-3, 维生素-8)", "punct(维生素-8, ”-9)")), // Gloss: once revealed then was included legal-system path T( "(IP (VP (VP (ADVP (AD 一)) (VP (VV 出现))) (VP (ADVP (AD 就)) (VP (SB 被) (VP (VV 纳入) (NP (NN 法制) (NN 轨道)))))))))))", C( "advmod(出现-2, 一-1)", "root(ROOT-0, 出现-2)", "advmod(纳入-5, 就-3)", "auxpass(纳入-5, 被-4)", "dep(出现-2, 纳入-5)", "nn(轨道-7, 法制-6)", "dobj(纳入-5, 轨道-7)")), T( "(IP (NP (NP (NR 格林柯尔)) (NP (NN 制冷剂)) (PRN (PU () (NP (NR 中国)) (PU ))) (ADJP (JJ 有限)) (NP (NN 公司))) (VP (VC 是) (NP (CP (CP (IP (NP (NP (NR 格林柯尔) (NN 集团) (NR 北美) (NN 公司)) (CC 与) (NP (NP (NR 中国) (NR 天津)) (NP (NN 开发区)) (ADJP (JJ 总)) (NP (NN 公司))) (CC 和) (NP (NP (NR 中国)) (NP (NR 南方)) (NP (NN 证券)) (ADJP (JJ 有限)) (NP (NN 公司)))) (VP (VV 合建))) (DEC 的))) (ADJP (JJ 合资)) (NP (NN 企业)))) (PU 。))", C( "nn(公司-7, 格林柯尔-1)", "nn(公司-7, 制冷剂-2)", "punct(中国-4, (-3)", "prnmod(公司-7, 中国-4)", "punct(中国-4, )-5)", "amod(公司-7, 有限-6)", "nsubj(企业-28, 公司-7)", "cop(企业-28, 是-8)", "nn(公司-12, 格林柯尔-9)", "nn(公司-12, 集团-10)", "nn(公司-12, 北美-11)", "conj(公司-24, 公司-12)", "cc(公司-24, 与-13)", "nn(天津-15, 中国-14)", "nn(公司-18, 天津-15)", "nn(公司-18, 开发区-16)", "amod(公司-18, 总-17)", "conj(公司-24, 公司-18)", "cc(公司-24, 和-19)", "nn(公司-24, 中国-20)", "nn(公司-24, 南方-21)", "nn(公司-24, 证券-22)", "amod(公司-24, 有限-23)", "nsubj(合建-25, 公司-24)", "relcl(企业-28, 合建-25)", "mark(合建-25, 的-26)", "amod(企业-28, 合资-27)", "root(ROOT-0, 企业-28)", "punct(企业-28, 。-29)")), T( "(IP (NP (NR 汕头) (NN 机场)) (VP (VV 开通) (NP (NN 国际) (NN 国内) (NN 航线)) (QP (CD 四十四) (CLP (M 条)))) (PU 。))", C( "nn(机场-2, 汕头-1)", "nsubj(开通-3, 机场-2)", "root(ROOT-0, 开通-3)", "nn(航线-6, 国际-4)", "nn(航线-6, 国内-5)", "dobj(开通-3, 航线-6)", "nummod(条-8, 四十四-7)", "range(开通-3, 条-8)", "punct(开通-3, 。-9)")), T( "(VP (NP (NT 以前)) (ADVP (AD 不)) (ADVP (AD 曾)) (VP (VV 遇到) (AS 过))))", C( "tmod(遇到-4, 以前-1)", "neg(遇到-4, 不-2)", "advmod(遇到-4, 曾-3)", "root(ROOT-0, 遇到-4)", "asp(遇到-4, 过-5)")), // TODO(pliang): add more test cases for all the relations not covered (see WARNING // below) }); Set<String> ignoreRelations = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("subj", "obj", "mod")); // Make sure all the relations are tested for Set<String> testedRelations = new HashSet<String>(); for (Pair<String, String> ex : examples) { for (String item : ex.second.split("\n")) testedRelations.add(item.substring(0, item.indexOf('('))); } for (String relation : UniversalChineseGrammaticalRelations.shortNameToGRel.keySet()) { if (!testedRelations.contains(relation)) if (!ignoreRelations.contains(relation)) { System.err.println("WARNING: relation '" + relation + "' not tested"); } } TreeReaderFactory trf = new PennTreeReaderFactory(); for (Pair<String, String> ex : examples) { String testTree = ex.first; String testAnswer = ex.second; // specifying our own TreeReaderFactory is vital so that functional // categories - that is -TMP and -ADV in particular - are not stripped off Tree tree = Tree.valueOf(testTree, trf); GrammaticalStructure gs = new UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructure(tree, Filters.acceptFilter()); // include punct assertEquals( "Unexpected CC processed dependencies for tree " + testTree, testAnswer, UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructure.dependenciesToString( gs, gs.typedDependenciesCCprocessed(GrammaticalStructure.Extras.MAXIMAL), tree, false, false)); } }