   * Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical coordinate space of the model.
   * @param v the view containing the view coordinates
   * @param x the X coordinate
   * @param y the Y coordinate
   * @param a the allocated region to render into
   * @param biasReturn either <code>Position.Bias.Forward</code> or <code>Position.Bias.Backward
   *     </code> is returned as the zero-th element of this array
   * @return the location within the model that best represents the given point of view
   * @see View#viewToModel
  public int viewToModel(GlyphView v, float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] biasReturn) {

    Rectangle2D alloc = (a instanceof Rectangle2D) ? (Rectangle2D) a : a.getBounds2D();
    // Move the y co-ord of the hit onto the baseline.  This is because TextLayout supports
    // italic carets and we do not.
    TextHitInfo hit = layout.hitTestChar(x - (float) alloc.getX(), 0);
    int pos = hit.getInsertionIndex();

    if (pos == v.getEndOffset()) {

    biasReturn[0] = hit.isLeadingEdge() ? Position.Bias.Forward : Position.Bias.Backward;
    return pos + v.getStartOffset();
  public Shape modelToView(GlyphView v, int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape a)
      throws BadLocationException {
    int offs = pos - v.getStartOffset();
    Rectangle2D alloc = a.getBounds2D();
    TextHitInfo hit =
        (bias == Position.Bias.Forward)
            ? TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offs)
            : TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(offs);
    float[] locs = layout.getCaretInfo(hit);

    // vertical at the baseline, should use slope and check if glyphs
    // are being rendered vertically.
    alloc.setRect(alloc.getX() + locs[0], alloc.getY(), 1, alloc.getHeight());
    return alloc;
  * Paint the glyphs for the given view. This is implemented to only render if the Graphics is of
  * type Graphics2D which is required by TextLayout (and this should be the case if running on the
  * JDK).
 public void paint(GlyphView v, Graphics g, Shape a, int p0, int p1) {
   if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
     Rectangle2D alloc = a.getBounds2D();
     Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
     float y = (float) alloc.getY() + layout.getAscent() + layout.getLeading();
     float x = (float) alloc.getX();
     if (p0 > v.getStartOffset() || p1 < v.getEndOffset()) {
       try {
         // TextLayout can't render only part of it's range, so if a
         // partial range is required, add a clip region.
         Shape s = v.modelToView(p0, Position.Bias.Forward, p1, Position.Bias.Backward, a);
         Shape savedClip = g.getClip();
         layout.draw(g2d, x, y);
       } catch (BadLocationException e) {
     } else {
       layout.draw(g2d, x, y);
Example #4
 // Graphics2D g=getG();return g==null?null:g.getClip();}
 public Rectangle getClipBounds() {
   Shape s = bufferClip();
   return s == null ? null : s.getBounds();