public long startTcpServer(SocketAddress sa) throws EmReactorException { try { ServerSocketChannel server =; server.configureBlocking(false); server.socket().bind(sa); long s = createBinding(); Acceptors.put(s, server); server.register(mySelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, s); return s; } catch (IOException e) { throw new EmReactorException("unable to open socket acceptor: " + e.toString()); } }
public long connectTcpServer(String bindAddr, int bindPort, String address, int port) { long b = createBinding(); try { SocketChannel sc =; sc.configureBlocking(false); if (bindAddr != null) sc.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(bindAddr, bindPort)); EventableSocketChannel ec = new EventableSocketChannel(sc, b, mySelector); if (sc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port))) { // Connection returned immediately. Can happen with localhost connections. // WARNING, this code is untested due to lack of available test conditions. // Ought to be be able to come here from a localhost connection, but that // doesn't happen on Linux. (Maybe on FreeBSD?) // The reason for not handling this until we can test it is that we // really need to return from this function WITHOUT triggering any EM events. // That's because until the user code has seen the signature we generated here, // it won't be able to properly dispatch them. The C++ EM deals with this // by setting pending mode as a flag in ALL eventable descriptors and making // the descriptor select for writable. Then, it can send UNBOUND and // CONNECTION_COMPLETED on the next pass through the loop, because writable will // fire. throw new RuntimeException("immediate-connect unimplemented"); } else { ec.setConnectPending(); Connections.put(b, ec); NewConnections.add(b); } } catch (IOException e) { // Can theoretically come here if a connect failure can be determined immediately. // I don't know how to make that happen for testing purposes. throw new RuntimeException("immediate-connect unimplemented: " + e.toString()); } return b; }