// private static void testConnections(GameTile gameTile) { // for(Integer i : GameBoard.getPossibleMoves(true,gameTile.getIndex(), new HashSet<Integer>())){ // //for(Integer i : GameBoard.getConnections(gameTile.getIndex())){ // System.out.println(i); // } // } // private static void createAndShowGUI() { if (!frame.isPresent()) { frame = Optional.of(new JFrame("Chinese Checkers")); frame.get().setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.get().setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0)); } frame.get().getContentPane().removeAll(); frame.get().setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0)); // frame.getContentPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1280, 720)); ArrayList<Box> rows = new ArrayList<Box>(); ArrayList<JPanel> panes = new ArrayList<JPanel>(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 17).forEachOrdered(i -> rows.add(new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS))); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 121) .forEachOrdered( i -> { Box currentRow = null; JButton button = new JButton(i + ""); button.addActionListener(showDestinations()); button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 20)); button.setIconTextGap(0); // button.setVisible(true); button.setOpaque(true); if (i < 2) { currentRow = rows.get(0); } else if (i < 4) { currentRow = rows.get(1); } else if (i < 7) { currentRow = rows.get(2); } else if (i < 11) { currentRow = rows.get(3); } else if (i < 24) { currentRow = rows.get(4); } else if (i < 36) { currentRow = rows.get(5); } else if (i < 47) { currentRow = rows.get(6); } else if (i < 57) { currentRow = rows.get(7); } else if (i < 66) { currentRow = rows.get(8); } else if (i < 76) { currentRow = rows.get(9); } else if (i < 87) { currentRow = rows.get(10); } else if (i < 99) { currentRow = rows.get(11); } else if (i < 112) { currentRow = rows.get(12); } else if (i < 116) { currentRow = rows.get(13); } else if (i < 119) { currentRow = rows.get(14); } else if (i < 121) { currentRow = rows.get(15); } else { currentRow = rows.get(16); } currentRow.add(button); switch (GameBoard.board.get(i - 1).getPlayer()) { case 1: button.setBackground(Color.red); break; case 2: button.setBackground(Color.blue); break; case 3: button.setBackground(Color.yellow); break; case 4: button.setBackground(Color.green); break; case 5: button.setBackground(Color.BLACK); break; case 6: button.setBackground(Color.white); break; case 7: button.setBackground(Color.gray); GameBoard.board.get(i - 1).setPlayer(0); break; default: button.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); break; } }); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 17) .forEachOrdered( i -> { panes.add((new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0)))); panes.get(i - 1).setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1280, 20)); }); panes.parallelStream().forEach(p -> p.add(rows.get(panes.indexOf(p)))); panes.stream().forEachOrdered(p -> frame.get().add(p)); frame.get().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1280, 720)); frame.get().setResizable(false); frame.get().pack(); frame.get().setVisible(true); frame.get().validate(); frame.get().repaint(); }
public static void usingRanges() { System.out.println("Range 0 10"); IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(System.out::print); System.out.println("\nRange Closed 0 10"); IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 10).forEach(System.out::print); int[] values = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100).toArray(); }
public void process(Area area, LightProcessor processor) { IntStream.rangeClosed(area.getFromX(), area.getToX()) .forEach( x -> { IntStream.rangeClosed(area.getFromY(), area.getToY()) .forEach( y -> { mLights[x][y] = processor.process(mLights[x][y]); }); }); }
/** * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Franz Wilhelmstötter</a> * @version 3.4 * @since 3.4 */ public class KnapsackExecutionTime { private static final double GEN_BASE = pow(10, log10(100) / 20.0); private static final Params<Long> PARAMS = Params.of( "Execution time", IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 50) .mapToLong(i -> max((long) pow(GEN_BASE, i), i)) .mapToObj(Long::new) .collect(ISeq.toISeq())); private static final Supplier<TrialMeter<Long>> TRIAL_METER = () -> TrialMeter.of( "Execution time", "Create execution time performance measures", PARAMS, "Generation", "Fitness", "Runtime"); public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Runner<Long, BitGene, Double> runner = Runner.of( KNAPSACK, duration -> limit.byExecutionTime(Duration.ofMillis(duration)), TRIAL_METER, args); runner.start(); runner.join(); } }
public Collection<Integer> getRtcWorkItemRange() { String rangesString = props.getProperty(RTC_WORKITEM_ID_RANGE); String[] ranges = rangesString.split(","); IntStream intStream = IntStream.of(); for (String range : ranges) { String[] splitted = range.split("\\.\\."); int from = Integer.parseInt(splitted[0].trim()); if (splitted.length == 1) { intStream = IntStream.concat(intStream, IntStream.rangeClosed(from, from)); } else { int to = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1].trim()); intStream = IntStream.concat(intStream, IntStream.rangeClosed(from, to)); } } return intStream.boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public static List generateFizzBuzz(int number1, int number2) { List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>(); return IntStream.rangeClosed(number1, number2) .mapToObj(i -> generateFizzBuzz(i)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
@Test public void uint16() { Wire wire = createWire(); wire.write().uint16(1); wire.write(BWKey.field1).uint16(2); wire.write(() -> "Test").uint16(3); checkWire( wire, "[pos: 0, rlim: 16, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈Æfield1⒉ÄTest⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 22, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¢⒈٠Æfield1¢⒉٠ÄTest¢⒊٠", "[pos: 0, rlim: 11, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈º⒈⒉º²ñ\\u009E⒈⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 17, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¢⒈٠º⒈¢⒉٠º²ñ\\u009E⒈¢⒊٠", "[pos: 0, rlim: 3, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ⒈⒉⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 9, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ¢⒈٠¢⒉٠¢⒊٠"); checkAsText123(wire); // ok as blank matches anything AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3) .forEach( e -> { wire.read().uint16(i::set); assertEquals(e, i.get()); }); assertEquals(0, bytes.readRemaining()); // check it's safe to read too much. wire.read(); }
@Test public void int32() { Wire wire = createWire(); wire.write().int32(1); wire.write(BWKey.field1).int32(2); wire.write(() -> "Test").int32(3); checkWire( wire, "[pos: 0, rlim: 16, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈Æfield1⒉ÄTest⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 28, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¦⒈٠٠٠Æfield1¦⒉٠٠٠ÄTest¦⒊٠٠٠", "[pos: 0, rlim: 11, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈º⒈⒉º²ñ\\u009E⒈⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 23, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¦⒈٠٠٠º⒈¦⒉٠٠٠º²ñ\\u009E⒈¦⒊٠٠٠", "[pos: 0, rlim: 3, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ⒈⒉⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 15, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ¦⒈٠٠٠¦⒉٠٠٠¦⒊٠٠٠"); checkAsText123(wire); // ok as blank matches anything AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3) .forEach( e -> { wire.read().int32(i::set); assertEquals(e, i.get()); }); assertEquals(0, bytes.readRemaining()); // check it's safe to read too much. wire.read(); }
/** * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Franz Wilhelmstötter</a> * @version 3.4 * @since 3.4 */ public class KnapsackFitnessThreshold { private static final double MIN_FITNESS = 7000; private static final double MAX_FITNESS = 10900; // 11000; private static final int POINTS = 20; private static final Params<Double> PARAMS = Params.of( "Fitness threshold", IntStream.rangeClosed(0, POINTS) .mapToDouble(i -> MIN_FITNESS + (MAX_FITNESS - MIN_FITNESS) / POINTS * i) .mapToObj(Double::valueOf) .collect(ISeq.toISeq())); private static final Supplier<TrialMeter<Double>> TRIAL_METER = () -> TrialMeter.of( "Fitness threshold", "Create fitness threshold performance measures", PARAMS, "Generation", "Fitness", "Runtime"); public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Runner<Double, BitGene, Double> runner = Runner.of(threshold -> KNAPSACK, limit::byFitnessThreshold, TRIAL_METER, args); runner.start(); runner.join(); } }
@Test public void int8() { Wire wire = createWire(); wire.write().int8((byte) 1); wire.write(BWKey.field1).int8((byte) 2); wire.write(() -> "Test").int8((byte) 3); checkWire( wire, "[pos: 0, rlim: 16, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈Æfield1⒉ÄTest⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 19, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¤⒈Æfield1¤⒉ÄTest¤⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 11, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈º⒈⒉º²ñ\\u009E⒈⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 14, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À¤⒈º⒈¤⒉º²ñ\\u009E⒈¤⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 3, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ⒈⒉⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 6, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ¤⒈¤⒉¤⒊"); checkAsText123(wire); // ok as blank matches anything AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3) .forEach( e -> { wire.read().int8(i::set); assertEquals(e, i.get()); }); assertEquals(0, bytes.readRemaining()); // check it's safe to read too much. wire.read(); }
private List<Integer> range(int from, int to) { IntStream stream = IntStream.rangeClosed(from, to); List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int year : stream.toArray()) { result.add(year); } return result; }
public static void main(String[] args) { FooBarQix fbq = new FooBarQix(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100) .forEachOrdered( (i) -> { System.out.printf("%s\n", fbq.doFooBarQix(i)); }); }
@Test public void select_groups_by_query_paginated() { IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 9) .forEach(i -> groupDb.insertGroup(newGroupDto().setName(i + "-name"))); assertThat( underTest.selectGroupNamesByPermissionQuery( dbSession, PermissionQuery.builder().setPageIndex(2).setPageSize(3).build())) .containsExactly("3-name", "4-name", "5-name"); }
public List<String> getWorkload() { Config config = vampires.getConfig("workload"); String task = config.getString("task"); int startCount = config.getInt("start"); int stopCount = config.getInt("stop"); return IntStream.rangeClosed(startCount, stopCount) .mapToObj(i -> String.format(task, i)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Page 45 // ======== IntStream.iterate(1, i -> i * 2).limit(10).forEachOrdered(System.out::println); IntStream.range(1, 6).forEach(System.out::print); // prints 123456 // Page 46 // ======== List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); OptionalDouble maxDistance = intList.stream().map(i -> new Point(i % 3, i / 3)).mapToDouble(p -> p.distance(0, 0)).max(); DoubleStream ds = intList.stream().map(i -> new Point(i % 3, i / 3)).mapToDouble(p -> p.distance(0, 0)); OptionalDouble maxDistance1 = ds.max(); // Page 48 // ======== Optional<Integer> max = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).stream().map(i -> i + 1).max(Integer::compareTo); // Page 49 // ======== OptionalInt max1 = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).map(i -> i + 1).max(); DoubleStream ds1 = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).asDoubleStream(); Stream<Integer> is = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed(); Stream<Integer> integerStream = Stream.of(1, 2); IntStream is1 = integerStream.mapToInt(Integer::intValue); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void insertUsers(final Integer size) { log.info("Create {} users", size); // lock to update max user id try { lock.writeLock().lock(); userDao.insertUsers(IntStream.rangeClosed(1, size).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList())); this.max = userDao.max(); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } log.info("{} users are inserted. Max id is {}", size, max); }
public static void main(String... args) { List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 1, 2); Arrays.stream(numbers.toArray()).forEach(System.out::println); int calories = Dish.menu.stream().mapToInt(Dish::getCalories).sum(); System.out.println("Number of calories:" + calories); // max and OptionalInt OptionalInt maxCalories = Dish.menu.stream().mapToInt(Dish::getCalories).max(); int max; if (maxCalories.isPresent()) { max = maxCalories.getAsInt(); } else { // we can choose a default value max = 1; } System.out.println(max); // numeric ranges IntStream evenNumbers = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0); System.out.println(evenNumbers.count()); Stream<int[]> pythagoreanTriples = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100) .boxed() .flatMap( a -> IntStream.rangeClosed(a, 100) .filter(b -> Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) % 1 == 0) .boxed() .map(b -> new int[] {a, b, (int) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)})); pythagoreanTriples.forEach(t -> System.out.println(t[0] + ", " + t[1] + ", " + t[2])); }
public StatisticalValidationState() { ValidatorFactory factory = null; final Configuration<?> configuration = Validation.byDefaultProvider().configure(); try (InputStream mappingStream = StatisticalValidation.class.getResourceAsStream("mapping.xml")) { configuration.addMapping(mappingStream); factory = configuration.buildValidatorFactory(); assertThat(factory).isNotNull(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } validator = factory.getValidator(); entitiesUnderTest = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, NUMBER_OF_TEST_ENTITIES) .mapToObj(index -> new TestEntity(index % 10)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public static Config getConfigForKey(Config config, String... keys) { // generate all the keys from least specific to most specific // foo, bar baz -> foo, foo.bar, foo.bar.baz Config mergedConfig = config; List<String> strings = Arrays.asList(keys); List<String> resolvedKeys = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, keys.length) .boxed() .map(i -> Joiner.on(".").join(strings.subList(0, i))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); resolvedKeys = Lists.reverse(resolvedKeys); for (String key : resolvedKeys) { Config fromKey = config.getConfig(key); mergedConfig = mergedConfig.withFallback(fromKey); } return mergedConfig; }
/** * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Franz Wilhelmstötter</a> * @version 3.5 * @since 3.5 */ public class KnapsackSelectorComparison { private static final double GEN_BASE = pow(10, log10(100) / 20.0); private static final Params<Long> PARAMS = Params.of( "Fixed generation", IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 50) .mapToLong(i -> max((long) pow(GEN_BASE, i), i)) .mapToObj(Long::valueOf) .collect(ISeq.toISeq())); private static final Supplier<TrialMeter<Long>> TRIAL_METER = () -> TrialMeter.of( "Fixed generation", "Create fixed generation performance measures", PARAMS, "Generation1", "Fitness1", "Runtime1", "Generation2", "Fitness2", "Runtime2"); public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Runner2<Long, BitGene, Double> runner = Runner2.of( KNAPSACK.builder().selector(new MonteCarloSelector<>()).build(), limit::byFixedGeneration, KNAPSACK, limit::byFixedGeneration, TRIAL_METER, args); runner.start(); runner.join(); } }
@Test public void float64() { Wire wire = createWire(); wire.write().float64(1); wire.write(BWKey.field1).float64(2); wire.write(() -> "Test").float64(3); checkWire( wire, "[pos: 0, rlim: 16, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈Æfield1⒉ÄTest⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 40, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠ð?Æfield1\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠٠@ÄTest\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠⒏@", "[pos: 0, rlim: 11, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À⒈º⒈⒉º²ñ\\u009E⒈⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 35, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] À\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠ð?º⒈\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠٠@º²ñ\\u009E⒈\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠⒏@", "[pos: 0, rlim: 3, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] ⒈⒉⒊", "[pos: 0, rlim: 27, wlim: 8EiB, cap: 8EiB ] \\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠ð?\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠٠@\\u0091٠٠٠٠٠٠⒏@"); checkAsText123(wire); // ok as blank matches anything class Floater { double f; public void set(double d) { f = d; } } Floater n = new Floater(); IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3) .forEach( e -> { wire.read().float64(n::set); assertEquals(e, n.f, 0.0); }); assertEquals(0, bytes.readRemaining()); // check it's safe to read too much. wire.read(); }
private static List<String> createRandomDocuments(int howMany) { Random rand = new Random(); Json.ObjectMapperExt mapper = Json.mapper(); return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, howMany - 1) .mapToObj( (x) -> { ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode(); node.put("generated", "generated-" + rand.nextInt()); node.put("idx", x); node.put("rand", rand.nextInt()); return node; }) .map( (doc) -> { try { ODocument d = DocumentService.create(TEST_COLLECTION, doc); return d.<String>field("id"); } catch (Throwable throwable) { return null; } }) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public static void multiples() { int multiples3And5 = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 999).filter(i -> i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0).sum(); System.out.println(multiples3And5); }
private Set<Integer> intSet(final int size) { return IntStream.rangeClosed(1, size).mapToObj(Integer::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
@Test public void testFlatMapping() { { Map<Integer, List<Integer>> expected = IntStreamEx.rangeClosed(1, 100) .boxed() .toMap(x -> IntStreamEx.rangeClosed(1, x).boxed().toList()); Collector<Integer, ?, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> groupingBy = Collectors.groupingBy( Function.identity(), MoreCollectors.flatMapping( x -> IntStream.rangeClosed(1, x).boxed(), Collectors.toList())); checkCollector( "flatMappingSimple", expected, () -> IntStreamEx.rangeClosed(1, 100).boxed(), groupingBy); } Function<Entry<String, List<String>>, Stream<String>> valuesStream = e -> e.getValue() == null ? null : e.getValue().stream(); List<Entry<String, List<String>>> list = EntryStream.of( "a", Arrays.asList("bb", "cc", "dd"), "b", Arrays.asList("ee", "ff"), "c", null) .append("c", Arrays.asList("gg"), "b", null, "a", Arrays.asList("hh")) .toList(); { Map<String, List<String>> expected = EntryStream.of(list.stream()) .flatMapValues(l -> l == null ? null : l.stream()) .grouping(); checkCollector( "flatMappingCombine", expected, list::stream, Collectors.groupingBy( Entry::getKey, MoreCollectors.flatMapping(valuesStream, Collectors.toList()))); AtomicInteger openClose = new AtomicInteger(); Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, Map<String, List<String>>> groupingBy = Collectors.groupingBy( Entry::getKey, MoreCollectors.flatMapping( valuesStream.andThen( s -> { if (s == null) return null; openClose.incrementAndGet(); return s.onClose(openClose::decrementAndGet); }), Collectors.toList())); checkCollector( "flatMappingCombineClosed", expected, list::stream, MoreCollectors.collectingAndThen( groupingBy, res -> { assertEquals(0, openClose.get()); return res; })); boolean catched = false; try { Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, Map<String, List<String>>> groupingByException = Collectors.groupingBy( Entry::getKey, MoreCollectors.flatMapping( valuesStream.andThen( s -> { if (s == null) return null; openClose.incrementAndGet(); return s.onClose(openClose::decrementAndGet) .peek( e -> { if (e.equals("gg")) throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }); }), Collectors.toList())); list.stream() .collect( MoreCollectors.collectingAndThen( groupingByException, res -> { assertEquals(0, openClose.get()); return res; })); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { assertEquals("gg", e1.getMessage()); catched = true; } assertTrue(catched); } { Map<String, List<String>> expected = EntryStream.of( "a", Arrays.asList("bb"), "b", Arrays.asList("ee"), "c", Arrays.asList("gg")) .toMap(); Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, List<String>> headOne = MoreCollectors.flatMapping(valuesStream, MoreCollectors.head(1)); checkCollector( "flatMappingSubShort", expected, list::stream, Collectors.groupingBy(Entry::getKey, headOne)); checkShortCircuitCollector( "flatMappingShort", expected, 4, list::stream, MoreCollectors.groupingBy(Entry::getKey, StreamEx.of("a", "b", "c").toSet(), headOne)); AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger(); Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, List<String>> headPeek = MoreCollectors.flatMapping( valuesStream.andThen(s -> s == null ? null : s.peek(x -> cnt.incrementAndGet())), MoreCollectors.head(1)); assertEquals( expected, StreamEx.of(list).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Entry::getKey, headPeek))); assertEquals(3, cnt.get()); cnt.set(0); assertEquals( expected, StreamEx.of(list) .collect( MoreCollectors.groupingBy( Entry::getKey, StreamEx.of("a", "b", "c").toSet(), headPeek))); assertEquals(3, cnt.get()); } { Map<String, List<String>> expected = EntryStream.of( "a", Arrays.asList("bb", "cc"), "b", Arrays.asList("ee", "ff"), "c", Arrays.asList("gg")) .toMap(); Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, List<String>> headTwo = MoreCollectors.flatMapping(valuesStream, MoreCollectors.head(2)); checkCollector( "flatMappingSubShort", expected, list::stream, Collectors.groupingBy(Entry::getKey, headTwo)); AtomicInteger openClose = new AtomicInteger(); boolean catched = false; try { Collector<Entry<String, List<String>>, ?, Map<String, List<String>>> groupingByException = Collectors.groupingBy( Entry::getKey, MoreCollectors.flatMapping( valuesStream.andThen( s -> { if (s == null) return null; openClose.incrementAndGet(); return s.onClose(openClose::decrementAndGet) .peek( e -> { if (e.equals("gg")) throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }); }), MoreCollectors.head(2))); list.stream() .collect( MoreCollectors.collectingAndThen( groupingByException, res -> { assertEquals(0, openClose.get()); return res; })); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { assertEquals("gg", e1.getMessage()); catched = true; } assertTrue(catched); } }
private static Population<DoubleGene, Double> population(final int min, final int max) { return IntStream.rangeClosed(min, max) .mapToDouble(i -> (double) i) .mapToObj(FitnessThresholdLimitTest::phenotype) .collect(Population.toPopulation()); }