public void draw(GlowTransform t, int highlight, int hot, Object node, Object colornode) { if (cmn.nodraw != 0) return; int i; boolean draw_text = (Math.abs(increment) > Double.MIN_VALUE); int idx; int x, y; String text; int line_length; int x_text, y_text; int z_height = 0, z_width, z_descent = 0; int max_z_width = 0; double rotation; int drawtype; int text_idx = (int) ( / * (text_size + 4) - 4); double tsize = / * (8 + 2 * text_size); text_idx = Math.min(text_idx, Glow.DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1); if (node != null && ((GrowNode) node).line_width != 0) idx = (int) ( / * ((GrowNode) node).line_width - 1); else idx = (int) ( / * line_width - 1); idx += hot; idx = Math.max(0, idx); idx = Math.min(idx, Glow.DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1); int x1, y1, x2, y2, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y; if (t == null) { x1 = (int) (trf.x(ll.x, ll.y) * -; y1 = (int) (trf.y(ll.x, ll.y) * -; x2 = (int) (trf.x(ur.x, ur.y) * -; y2 = (int) (trf.y(ur.x, ur.y) * -; rotation = (trf.rot() / 360 - Math.floor(trf.rot() / 360)) * 360; } else { x1 = (int) (trf.x(t, ll.x, ll.y) * -; y1 = (int) (trf.y(t, ll.x, ll.y) * -; x2 = (int) (trf.x(t, ur.x, ur.y) * -; y2 = (int) (trf.y(t, ur.x, ur.y) * -; rotation = (trf.rot(t) / 360 - Math.floor(trf.rot(t) / 360)) * 360; } ll_x = Math.min(x1, x2); ur_x = Math.max(x1, x2); ll_y = Math.min(y1, y2); ur_y = Math.max(y1, y2); drawtype = GlowColor.get_drawtype( draw_type, Glow.eDrawType_LineHighlight, highlight, (GrowNode) colornode, 0, 0); if (45 >= rotation || rotation > 315) { // Vertical line to the right and values to the left cmn.gdraw.line(ur_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, drawtype, idx, 0); // Calculate max value text width if (draw_text) { for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { if (i % valuequotient == 0) { text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( text, Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; if (max_z_width < z_width) max_z_width = z_width; } } x_text = ll_x + max_z_width; line_length = ur_x - ll_x - max_z_width; if (line_length < 3) line_length = 3; } else { x_text = ll_x; line_length = ur_x - ll_x; } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { y = (int) (ll_y + (double) (ur_y - ll_y) / (lines - 1) * i); if (i % longquotient == 0) cmn.gdraw.line(ur_x - line_length, y, ur_x, y, drawtype, idx, 0); else cmn.gdraw.line(ur_x - (int) (2.0 / 3 * line_length), y, ur_x, y, drawtype, idx, 0); if (draw_text) { text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); if (text_idx >= 0 && max_z_width < ur_x - ll_x && i % valuequotient == 0) { if (i == lines - 1) y_text = y; else if (i == 0) y_text = y + z_height - z_descent - 3; else y_text = y + (z_height - z_descent) / 2; cmn.gdraw.text( ll_x, y_text, text, text_drawtype, text_color_drawtype, text_idx, highlight, 0, Glow.eFont_Helvetica, tsize, 0); } } } } else if (45 < rotation && rotation <= 135) { // Horizontal line at bottom and values to the top cmn.gdraw.line(ll_x, ur_y, ur_x, ur_y, drawtype, idx, 0); // Calculate max value text height if (draw_text) { GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( "0", Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; line_length = ur_y - ll_y - z_height; if (line_length < 3) line_length = 3; } else { line_length = ur_y - ll_y; } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { x = (int) (ll_x + (double) (ur_x - ll_x) / (lines - 1) * (lines - 1 - i)); if (i % longquotient == 0) cmn.gdraw.line(x, ur_y - line_length, x, ur_y, drawtype, idx, 0); else cmn.gdraw.line(x, ur_y - (int) (2.0 / 3 * line_length), x, ur_y, drawtype, idx, 0); if (draw_text && i % valuequotient == 0) { text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( text, Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; if (text_idx >= 0 && z_height < ur_y - ll_y) { if (i == lines - 1) x_text = x; else if (i == 0) x_text = x - z_width; else x_text = x - (z_width) / 2; cmn.gdraw.text( x_text, ll_y + z_height - z_descent, text, text_drawtype, text_color_drawtype, text_idx, highlight, 0, Glow.eFont_Helvetica, tsize, 0); } } } } else if (135 < rotation && rotation <= 225) { // Vertical line to the left and values to the right cmn.gdraw.line(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x, ur_y, drawtype, idx, 0); // Calculate max value text width if (draw_text) { for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { if (i % valuequotient == 0) { text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( text, Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; if (max_z_width < z_width) max_z_width = z_width; } } x_text = ur_x - max_z_width; line_length = ur_x - ll_x - max_z_width; if (line_length < 3) line_length = 3; } else { x_text = ur_x; line_length = ur_x - ll_x; } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { y = (int) (ll_y + (double) (ur_y - ll_y) / (lines - 1) * (lines - 1 - i)); if (i % longquotient == 0) cmn.gdraw.line(ll_x, y, ll_x + line_length, y, drawtype, idx, 0); else cmn.gdraw.line(ll_x, y, ll_x + (int) (2.0 / 3 * line_length), y, drawtype, idx, 0); text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); if (draw_text && text_idx >= 0 && max_z_width < ur_x - ll_x && i % valuequotient == 0) { if (i == lines - 1) y_text = y + z_height - z_descent - 3; else if (i == 0) y_text = y; else y_text = y + (z_height - z_descent) / 2; cmn.gdraw.text( x_text, y_text, text, text_drawtype, text_color_drawtype, text_idx, highlight, 0, Glow.eFont_Helvetica, tsize, 0); } } } else { // if ( 225 < rotation && rotation <= 315) // Horizontal line at top and values at the bottom cmn.gdraw.line(ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ll_y, drawtype, idx, 0); // Calculate max value text height if (draw_text) { GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( "0", Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; line_length = ur_y - ll_y - (z_height - z_descent); if (line_length < 3) line_length = 3; } else { line_length = ur_y - ll_y; } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { x = (int) (ll_x + (double) (ur_x - ll_x) / (lines - 1) * i); if (i % longquotient == 0) cmn.gdraw.line(x, ll_y, x, ll_y + line_length, drawtype, idx, 0); else cmn.gdraw.line(x, ll_y, x, ll_y + (int) (2.0 / 3 * line_length), drawtype, idx, 0); if (draw_text && i % valuequotient == 0) { text = format_text(format, max_value - i * increment); GlowDimension d = cmn.gdraw.getTextExtent( text, Math.max(0, text_idx), Glow.eFont_Helvetica, text_drawtype); z_width = d.width; z_height = d.height; z_descent = z_height / 4; if (text_idx >= 0 && z_height - z_descent < ur_y - ll_y) { if (i == lines - 1) x_text = x - z_width; else if (i == 0) x_text = x; else x_text = x - (z_width) / 2; cmn.gdraw.text( x_text, ur_y, text, text_drawtype, text_color_drawtype, text_idx, highlight, 0, Glow.eFont_Helvetica, tsize, 0); } } } } }
public void draw(GlowTransform t, int highlight, int hot, Object node, Object colornode) { if (cmn.nodraw != 0) return; int idx; int drawtype; double rotation; int grad = gradient; if (gradient == Glow.eGradient_No && (node != null && ((GrowNode) node).gradient != Glow.eGradient_No) && disable_gradient == 0) grad = ((GrowNode) node).gradient; int bar_border_idx = (int) ( / * bar_borderwidth - 1); bar_border_idx = Math.min(Glow.DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1, Math.max(0, bar_border_idx)); if (node != null && ((GrowNode) node).line_width != 0) idx = (int) ( / * ((GrowNode) node).line_width - 1); else idx = (int) ( / * line_width - 1); idx += hot; idx = Math.max(0, idx); idx = Math.min(idx, Glow.DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1); int x1, y1, x2, y2, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y; if (t == null) { x1 = (int) (trf.x(ll.x, ll.y) * -; y1 = (int) (trf.y(ll.x, ll.y) * -; x2 = (int) (trf.x(ur.x, ur.y) * -; y2 = (int) (trf.y(ur.x, ur.y) * -; } else { x1 = (int) (trf.x(t, ll.x, ll.y) * -; y1 = (int) (trf.y(t, ll.x, ll.y) * -; x2 = (int) (trf.x(t, ur.x, ur.y) * -; y2 = (int) (trf.y(t, ur.x, ur.y) * -; } ll_x = Math.min(x1, x2); ur_x = Math.max(x1, x2); ll_y = Math.min(y1, y2); ur_y = Math.max(y1, y2); if (fill != 0) { drawtype = GlowColor.get_drawtype( fill_drawtype, Glow.eDrawType_FillHighlight, highlight, colornode, 1, 0); if (grad == Glow.eGradient_No) cmn.gdraw.fill_rect(ll_x, ll_y, ur_x - ll_x, ur_y - ll_y, drawtype); else { int f1, f2; if (t != null) rotation = trf.rot(t); else rotation = trf.rot(); if (gradient_contrast >= 0) { f2 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(drawtype, -gradient_contrast / 2, null); f1 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype( drawtype, (int) ((float) (gradient_contrast) / 2 + 0.6), null); } else { f2 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype( drawtype, -(int) ((float) (gradient_contrast) / 2 - 0.6), null); f1 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(drawtype, gradient_contrast / 2, null); } cmn.gdraw.gradient_fill_rect( ll_x, ll_y, ur_x - ll_x, ur_y - ll_y, drawtype, f1, f2, cmn.gdraw.gradient_rotate(rotation, grad)); } } drawtype = GlowColor.get_drawtype( draw_type, Glow.eDrawType_LineHighlight, highlight, (GrowNode) colornode, 0, 0); if (max_value != min_value) { int x0, y0, width, height, l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1; if (t != null) rotation = (trf.rot(t) / 360 - Math.floor(trf.rot(t) / 360)) * 360; else rotation = (trf.rot() / 360 - Math.floor(trf.rot() / 360)) * 360; if (45 >= rotation || rotation > 315) { height = (int) ((bar_value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * (ur_y - ll_y)); height = Math.max(0, Math.min(height, ur_y - ll_y)); width = ur_x - ll_x; x0 = ll_x; y0 = ur_y - height; l_x0 = ll_x; l_y0 = ur_y - height; l_x1 = ur_x; l_y1 = ur_y - height; } else if (45 < rotation && rotation <= 135) { width = (int) ((bar_value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * (ur_x - ll_x)); width = Math.max(0, Math.min(width, ur_x - ll_x)); height = ur_y - ll_y; x0 = ll_x; y0 = ll_y; l_x0 = ll_x + width; l_y0 = ll_y; l_x1 = ll_x + width; l_y1 = ur_y; } else if (135 < rotation && rotation <= 225) { height = (int) ((bar_value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * (ur_y - ll_y)); height = Math.max(0, Math.min(height, ur_y - ll_y)); width = ur_x - ll_x; x0 = ll_x; y0 = ll_y; l_x0 = ll_x; l_y0 = ll_y + height; l_x1 = ur_x; l_y1 = ll_y + height; } else { // if ( 225 < rotation && rotation <= 315) width = (int) ((bar_value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * (ur_x - ll_x)); width = Math.max(0, Math.min(width, ur_x - ll_x)); height = ur_y - ll_y; x0 = ur_x - width; y0 = ll_y; l_x0 = ur_x - width; l_y0 = ll_y; l_x1 = ur_x - width; l_y1 = ur_y; } int dt = drawtype; if (bar_drawtype != Glow.eDrawType_Inherit) dt = bar_drawtype; if (grad == Glow.eGradient_No) cmn.gdraw.fill_rect(x0, y0, width, height, dt); else { int f1, f2; if (t != null) rotation = trf.rot(t); else rotation = trf.rot(); if (gradient_contrast >= 0) { f2 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(dt, -gradient_contrast / 2, null); f1 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(dt, (int) ((float) (gradient_contrast) / 2 + 0.6), null); } else { f2 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(dt, -(int) ((float) (gradient_contrast) / 2 - 0.6), null); f1 = GlowColor.shift_drawtype(dt, gradient_contrast / 2, null); } cmn.gdraw.gradient_fill_rect( x0, y0, width, height, dt, f1, f2, cmn.gdraw.gradient_rotate(rotation, grad)); } dt = drawtype; if (bar_bordercolor != Glow.eDrawType_Inherit) dt = bar_bordercolor; cmn.gdraw.line(l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1, dt, bar_border_idx, 0); } if (border != 0) { cmn.gdraw.rect(ll_x, ll_y, ur_x - ll_x, ur_y - ll_y, drawtype, idx, 0); } }
public void draw_shadow(int border, int shadow, int highlight, int hot) { if (cmn.nodraw != 0) return; int ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y; ll_x = (int) (ll.x * + 0.5) -; ll_y = (int) (ll.y * + 0.5) -; ur_x = (int) (ur.x * + 0.5) -; ur_y = (int) (ur.y * + 0.5) -; int idx = (int) ( / * line_width - 1); idx += hot; idx = Math.max(0, idx); idx = Math.min(idx, Glow.DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1); int ish = 1; int offs = border; if (shadow != 0 && idx > 2) { if (angle1 == 0) { cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1 + 45, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1 + 45, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); } else if (angle1 == 90) { cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1, angle2, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1, angle2, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); } else if (angle1 == 180) { cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1 + 45, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1 + 45, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1, angle2 - 45, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); } else if (angle1 == 270) { cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx + offs, ur_x - ll_x + idx - offs * 2, ur_y - ll_y + idx - offs * 2, angle1, angle2, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, 2, null), ish - 1, highlight); cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - offs, ll_y + idx / 2 - offs, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx + offs * 2), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx + offs * 2), angle1, angle2, GlowColor.shift_drawtype(draw_type, -2, null), ish - 1, highlight); } } if (border != 0) { cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2 - idx, ll_y + idx / 2 - idx, ur_x - ll_x + idx, ur_y - ll_y + idx, angle1, angle2, Glow.eDrawType_Line, 0, highlight); if (idx > 0) cmn.gdraw.arc( ll_x + idx / 2, ll_y + idx / 2, Math.max(0, ur_x - ll_x - idx), Math.max(0, ur_y - ll_y - idx), angle1, angle2, Glow.eDrawType_Line, 0, highlight); } }