public void test(TestHarness harness) { Currency currency; /* Set default Locale for the JVM */ Locale.setDefault(TEST_LOCALE); /* Get an instance of the currency */ currency = Currency.getInstance(TEST_LOCALE); /* Check for the correct currency code */ harness.check( currency.getCurrencyCode(), ISO4217_CODE, "ISO 4217 currency code retrieval check (" + currency.getCurrencyCode() + ")."); /* Check for the correct currency symbol */ harness.check( currency.getSymbol(), CURRENCY_SYMBOL, "Currency symbol retrieval check (" + currency.getSymbol() + ")."); /* Check for the correct fraction digits */ harness.check( currency.getDefaultFractionDigits(), FRACTION_DIGITS, "Currency fraction digits retrieval check (" + currency.getDefaultFractionDigits() + ")."); /* Check for the correct currency code from toString()*/ harness.check( currency.toString(), ISO4217_CODE, "ISO 4217 currency code retrieval check (" + currency.toString() + ")."); }
/** @tests java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#setInternationalCurrencySymbol(java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "setInternationalCurrencySymbol", args = {java.lang.String.class}) @KnownFailure("getCurrency() doesn't return null for bogus currency code.") public void test_setInternationalCurrencySymbolLjava_lang_String() { Locale locale = Locale.CANADA; DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = ((DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale)).getDecimalFormatSymbols(); Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("JPY"); dfs.setInternationalCurrencySymbol(currency.getCurrencyCode()); assertTrue("Test1: Returned incorrect currency", currency == dfs.getCurrency()); assertEquals( "Test1: Returned incorrect currency symbol", currency.getSymbol(locale), dfs.getCurrencySymbol()); assertTrue( "Test1: Returned incorrect international currency symbol", currency.getCurrencyCode().equals(dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol())); String symbol = dfs.getCurrencySymbol(); dfs.setInternationalCurrencySymbol("bogus"); assertNull("Test2: Returned incorrect currency", dfs.getCurrency()); assertTrue("Test2: Returned incorrect currency symbol", dfs.getCurrencySymbol().equals(symbol)); assertEquals( "Test2: Returned incorrect international currency symbol", "bogus", dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol()); }
/** @tests java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#setCurrency(java.util.Currency) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "setCurrency", args = {java.util.Currency.class}) public void test_setCurrencyLjava_util_Currency() { Locale locale = Locale.CANADA; DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = ((DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale)).getDecimalFormatSymbols(); try { dfs.setCurrency(null); fail("Expected NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("JPY"); dfs.setCurrency(currency); assertTrue("Returned incorrect currency", currency == dfs.getCurrency()); assertEquals( "Returned incorrect currency symbol", currency.getSymbol(locale), dfs.getCurrencySymbol()); assertTrue( "Returned incorrect international currency symbol", currency.getCurrencyCode().equals(dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol())); }
/** Set the expected and actual values from their string representations */ private void setValuesFromStrings() { String blurb = ""; String origEv = getEv(); String origAv = getAv(); Currency curr = Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); String currSymbol = curr.getSymbol(); setAv(getAv().replace(currSymbol, "")); setEv(getEv().replace(currSymbol, "")); if (!getComp().equalsIgnoreCase("between")) { try { expected = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(getEv())); } catch (Exception ex) { blurb = "Invalid (expected) Currency value: " + Util.sq(origEv) + " "; } } try { actual = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(getAv())); } catch (Exception ex) { blurb += "Invalid (actual) Currency value: " + Util.sq(origAv) + " "; } if (!isBlank(blurb)) { isSpecError = true; addError(blurb + "Verification aborted."); } } // setValuesFromStrings
/** * This method tries to evaluate the localized symbol name for a {@link CurrencyUnit}. It uses * {@link Currency#getSymbol(Locale)} if the given currency code maps to a JDK {@link Currency} * instance. * * <p>If not found {@code currency.getCurrencyCode()} is returned. * * @param currency The currency, not {@code null} * @return the formatted currency symbol. */ private String getCurrencySymbol(CurrencyUnit currency) { Currency jdkCurrency = getCurrency(currency.getCurrencyCode()); if (jdkCurrency != null) { return jdkCurrency.getSymbol(locale); } return currency.getCurrencyCode(); }
private static String a(Locale locale, double d1, Currency currency, boolean flag) { String s; String s1; StringBuilder stringbuilder; boolean flag1; if (a(locale, currency) == 0) { flag1 = true; } else { flag1 = false; } s = currency.getSymbol(); s1 = currency.getCurrencyCode(); try { stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Locale locale) { return ""; } if (flag1) goto _L2; else goto _L1
/** * Sets the currency of these DecimalFormatSymbols. This also sets the currency symbol attribute * to the currency's symbol in the DecimalFormatSymbols' locale, and the international currency * symbol attribute to the currency's ISO 4217 currency code. * * @param currency the new currency to be used * @exception NullPointerException if <code>currency</code> is null * @since 1.4 * @see #setCurrencySymbol * @see #setInternationalCurrencySymbol */ public void setCurrency(Currency currency) { if (currency == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.currency = currency; intlCurrencySymbol = currency.getCurrencyCode(); currencySymbol = currency.getSymbol(locale); }
public String toString(Locale locale) { String symbol = currency.getSymbol(locale); if (!"$".equals(symbol)) { symbol = symbol + " "; } return symbol + NumberFormatter.commas(amount.doubleValue(), currency.getDefaultFractionDigits()); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object == this) { return true; } if (!(object instanceof DecimalFormat)) { return false; } DecimalFormat obj = (DecimalFormat) object; if (obj.addr == this.addr) { return true; } boolean result = super.equals(object); result &= obj.toPattern().equals(this.toPattern()); result &= obj.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() == this.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(); result &= obj.getGroupingSize() == this.getGroupingSize(); result &= obj.getMultiplier() == this.getMultiplier(); result &= obj.getNegativePrefix().equals(this.getNegativePrefix()); result &= obj.getNegativeSuffix().equals(this.getNegativeSuffix()); result &= obj.getPositivePrefix().equals(this.getPositivePrefix()); result &= obj.getPositiveSuffix().equals(this.getPositiveSuffix()); result &= obj.getMaximumIntegerDigits() == this.getMaximumIntegerDigits(); result &= obj.getMaximumFractionDigits() == this.getMaximumFractionDigits(); result &= obj.getMinimumIntegerDigits() == this.getMinimumIntegerDigits(); result &= obj.getMinimumFractionDigits() == this.getMinimumFractionDigits(); result &= obj.isGroupingUsed() == this.isGroupingUsed(); Currency objCurr = obj.getCurrency(); Currency thisCurr = this.getCurrency(); if (objCurr != null) { result &= objCurr.getCurrencyCode().equals(thisCurr.getCurrencyCode()); result &= objCurr.getSymbol().equals(thisCurr.getSymbol()); result &= objCurr.getDefaultFractionDigits() == thisCurr.getDefaultFractionDigits(); } else { result &= thisCurr == null; } result &= obj.getDecimalFormatSymbols().equals(this.getDecimalFormatSymbols()); return result; }
public static String getCountryCodeFreeCurrencySymbol(Currency currency) { String currencySymbol = currency.getSymbol(); if (currencySymbol == null) { currencySymbol = ""; } else if (currencySymbol.indexOf('$') != -1) { // For $ based currencies (USD, CAD, HKD, etc.) we only display the currency symbol without // any form of the international code. This is a hack! This revolves // around the fact that not all devices have the ability to specify all locales. For example, // Android docs state that some phones may have en_US while others // may not. This is a terrible design flaw on the Android platform side; these formats are // standards, not opinions. A very 'close to home' example of this is // that 'Canada' is not available on Nexus devices. You can specify that you speak english, // but not that you're in Canada. Therefore, en_CA is unavailable // and en_US formats CAD as 'CA$5.00' currencySymbol = "$"; } return currencySymbol; }
public void printAvailableLocales(OutputStream os) throws Exception { Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); String name = null, country = null, lang = null, currencySb = null; String countryCd = null, langCd = null, currencyCd = null; Currency currency = null; PrintWriter pw = null; try { pw = new PrintWriter(os, true); for (Locale locale : locales) { name = locale.getDisplayName(); country = locale.getDisplayCountry(); countryCd = locale.getISOCountries()[0]; lang = locale.getDisplayLanguage(); langCd = locale.getISOLanguages()[0]; try { currency = Currency.getInstance(locale); currencySb = currency.getSymbol(); currencyCd = currency.getCurrencyCode(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { currencySb = ""; currencyCd = ""; } pw.print("name : " + name + ", "); pw.print("country : " + country + "(" + countryCd + "), "); pw.print("lang : " + lang + "(" + langCd + "), "); pw.println("currency : " + currencySb + "(" + currencyCd + ")"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (pw != null && os != (OutputStream) (System.out)) pw.close(); } }
/** Side-step Currency.getSymbol() only returning a symbol if given a matching locale. */ private static String getRealSymbol(Currency c) { switch (c.getCurrencyCode()) { case "USD": return "$"; case "AUD": return "AU$"; case "CAD": return "CA$"; case "NZD": return "NZ$"; case "BRL": return "R$"; case "EUR": return "€"; case "GBP": return "£"; case "SEK": case "DKK": case "NOK": return "kr"; case "SGD": return "S$"; case "HKD": return "HK$"; case "INR": return "₹"; case "JPY": return "¥"; case "ZAR": return "R"; case "CHF": return "CHF"; default: return c.getSymbol(); } }
// get the currency symbol for a currency viewed through a particular locale. // The symbol for USD us $ when viewed from the en_US locale. // The symbol for USD us US$ when viewed from the en_IE locale. public static String getSymbolForCurrency(String pCurrencyCode, java.util.Locale pLoc) { java.util.Currency ocurrCd = java.util.Currency.getInstance(pCurrencyCode); return ocurrCd.getSymbol(pLoc); }
public String toString() { return fAmount.toPlainString() + " " + fCurrency.getSymbol(); }
static String describeLocale(String name) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("<html>"); final Locale locale = localeByName(name); result.append("<p>"); append(result, "Display Name", locale.getDisplayName()); append(result, "Localized Display Name", locale.getDisplayName(locale)); if (locale.getLanguage().length() > 0) { String iso3Language = "(not available)"; try { iso3Language = locale.getISO3Language(); } catch (MissingResourceException ignored) { } result.append("<p>"); append(result, "Display Language", locale.getDisplayLanguage()); append(result, "Localized Display Language", locale.getDisplayLanguage(locale)); append(result, "2-Letter Language Code", locale.getLanguage()); append(result, "3-Letter Language Code", iso3Language); } if (locale.getCountry().length() > 0) { String iso3Country = "(not available)"; try { iso3Country = locale.getISO3Country(); } catch (MissingResourceException ignored) { } result.append("<p>"); append(result, "Display Country", locale.getDisplayCountry()); append(result, "Localized Display Country", locale.getDisplayCountry(locale)); append(result, "2-Letter Country Code", locale.getCountry()); append(result, "3-Letter Country Code", iso3Country); } if (locale.getVariant().length() > 0) { result.append("<p>"); append(result, "Display Variant", locale.getDisplayVariant()); append(result, "Localized Display Variant", locale.getDisplayVariant(locale)); append(result, "Variant Code", locale.getVariant()); } result.append("<p><b>Number Formatting</b>"); describeNumberFormat(result, "Decimal", NumberFormat.getInstance(locale), 1234.5, -1234.5); describeNumberFormat(result, "Integer", NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(locale), 1234, -1234); describeNumberFormat( result, "Currency", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale), 1234.5, -1234.5); describeNumberFormat(result, "Percent", NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale), 12.3); boolean hasLocaleData = hasLocaleData(); if (!hasLocaleData) { result.append("<p><b>Decimal Format Symbols</b>"); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale); if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) { describeDecimalFormatSymbols(result, ((DecimalFormat) nf).getDecimalFormatSymbols()); } else { result.append("(Didn't expect " + nf.getClass() + ".)"); } } Date now = new Date(); // FIXME: it might be more useful to always show a time in the afternoon, to // make 24-hour patterns more obvious. result.append("<p><b>Date/Time Formatting</b>"); describeDateFormat( result, "Full Date", DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Long Date", DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Medium Date", DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Short Date", DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale), now); result.append("<p>"); describeDateFormat( result, "Full Time", DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Long Time", DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Medium Time", DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Short Time", DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale), now); result.append("<p>"); describeDateFormat( result, "Full Date/Time", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Long Date/Time", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Medium Date/Time", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale), now); describeDateFormat( result, "Short Date/Time", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale), now); if (!hasLocaleData) { result.append("<p><b>Date Format Symbols</b><p>"); DateFormat edf = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.US); DateFormatSymbols edfs = ((SimpleDateFormat) edf).getDateFormatSymbols(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale); DateFormatSymbols dfs = ((SimpleDateFormat) df).getDateFormatSymbols(); append(result, "Local Pattern Chars", dfs.getLocalPatternChars()); append(result, "Am/pm", Arrays.toString(dfs.getAmPmStrings())); append(result, "Eras", Arrays.toString(dfs.getEras())); append(result, "Months", Arrays.toString(dfs.getMonths())); append(result, "Short Months", Arrays.toString(dfs.getShortMonths())); append(result, "Weekdays", Arrays.toString(dfs.getWeekdays())); append(result, "Short Weekdays", Arrays.toString(dfs.getShortWeekdays())); } result.append("<p><b>Calendar</b><p>"); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale); int firstDayOfWeek = c.getFirstDayOfWeek(); String firstDayOfWeekString = new DateFormatSymbols(locale).getWeekdays()[firstDayOfWeek]; String englishFirstDayOfWeekString = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.US).getWeekdays()[firstDayOfWeek]; String firstDayOfWeekDetails = firstDayOfWeek + " '" + firstDayOfWeekString + "'"; if (!englishFirstDayOfWeekString.equals(firstDayOfWeekString)) { firstDayOfWeekDetails += " (" + englishFirstDayOfWeekString + ")"; } append(result, "First Day of the Week", firstDayOfWeekDetails); append(result, "Minimal Days in First Week", c.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()); // If this locale specifies a country, check out the currency. // Languages don't have currencies; countries do. if (!locale.getCountry().equals("")) { result.append("<p><b>Currency</b><p>"); try { Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(locale); append(result, "ISO 4217 Currency Code", currency.getCurrencyCode()); append( result, "Currency Symbol", unicodeString(currency.getSymbol(locale)) + " (" + currency.getSymbol(Locale.US) + ")"); append(result, "Default Fraction Digits", currency.getDefaultFractionDigits()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { result.append( "<p>(This version of Android is unable to return a Currency for this Locale.)"); } } result.append("<p><b>Data Availability</b><p>"); appendAvailability(result, locale, "BreakIterator", BreakIterator.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "Calendar", NumberFormat.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "Collator", Collator.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "DateFormat", DateFormat.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "DateFormatSymbols", DateFormatSymbols.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "DecimalFormatSymbols", DecimalFormatSymbols.class); appendAvailability(result, locale, "NumberFormat", NumberFormat.class); if (hasLocaleData) { result.append("<p><b></b>"); try { Object enUsData = getLocaleDataInstance(Locale.US); Object localeData = getLocaleDataInstance(locale); String[] previous; result.append("<p>"); describeStringArray(result, "amPm", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "eras", enUsData, localeData, null); result.append("<p>"); previous = describeStringArray(result, "longMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "longStandAloneMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); previous = describeStringArray(result, "shortMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "shortStandAloneMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); previous = describeStringArray(result, "tinyMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "tinyStandAloneMonthNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); result.append("<p>"); previous = describeStringArray(result, "longWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "longStandAloneWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); previous = describeStringArray(result, "shortWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "shortStandAloneWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); previous = describeStringArray(result, "tinyWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, null); describeStringArray(result, "tinyStandAloneWeekdayNames", enUsData, localeData, previous); result.append("<p>"); describeString(result, "yesterday", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "today", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "tomorrow", enUsData, localeData); result.append("<p>"); describeString(result, "timeFormat12", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "timeFormat24", enUsData, localeData); result.append("<p>"); describeChar(result, "zeroDigit", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "decimalSeparator", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "groupingSeparator", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "patternSeparator", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "percent", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "perMill", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "monetarySeparator", enUsData, localeData); describeChar(result, "minusSign", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "exponentSeparator", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "infinity", enUsData, localeData); describeString(result, "NaN", enUsData, localeData); } catch (Exception ex) { result.append("(" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " thrown: " + ex.getMessage() + ")"); System.err.println(ex); } } return result.toString(); }