/** * Shifts the trees right of mark node * * @param mark to shift from * @param shift - factor by which to move right by. */ private void shiftTreesRightOfMark(GXMoreThanNode mark, int shift) { mark.setLocation(mark.getX() + shift, mark.getY()); GXMoreThanNode leftMostChild = getRightMostChild(mark); List<GXMoreThanNode> treeRoots = leftMostChild .getRow() .subList(leftMostChild.getRow().indexOf(leftMostChild), leftMostChild.getRow().size()); for (GXMoreThanNode root : treeRoots) { shiftTree(root, shift); } }
/** * Shifts the given tree by the shift factor given to the right. * * @param root - root of tree to shift * @param shift - factor to shirt by */ private void shiftTree(GXMoreThanNode root, int shift) { root.setLocation(root.getX() + shift, root.getY()); for (GXMoreThanNode child : root.getChildren()) { shiftTree(child, shift); } }