Example #1
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    tmp = IO.getFile("generated/tmp");

    configuration = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    configuration.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, new File(tmp, "fwstorage").getAbsolutePath());
        Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, "org.osgi.framework.launch;version=1.4");
    framework = new org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory().newFramework(configuration);
    BundleContext context = framework.getBundleContext();

    String[] bundles = {
      "../cnf/repo/osgi.cmpn/osgi.cmpn-4.3.1.jar", "testdata/slf4j-simple-1.7.12.jar",
      "testdata/slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar", "testdata/org.apache.aries.util-1.1.0.jar",
      "testdata/org.apache.aries.jmx-1.1.1.jar", "generated/biz.aQute.remote.test.jmx.jar"

    for (String bundle : bundles) {
      String location = "reference:" + IO.getFile(bundle).toURI().toString();
      Bundle b = context.installBundle(location);
      if (!bundle.contains("slf4j-simple")) {

 public static FrameworkDTO newFrameworkDTO(
     BundleContext systemBundleContext, Map<String, String> configuration) {
   FrameworkDTO dto = new FrameworkDTO();
   dto.properties = asProperties(configuration);
   if (systemBundleContext == null) {
     dto.bundles = newList(0);
     dto.services = newList(0);
     return dto;
   Bundle[] bundles = systemBundleContext.getBundles();
   int size = bundles == null ? 0 : bundles.length;
   List<BundleDTO> bundleDTOs = newList(size);
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   dto.bundles = bundleDTOs;
   try {
     ServiceReference<?>[] references = systemBundleContext.getAllServiceReferences(null, null);
     size = references == null ? 0 : references.length;
     List<ServiceReferenceDTO> refDTOs = newList(size);
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
       ServiceReferenceDTO serviceRefDTO = getServiceReferenceDTO(references[i]);
       if (serviceRefDTO != null) {
     dto.services = refDTOs;
   } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
     dto.services = newList(0);
   return dto;
 void removeInitListeners() {
   BundleContext context = createBundleContext(false);
   for (FrameworkListener initListener : initListeners) {
   * Returns the prefix for all persistently stored properties of the account with the specified id.
   * @param bundleContext a currently valid bundle context.
   * @param accountID the AccountID of the account whose properties we're looking for.
   * @param sourcePackageName a String containing the package name of the concrete factory class
   *     that extends us.
   * @return a String indicating the ConfigurationService property name prefix under which all
   *     account properties are stored or null if no account corresponding to the specified id was
   *     found.
  public static String findAccountPrefix(
      BundleContext bundleContext, AccountID accountID, String sourcePackageName) {
    ServiceReference confReference =
    ConfigurationService configurationService =
        (ConfigurationService) bundleContext.getService(confReference);

    // first retrieve all accounts that we've registered
    List<String> storedAccounts =
        configurationService.getPropertyNamesByPrefix(sourcePackageName, true);

    // find an account with the corresponding id.
    for (String accountRootPropertyName : storedAccounts) {
      // unregister the account in the configuration service.
      // all the properties must have been registered in the following
      // hierarchy:
      // net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.PROTO_NAME.ACC_ID.PROP_NAME
      String accountUID =
              accountRootPropertyName // node id
                  + "."
                  + ACCOUNT_UID); // propname

      if (accountID.getAccountUniqueID().equals(accountUID)) {
        return accountRootPropertyName;
    return null;
Example #5
   * Called when this bundle is started so the Framework can perform the bundle-specific activities
   * necessary to start this bundle. This method can be used to register services or to allocate any
   * resources that this bundle needs.
   * <p>This method must complete and return to its caller in a timely manner.
   * @param context The execution context of the bundle being started.
   * @throws Exception If this method throws an exception, this bundle is marked as stopped and the
   *     Framework will remove this bundle's listeners, unregister all services registered by this
   *     bundle, and release all services used by this bundle.
  public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    this.context = context;
        "Starting APSActivator for bundle '"
            + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
            + "' with activatorMode: "
            + this.activatorMode);
    Bundle bundle = context.getBundle();

    List<Class> classEntries = new LinkedList<>();
    if (!this.activatorMode) {
    collectClassEntries(bundle, classEntries, "/");

    for (Class entryClass : classEntries) {
      OSGiServiceProvider serviceProvider =
          (OSGiServiceProvider) entryClass.getAnnotation(OSGiServiceProvider.class);
      if (serviceProvider != null && serviceProvider.threadStart()) {
        new StartThread(entryClass, context).start();
      } else {
        handleServiceInstances(entryClass, context);
        handleFieldInjections(entryClass, context);
        handleServiceRegistrations(entryClass, context);
        handleMethods(entryClass, context);
   * Get the <tt>AccountManager</tt> of the protocol.
   * @return <tt>AccountManager</tt> of the protocol
  private AccountManager getAccountManager() {
    BundleContext bundleContext = getBundleContext();
    ServiceReference serviceReference =

    return (AccountManager) bundleContext.getService(serviceReference);
Example #7
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
    BundleContext context = HistoryServiceLick.bc;


    this.history = null;
    this.historyService = null;
    this.historyServiceRef = null;
Example #8
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    BundleContext context = HistoryServiceLick.bc;

    historyServiceRef = context.getServiceReference(HistoryService.class.getName());
    this.historyService = (HistoryService) context.getService(historyServiceRef);

    HistoryID testID = HistoryID.createFromRawID(new String[] {"test", "alltests"});

    this.history = this.historyService.createHistory(testID, recordStructure);
 public static boolean matchesCurrentEnvironment(IMonitorModelBase model) {
   BundleContext context = MDECore.getDefault().getBundleContext();
   Dictionary environment = getTargetEnvironment();
   BundleDescription bundle = model.getBundleDescription();
   String filterSpec = bundle != null ? bundle.getPlatformFilter() : null;
   try {
     return filterSpec == null || context.createFilter(filterSpec).match(environment);
   } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
     return false;
Example #10
   * Launches against the agent
  public void testSimpleLauncher() throws Exception {
    Project project = workspace.getProject("p1");
    Run bndrun = new Run(workspace, project.getBase(), project.getFile("one.bndrun"));
    bndrun.setProperty("-runpath", "biz.aQute.remote.launcher");
    bndrun.setProperty("-runbundles", "bsn-1,bsn-2");
    bndrun.setProperty("-runremote", "test");

    final RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin pl =
        (RemoteProjectLauncherPlugin) bndrun.getProjectLauncher();
    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    final AtomicInteger exitCode = new AtomicInteger(-1);

    List<? extends RunSession> sessions = pl.getRunSessions();
    assertEquals(1, sessions.size());

    final RunSession session = sessions.get(0);

    Thread t =
        new Thread("test-launch") {
          public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {

    for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) {
    assertEquals(4, context.getBundles().length);
    String p1 = t1.getAbsolutePath();



    assertEquals(-3, exitCode.get());

Example #11
   * The dependent service is available and the bundle will start.
   * @param dependentService the UIService this activator is waiting.
  public void start(Object dependentService) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Update checker [STARTED]");

    ConfigurationService cfg = getConfiguration();

    if (OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS) {
      updateService = new Update();

      bundleContext.registerService(UpdateService.class.getName(), updateService, null);

      // Register the "Check for Updates" menu item if
      // the "Check for Updates" property isn't disabled.
      if (!cfg.getBoolean(CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_MENU_DISABLED_PROP, false)) {
        // Register the "Check for Updates" menu item.
        CheckForUpdatesMenuItemComponent checkForUpdatesMenuItemComponent =
            new CheckForUpdatesMenuItemComponent(Container.CONTAINER_HELP_MENU);

        Hashtable<String, String> toolsMenuFilter = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        toolsMenuFilter.put(Container.CONTAINER_ID, Container.CONTAINER_HELP_MENU.getID());

            PluginComponent.class.getName(), checkForUpdatesMenuItemComponent, toolsMenuFilter);

      // Check for software update upon startup if enabled.
      if (cfg.getBoolean(UPDATE_ENABLED, true)) updateService.checkForUpdates(false);

    if (cfg.getBoolean(CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_DAILY_ENABLED_PROP, false)) {
      logger.info("Scheduled update checking enabled");

      // Schedule a "check for updates" task that will run once a day
      int hoursToWait = calcHoursToWait();
      Runnable updateRunnable =
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              logger.debug("Performing scheduled update check");

      mUpdateExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
          updateRunnable, hoursToWait, 24 * 60 * 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Update checker [REGISTERED]");
   * Initializes and creates an account corresponding to the specified accountProperties and
   * registers the resulting ProtocolProvider in the <tt>context</tt> BundleContext parameter.
   * @param accountProperties a set of protocol (or implementation) specific properties defining the
   *     new account.
   * @return the AccountID of the newly created account
  protected AccountID loadAccount(Map accountProperties) {
    BundleContext context = SipActivator.getBundleContext();
    if (context == null) throw new NullPointerException("The specified BundleContext was null");

    String userIDStr = (String) accountProperties.get(USER_ID);
    if (userIDStr == null)
      throw new NullPointerException("The account properties contained no user id.");

    if (accountProperties == null)
      throw new NullPointerException("The specified property map was null");

    String serverAddress = (String) accountProperties.get(SERVER_ADDRESS);

    if (serverAddress == null)
      throw new NullPointerException(serverAddress + " is not a valid ServerAddress");

    if (!accountProperties.containsKey(PROTOCOL))
      accountProperties.put(PROTOCOL, ProtocolNames.SIP);

    SipAccountID accountID = new SipAccountID(userIDStr, accountProperties, serverAddress);

    // get a reference to the configuration service and register whatever
    // properties we have in it.

    Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
    properties.put(PROTOCOL, ProtocolNames.SIP);
    properties.put(USER_ID, userIDStr);

    ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl sipProtocolProvider = new ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl();

    try {
      sipProtocolProvider.initialize(userIDStr, accountID);

      // We store again the account in order to store all properties added
      // during the protocol provider initialization.
      this.storeAccount(SipActivator.getBundleContext(), accountID);
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
      logger.error("Failed to initialize account", ex);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to initialize account" + ex.getMessage());

    ServiceRegistration registration =
            ProtocolProviderService.class.getName(), sipProtocolProvider, properties);

    registeredAccounts.put(accountID, registration);
    return accountID;
Example #13
   * Starts the configuration service
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> as provided by the OSGi framework.
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    FileAccessService fas = ServiceUtils.getService(bundleContext, FileAccessService.class);

    if (fas != null) {
      File usePropFileConfig;
      try {
        usePropFileConfig =
            fas.getPrivatePersistentFile(".usepropfileconfig", FileCategory.PROFILE);
      } catch (Exception ise) {
        // There is somewhat of a chicken-and-egg dependency between
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl and ConfigurationServiceImpl:
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl throws IllegalStateException if
        // certain System properties are not set,
        // ConfigurationServiceImpl will make sure that these properties
        // are set but it will do that later.
        // A SecurityException is thrown when the destination
        // is not writable or we do not have access to that folder
        usePropFileConfig = null;

      if (usePropFileConfig != null && usePropFileConfig.exists()) {
        logger.info("Using properties file configuration store.");
        this.cs = LibJitsi.getConfigurationService();

    if (this.cs == null) {
      this.cs = new JdbcConfigService(fas);

    bundleContext.registerService(ConfigurationService.class.getName(), this.cs, null);

Example #14
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    tmp = IO.getFile("generated/tmp");
    IO.copy(IO.getFile("testdata/ws"), tmp);
    workspace = Workspace.getWorkspace(tmp);

    InfoRepository repo = workspace.getPlugin(InfoRepository.class);
    t1 = create("bsn-1", new Version(1, 0, 0));
    t2 = create("bsn-2", new Version(1, 0, 0));

    repo.put(new FileInputStream(t1), null);
    repo.put(new FileInputStream(t2), null);
    t1 = repo.get("bsn-1", new Version(1, 0, 0), null);
    t2 = repo.get("bsn-2", new Version(1, 0, 0), null);
    repo.put(new FileInputStream(IO.getFile("generated/biz.aQute.remote.launcher.jar")), null);


    File storage = IO.getFile("generated/storage-1");

    configuration = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    configuration.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, storage.getAbsolutePath());

        Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, "org.osgi.framework.launch;version=1.2");

    framework = new org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory().newFramework(configuration);
    context = framework.getBundleContext();
    location = "reference:" + IO.getFile("generated/biz.aQute.remote.agent.jar").toURI().toString();
    agent = context.installBundle(location);

    thread =
        new Thread() {
          public void run() {
            try {
                  new String[] {
                    "-s", "generated/storage", "-c", "generated/cache", "-p", "1090", "-et"
            } catch (Exception e) {

 public AuthServiceTracker(BundleContext context) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
   super(context, getAuthFilter(), null);
   // TODO: Filters are case sensitive, we should be too
   if (NoneAuthenticationService.AUTH_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(getAuthName())) {
     Dictionary<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
     properties.put(ServerConstants.CONFIG_AUTH_NAME, getAuthName());
     // TODO: shouldn't we always register the none-auth service?
         IAuthenticationService.class, new NoneAuthenticationService(), properties);
   * Starts the Metacafe replacement source bundle
   * @param context the <tt>BundleContext</tt> as provided from the OSGi framework
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    Hashtable<String, String> hashtable = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        ReplacementService.SOURCE_NAME, ReplacementServiceMetacafeImpl.METACAFE_CONFIG_LABEL);
    metacafeSource = new ReplacementServiceMetacafeImpl();

    metacafeServReg =
        context.registerService(ReplacementService.class.getName(), metacafeSource, hashtable);

    logger.info("Metacafe source implementation [STARTED].");
   * Removes the specified account from the list of accounts that this provider factory is handling.
   * If the specified accountID is unknown to the ProtocolProviderFactory, the call has no effect
   * and false is returned. This method is persistent in nature and once called the account
   * corresponding to the specified ID will not be loaded during future runs of the project.
   * @param accountID the ID of the account to remove.
   * @return true if an account with the specified ID existed and was removed and false otherwise.
  public boolean uninstallAccount(AccountID accountID) {
    // Unregister the protocol provider.
    ServiceReference serRef = getProviderForAccount(accountID);

    boolean wasAccountExisting = false;

    // If the protocol provider service is registered, first unregister the
    // service.
    if (serRef != null) {
      BundleContext bundleContext = getBundleContext();
      ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider =
          (ProtocolProviderService) bundleContext.getService(serRef);

      try {
      } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
            "Failed to unregister protocol provider for account: "
                + accountID
                + " caused by: "
                + ex);

    ServiceRegistration registration;

    synchronized (registeredAccounts) {
      registration = registeredAccounts.remove(accountID);

    // first remove the stored account so when PP is unregistered we can
    // distinguish between deleted or just disabled account
    wasAccountExisting = removeStoredAccount(accountID);

    if (registration != null) {
      // Kill the service.

    return wasAccountExisting;
   * Returns the <tt>NotificationService</tt> obtained from the bundle context.
   * @return The <tt>NotificationService</tt> obtained from the bundle context.
  public static NotificationService getNotificationService() {
    if (notificationService == null) {
      // Get the notification service implementation
      ServiceReference notifReference =

      notificationService = (NotificationService) bundleContext.getService(notifReference);

      if (notificationService != null) {
        // Register a popup message for a device configuration changed
        // notification.
            "Device onfiguration has changed",

    return notificationService;
Example #19
   * Tracks and injects APSServiceTracker directly or as wrapped service instance using the tracker
   * to call the service depending on the field type.
   * @param field The field to inject.
   * @param managedClass Used to lookup or create an instance of this class to inject into.
   * @param context The bundle context.
  protected void handleServiceInjections(Field field, Class managedClass, BundleContext context) {
    OSGiService service = field.getAnnotation(OSGiService.class);
    if (service != null) {
      String trackerKey = field.getType().getName() + service.additionalSearchCriteria();
      APSServiceTracker tracker = this.trackers.get(trackerKey);

      if (tracker == null) {
        tracker =
            new APSServiceTracker<>(
                context, field.getType(), service.additionalSearchCriteria(), service.timeout());
        this.trackers.put(trackerKey, tracker);

      List<Object> managedInstances = getManagedInstances(managedClass);
      for (Object managedInstance : managedInstances) {
        if (field.getType().equals(APSServiceTracker.class)) {
          injectObject(managedInstance, tracker, field);
        } else {
          injectObject(managedInstance, tracker.getWrappedService(), field);

      if (service.required() && this.supportsRequired) {
        Tuple4<APSServiceTracker, Class, Boolean, List<ServiceRegistration>> requiredService =
            new Tuple4<>(
                (List<ServiceRegistration>) new LinkedList<ServiceRegistration>());

          "Injected tracked service '"
              + field.getType().getName()
              + (service.additionalSearchCriteria().length() > 0
                  ? " " + service.additionalSearchCriteria()
                  : "")
              + "' "
              + "into '"
              + managedClass.getName()
              + "."
              + field.getName()
              + "' for bundle: "
              + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
              + " for "
              + managedInstances.size()
              + " instance(s)!");
 /** Returns the platform instance location. */
 public Location getInstanceLocation() {
   if (instanceLocationTracker == null) {
     Filter filter;
     try {
       filter = bundleContext.createFilter(Location.INSTANCE_FILTER);
     } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
       return null;
     instanceLocationTracker = new ServiceTracker<Location, Location>(bundleContext, filter, null);
   return instanceLocationTracker.getService();
   * Unloads the account corresponding to the given <tt>accountID</tt>. Unregisters the
   * corresponding protocol provider, but keeps the account in contrast to the uninstallAccount
   * method.
   * @param accountID the account identifier
   * @return true if an account with the specified ID existed and was unloaded and false otherwise.
  public boolean unloadAccount(AccountID accountID) {
    // Unregister the protocol provider.
    ServiceReference serRef = getProviderForAccount(accountID);

    if (serRef == null) {
      return false;

    BundleContext bundleContext = getBundleContext();
    ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider =
        (ProtocolProviderService) bundleContext.getService(serRef);

    try {
    } catch (OperationFailedException ex) {
          "Failed to unregister protocol provider for account : "
              + accountID
              + " caused by: "
              + ex);

    ServiceRegistration registration;

    synchronized (registeredAccounts) {
      registration = registeredAccounts.remove(accountID);
    if (registration == null) {
      return false;

    // Kill the service.

    return true;
	public void testBasic() throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		// create a disconnected test region
		Region testRegion = digraph.createRegion(getName());
		List<Bundle> bundles = new ArrayList<Bundle>();
		// Install all test bundles
		Bundle pp1, cp2, sc1;
		bundles.add(pp1 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP1, testRegion));
		// should be able to start pp1 because it depends on nothing
		// do a sanity check that we have no services available in the isolated region
		assertNull("Found some services.", pp1.getBundleContext().getAllServiceReferences(null, null));
		assertEquals("Found extra bundles in region", 1, pp1.getBundleContext().getBundles().length);

		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP1, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP1, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP2, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP2, testRegion));
		bundles.add(cp2 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP2, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(PC1, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(BC1, testRegion));
		bundles.add(sc1 = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SC1, testRegion));
		bundles.add(bundleInstaller.installBundle(CC1, testRegion));

		// Import the system bundle from the systemRegion
		digraph.connect(testRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build(), systemRegion);
		// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
		digraph.connect(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build(), testRegion);

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()]));
		for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
			assertEquals("Bundle did not resolve: " + bundle.getSymbolicName(), Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());
		BundleContext context = getContext();
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> cp2Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + cp2.getBundleId() + "))"), null);
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> sc1Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + sc1.getBundleId() + "))"), null);


		assertNotNull("The cp2 bundle never found the service.", cp2Tracker.waitForService(2000));
		assertNotNull("The sc1 bundle never found the service.", sc1Tracker.waitForService(2000));
Example #23
   * Handles injections of APSLogger, BundleContext, or other class types with default constructor.
   * @param field The field to inject into.
   * @param managedClass Used to lookup or create an instance of this class to inject into.
   * @param context The bundle context.
  protected void handleInstanceInjections(Field field, Class managedClass, BundleContext context) {
    Managed managed = field.getAnnotation(Managed.class);
    if (managed != null) {
      String namedInstanceKey = managed.name() + field.getType().getName();
      Object namedInstance = this.namedInstances.get(namedInstanceKey);
      if (namedInstance == null) {
        if (field.getType().equals(APSLogger.class)) {
          namedInstance = new APSLogger(System.out);
          if (managed.loggingFor().length() > 0) {
            ((APSLogger) namedInstance).setLoggingFor(managed.loggingFor());
          ((APSLogger) namedInstance).start(context);
        } else if (field.getType().equals(BundleContext.class)) {
          namedInstance = context;
        } else {
          namedInstance = getManagedInstance(field.getType());
        this.namedInstances.put(namedInstanceKey, namedInstance);
      } else {
            "Got named instance for key '"
                + namedInstanceKey
                + "': "
                + namedInstance.getClass().getName());

      List<Object> managedInstances = getManagedInstances(managedClass);
      for (Object managedInstance : managedInstances) {
        injectObject(managedInstance, namedInstance, field);

          "Injected '"
              + namedInstance.getClass().getName()
              + "' instance for name '"
              + managed.name()
              + "' "
              + "into '"
              + managedClass.getName()
              + "."
              + field.getName()
              + "' for bundle: "
              + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
              + "!");
   * Initializes and registers all tests that we'll run as a part of this slick.
   * @param context a currently valid bundle context.
  public void start(BundleContext context) {

    Hashtable<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    properties.put("service.pid", getName());

    JabberSlickFixture.bc = context;

    // verify whether the user wants to avoid online testing
    String offlineMode = System.getProperty(DISABLE_ONLINE_TESTS_PROPERTY_NAME, null);

    if (offlineMode != null && offlineMode.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
      JabberSlickFixture.onlineTestingDisabled = true;



    // the following should only be run when we want online testing.
    if (!JabberSlickFixture.onlineTestingDisabled) {




      // tests currently fails due to jingle lib bugs.
      // will be activated as soon as bugs get fixed
      // addTestSuite(TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.class);

      /** @todo UNCOMMENT */
      //            addTest(TestOperationSetMultiUserChat.suite());



    context.registerService(getClass().getName(), this, properties);
  /** implements BundleActivator.start() */
  public void start(BundleContext bc) throws Exception {
    logger.info("starting popup message test ");

    bundleContext = bc;


    Hashtable<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    properties.put("service.pid", getName());

    // we maybe are running on machine without WM and systray
    // (test server machine), skip tests
    if (ServiceUtils.getService(bc, SystrayService.class) != null) {

    bundleContext.registerService(getClass().getName(), this, properties);
   * Creates a protocol provider for the given <tt>accountID</tt> and registers it in the bundle
   * context. This method has a persistent effect. Once created the resulting account will remain
   * installed until removed through the uninstallAccount method.
   * @param accountID the account identifier
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the account with the given <tt>accountID</tt> is successfully loaded,
   *     otherwise returns <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean loadAccount(AccountID accountID) {
    // Need to obtain the original user id property, instead of calling
    // accountID.getUserID(), because this method could return a modified
    // version of the user id property.
    String userID = accountID.getAccountPropertyString(ProtocolProviderFactory.USER_ID);

    ProtocolProviderService service = createService(userID, accountID);

    Dictionary<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    properties.put(PROTOCOL, protocolName);
    properties.put(USER_ID, userID);

    ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration =
        bundleContext.registerService(ProtocolProviderService.class.getName(), service, properties);

    if (serviceRegistration == null) return false;
    else {
      synchronized (registeredAccounts) {
        registeredAccounts.put(accountID, serviceRegistration);
      return true;
 void addInitFrameworkListeners() {
   BundleContext context = createBundleContext(false);
   for (FrameworkListener initListener : initListeners) {
	private void doCyclicRegions(int numLevels) throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
		String regionName1 = getName() + "_1";
		String regionName2 = getName() + "_2";
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		// create two regions to hold the bundles
		Region testRegion1 = digraph.createRegion(regionName1);
		Region testRegion2 = digraph.createRegion(regionName2);
		// connect to the system bundle
		testRegion1.connectRegion(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build());
		testRegion2.connectRegion(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build());
		// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
		systemRegion.connectRegion(testRegion1, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build());
		systemRegion.connectRegion(testRegion2, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build());

		Map<String, Bundle> bundles = new HashMap<String, Bundle>();
		// add bundles to region1
		bundles.put(PP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP1, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(SP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP2, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(CP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP2, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(PC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PC1, testRegion1));
		bundles.put(BC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(BC1, testRegion1));

		// add bundles to region2
		bundles.put(SP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(CP1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CP1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(PP2, bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP2, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(SC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(SC1, testRegion2));
		bundles.put(CC1, bundleInstaller.installBundle(CC1, testRegion2));

		RegionFilterBuilder testRegionFilter1 = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		// SP2 -> PP2
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)");
		// CP2 -> SP1
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg1.*)");
		// PC1 -> PP2
		// this is not needed because we already import pkg2.* above
		//testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)");
		// BC1 -> PP2
		testRegionFilter1.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE + "=" + PP2 + ")");

		RegionFilterBuilder testRegionFilter2 = digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder();
		//SP1 -> PP1
		testRegionFilter2.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg1.*)");
		//SC1 -> SP2
		testRegionFilter2.allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg2.*)");
		//CC1 -> CP2
		testRegionFilter2.allow(CP2, "(name=" + CP2 + ")");

		Region r1, r2 = null;
		for (int i = 0; i <= numLevels; i++) {
			r1 = (i > 0) ? r2 : testRegion1;
			r2 = (i < numLevels) ? digraph.createRegion(getName() + "_level_" + i) : testRegion2;
			r1.connectRegion(r2, testRegionFilter1.build());
			r2.connectRegion(r1, testRegionFilter2.build());

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.values().toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()]));
		for (Bundle bundle : bundles.values()) {
			assertEquals("Bundle did not resolve: " + bundle.getSymbolicName(), Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());
		BundleContext context = getContext();
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> cp2Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + bundles.get(CP2).getBundleId() + "))"), null);
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> sc1Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + bundles.get(SC1).getBundleId() + "))"), null);


		assertNotNull("The cp2 bundle never found the service.", cp2Tracker.waitForService(2000));
		assertNotNull("The sc1 bundle never found the service.", sc1Tracker.waitForService(2000));
	public void testSingleBundleRegions() throws BundleException, InvalidSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
		// get the system region
		Region systemRegion = digraph.getRegion(0);
		Map<String, Bundle> bundles = new HashMap<String, Bundle>();
		// create a disconnected test region for each test bundle
		for (String location : ALL) {
			Region testRegion = digraph.createRegion(location);
			bundles.put(location, bundleInstaller.installBundle(location, testRegion));
			// Import the system bundle from the systemRegion
			digraph.connect(testRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "(id=0)").build(), systemRegion);
			// must import Boolean services into systemRegion to test
			digraph.connect(systemRegion, digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)").build(), testRegion);

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.values().toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()]));
		assertEquals(PP1, Bundle.RESOLVED, bundles.get(PP1).getState());
		assertEquals(SP1, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(SP1).getState());
		assertEquals(CP1, Bundle.RESOLVED, bundles.get(CP1).getState());
		assertEquals(PP2, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(PP2).getState());
		assertEquals(SP2, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(SP2).getState());
		assertEquals(CP2, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(CP2).getState());
		assertEquals(BC1, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(BC1).getState());
		assertEquals(SC1, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(SC1).getState());
		assertEquals(CC1, Bundle.INSTALLED, bundles.get(CC1).getState());

		// now make the necessary connections
		// SP1
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(SP1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg1.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP1));
		// PP2
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(PP2), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(CP1, "(name=" + CP1 + ")").build(), digraph.getRegion(CP1));
		// SP2
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(SP2), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP2));
		// CP2
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(CP2), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg1.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP1));
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(CP2), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg1.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(SP1));
		// PC1
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(PC1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP2));
		// BC1
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(BC1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE + "=" + PP2 + ")").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP2));
		// SC1
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(SC1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "(" + RegionFilter.VISIBLE_PACKAGE_NAMESPACE + "=pkg2.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(PP2));
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(SC1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=pkg2.*)").build(), digraph.getRegion(SP2));
		// CC1
		digraph.connect(digraph.getRegion(CC1), digraph.createRegionFilterBuilder().allow(CP2, "(name=" + CP2 + ")").build(), digraph.getRegion(CP2));

		bundleInstaller.resolveBundles(bundles.values().toArray(new Bundle[bundles.size()]));
		for (Bundle bundle : bundles.values()) {
			assertEquals("Bundle did not resolve: " + bundle.getSymbolicName(), Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());
		BundleContext context = getContext();
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> cp2Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + bundles.get(CP2).getBundleId() + "))"), null);
		ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean> sc1Tracker = new ServiceTracker<Boolean, Boolean>(context, context.createFilter("(&(objectClass=java.lang.Boolean)(bundle.id=" + bundles.get(SC1).getBundleId() + "))"), null);


		assertNotNull("The cp2 bundle never found the service.", cp2Tracker.waitForService(2000));
		assertNotNull("The sc1 bundle never found the service.", sc1Tracker.waitForService(2000));
Example #30
   * Handles methods annotated with @APSBundleStartup.
   * @param method The annotated method to call.
   * @param managedClass Used to lookup or create an instance of this class containing the method to
   *     call.
   * @param context The bundle context.
  protected void handleStartupMethods(
      final Method method, final Class managedClass, final BundleContext context) {
    BundleStart bundleStart = method.getAnnotation(BundleStart.class);
    if (bundleStart != null) {
      if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
        throw new APSActivatorException(
            "An @BundleStart method must take no parameters! ["
                + managedClass.getName()
                + "."
                + method.getName()
                + "(?)]");

      if (bundleStart.thread()) {
        new Thread(
                new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                    try {
                      Object managedInstance = null;
                      if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {
                        managedInstance = getManagedInstance(managedClass);
                      method.invoke(managedInstance, null);

                          "Called bundle start method '"
                              + managedClass.getName()
                              + "."
                              + method.getName()
                              + "()' for bundle: "
                              + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
                              + "!");
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
                          "Failed to call start method! ["
                              + managedClass.getName()
                              + "."
                              + method.getName()
                              + "()]",
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
                          "Failed to call start method! ["
                              + managedClass.getName()
                              + "."
                              + method.getName()
                              + "()]",
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                          "Failed to call start method! ["
                              + managedClass.getName()
                              + "."
                              + method.getName()
                              + "()]",
      } else {
        try {
          Object managedInstance = null;
          if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {
            managedInstance = getManagedInstance(managedClass);
          method.invoke(managedInstance, null);

              "Called bundle start method '"
                  + managedClass.getName()
                  + "."
                  + method.getName()
                  + "()' for bundle: "
                  + context.getBundle().getSymbolicName()
                  + "!");
        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
          throw new APSActivatorException(
              "Failed to call start method! ["
                  + managedClass.getName()
                  + "."
                  + method.getName()
                  + "()]",
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
          throw new APSActivatorException(
              "Failed to call start method! ["
                  + managedClass.getName()
                  + "."
                  + method.getName()
                  + "()]",