Example #1
   * Substitute actual data for the parameter markers to simulate parameter substitution in a
   * PreparedStatement.
   * @param sql The SQL containing parameter markers to substitute.
   * @param list The parameter descriptors.
   * @param connection The current connection.
   * @return The modified SQL statement.
  static String substituteParameters(String sql, ParamInfo[] list, ConnectionJDBC2 connection)
      throws SQLException {
    int len = sql.length();

    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
      if (!list[i].isRetVal && !list[i].isSet && !list[i].isOutput) {
        throw new SQLException(
            Messages.get("error.prepare.paramnotset", Integer.toString(i + 1)), "07000");

      Object value = list[i].value;

      if (value instanceof java.io.InputStream || value instanceof java.io.Reader) {
        try {
          if (list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR
              || list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.CLOB
              || list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.VARCHAR) {
            // TODO: Should improve the character set handling here
            value = list[i].getString("US-ASCII");
          } else {
            value = list[i].getBytes("US-ASCII");
          // Replace the stream/reader with the String/byte[]
          list[i].value = value;
        } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
          throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.generic.ioerror", e.getMessage()), "HY000");

      if (value instanceof String) {
        len += ((String) value).length() + 5;
      } else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
        len += ((byte[]) value).length * 2 + 4;
      } else {
        len += 32; // Default size

    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len + 16);
    int start = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
      int pos = list[i].markerPos;

      if (pos > 0) {
        buf.append(sql.substring(start, list[i].markerPos));
        start = pos + 1;
        final boolean isUnicode = connection.getTdsVersion() >= Driver.TDS70 && list[i].isUnicode;
        Support.embedData(buf, list[i].value, isUnicode, connection);

    if (start < sql.length()) {

    return buf.toString();
Example #2
  * Main method used for test.<br>
  * Load a file (argument) with a list of dcu_id and check if we have the corresponding det_id.
 public static void main(String args[]) {
   try {
     DetIDGenerator d = new DetIDGenerator();
         new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>()); // only to connect to the configuration DB...
     ArrayList<Integer> dcuIds = loadFile(args[0]);
     System.out.println(dcuIds.size() + " modules : ");
     for (Integer dcuId : dcuIds) {
       try {
         System.out.println(dcuId + " -> " + d.getDetId(dcuId));
       } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
   } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e2) {
   } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
     System.out.println("Error while reading the file: \n" + e.getMessage());
   } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
  * When a very large binary value is input to a LONGVARBINARY parameter, it may be more practical
  * to send it via a java.io.InputStream. JDBC will read the data from the stream as needed, until
  * it reaches end-of-file.
  * <p><B>Note:</B> This stream object can either be a standard Java stream object or your own
  * subclass that implements the standard interface.
  * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
  * @param x the java input stream which contains the binary parameter value
  * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
  * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs.
 public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, java.io.InputStream x, int length)
     throws SQLException {
   if (length == 0) {
     setBytes(parameterIndex, null);
   byte[] bs = new byte[length];
   int actlen;
   try {
     actlen = x.read(bs);
   } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
     SQLException newE =
         new SQLException("setBinaryStream: IO-Exception occured reading Stream" + e.toString());
     throw newE;
   if (actlen != length) {
     throw new SQLException(
         "SetBinaryStream parameterized Length: "
             + Integer.toString(length)
             + " got length: "
             + Integer.toString(actlen));
   } else {
     try {
       actlen = x.read(bs);
     } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
       SQLException newE =
           new SQLException("setBinaryStream: IO-Exception occured reading Stream" + e.toString());
       throw newE;
     if (actlen != -1) {
       throw new SQLException(
           "SetBinaryStream parameterized Length: "
               + Integer.toString(length)
               + " got more than that ");
   this.setBytes(parameterIndex, bs);
  * Parses the files passed into the <CODE>setTemplateFiles</CODE> method. The data extracted from
  * the template files is returned.
 public void parse() {
   setMessage("Parsing Files");
   importedFieldCount = 0;
   importedMacroCount = 0;
   File[] templateFiles = getTemplateFiles();
   int totalFileSize = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < templateFiles.length; i++)
     if (templateFiles[i].exists()) totalFileSize += (int) templateFiles[i].length();
   int progress = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < templateFiles.length; i++) {
     String currentFilePath = templateFiles[i].getAbsolutePath();
     Timestamp modifiedDate = new Timestamp(templateFiles[i].lastModified());
     Template currentTemplate = new Template(currentFilePath, modifiedDate);
     String[] nameParts = templateFiles[i].getName().split("\\.");
     if (nameParts != null && nameParts.length > 0) currentTemplate.setID(nameParts[0]);
     try {
       BufferedReader iStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(templateFiles[i]));
       try {
         String currentLine = iStream.readLine();
         Signal currentSignal = null, archiveTag = null;
         ArchiveRequest request = null;
         ArchiveGroup group = null;
         HashMap archiveSignals = new HashMap();
         int lineNumber = 0;
         int braceCount = 0;
         while (currentLine != null) // null indicates EOF
           if (currentLine.trim().startsWith("#")) // Comments start with #
             // Comments start with #. Archive information is embedded in comments.
             ArchiveGroup newGroup = parseArchiveGroupTag(currentLine, currentTemplate);
             if (newGroup != null) group = newGroup;
             else {
               ArchiveRequest newRequest =
                   parseArchiveRequestTag(currentLine, group, currentTemplate);
               if (newRequest != null) request = newRequest;
               else {
                 Signal newArchiveTag = parseArchiveTag(currentLine);
                 if (newArchiveTag != null) {
                   if (archiveTag != null) // Tag was not used in request. Use for defaults.
                   archiveSignals.put(archiveTag.getID(), archiveTag);
                   archiveTag = newArchiveTag;
           } else {
             Matcher macroMatcher = macroPattern.matcher(currentLine);
             if (macroMatcher.find()) {
               String macro = macroMatcher.group(1);
               if (!currentTemplate.containsMacro(macro)) {
             int linePosition = 0;
             int lineLength = currentLine.length();
             while (linePosition < lineLength) {
               int openBracePosition = currentLine.indexOf('{', linePosition);
               int closeBracePosition = currentLine.indexOf('}', linePosition);
               if (currentSignal == null || braceCount == 0) {
                 // Got no signal or the brace was never opened...
                 Matcher recordMatcher = recordPattern.matcher(currentLine);
                 if (recordMatcher.find(linePosition))
                   if (openBracePosition < 0 || recordMatcher.start() < openBracePosition) {
                     linePosition = recordMatcher.end();
                     SignalType currentSignalType = new SignalType();
                     String recordType = recordMatcher.group(1);
                     currentSignalType.setRecordType(new EpicsRecordType(recordType));
                     String signalID = recordMatcher.group(2);
                     currentSignal = new Signal(signalID);
                     if (archiveTag != null)
                       archiveSignals.put(archiveTag.getID(), archiveTag); // Use as defaults.
                     archiveTag = (Signal) archiveSignals.get(signalID);
                     if (archiveTag != null) {
                       // Must use a new instance of signal since each request has different
                       // values for type, frequency, etc.
                       if (request != null && request.getSignal(signalID) == null)
                         request.addSignal(new Signal(signalID));
                     archiveTag = null; // Reset so is not used twice.
                     continue; // Go back and check the line position against length.
               if (braceCount == 0 && currentSignal != null && openBracePosition >= linePosition) {
                 // Got the signal, need the open brace.
                 linePosition = openBracePosition + 1;
                 continue; // Go back and check the line position against length.
               if (braceCount > 0) {
                 // Looking for fields or the close brace.
                 Matcher fieldMatcher = fieldPattern.matcher(currentLine);
                 if (fieldMatcher.find(linePosition))
                   if (closeBracePosition < 0 || fieldMatcher.start() < closeBracePosition) {
                     // Found a field...
                     linePosition = fieldMatcher.end();
                     SignalField currentField = new SignalField();
                     String currentFieldID = fieldMatcher.group(1);
                     currentField.setType(new SignalFieldType(currentFieldID));
                 if (closeBracePosition >= 0) {
                   // Found end of current signal.
                   linePosition = closeBracePosition + 1;
                   currentSignal = null;
               linePosition = lineLength;
               if (isParseCanceled()) break;
           progress += currentLine.length() + 1;
           currentLine = iStream.readLine();
           if (isParseCanceled()) break;
       } finally {
     } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException ex) {
       StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer("<HTML><FONT COLOR=RED>Unable to open file '");
     } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
       StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer("<HTML><FONT COLOR=RED>IO Error: ");
     if (isParseCanceled()) break;