EquityCalculator(Card[] hand, Card[] board, int skip) { cardByID = new Card[cardCount]; usedCards = new boolean[cardCount]; winningBoards = 0; possibleBoards = 0; this.skip = skip; skip2 = 2; for (int i = 0; i < cardCount; i++) cardByID[i] = CardUtils.getCardByID(i); setHand(hand); if (board != null) setBoard(board); }
public void processInput(String input) { String[] tokens = input.split(" "); String word = tokens[0]; if ("NEWGAME".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { String myName = tokens[1]; String oppName = tokens[2]; int stackSize = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); int bb = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); numHands = Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]); maj = new Historian(myName, oppName, stackSize, bb); // newGame(); } else if ("KEYVALUE".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { if (tokens.length < 2) return; String[] smallTokens = tokens[1].split(":"); if (smallTokens.length < 2) return; maj.notifyValue(smallTokens[0], smallTokens[1], tokens[2]); // the key value pair } else if ("NEWHAND".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { int handNum = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); if (handNum == numHands / 4) cons = true; if (handNum == numHands * 2 / 4) { System.out.println("Reg earnings: " + regEarnings + " consEarnings: " + consEarnings); if (consEarnings > regEarnings) cons = true; else cons = false; } System.out.println("Using conservative brain? " + cons); Card[] hand = new Card[3]; hand[0] = CardUtils.getCardByString(tokens[3]); hand[1] = CardUtils.getCardByString(tokens[4]); hand[2] = CardUtils.getCardByString(tokens[5]); double timebank = Double.parseDouble(tokens[8]); Random rand = new Random(); boolean callRaise = false, checkRaise = false; if (rand.nextDouble() < 0.5) { callRaise = true; } if (rand.nextDouble() < 0.5) { checkRaise = true; } if (cons) brain = new ConservativeBrain(maj, hand, timebank, callRaise, checkRaise); else brain = new Brain(maj, hand, timebank, callRaise, checkRaise); brain.handId = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); brain.button = Boolean.parseBoolean(tokens[2]); brain.board = new Card[5]; brain.myBank = Integer.parseInt(tokens[6]); brain.oppBank = Integer.parseInt(tokens[7]); // newHand(); } else if ("GETACTION".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { brain.potSize = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); brain.numBoardCards = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); int i = 3; for (; i < brain.numBoardCards + 3; i++) brain.board[i - 3] = CardUtils.getCardByString(tokens[i]); brain.numLastActions = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]); brain.lastActions = new PerformedAction[brain.numLastActions]; int j = i + 1; for (; j < brain.numLastActions + i + 1; j++) { brain.lastActions[j - i - 1] = ActionUtils.getPerformedActionByString(tokens[j]); } brain.numLegalActions = Integer.parseInt(tokens[j]); brain.legalActions = new LegalAction[brain.numLegalActions]; int k = j + 1; for (; k < brain.numLegalActions + j + 1; k++) brain.legalActions[k - j - 1] = ActionUtils.getLegalActionByString(tokens[k]); brain.timebank = Double.parseDouble(tokens[k]); // String res = ActionUtils.performedActionToString((PerformedAction)brain.act()); // System.out.println(res); outStream.println(ActionUtils.performedActionToString((PerformedAction) brain.act())); } else if ("HANDOVER".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { brain.myBank = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); brain.oppBank = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); if (cons) { consEarnings = brain.myBank - regEarnings; } else { regEarnings = brain.myBank; } brain.numBoardCards = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); int i = 4; for (; i < brain.numBoardCards + 4; i++) brain.board[i - 4] = CardUtils.getCardByString(tokens[i]); brain.numLastActions = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]); brain.lastActions = new PerformedAction[brain.numLastActions]; int j = i + 1; for (; j < brain.numLastActions + i + 1; j++) { brain.lastActions[j - i - 1] = ActionUtils.getPerformedActionByString(tokens[j]); } maj.update(brain.lastActions); maj.numHandsPlayed++; System.out.println("\nPFR: " + maj.getPFR()); System.out.println("SDW: " + maj.getSDWRate() + "\n"); } else if ("REQUESTKEYVALUES".compareToIgnoreCase(word) == 0) { // At the end, engine will allow bot to send key/value pairs to store. // FINISH indicates no more to store. outStream.println("DELETE " + maj.oppName); outStream.println("PUT " + maj.oppName + ":PFR " + maj.getValueToSave("PFR")); outStream.println("PUT " + maj.oppName + ":SDW " + maj.getValueToSave("SDW")); outStream.println("FINISH"); } }