/** * Setup extra data for analysis layer when input is myplaces * * @param analysisLayer analysis input layer data * @param json wps analysis parameters * @return false, if no id found */ private boolean prepareAnalysis4Myplaces(AnalysisLayer analysisLayer, JSONObject json) { try { String sid = this.getAnalysisInputId(json); if (sid != null) { analysisLayer.setId(ConversionHelper.getInt(myplacesBaseLayerId, 0)); analysisLayer.setInputType(ANALYSIS_INPUT_TYPE_GS_VECTOR); analysisLayer.setInputCategoryId(sid); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; }
/** * Parses method parameters to WPS execute xml syntax definition * * @param layerJSON method parameters and layer info from the front * @param baseUrl Url for Geoserver WPS reference input (input FeatureCollection) * @return AnalysisLayer parameters for WPS execution * ********************************************************************** */ public AnalysisLayer parseAnalysisLayer(String layerJSON, String filter, String baseUrl) throws ServiceException { AnalysisLayer analysisLayer = new AnalysisLayer(); JSONObject json = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(layerJSON); WFSLayerConfiguration lc = null; // analysis input data type - default is WFS layer analysisLayer.setInputType(ANALYSIS_INPUT_TYPE_WFS); // analysis rendering url analysisLayer.setWpsUrl(analysisRenderingUrl); // analysis element name analysisLayer.setWpsName(analysisRenderingElement); analysisLayer.setInputAnalysisId(null); int id = 0; try { // Analysis input property types this.prepareFieldtypeMap(analysisLayer, json); String sid = json.getString(JSON_KEY_LAYERID); // Input is wfs layer or analaysis layer or my places if (sid.indexOf(LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { // Analysislayer is input if (!this.prepareAnalysis4Analysis(analysisLayer, json)) throw new ServiceException("AnalysisInAnalysis parameters are invalid"); id = analysisLayer.getId(); } else if (sid.indexOf(MYPLACES_LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { // myplaces is input if (!this.prepareAnalysis4Myplaces(analysisLayer, json)) throw new ServiceException("AnalysisInMyPlaces parameters are invalid"); id = analysisLayer.getId(); } else { // Wfs layer id id = ConversionHelper.getInt(sid, -1); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("AnalysisInAnalysis parameters are invalid"); } // --- WFS layer is analysis input analysisLayer.setId(id); // Get wfs layer configuration lc = layerConfigurationService.findConfiguration(id); final OskariLayer wfsLayer = mapLayerService.find(id); log.debug("got wfs layer", wfsLayer); analysisLayer.setMinScale(wfsLayer.getMinScale()); analysisLayer.setMaxScale(wfsLayer.getMaxScale()); // Set WFS input type, other than analysis_ and myplaces_- default is REFERENCE this.setWpsInputLayerType(lc.getWps_params(), analysisLayer); // Extract parameters for analysis methods from layer String name = json.optString("name"); if (name.isEmpty()) { throw new ServiceException("Analysis name missing."); } else { analysisLayer.setName(name); } JSONArray fields_in = json.optJSONArray("fields"); List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); if (fields_in == null) { throw new ServiceException("Fields missing."); } else { // Add fields of WFS service, if empty and all fields mode on if (fields_in.length() == 0) fields_in = this.getWfsFields(analysisLayer); // Remove internal fields try { for (int i = 0; i < fields_in.length(); i++) { if (!HIDDEN_FIELDS.contains(fields_in.getString(i))) fields.add(fields_in.getString(i)); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Method fields parameters missing."); } analysisLayer.setFields(fields); } String style = json.optString("style"); if (style.isEmpty()) { throw new ServiceException("Style missing."); } else { analysisLayer.setStyle(style); } Integer opacity = json.optInt("opacity"); if (opacity == 0) opacity = DEFAULT_OPACITY; analysisLayer.setOpacity(opacity); String analysisMethod = json.optString("method"); // "union_geom"; test analysisLayer.setMethod(analysisMethod); analysisLayer.setAggreFunctions(null); analysisLayer.setMergeAnalysisLayers(null); // ------------------LAYER_UNION ----------------------- if (LAYER_UNION.equals(analysisMethod)) { JSONObject params; try { params = json.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METHODPARAMS); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Method parameters missing."); } JSONArray sids = params.optJSONArray(JSON_KEY_LAYERS); // Loop merge layers - get analysis ids List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> mergelays = new ArrayList<String>(); if (sids == null) { throw new ServiceException("merge layers missing"); } else { try { for (int i = 0; i < sids.length(); i++) { Long aid = this.getAnalysisId(sids.getString(i)); if (aid > 0) { ids.add(aid); mergelays.add(sids.getString(i)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Merge layers missing."); } // Merge analysis Ids analysisLayer.setMergeAnalysisIds(ids); // Merge analysis Layers analysisLayer.setMergeAnalysisLayers(mergelays); } } // ------------------ BUFFER ----------------------- else if (BUFFER.equals(analysisMethod)) { // when analysisMethod == vec:BufferFeatureCollection // Set params for WPS execute BufferMethodParams method = this.parseBufferParams(lc, json, baseUrl); method.setWps_reference_type(analysisLayer.getInputType()); analysisLayer.setAnalysisMethodParams(method); // WFS filter analysisLayer .getAnalysisMethodParams() .setFilter( this.parseFilter( lc, filter, analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId(), analysisLayer.getInputCategoryId())); // WFS Query properties analysisLayer .getAnalysisMethodParams() .setProperties( this.parseProperties( analysisLayer.getFields(), lc.getFeatureNamespace(), lc.getGMLGeometryProperty())); // ------------------ INTERSECT ----------------------- } else if (INTERSECT.equals(analysisMethod)) { JSONObject params; try { params = json.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METHODPARAMS); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Method parameters missing."); } WFSLayerConfiguration lc2 = null; int id2 = 0; String sid = ""; try { sid = params.getString(JSON_KEY_LAYERID); // Input is wfs layer or analaysis layer if (sid.indexOf(LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { // Analysislayer is input // eg. analyse_216_340 id2 = ConversionHelper.getInt(analysisBaseLayerId, 0); } else if (sid.indexOf(MYPLACES_LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { // Myplaces is input id2 = ConversionHelper.getInt(myplacesBaseLayerId, 0); } else { // Wfs layer id id2 = ConversionHelper.getInt(sid, -1); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("AnalysisInAnalysis parameters are invalid"); } // Get wfs layer configuration for union input 2 lc2 = layerConfigurationService.findConfiguration(id2); // Set params for WPS execute IntersectMethodParams method = this.parseIntersectParams(lc, lc2, json, baseUrl); method.setWps_reference_type(analysisLayer.getInputType()); if (sid.indexOf(LAYER_PREFIX) == 0 || sid.indexOf(MYPLACES_LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { method.setWps_reference_type2(ANALYSIS_INPUT_TYPE_GS_VECTOR); } else { method.setWps_reference_type2(ANALYSIS_INPUT_TYPE_WFS); } // Set WFS input type, other than analysis_ and myplaces_- default is REFERENCE this.setWpsInputLayerType(lc.getWps_params(), analysisLayer); // WFS filter method.setFilter( this.parseFilter( lc, filter, analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId(), analysisLayer.getInputCategoryId())); if (sid.indexOf(MYPLACES_LAYER_PREFIX) == 0) { method.setFilter2(this.parseFilter(lc2, null, null, this.getAnalysisInputId(params))); } else { method.setFilter2(this.parseFilter(lc2, null, this.getAnalysisInputId(params), null)); } // WFS Query properties method.setProperties( this.parseProperties( analysisLayer.getFields(), lc.getFeatureNamespace(), lc.getGMLGeometryProperty())); analysisLayer.setAnalysisMethodParams(method); // ------------------ AGGREGATE ----------------------- } else if (AGGREGATE.equals(analysisMethod)) { // 1 to n aggregate wps tasks String aggre_field = null; try { aggre_field = json.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METHODPARAMS).optString(JSON_KEY_AGGRE_ATTRIBUTE); if (analysisLayer.getInputType().equals(ANALYSIS_INPUT_TYPE_GS_VECTOR)) { if (analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId() != null) { aggre_field = analysisDataService.SwitchField2AnalysisField( aggre_field, analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId()); } } JSONArray aggre_func_in = json.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METHODPARAMS).optJSONArray(JSON_KEY_FUNCTIONS); List<String> aggre_funcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (aggre_func_in == null) { throw new ServiceException("Aggregate functions missing."); } else { try { for (int i = 0; i < aggre_func_in.length(); i++) { aggre_funcs.add(aggre_func_in.getString(i)); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Aggregate functions missing."); } analysisLayer.setAggreFunctions(aggre_funcs); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Method parameters missing."); } // Set params for WPS execute if (aggre_field == null) throw new ServiceException("Aggregate field parameter missing."); AggregateMethodParams method = this.parseAggregateParams( lc, json, baseUrl, aggre_field, analysisLayer.getAggreFunctions()); method.setWps_reference_type(analysisLayer.getInputType()); analysisLayer.setAnalysisMethodParams(method); // WFS filter analysisLayer .getAnalysisMethodParams() .setFilter( this.parseFilter( lc, filter, analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId(), analysisLayer.getInputCategoryId())); // ------------------ UNION ----------------------- } else if (UNION.equals(analysisMethod)) { JSONObject params; try { params = json.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METHODPARAMS); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException("Method parameters missing."); } // Set params for WPS execute UnionMethodParams method = this.parseUnionParams(lc, json, baseUrl); method.setWps_reference_type(analysisLayer.getInputType()); // WFS filter method.setFilter( this.parseFilter( lc, filter, analysisLayer.getInputAnalysisId(), analysisLayer.getInputCategoryId())); analysisLayer.setAnalysisMethodParams(method); } else { throw new ServiceException("Method parameters missing."); } return analysisLayer; }