/** * Creates a Discussion Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a comment and threadId request parameter * for the POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void createPostAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<>(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); // Create the discussion post DiscussionPost post = new DiscussionPost(); post.setUserId(userSession.getUserId()); post.setMessage(req.getParameter("comment")); post.setThreadId(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("threadId"))); dm.createPost(post); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/group/discussion/?threadId=" + req.getParameter("threadId")); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } }
/** * Deletes a meeting from the database * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a meetingId request parameter for the * HTTP GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void deletemeetingAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Get the meeting int meetingId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("meetingId")); MeetingManager meetingMan = new MeetingManager(); Meeting meeting = meetingMan.get(meetingId); meetingMan.deleteMeeting(meetingId); // Update the User Session to remove meeting HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); List<Meeting> adminMeetings = userSession.getUser().getMeetings(); for (int i = 0; i < adminMeetings.size(); i++) { Meeting m = adminMeetings.get(i); if (m.getId() == meeting.getId()) { adminMeetings.remove(i); break; } } redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { httpNotFound(req, res); } }
public static void sfSendEmail(String subject, String message) throws Exception { String SMTP_HOST_NAME = "smtp.gmail.com"; String SMTP_PORT = "465"; // message = "Test Email Notification From Monitor"; // subject = "Test Email Notification From Monitor"; String from = "*****@*****.**"; String[] recipients = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; String SSL_FACTORY = "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"; // String[] recipients = { "*****@*****.**"}; // String[] recipients = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", // "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", // "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"}; // String[] recipients = {"*****@*****.**"}; Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider()); boolean debug = true; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.host", SMTP_HOST_NAME); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); // props.put("mail.debug", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.port", SMTP_PORT); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", SMTP_PORT); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance( props, new Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication( "*****@*****.**", "els102sensorweb"); } }); // session.setDebug(debug); Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from); msg.setFrom(addressFrom); InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[recipients.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(recipients[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo); // Setting the Subject and Content Type msg.setSubject(subject); msg.setContent(message, "text/plain"); Transport.send(msg); System.out.println("Sucessfully Sent mail to All Users"); }
/** * Removes User from the Group * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for the HTTP * GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void leaveAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); int userId = userSession.getUser().getId(); GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); groupMan.removeMapping(groupId, userId); // reload groups into the user userSession.getUser().setGroups(groupMan.getAllGroups(userId)); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } }
/** * Creates a notification to a Group coordinator signaling that a user wants to join their group * * <p>- Requires a groupId request parameter for the GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void inviteAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); try { // Get the session user HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User user = userSession.getUser(); // Get the coordinator for the group GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); Group group = groupMan.get(groupId); User coordinator = groupMan.getCoordinator(groupId); // Send a notification to the coordinator for them to permit access to the group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); Notification notification = new Notification( coordinator.getId(), coordinator, groupId, group, user.getFullName() + " wants to join your group " + group.getGroupName(), "/home/notifications?addUserId=" + user.getId() + "&groupId=" + group.getId()); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } catch (Exception e) { redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); } }
/** * Gets the value of the specified environment variable. * * @param ses SSH session. * @param cmd environment variable name. * @return environment variable value. * @throws JSchException In case of SSH error. * @throws IOException If failed. */ private String exec(Session ses, String cmd) throws JSchException, IOException { ChannelExec ch = null; try { ch = (ChannelExec) ses.openChannel("exec"); ch.setCommand(cmd); ch.connect(); try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ch.getInputStream()))) { return reader.readLine(); } } finally { if (ch != null && ch.isConnected()) ch.disconnect(); } }
/** * Executes command using {@code shell} channel. * * @param ses SSH session. * @param cmd Command. * @throws JSchException In case of SSH error. * @throws IOException If IO error occurs. * @throws IgniteInterruptedCheckedException If thread was interrupted while waiting. */ private void shell(Session ses, String cmd) throws JSchException, IOException, IgniteInterruptedCheckedException { ChannelShell ch = null; try { ch = (ChannelShell) ses.openChannel("shell"); ch.connect(); try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(ch.getOutputStream(), true)) { out.println(cmd); U.sleep(1000); } } finally { if (ch != null && ch.isConnected()) ch.disconnect(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ClusterStartNodeResult call() { JSch ssh = new JSch(); Session ses = null; try { if (spec.key() != null) ssh.addIdentity(spec.key().getAbsolutePath()); ses = ssh.getSession(spec.username(), spec.host(), spec.port()); if (spec.password() != null) ses.setPassword(spec.password()); ses.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); ses.connect(timeout); boolean win = isWindows(ses); char separator = win ? '\\' : '/'; spec.fixPaths(separator); String igniteHome = spec.igniteHome(); if (igniteHome == null) igniteHome = win ? DFLT_IGNITE_HOME_WIN : DFLT_IGNITE_HOME_LINUX; String script = spec.script(); if (script == null) script = DFLT_SCRIPT_LINUX; String cfg = spec.configuration(); if (cfg == null) cfg = ""; String startNodeCmd; String scriptOutputFileName = FILE_NAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date()) + '-' + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8) + ".log"; if (win) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Apache Ignite cannot be auto-started on Windows from IgniteCluster.startNodes(…) API."); else { // Assume Unix. int spaceIdx = script.indexOf(' '); String scriptPath = spaceIdx > -1 ? script.substring(0, spaceIdx) : script; String scriptArgs = spaceIdx > -1 ? script.substring(spaceIdx + 1) : ""; String rmtLogArgs = buildRemoteLogArguments(spec.username(), spec.host()); String tmpDir = env(ses, "$TMPDIR", "/tmp/"); String scriptOutputDir = tmpDir + "ignite-startNodes"; shell(ses, "mkdir " + scriptOutputDir); // Mac os don't support ~ in double quotes. Trying get home path from remote system. if (igniteHome.startsWith("~")) { String homeDir = env(ses, "$HOME", "~"); igniteHome = igniteHome.replaceFirst("~", homeDir); } startNodeCmd = new SB() . // Console output is consumed, started nodes must use Ignite file appenders for log. a("nohup ") .a("\"") .a(igniteHome) .a('/') .a(scriptPath) .a("\"") .a(" ") .a(scriptArgs) .a(!cfg.isEmpty() ? " \"" : "") .a(cfg) .a(!cfg.isEmpty() ? "\"" : "") .a(rmtLogArgs) .a(" > ") .a(scriptOutputDir) .a("/") .a(scriptOutputFileName) .a(" 2>& 1 &") .toString(); } info("Starting remote node with SSH command: " + startNodeCmd, spec.logger(), log); shell(ses, startNodeCmd); return new ClusterStartNodeResultImpl(spec.host(), true, null); } catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException e) { return new ClusterStartNodeResultImpl(spec.host(), false, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { return new ClusterStartNodeResultImpl(spec.host(), false, X.getFullStackTrace(e)); } finally { if (ses != null && ses.isConnected()) ses.disconnect(); } }
/** * Displays a given Research Group page for a HTTP Get, or creates a new Group for a HTTP Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for a GET - * Requires a groupName, description, createdByUserId request parameters for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void researchgroupAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); viewData.put("title", "Research Group"); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Load group data into Map GroupManager gm = new GroupManager(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); Group group = gm.get(groupId); if (group != null) { // Load Group into map viewData.put("group", group); // Load group members into Map List<String> groupMembers = gm.getGroupMembers(groupId); viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers); // Load meetings into map MeetingManager meetMan = new MeetingManager(); List<Meeting> groupMeetings = meetMan.getGroupMeetings(groupId); viewData.put("groupMeetings", groupMeetings); // Load Document Data into Map DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); List<Document> groupDocuments = docMan.getGroupDocuments(groupId); viewData.put("groupDocuments", groupDocuments); // Load discussion threads DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); viewData.put("groupDiscussions", dm.getThreads(groupId)); // Check if the user is a member boolean isMember = false; HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User user = userSession.getUser(); for (Group g : gm.getAllGroups(user.getId())) { if (g.getId() == group.getId()) { isMember = true; break; } } viewData.put("notMember", !isMember); // View group page. view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // Create Group // Get data from parameters String groupName = req.getParameter("groupName"); String description = req.getParameter("description"); int adminId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("createdByUserId")); // Create the Group GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); Group group = new Group(); group.setGroupName(groupName); group.setDescription(description); group.setCoordinatorId(adminId); // Create the mapping groupMan.createGroup(group); int groupId = groupMan.getIdFor(group); groupMan.createMapping(groupId, adminId); group.setId(groupId); // Update the User Session to show new group HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User admin = userSession.getUser(); admin.getGroups().add(group); // Show the Group Page viewData.put("groupName", group.getGroupName()); List<String> groupMembers = groupMan.getGroupMembers(groupId); viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers); view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData); } }
/** * Displays the Create Discussion page for a HTTP Get, or creates a Discussion Thread for a HTTP * Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for a GET - * Requires a groupId and threadName request parameter for a POST - Requires a document request * part for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void createDiscussionAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<>(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { viewData.put("title", "Create Discussion"); viewData.put("groupId", req.getParameter("groupId")); view(req, res, "/views/group/CreateDiscussion.jsp", viewData); return; } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // save discussion GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); DiscussionThread thread = new DiscussionThread(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); thread.setGroupId(groupId); thread.setGroup(groupMan.get(groupId)); thread.setThreadName(req.getParameter("threadName")); DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); dm.createDiscussion(thread); try { Part documentPart = req.getPart("document"); // if we have a document to upload if (documentPart.getSize() > 0) { String uuid = DocumentController.saveDocument(this.getServletContext(), documentPart); Document doc = new Document(); doc.setDocumentName(getFileName(documentPart)); doc.setDocumentPath(uuid); doc.setVersionNumber(1); doc.setThreadId(thread.getId()); doc.setGroupId(thread.getGroupId()); DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); docMan.createDocument(doc); // Get uploading User HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User uploader = userSession.getUser(); // Create a notification to all in the group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); groupMan = new GroupManager(); List<User> groupUsers = groupMan.getGroupUsers(groupId); for (User u : groupUsers) { Notification notification = new Notification( u.getId(), u, groupId, null, "User " + uploader.getFullName() + " has uploaded a document", "/document/document?documentId=" + doc.getId()); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Document save error", e); } redirectToLocal(req, res, "/group/discussion/?threadId=" + thread.getId()); return; } httpNotFound(req, res); }
/** * Displays a given Meeting page for a HTTP Get, or creates a new Meeting for a HTTP Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a meetingId request parameter for a GET * - Requires description, createdByUserId, datepicker, meetingTime, groupId request parameters * for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void meetingAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); viewData.put("title", "Meeting"); // Initialise Manager connections MeetingManager meetingMan = new MeetingManager(); GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Get request parameter int meetingId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("meetingId")); Meeting meeting = meetingMan.get(meetingId); if (meeting != null) { List<User> meetingUsers = groupMan.getGroupUsers(meeting.getGroupId()); viewData.put("meetingUsers", meetingUsers); viewData.put("meeting", meeting); view(req, res, "/views/group/Meeting.jsp", viewData); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // Get details from request String description = req.getParameter("description"); int createdByUserId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("createdByUserId")); Date dateCreated = new Date(); String meetingDate = req.getParameter("datepicker"); String meetingTime = req.getParameter("meetingTime"); // Parse meeting date time details DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); Date dateDue = new Date(); try { dateDue = format.parse(meetingDate + " " + meetingTime); } catch (ParseException e) { // Unable to parse date. This shouldn't happen since we are // performing javascript validation. } int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); // Create a Meeting Meeting meeting = new Meeting(); meeting.setDescription(description); meeting.setCreatedByUserId(createdByUserId); meeting.setDateCreated(dateCreated); meeting.setDateDue(dateDue); meeting.setGroupId(groupId); meetingMan.createMeeting(meeting); int meetingId = meetingMan.getIdFor(meeting); meeting.setId(meetingId); UserManager userMan = new UserManager(); User createdByUser = userMan.get(createdByUserId); // Create a notification for all users in group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); List<User> users = groupMan.getGroupUsers(groupId); for (User u : users) { Notification notification = new Notification( u.getId(), u, groupId, null, "Meeting " + description + " was created by " + createdByUser.getFullName(), "/group/meeting?meetingId=" + meetingId); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); } // Update the User Session to show new meeting HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User admin = userSession.getUser(); admin.getMeetings().add(meeting); // Show meeting page viewData.put("meetingUsers", users); viewData.put("meeting", meeting); view(req, res, "/views/group/Meeting.jsp", viewData); } }
public static void sendEmail(String subject, String message) throws Exception { /* String mailhost = "mail.vancouver.wsu.edu"; String cc = null; String bcc = null; boolean debug = false; String file = null; String mailer = "msgsend"; String sender = "mail.vancouver.wsu.edu"; Properties props = System.getProperties(); if (mailhost != null) props.put("mail.smtp.host", mailhost); // Get a Session object Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null); if (debug) session.setDebug(true); // construct the message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); if (sender != null) msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sender)); else msg.setFrom(); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(receivers[0], false)); if (cc != null) msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, InternetAddress.parse(cc, false)); if (bcc != null) msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, InternetAddress.parse(bcc, false)); msg.setSubject(subject); String text = content; if (file != null) { // Attach the specified file. // We need a multipart message to hold the attachment. MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp1.setText(text); MimeBodyPart mbp2 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp2.attachFile(file); MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart(); mp.addBodyPart(mbp1); mp.addBodyPart(mbp2); msg.setContent(mp); } else { // If the desired charset is known, you can use // setText(text, charset) msg.setText(text); } msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", mailer); msg.setSentDate(new Date()); // send the thing off Transport.send(msg); System.out.println("\nMail was sent successfully."); */ // Xiaogang: checkbox // System.out.println("sendemail"+MainFrame.EMAIL_ENABLE); if (MainFrame.EMAIL_ENABLE == false) return; String SMTP_HOST_NAME = "smtp.gmail.com"; String SMTP_PORT = "465"; // message = "Test Email Notification From Monitor"; // subject = "Test Email Notification From Monitor"; String from = "*****@*****.**"; String SSL_FACTORY = "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"; String[] recipients = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; // String[] recipients = { "*****@*****.**"}; // String[] recipients = { , "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", // "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"}; // String[] recipients = {"*****@*****.**"}; Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider()); boolean debug = true; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.host", SMTP_HOST_NAME); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); // props.put("mail.debug", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.port", SMTP_PORT); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", SMTP_PORT); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance( props, new Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication( "*****@*****.**", "els102sensorweb"); } }); // session.setDebug(debug); Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from); msg.setFrom(addressFrom); InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[recipients.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(recipients[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo); // Setting the Subject and Content Type msg.setSubject(subject); msg.setContent(message, "text/plain"); Transport.send(msg); System.out.println("Sucessfully Sent mail to All Users"); }