Example #1
  * Log the message at the specified level with the specified exception if any.
  * @param level The level to log at.
  * @param message The message to log.
  * @param e The exception, if any.
 private void log(Level level, String message, Exception e) {
   // millis and thread are filled by the constructor
   LogRecord record = new LogRecord(level, message);
Example #2
 /** Log the specified message after all provider for a given category have been registered. */
 private static void log(final String method, final StringBuilder message) {
   final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.CONFIG, message.toString());
 LogNode findNode(String name) {
   LogNode currentNode = this;
   if (logger.getName().equals(name)) {
     return this;
   // 如果找不到该日志记录器,就找其子类的,比如x.y.z,发现找不到,就找x.y
   while (name != null) {
     final int dotIndex = name.indexOf('.');
     final String nextName;
     if (dotIndex < 0) {
       nextName = name;
       name = null;
     } else {
       nextName = name.substring(0, dotIndex);
       name = name.substring(dotIndex + 1);
     LogNode childNode = currentNode.children.get(nextName);
     if (childNode == null) {
       childNode = new LogNode(currentNode);
       currentNode.children.put(nextName, childNode);
     currentNode = childNode;
   return currentNode;
Example #4
     * Add a named logger.  This does nothing and returns false if a logger
     * with the same name is already registered.
     * <p>
     * The Logger factory methods call this method to register each
     * newly created Logger.
     * <p>
     * The application should retain its own reference to the Logger 
     * object to avoid it being garbage collected.  The LogManager
     * may only retain a weak reference.
     * @param   logger the new logger.
     * @return  true if the argument logger was registered successfully,
     *          false if a logger of that name already exists.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the logger name is null.
    public synchronized boolean addLogger(Logger logger) {
	String name = logger.getName();
	if (name == null) {
	    throw new NullPointerException();

	Logger old = (Logger) loggers.get(name);
	if (old != null) {
	    // We already have a registered logger with the given name.
	    return false;

	// We're adding a new logger.
	// Note that we are creating a strong reference here that will
	// keep the Logger in existence indefinitely.
	loggers.put(name, logger);

	// Apply any initial level defined for the new logger.
	Level level = getLevelProperty(name+".level", null);
	if (level != null) {
	    doSetLevel(logger, level);

	// If any of the logger's parents have levels defined,
	// make sure they are instantiated.
	int ix = 1;
	for (;;) {
	    int ix2 = name.indexOf(".", ix);
	    if (ix2 < 0) {
	    String pname = name.substring(0,ix2);
	    if (getProperty(pname+".level") != null) {
		// This pname has a level definition.  Make sure it exists.
		Logger plogger = Logger.getLogger(pname);
	    ix = ix2+1;

	// Find the new node and its parent.
	LogNode node = findNode(name);
	node.logger = logger;
	Logger parent = null;
	LogNode nodep = node.parent;
	while (nodep != null) {
	    if (nodep.logger != null) {
		parent = nodep.logger;
	    nodep = nodep.parent;

	if (parent != null) {
            doSetParent(logger, parent);
	// Walk over the children and tell them we are their new parent.

	return true;
Example #5
   * Finds the closest ancestor for a logger among the currently
   * registered ones.  For example, if the currently registered
   * loggers have the names "", "foo", and "foo.bar", the result for
   * "foo.bar.baz" will be the logger whose name is "foo.bar".
   * @param child a logger for whose name no logger has been
   *        registered.
   * @return the closest ancestor for <code>child</code>,
   *         or <code>null</code> if <code>child</code>
   *         is the root logger.
   * @throws NullPointerException if <code>child</code>
   *         is <code>null</code>.
  private synchronized Logger findAncestor(Logger child)
    String childName = child.getName();
    Logger best = rootLogger;
    int    bestNameLength = 0;

    Logger  cand;
    String  candName;
    int     candNameLength;

    if (child == rootLogger)
      return null;

    for (Iterator iter = loggers.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
      candName = (String) iter.next();
      candNameLength = candName.length();

      if ((candNameLength > bestNameLength)
	  && childName.startsWith(candName)
	  && (childName.charAt(candNameLength) == '.'))
        cand = (Logger) ((WeakReference) loggers.get(candName)).get();
	if ((cand == null) || (cand == child))

	bestNameLength = candName.length();
	best = cand;

    return best;
Example #6
  // actual initialization process from a given input stream
  private synchronized void readConfigurationImpl(InputStream ins) throws IOException {

    // The RI treats the root logger as special. For compatibility, always
    // update the root logger's handlers.
    Logger root = loggers.get("");
    if (root != null) {

    // parse property "config" and apply setting
    String configs = props.getProperty("config");
    if (configs != null) {
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(configs, " ");
      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String configerName = st.nextToken();

    // set levels for logger
    Collection<Logger> allLoggers = loggers.values();
    for (Logger logger : allLoggers) {
      String property = props.getProperty(logger.getName() + ".level");
      if (property != null) {
    listeners.firePropertyChange(null, null, null);
Example #7
  * Logs a debug message for {@link #getServiceProvider} method. Note: we are not required to
  * insert the method name ({@code "GetServiceProvider"}) in the message because it is part of the
  * informations already stored by {@link LogRecord}, and formatted by the default {@link
  * java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter}.
  * @param status {@code "ENTRY"}, {@code "RETURN"} or {@code "THROW"}, according {@link Logger}
  *     conventions.
  * @param category The category given to the {@link #getServiceProvider} method.
  * @param key The key being examined, or {@code null}.
  * @param message Optional message, or {@code null} if none.
  * @param type Optional class to format after the message, or {@code null}.
 private static void debug(
     final String status,
     final Class<?> category,
     final Hints.Key key,
     final String message,
     final Class type) {
   final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(status);
       .append(Utilities.spaces(Math.max(1, 7 - status.length())))
   if (key != null) {
     buffer.append(", ").append(key);
   if (message != null) {
     buffer.append(": ").append(message);
   if (type != null) {
     buffer.append(' ').append(Classes.getShortName(type)).append('.');
   final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(DEBUG_LEVEL, buffer.toString());
 private void doLog(final Level level, final String str, final Throwable t) {
   try {
     final ModuleLogRecord rec = new ModuleLogRecord(level, str);
     if (t != null) rec.setThrown(t);
   } catch (Throwable ignored) {
  public TransportListener(
      final JbiTransportListener jtl,
      final ServerBootstrap partialBootstrap,
      final Logger logger,
      final ClassResolver cr) {
    this.jtl = jtl;
    this.logger = logger;

    // shared between all the connections of this listener
    final LoggingHandler debugs =
        new LoggingHandler(logger.getName() + ".dispatcher", LogLevel.TRACE);
    final ChannelHandler errors = new LastLoggingHandler(logger.getName() + ".errors");

    final ObjectEncoder objectEncoder = new ObjectEncoder();

    final ServerBootstrap _bootstrap =
            .handler(new LoggingHandler(logger.getName() + ".listener"))
                new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
                  protected void initChannel(final @Nullable Channel ch) throws Exception {
                    assert ch != null;
                    final ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
                    p.addLast(HandlerConstants.LOG_DEBUG_HANDLER, debugs);
                    p.addLast(new ObjectDecoder(cr));
                        new AuthenticatorSSLHandler(
                            new DomainHandlerBuilder<ConsumerDomain>() {
                              public ChannelHandler build(final ConsumerDomain domain) {
                                return new DomainHandler(domain);
                    p.addLast(HandlerConstants.LOG_ERRORS_HANDLER, errors);
    assert _bootstrap != null;
    bootstrap = _bootstrap;
Example #10
  * Add a given logger into the hierarchical namespace. The {@code Logger.addLogger()} factory
  * methods call this method to add newly created Logger. This returns false if a logger with the
  * given name has existed in the namespace
  * <p>Note that the {@code LogManager} may only retain weak references to registered loggers. In
  * order to prevent {@code Logger} objects from being unexpectedly garbage collected it is
  * necessary for <i>applications</i> to maintain references to them.
  * @param logger the logger to be added.
  * @return true if the given logger is added into the namespace successfully, false if the given
  *     logger exists in the namespace.
 public synchronized boolean addLogger(Logger logger) {
   String name = logger.getName();
   if (loggers.get(name) != null) {
     return false;
   addToFamilyTree(logger, name);
   loggers.put(name, logger);
   return true;
Example #11
  /** Computes the source method name for the log output. */
  private String getMethodName() {
    StackTraceElement[] steArray = new Throwable().getStackTrace();

    for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : steArray) {
      if (logger.getName().equals(stackTraceElement.getClassName())) {
        return stackTraceElement.getMethodName();

    return null;
  public void testInjectsJustOneLogger() {
    AtomicReference<Logger> loggerRef = new AtomicReference<Logger>();
    Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new FooModule(loggerRef));

    Logger lastLogger = loggerRef.getAndSet(null);
    assertSame(lastLogger, loggerRef.get());

    assertEquals(FooModule.class.getName(), lastLogger.getName());
  public String getParentLoggerName(String loggerName) {
    Logger l = logManager.getLogger(loggerName);
    if (l == null) {
      return null;

    Logger p = l.getParent();
    if (p == null) {
      // root logger
      return EMPTY_STRING;
    } else {
      return p.getName();
Example #14
 /* pp */ FQNLogger(final String fqnClassName, final String simpleClassName, final Level level) {
   this.impl = Logger.getLogger(fqnClassName);
   this.handler = new PlainLogConsoleHandler(new PlainLogFormatter(simpleClassName), Level.ALL);
       "Logging.new: "
           + impl.getName()
           + ": level "
           + level
           + ": obj 0x"
           + Integer.toHexString(impl.hashCode()));
Example #15
  * Register the "RecodeNoData" image operation to the operation registry of the specified JAI
  * instance.
 public static void register(final JAI jai) {
   final OperationRegistry registry = jai.getOperationRegistry();
   try {
     registry.registerDescriptor(new Descriptor());
         RenderedRegistryMode.MODE_NAME, OPERATION_NAME, "geotools.org", new CRIF());
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
     final LogRecord record =
         Loggings.format(Level.SEVERE, LoggingKeys.CANT_REGISTER_JAI_OPERATION_$1, OPERATION_NAME);
Example #16
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean#getParentLoggerName(java.lang.String)
  public String getParentLoggerName(String loggerName) {
    String result = null;

    Logger logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger(loggerName);
    if (logger != null) {
      // The named Logger exists. Now attempt to obtain its parent.
      Logger parent = logger.getParent();
      if (parent != null) {
        // There is a parent
        result = parent.getName();
      } else {
        // logger must be the root Logger
        result = "";
    return result;
Example #17
 /** Invoked when a factory can't be loaded. Log a warning, but do not stop the process. */
 private static void loadingFailure(
     final Class<?> category, final Throwable error, final boolean showStackTrace) {
   final String name = Classes.getShortName(category);
   final StringBuilder cause = new StringBuilder(Classes.getShortClassName(error));
   final String message = error.getLocalizedMessage();
   if (message != null) {
     cause.append(": ");
   final LogRecord record =
       Loggings.format(Level.WARNING, LoggingKeys.CANT_LOAD_SERVICE_$2, name, cause.toString());
   if (showStackTrace) {
Example #18
  public static Date parse(String _date, String format) {
    Date date;
    DateFormat dateFmt;

    dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat(format);

    try {
      date = dateFmt.parse(_date);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      date = null;

          "{0}.{1}() -> {2}",
          new Object[] {LOGGER.getName(), "parse", e.getMessage()});

    return date;
Example #19
  private void addToFamilyTree(Logger logger, String name) {
    Logger parent = null;
    // find parent
    int lastSeparator;
    String parentName = name;
    while ((lastSeparator = parentName.lastIndexOf('.')) != -1) {
      parentName = parentName.substring(0, lastSeparator);
      parent = loggers.get(parentName);
      if (parent != null) {
        setParent(logger, parent);
      } else if (getProperty(parentName + ".level") != null
          || getProperty(parentName + ".handlers") != null) {
        parent = Logger.getLogger(parentName);
        setParent(logger, parent);
    if (parent == null && (parent = loggers.get("")) != null) {
      setParent(logger, parent);

    // find children
    // TODO: performance can be improved here?
    String nameDot = name + '.';
    Collection<Logger> allLoggers = loggers.values();
    for (final Logger child : allLoggers) {
      Logger oldParent = child.getParent();
      if (parent == oldParent && (name.length() == 0 || child.getName().startsWith(nameDot))) {
        final Logger thisLogger = logger;
        if (oldParent != null) {
          // -- remove from old parent as the parent has been changed
Example #20
  public void testDefaultLoggerProperties() throws Exception {
    // mock LogManager has no default logger

    // non-mock LogManager has two default logger
    Logger global = manager.getLogger("global");
    Logger root = manager.getLogger("");

    assertSame(global, Logger.global);
    assertSame(root, global.getParent());

    // root properties
    assertEquals(2, root.getHandlers().length);
    assertEquals(Level.FINE, root.getLevel());
    assertEquals("", root.getName());
    assertSame(root.getParent(), null);
   * Returns the backing-store factory for HSQL syntax. If the cached tables are not available, they
   * will be created now from the SQL scripts bundled in this plugin.
   * @param hints A map of hints, including the low-level factories to use for CRS creation.
   * @return The EPSG factory using HSQL syntax.
   * @throws SQLException if connection to the database failed.
  protected AbstractAuthorityFactory createBackingStore(final Hints hints) throws SQLException {
    final DataSource source = getDataSource();
    final File directory = getDirectory(source);
    if (!dataExists(directory)) {
      FileLock lock = null;
      try {
        // get an exclusive lock
        lock = acquireLock(directory);

        // if after getting the lock the database is still incomplete let's work on it
        if (!dataExists(directory)) {
           * HSQL has created automatically an empty database. We need to populate it.
           * Executes the SQL scripts bundled in the JAR. In theory, each line contains
           * a full SQL statement. For this plugin however, we have compressed "INSERT
           * INTO" statements using Compactor class in this package.
          final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(LOGGER);
          final LogRecord record =
              Loggings.format(Level.INFO, LoggingKeys.CREATING_CACHED_EPSG_DATABASE_$1, VERSION);

          ZipInputStream zin =
              new ZipInputStream(ThreadedH2EpsgFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(ZIP_FILE));
          ZipEntry ze = null;
          byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
          int read = 0;
          while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
            File file = new File(directory, ze.getName());
            if (file.exists()) {
            FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
            while ((read = zin.read(buf)) > 0) {
              fout.write(buf, 0, read);

          // mark the successful creation
          File marker = new File(directory, MARKER_FILE);
          if (marker.exists()) {

      } catch (IOException exception) {
        SQLException e = new SQLException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_READ_$1, ZIP_FILE));
        e.initCause(exception); // TODO: inline cause when we will be allowed to target Java 6.
        throw e;
      } finally {
        if (lock != null) {
          try {
            new File(directory, LOCK_FILE).delete();
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // does not matter, was just cleanup
    FactoryUsingAnsiSQL factory = new FactoryUsingAnsiSQL(hints, getDataSource().getConnection());
    factory.setValidationQuery("CALL NOW()");
    return factory;
    synchronized void update(Set<UpdatableNode> seenNodes) {
      try {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        CommandResult res = _port.runCommand(_mongo.getDB("admin"), _isMasterCmd);
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        float newPingMS = (end - start) / 1000000F;
        if (!successfullyContacted) _pingTimeMS = newPingMS;
        else _pingTimeMS = _pingTimeMS + ((newPingMS - _pingTimeMS) / latencySmoothFactor);

            "Latency to " + _addr + " actual=" + newPingMS + " smoothed=" + _pingTimeMS);

        successfullyContacted = true;

        if (res == null) {
          throw new MongoInternalException("Invalid null value returned from isMaster");

        if (!_ok) {
          _logger.get().log(Level.INFO, "Server seen up: " + _addr);
        _ok = true;
        _isMaster = res.getBoolean("ismaster", false);
        _isSecondary = res.getBoolean("secondary", false);

        if (res.containsField("hosts")) {
          for (Object x : (List) res.get("hosts")) {
            String host = x.toString();
            UpdatableNode node = _addIfNotHere(host);
            if (node != null && seenNodes != null) seenNodes.add(node);

        if (res.containsField("passives")) {
          for (Object x : (List) res.get("passives")) {
            String host = x.toString();
            UpdatableNode node = _addIfNotHere(host);
            if (node != null && seenNodes != null) seenNodes.add(node);

        // Tags were added in 2.0 but may not be present
        if (res.containsField("tags")) {
          DBObject tags = (DBObject) res.get("tags");
          for (String key : tags.keySet()) {
            _tags.put(key, tags.get(key).toString());

        // max size was added in 1.8
        if (res.containsField("maxBsonObjectSize")) {
          _maxBsonObjectSize = (Integer) res.get("maxBsonObjectSize");
        } else {
          _maxBsonObjectSize = Bytes.MAX_OBJECT_SIZE;

        if (res.containsField("setName")) {
          String setName = res.get("setName").toString();
          if (_setName.get() == null) {
            _logger.set(Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + setName));
          } else if (!_setName.get().equals(setName)) {
                .log(Level.SEVERE, "mismatch set name old: " + _setName.get() + " new: " + setName);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (_ok) {
          _logger.get().log(Level.WARNING, "Server seen down: " + _addr, e);
        } else if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
          _logger.get().log(Level.WARNING, "Server seen down: " + _addr, e);
        _ok = false;
Example #23
 private SSLHandlerTest() {
   logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
   logger.info("Logger(" + logger.getName() + ") finest(" + logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) + ")");
   * Add the specified logger to the classloader local configuration.
   * @param logger The logger to be added
  public synchronized boolean addLogger(final Logger logger) {

    final String loggerName = logger.getName();

    ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    ClassLoaderLogManagerClassLoaderLogInfo info = getClassLoaderInfo(classLoader);
    if (info.getLoggers().containsKey(loggerName)) {
      return false;
    info.getLoggers().put(loggerName, logger);

    // Apply initial level for new logger
    final String levelString = getProperty(loggerName + ".level");
    if (levelString != null) {
      try {
            new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
              public Void run() {
                return null;
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // Leave level set to null

    // Always instantiate parent loggers so that
    // we can control log categories even during runtime
    int dotIndex = loggerName.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (dotIndex >= 0) {
      final String parentName = loggerName.substring(0, dotIndex);

    // Find associated node
    ClassLoaderLogManagerLogNode node = info.getRootNode().findNode(loggerName);

    // Set parent logger
    Logger parentLogger = node.findParentLogger();
    if (parentLogger != null) {
      doSetParentLogger(logger, parentLogger);

    // Tell children we are their new parent

    // Add associated handlers, if any are defined using the .handlers property.
    // In this case, handlers of the parent logger(s) will not be used
    String handlers = getProperty(loggerName + ".handlers");
    if (handlers != null) {
      StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(handlers, ",");
      while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String handlerName = (tok.nextToken().trim());
        Handler handler = null;
        ClassLoader current = classLoader;
        while (current != null) {
          info = classLoaderLoggers.get(current);
          if (info != null) {
            handler = info.getHandlers().get(handlerName);
            if (handler != null) {
          current = current.getParent();
        if (handler != null) {

    // Parse useParentHandlers to set if the logger should delegate to its parent.
    // Unlike java.util.logging, the default is to not delegate if a list of handlers
    // has been specified for the logger.
    String useParentHandlersString = getProperty(loggerName + ".useParentHandlers");
    if (Boolean.valueOf(useParentHandlersString).booleanValue()) {

    return true;
Example #25
 public String getName() {
   return impl.getName();
 public void testGetName() throws Exception {
   assertThat(logger.getName(), equalTo(LOGGER_NAME));
Example #27
  * Implementation of {@link #unexpectedException(Logger, Class, String, Throwable)}.
  * @param logger Where to log the error, or {@code null}.
  * @param classe The fully qualified class name where the error occurred, or {@code null}.
  * @param method The method where the error occurred, or {@code null}.
  * @param error The error.
  * @param level The logging level.
  * @return {@code true} if the error has been logged, or {@code false} if the logger doesn't log
  *     anything at the specified level.
 private static boolean unexpectedException(
     Logger logger, String classe, String method, final Throwable error, final Level level) {
    * Checks if loggable, inferring the logger from the classe name if needed.
   if (error == null) {
     return false;
   if (logger == null && classe != null) {
     final int separator = classe.lastIndexOf('.');
     final String paquet = (separator >= 1) ? classe.substring(0, separator - 1) : "";
     logger = getLogger(paquet);
   if (logger != null && !logger.isLoggable(level)) {
     return false;
    * Loggeable, so complete the null argument from the stack trace if we can.
   if (logger == null || classe == null || method == null) {
     String paquet = (logger != null) ? logger.getName() : null;
     final StackTraceElement[] elements = error.getStackTrace();
     for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        * Searchs for the first stack trace element with a classname matching the
        * expected one. We compare preferably against the name of the class given
        * in argument, or against the logger name (taken as the package name) otherwise.
       final StackTraceElement element = elements[i];
       final String classname = element.getClassName();
       if (classe != null) {
         if (!classname.equals(classe)) {
       } else if (paquet != null) {
         if (!classname.startsWith(paquet)) {
         final int length = paquet.length();
         if (classname.length() > length) {
           // We expect '.' but we accept also '$' or end of string.
           final char separator = classname.charAt(length);
           if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(separator)) {
        * Now that we have a stack trace element from the expected class (or any
        * element if we don't know the class), make sure that we have the right method.
       final String methodName = element.getMethodName();
       if (method != null && !methodName.equals(method)) {
        * Now computes every values that are null, and stop the loop.
       if (paquet == null) {
         final int separator = classname.lastIndexOf('.');
         paquet = (separator >= 1) ? classname.substring(0, separator - 1) : "";
         logger = getLogger(paquet);
         if (!logger.isLoggable(level)) {
           return false;
       if (classe == null) {
         classe = classname;
       if (method == null) {
         method = methodName;
      * The logger may stay null if we have been unable to find a suitable
      * stack trace. Fallback on the global logger.
      * TODO: Use GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME constant when we will be allowed to target Java 6.
     if (logger == null) {
       logger = getLogger("global");
       if (!logger.isLoggable(level)) {
         return false;
    * Now prepare the log message. If we have been unable to figure out a source class and
    * method name, we will fallback on Java logging default mechanism, which may returns a
    * less relevant name than our attempt to use the logger name as the package name.
   final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(Classes.getShortClassName(error));
   final String message = error.getLocalizedMessage();
   if (message != null) {
     buffer.append(": ").append(message);
   final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(level, buffer.toString());
   if (classe != null) {
   if (method != null) {
   if (level.intValue() > 500) {
   return true;
   * Add a named logger. This does nothing and returns false if a logger with the same name is
   * already registered.
   * <p>The Logger factory methods call this method to register each newly created Logger.
   * <p>The application should retain its own reference to the Logger object to avoid it being
   * garbage collected. The LogManager may only retain a weak reference.
   * @param logger the new logger.
   * @return true if the argument logger was registered successfully, false if a logger of that name
   *     already exists.
   * @exception NullPointerException if the logger name is null.
  public synchronized boolean addLogger(Logger logger) {
    final String name = logger.getName();
    if (name == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();

    // cleanup some Loggers that have been GC'ed

    LoggerWeakRef ref = namedLoggers.get(name);
    if (ref != null) {
      if (ref.get() == null) {
        // It's possible that the Logger was GC'ed after the
        // drainLoggerRefQueueBounded() call above so allow
        // a new one to be registered.
      } else {
        // We already have a registered logger with the given name.
        return false;

    // We're adding a new logger.
    // Note that we are creating a weak reference here.
    ref = new LoggerWeakRef(logger);
    namedLoggers.put(name, ref);

    // Apply any initial level defined for the new logger.
    Level level = getLevelProperty(name + ".level", null);
    if (level != null) {
      doSetLevel(logger, level);

    // Do we have a per logger handler too?
    // Note: this will add a 200ms penalty
    loadLoggerHandlers(logger, name, name + ".handlers");
    processParentHandlers(logger, name);

    // Find the new node and its parent.
    LogNode node = findNode(name);
    node.loggerRef = ref;
    Logger parent = null;
    LogNode nodep = node.parent;
    while (nodep != null) {
      LoggerWeakRef nodeRef = nodep.loggerRef;
      if (nodeRef != null) {
        parent = nodeRef.get();
        if (parent != null) {
      nodep = nodep.parent;

    if (parent != null) {
      doSetParent(logger, parent);
    // Walk over the children and tell them we are their new parent.

    // new LogNode is ready so tell the LoggerWeakRef about it
    return true;
 public void testGlobalLoggerName() throws Exception {
   final Logger root = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);
   assertThat(root.getName(), equalTo(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME));
    LoggerWeakRef(Logger logger) {
      super(logger, loggerRefQueue);

      name = logger.getName(); // save for namedLoggers cleanup