// 'of' can be null - in that case everyone's permissions have been requested. Otherwise only
  // single user's.
  // If the user requesting 'LIST PERMISSIONS' is not a superuser OR his username doesn't match
  // 'of', we
  // throw UnauthorizedException. So only a superuser can view everybody's permissions. Regular
  // users are only
  // allowed to see their own permissions.
  public Set<PermissionDetails> list(
      AuthenticatedUser performer, Set<Permission> permissions, IResource resource, String of)
      throws RequestValidationException, RequestExecutionException {
    if (!performer.isSuper() && !performer.getName().equals(of))
      throw new UnauthorizedException(
              "You are not authorized to view %s's permissions", of == null ? "everyone" : of));

    Set<PermissionDetails> details = new HashSet<PermissionDetails>();

    for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : process(buildListQuery(resource, of))) {
      if (row.has(PERMISSIONS)) {
        for (String p : row.getSet(PERMISSIONS, UTF8Type.instance)) {
          Permission permission = Permission.valueOf(p);
          if (permissions.contains(permission))
                new PermissionDetails(

    return details;
   * Translates new-style authorize() method call to the old-style (including permissions and the
   * hierarchy).
  public Set<Permission> authorize(AuthenticatedUser user, IResource resource) {
    if (!(resource instanceof DataResource))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          String.format("%s resource is not supported by LegacyAuthorizer", resource.getName()));
    DataResource dr = (DataResource) resource;

    List<Object> legacyResource = new ArrayList<Object>();
    if (!dr.isRootLevel()) legacyResource.add(dr.getKeyspace());
    if (dr.isColumnFamilyLevel()) legacyResource.add(dr.getColumnFamily());

    Set<Permission> permissions = authorize(user, legacyResource);
    if (permissions.contains(Permission.READ)) permissions.add(Permission.SELECT);
    if (permissions.contains(Permission.WRITE))
          EnumSet.of(Permission.CREATE, Permission.ALTER, Permission.DROP, Permission.MODIFY));

    return permissions;
 public Set<DataResource> protectedResources() {
   return ImmutableSet.of(DataResource.columnFamily(Auth.AUTH_KS, PERMISSIONS_CF));