// A function to rotate a vector public void rotateVector(PVector v, float theta) { float m = v.mag(); float a = v.heading2D(); a += theta; v.x = m * PApplet.cos(a); v.y = m * PApplet.sin(a); }
public void avoid(ArrayList obstacles) { // Make a vector that will be the position of the object // relative to the Boid rotated in the direction of boid's velocity PVector closestRotated = new PVector(sight + 1, sight + 1); float closestDistance = 99999; Obstacle avoid = null; // Let's look at each obstacle for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { Obstacle o = (Obstacle) obstacles.get(i); float d = PVector.dist(loc, o.loc); PVector dir = vel.get(); dir.normalize(); PVector diff = PVector.sub(o.loc, loc); // Now we use the dot product to rotate the vector that points from boid to obstacle // Velocity is the new x-axis PVector rotated = new PVector(diff.dot(dir), diff.dot(getNormal(dir))); // Is the obstacle in our path? if (PApplet.abs(rotated.y) < (o.radius + r)) { // Is it the closest obstacle? if ((rotated.x > 0) && (rotated.x < closestRotated.x)) { closestRotated = rotated; avoid = o; } } } // Can we actually see the closest one? if (PApplet.abs(closestRotated.x) < sight) { // The desired vector should point away from the obstacle // The closer to the obstacle, the more it should steer PVector desired = new PVector(closestRotated.x, -closestRotated.y * sight / closestRotated.x); desired.normalize(); desired.mult(closestDistance); desired.limit(maxspeed); // Rotate back to the regular coordinate system rotateVector(desired, vel.heading2D()); // Draw some debugging stuff if (debug) { stroke(0); line(loc.x, loc.y, loc.x + desired.x * 10, loc.y + desired.y * 10); avoid.highlight(true); } // Apply Reynolds steering rules desired.sub(vel); desired.limit(maxforce); acc.add(desired); } }
public void processSerialData() { byte[] inBuf = new byte[20]; switch (serial.read()) { case 'A': // wait for all data arrived while (serial.available() < 16) {} // read all data serial.readBytes(inBuf); Acc_RAW = (inBuf[1] << 8) + (inBuf[0] & 0xFF); Gyro_RAW = (inBuf[3] << 8) + (inBuf[2] & 0xFF); // int intbit = 0; // intbit = (inBuf[7] << 24) | ((inBuf[6] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((inBuf[5] & 0xFF) << 8) | // (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); // Angle = Float.intBitsToFloat(intbit); int AngleInt = (inBuf[5] << 8) + (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); Angle = PApplet.parseFloat(AngleInt) / 10; Acc_Angle = (inBuf[7] << 8) + (inBuf[6] & 0xFF); Gyro_Rate = (inBuf[9] << 8) + (inBuf[8] & 0xff); Drive = (inBuf[11] << 8) + (inBuf[10] & 0xFF); statusFlag = (inBuf[13] << 8) + (inBuf[12] & 0xFF); int BatLevelInt = (inBuf[15] << 8) + (inBuf[14] & 0xFF); Steer = (inBuf[17] << 8) + (inBuf[16] & 0xFF); BatLevel = PApplet.parseFloat(BatLevelInt) / 10; println( "Acc=" + Acc_RAW + " Gyro=" + Gyro_RAW + " Angle=" + Angle + " Acc_Angle=" + Acc_Angle + " Gyro_Rate=" + Gyro_Rate + " Drive=" + Drive + " Status=" + statusFlag); break; case 'E': // wait for all data arrived while (serial.available() < 6) {} // read all data serial.readBytes(inBuf); int P = (inBuf[1] << 8) + (inBuf[0] & 0xFF); int I = (inBuf[3] << 8) + (inBuf[2] & 0xFF); int D = (inBuf[5] << 8) + (inBuf[4] & 0xFF); conf_KP.setValue(P); conf_KI.setValue(I); conf_KD.setValue(D); println("P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D); break; } serial.clear(); }
public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) { // PulldownMenu is if type ControlGroup. // A controlEvent will be triggered from within the ControlGroup. // therefore you need to check the originator of the Event with // if (theEvent.isGroup()) // to avoid an error message from controlP5. if (theEvent.isGroup()) { if (theEvent.group().name() == "ruleChoiceList") { // println(theEvent.group().value()+" from "+theEvent.group()); selectedRule = PApplet.parseInt(theEvent.group().value()); // has to be here for the controlp5 library } } else if (theEvent.isController()) { // println(theEvent.controller().value()+" from "+theEvent.controller()); } // switch(theEvent.controller().id()) { // case(1): // myColorRect = (int)(theEvent.controller().value()); // break; // case(2): // myColorBackground = (int)(theEvent.controller().value()); // break; // case(3): // println(theEvent.controller().stringValue()); // break; // } }
public void InitSerial(float portValue) { // initialize the serial port selected in the listBox println( "initializing serial " + PApplet.parseInt(portValue) + " in serial.list()"); // for debugging // grab the name of the serial port String portPos = Serial.list()[PApplet.parseInt(portValue)]; // initialize the port serial = new Serial(this, portPos, 115200); // read bytes into a buffer until you get a linefeed (ASCII 10): serial.bufferUntil('\n'); println("done init serial"); // initialized com port flag init_com = 1; }
public void draw() { lights(); background(255); noStroke(); fill(200); translate(-width / 2, 0); t += 0.001f; int offset = 10; float shapeSize = 5.0f; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { // ellipse(noise(t+i*offset*0.01)*width, sin(float(frameCount + i*offset)/100)*height/2, // shapeSize*i, shapeSize*i); float x = noise(t + i * offset * 0.01f) * width; float y = sin(PApplet.parseFloat(frameCount + i * offset) / 100) * height / 2; pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); sphere(shapeSize * i); popMatrix(); } }
public void render() { // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity float theta = vel.heading2D() + PApplet.radians(90); fill(100); stroke(0); pushMatrix(); translate(loc.x, loc.y); rotate(theta); beginShape(PConstants.TRIANGLES); vertex(0, -r * 2); vertex(-r, r * 2); vertex(r, r * 2); endShape(); if (debug) { stroke(50); line(0, 0, 0, -sight); } popMatrix(); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#FFFFFF", "lightArray"}); }
public void draw() { background(0); // Strings composition textFont(createFont("Arial bold", 24)); fill(c_red); stroke(255); text("OpenWheels GUI V1.0", 20, 30); textSize(16); // textAlign(CENTER); fill(c_azure); text("Acc_RAW: " + Acc_RAW, 150, 65); AccSlider.setValue(Acc_RAW); text("Gyro_RAW: " + Gyro_RAW, 150, 90); GyroSlider.setValue(Gyro_RAW); text("Acc_Angle: " + Acc_Angle + "\u00b0", 150, 115); text("Gyro_Rate: " + Gyro_Rate + "\u00b0/sec", 150, 140); text("Drive: " + Drive, 150, 165); text("Steer: " + Steer, 150, 190); text("BatLevel: " + nf(BatLevel, 1, 1) + "V", 150, 215); text("Status: " + statusFlag, 150, 240); graphGauge(); graphGrid(); // call the function that plot the angular of acc, with few screen settings graphRoll(PApplet.parseFloat(Acc_Angle), VideoBuffer2, c_red); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call the function that plot the estimate angular, with few screen settings graphRoll(Angle, VideoBuffer1, c_yellow); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call arduino for data every timePolling [msec] int timePolling = 50; // 50msec=20Hz time1 = millis(); if (init_com == 1) { while (serial.available() > 0) processSerialData(); if ((time1 - time2) > timePolling) { if (requestPID == true) { serial.write('E'); requestPID = false; } else if (writePID == true) { int P = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KP.value()); int I = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KI.value()); int D = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KD.value()); char data[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; data[0] = 'W'; data[1] = PApplet.parseChar(P); data[2] = PApplet.parseChar(I); data[3] = PApplet.parseChar(D); data[4] = ' '; String str = new String(data); serial.write(str); println(str); // println(" P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D); writePID = false; } // else if (RUN==true ) {serial.write('A');} else { serial.write('A'); } time2 = time1; } } }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"OneScreen"}); }
public void stop() { mymod.stop(); super.stop(); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#F0F0F0", "SimpleOpenNI_NITE_Hands"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#ECE9D8", "fractalTree3"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#FFFFFF", "sketch_aug05a"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#FFFFFF", "PlanetScape"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main( new String[] { "--present", "--bgcolor=#666666", "--stop-color=#cccccc", "ObstacleAvoidance" }); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"black_circle_grow_2d_sequential"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#FFFFFF", "mc1_hugh_rawlinson"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#D4D0C8", "controlP5Example"}); }
// Close the sound engine public void stop() { Sonia.stop(); super.stop(); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"example_20_4"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main( new String[] {"--present", "--bgcolor=#666666", "--hide-stop", "basic_processing_sketch"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"Pendulum"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main( new String[] {"--present", "--bgcolor=#666666", "--stop-color=#cccccc", "randomLine"}); }
/*static int SKEL_HEAD static int SKEL_LEFT_ANKLE static int SKEL_LEFT_COLLAR static int SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW static int SKEL_LEFT_FINGERTIP static int SKEL_LEFT_FOOT static int SKEL_LEFT_HAND static int SKEL_LEFT_HIP static int SKEL_LEFT_KNEE static int SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER static int SKEL_LEFT_WRIST static int SKEL_NECK static int SKEL_RIGHT_ANKLE static int SKEL_RIGHT_COLLAR static int SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW static int SKEL_RIGHT_FINGERTIP static int SKEL_RIGHT_FOOT static int SKEL_RIGHT_HAND static int SKEL_RIGHT_HIP static int SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE static int SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER static int SKEL_RIGHT_WRIST static int SKEL_TORSO static int SKEL_WAIST */ public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#FFFFFF", "kinectPong"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main( new String[] {"--present", "--bgcolor=#666666", "--hide-stop", "flickr_uploader_get"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"xhtml1"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#F0F0F0", "OpenWheels"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"--bgcolor=#f3f2f5", "portaPlay"}); }
public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"transparent_polychrome_star_burst_2d_sequential"}); }