@Test public void testCalendar2Timestamp() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(time); Time sqltime = sqlTimeConverter.convert(calendar); assertEquals(time, sqltime.getTime()); }
@Test public void timestamp() throws SQLException { connectWithJulianDayModeActivated(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Timestamp d1 = new Timestamp(now); Date d2 = new Date(now); Time d3 = new Time(now); stat.execute("create table t (c1);"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into t values (?);"); prep.setTimestamp(1, d1); prep.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select c1 from t;"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(d1, rs.getTimestamp(1)); rs = stat.executeQuery("select date(c1, 'localtime') from t;"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(d2.toString(), rs.getString(1)); rs = stat.executeQuery("select time(c1, 'localtime') from t;"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(d3.toString(), rs.getString(1)); rs = stat.executeQuery("select strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', c1, 'localtime') from t;"); assertTrue(rs.next()); // assertEquals(d1.toString(), rs.getString(1)); // ms are not occurate... }
private static Time getTime(SQLDialect dialect, ResultSet rs, int index) throws SQLException { // SQLite's type affinity needs special care... if (dialect == SQLDialect.SQLITE) { String time = rs.getString(index); if (time != null) { return new Time(parse("HH:mm:ss", time)); } return null; } // Cubrid SQL dates are incorrectly fetched. Reset milliseconds... // See http://jira.cubrid.org/browse/APIS-159 // See https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/cubridinterface/ticket/140 else if (dialect == CUBRID) { Time time = rs.getTime(index); if (time != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(time.getTime()); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); time = new Time(cal.getTimeInMillis()); } return time; } else { return rs.getTime(index); } }
@Transient private void generateKode() { Time time = DateUtil.getTime(); String kode = String.format("%s-%s-%s", operator.hashCode(), tanggalBuat.hashCode(), time.hashCode()); setKode(kode); }
private List<WebSocketChannelDTO> buildChannelDTOs(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ArrayList<WebSocketChannelDTO> channels = new ArrayList<>(); try { while (rs.next()) { WebSocketChannelDTO channel = new WebSocketChannelDTO(); channel.id = rs.getInt("channel_id"); channel.host = rs.getString("host"); channel.port = rs.getInt("port"); channel.url = rs.getString("url"); channel.startTimestamp = rs.getTimestamp("start_timestamp").getTime(); Time endTs = rs.getTime("end_timestamp"); channel.endTimestamp = (endTs != null) ? endTs.getTime() : null; channel.historyId = rs.getInt("history_id"); channels.add(channel); } } finally { rs.close(); } channels.trimToSize(); return channels; }
public static int calculate(Time awal, Time akhir) { Long millis3 = (akhir.getTime() - awal.getTime()); Long hasil = millis3 / HOUR_IN_MILIS; if (millis3 % HOUR_IN_MILIS > 0) hasil++; return hasil.intValue(); }
@Nullable @Override public OffsetTime getValue(ResultSet rs, int startIndex) throws SQLException { Time time = rs.getTime(startIndex, utc()); return time != null ? OffsetTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(time.getTime()), ZoneOffset.UTC) : null; }
private static Time toTime(Object obj) throws HproseException { if (obj instanceof DateTime) { return ((DateTime) obj).toTime(); } if (obj instanceof char[]) { return Time.valueOf(new String((char[]) obj)); } return Time.valueOf(obj.toString()); }
public static Long toEpochFormat(String mdate, int hour, int minute) throws ParseException { Date date = new Date(mdate); Time time = new Time(hour + 7, minute, 0); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) time.getTime()); return calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
public Time getTimeModificado(Time time, int min) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); calendar.set(year, month, day, time.getHours(), time.getMinutes(), time.getSeconds()); calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min); Time time_modificado = new Time(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); return time_modificado; }
public void test(TestHarness harness) { Time t = new Time(0); try { t.getDate(); harness.check(false, "getDate"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "getDate"); } try { t.getDay(); harness.check(false, "getDay"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "getDay"); } try { t.getMonth(); harness.check(false, "getMonth"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "getMonth"); } try { t.getYear(); harness.check(false, "getYear"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "getYear"); } try { t.setDate(0); harness.check(false, "setDate"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "setDate"); } try { t.setMonth(0); harness.check(false, "setMonth"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "setMonth"); } try { t.setYear(0); harness.check(false, "setYear"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "setYear"); } try { Time.valueOf("NoSuchTime"); harness.check(false, "valueOf"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { harness.check(true, "valueOf"); } }
@Override public WorkTime getNewTransientObject(int i) { WorkTime workTime = new WorkTime(); workTime.setEmployee(employeeDataOnDemand.getRandomObject()); workTime.setProject(projectDataOnDemand.getRandomObject()); workTime.setDate(new Date()); workTime.setStartTime(Time.valueOf("09:00:00")); workTime.setEndTime(Time.valueOf("17:00:00")); workTime.setComment("comment_" + i); return workTime; }
public static IRubyObject prepareRubyTimeFromSqlTime(Ruby runtime, Time time) { if (time.getTime() + 3600000 == 0) { return runtime.getNil(); } RubyTime rbTime = RubyTime.newTime(runtime, time.getTime()); rbTime.extend(new IRubyObject[]{runtime.getModule("TimeFormatter")}); return rbTime; // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH-mm-ss"); // TODO proper format? // return runtime.newString(sdf.format(rbTime.getJavaDate())); }
@Test public void testTimeConverter() { String sql = "select current_time as col1 from (values(0))"; Time sqlTime = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(Time.class); assertThat(sqlTime, is(notNullValue())); assertTrue(sqlTime.getTime() > 0); Date date = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(Date.class); assertThat(date, is(notNullValue())); LocalTime jodaTime = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(LocalTime.class); assertTrue(jodaTime.getMillisOfDay() > 0); assertThat(jodaTime.getHourOfDay(), is(equalTo(new LocalTime().getHourOfDay()))); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("EqualsHashCodeCalledOnUrl") @Override public int hashCode() { int res = id; res = 31 * res + (boolVal != null ? boolVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (byteVal != null ? byteVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (shortVal != null ? shortVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (intVal != null ? intVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (longVal != null ? longVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (floatVal != null ? floatVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (doubleVal != null ? doubleVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (bigVal != null ? bigVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (strVal != null ? strVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (arrVal != null ? Arrays.hashCode(arrVal) : 0); res = 31 * res + (dateVal != null ? dateVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (timeVal != null ? timeVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (tsVal != null ? tsVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (urlVal != null ? urlVal.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (f1 != null ? f1.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (f2 != null ? f2.hashCode() : 0); res = 31 * res + (f3 != null ? f3.hashCode() : 0); return res; }
@Test public void testInlinedBindValuesForDatetime() throws Exception { jOOQAbstractTest.reset = false; Date d1 = Date.valueOf("1981-07-10"); Time t1 = Time.valueOf("12:01:15"); Timestamp ts1 = Timestamp.valueOf("1981-07-10 12:01:15"); Factory create = create(new Settings() .withStatementType(StatementType.STATIC_STATEMENT)); DATE date = create.newRecord(TDates()); date.setValue(TDates_ID(), 1); assertEquals(1, date.store()); date.setValue(TDates_ID(), 2); date.setValue(TDates_D(), d1); date.setValue(TDates_T(), t1); date.setValue(TDates_TS(), ts1); assertEquals(1, date.store()); Result<Record> dates = create.select(TDates_ID(), TDates_D(), TDates_T(), TDates_TS()) .from(TDates()) .orderBy(TDates_ID()) .fetch(); assertEquals(2, dates.size()); assertEquals(asList(1, 2), dates.getValues(TDates_ID())); assertEquals(asList(1, null, null, null), asList(dates.get(0).intoArray())); assertEquals(asList((Object) 2, d1, t1, ts1), asList(dates.get(1).intoArray())); }
@Override public String translateLiteralTime(Time timeValue) { if (!hasTimeType()) { return translateLiteralTimestamp(new Timestamp(timeValue.getTime())); } return '\'' + formatDateValue(timeValue) + '\''; }
private String getTimeSQL(Time time) { String s = "'" + time.toString() + "'"; if (config.getMode() != TestSynth.HSQLDB) { s = "TIME " + s; } return s; }
private void readNotification(JSONObject root) { JSONObject data = (JSONObject) root.get("data"); Notificacion n = new Notificacion(); n.setDate(Date.valueOf((String) root.get("date"))); n.setTime(Time.valueOf((String) root.get("time"))); n.setIdDevice((String) root.get("idDevice")); n.setIdPaciente((Long) data.get("idPaciente")); n.setIdContenido((Long) data.get("idPictograma")); n.setIdContexto((Long) data.get("idContexto")); // TODO si no existe el alumno con id/idDevice de la notificación, guardarlo Paciente paciente = new PacienteDAO().getById(n.getIdPaciente(), n.getIdDevice()); if (paciente == null) { paciente = new Paciente( n.getIdPaciente().intValue(), n.getIdDevice(), (String) data.get("nombre"), (String) data.get("apellido"), ((String) data.get("sexo")).charAt(0)); new PacienteDAO().guardar(paciente); } ViewManager.getInstance().showNotification(n); }
public ArrayList<PartidoOctavos> getAdaptadorPartidosOctavos() { PartidoOctavos partidoO; ArrayList<PartidoOctavos> listaPartidosOctavos = new ArrayList<PartidoOctavos>(); String sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(idpartidooctavos) FROM partidooctavos"; String sql = "SELECT idpartidooctavos,idoctavos1,pais1,gol1,gol2,pais2,idoctavos2,fecha,hora,estado FROM partidooctavos"; Cursor c = miDB.rawQuery(sql, null); for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) { partidoO = new PartidoOctavos( c.getString(0), c.getString(1), c.getString(2), c.getInt(3), c.getInt(4), c.getString(5), c.getString(6), Date.valueOf(c.getString(7)), Time.valueOf(c.getString(8)), c.getInt(9)); listaPartidosOctavos.add(partidoO); } return listaPartidosOctavos; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({"BigDecimalEquals", "EqualsHashCodeCalledOnUrl", "RedundantIfStatement"}) @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; TestObject that = (TestObject) o; if (id != that.id) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(arrVal, that.arrVal)) return false; if (bigVal != null ? !bigVal.equals(that.bigVal) : that.bigVal != null) return false; if (boolVal != null ? !boolVal.equals(that.boolVal) : that.boolVal != null) return false; if (byteVal != null ? !byteVal.equals(that.byteVal) : that.byteVal != null) return false; if (dateVal != null ? !dateVal.equals(that.dateVal) : that.dateVal != null) return false; if (doubleVal != null ? !doubleVal.equals(that.doubleVal) : that.doubleVal != null) return false; if (f1 != null ? !f1.equals(that.f1) : that.f1 != null) return false; if (f2 != null ? !f2.equals(that.f2) : that.f2 != null) return false; if (f3 != null ? !f3.equals(that.f3) : that.f3 != null) return false; if (floatVal != null ? !floatVal.equals(that.floatVal) : that.floatVal != null) return false; if (intVal != null ? !intVal.equals(that.intVal) : that.intVal != null) return false; if (longVal != null ? !longVal.equals(that.longVal) : that.longVal != null) return false; if (shortVal != null ? !shortVal.equals(that.shortVal) : that.shortVal != null) return false; if (strVal != null ? !strVal.equals(that.strVal) : that.strVal != null) return false; if (timeVal != null ? !timeVal.equals(that.timeVal) : that.timeVal != null) return false; if (tsVal != null ? !tsVal.equals(that.tsVal) : that.tsVal != null) return false; if (urlVal != null ? !urlVal.equals(that.urlVal) : that.urlVal != null) return false; return true; }
static final Time read(HproseReader reader, InputStream stream) throws IOException { int tag = stream.read(); switch (tag) { case TagDate: return DefaultUnserializer.readDateTime(reader, stream).toTime(); case TagTime: return DefaultUnserializer.readTime(reader, stream).toTime(); case TagNull: case TagEmpty: return null; case TagString: return Time.valueOf(StringUnserializer.readString(reader, stream)); case TagRef: return toTime(reader.readRef(stream)); } if (tag >= '0' && tag <= '9') return new Time(tag - '0'); switch (tag) { case TagInteger: case TagLong: return new Time(ValueReader.readLong(stream)); case TagDouble: return new Time(Double.valueOf(ValueReader.readDouble(stream)).longValue()); default: throw ValueReader.castError(reader.tagToString(tag), Time.class); } }
public Object deserialize(String data) { try { return java.sql.Time.valueOf(data); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error parsing Time data \"" + data + "\"", e); } }
public void setTime(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException { if (parameterIndex < 1 || parameterIndex > args.length) { throw new SQLException("bad parameter index"); } if (x == null) { args[parameterIndex - 1] = nullrepl ? "" : null; } else { if (conn.useJulian) { args[parameterIndex - 1] = java.lang.Double.toString(SQLite.Database.julian_from_long(x.getTime())); } else { args[parameterIndex - 1] = x.toString(); } } blobs[parameterIndex - 1] = false; }
public ArrayList<Partido> getAdapterPatidosGrupo(String g) { ActualizarPosiciones(g); Partido partido; ArrayList<Partido> lista = new ArrayList<Partido>(); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(miContexto, "Grupo: " + g, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); toast.show(); String SQL = "SELECT idpartido,pais1,pais2,goles1,goles2,hora,fecha,grupo,estado,recordar FROM partido WHERE grupo='" + g + "'"; Cursor c = miDB.rawQuery(SQL, null); for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) { partido = new Partido( c.getInt(0), c.getString(1), c.getString(2), c.getInt(3), c.getInt(4), Time.valueOf(c.getString(5)), Date.valueOf(c.getString(6)), c.getString(7), c.getInt(8), c.getInt(9)); lista.add(partido); } return lista; }
public ArrayList<PartidoCuartos> getAdaptadorPartidosCuartos() { PartidoCuartos partidoC; ArrayList<PartidoCuartos> lista = new ArrayList<PartidoCuartos>(); String sql = "SELECT idpartidocuartos,idganador1,bandera1,paisganador1,gol1,gol2,bandera2,paisganador2,idganador2,fecha,hora,estado FROM partidocuartos"; Cursor c = miDB.rawQuery(sql, null); for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) { partidoC = new PartidoCuartos( c.getString(0), c.getString(1), c.getInt(2), c.getString(3), c.getInt(4), c.getInt(5), c.getInt(6), c.getString(7), c.getString(8), Date.valueOf(c.getString(9)), Time.valueOf(c.getString(10)), c.getInt(11)); lista.add(partidoC); } return lista; }
/** Test of setObject method, of inteface java.sql.CallableStatement. */ public void testSetObject_TIME() throws Exception { println("setObject - TIME"); setUpDualTable(); setObjectTest("time", Time.valueOf("1:23:47"), Types.TIME); }
public ArrayList<Partido> getAdapterPatidosFecha(Date f) { Partido partido; ArrayList<Partido> lista = new ArrayList<Partido>(); String SQL = "SELECT idpartido,pais1,pais2,goles1,goles2,hora,fecha,grupo,estado,recordar FROM partido WHERE fecha='" + f + "' AND estado=0"; Cursor c = miDB.rawQuery(SQL, null); for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) { partido = new Partido( c.getInt(0), c.getString(1), c.getString(2), c.getInt(3), c.getInt(4), Time.valueOf(c.getString(5)), Date.valueOf(c.getString(6)), c.getString(7), c.getInt(8), c.getInt(9)); lista.add(partido); } return lista; }
/** * Implement the interface for validating and converting to internal object. Null is a valid * successful return, so errors are indicated only by existance or not of a message in the * messageBuffer. */ public Object validateAndConvert(String value, Object originalValue, StringBuffer messageBuffer) { // handle null, which is shown as the special string "<null>" if (value.equals("<null>") || value.equals("")) return null; // Do the conversion into the object in a safe manner try { if (useJavaDefaultFormat) { // allow the user to enter just the hour or just hour and minute // and assume the un-entered values are 0 int firstColon = value.indexOf(":"); if (firstColon == -1) { // user just entered the hour, so append min & sec value = value + ":0:0"; } else { // user entered hour an min. See if they also entered secs if (value.indexOf(":", firstColon + 1) == -1) { // user did not enter seconds value = value + ":0"; } } Object obj = Time.valueOf(value); return obj; } else { // use the DateFormat to parse java.util.Date javaDate = dateFormat.parse(value); return new Time(javaDate.getTime()); } } catch (Exception e) { messageBuffer.append(e.toString() + "\n"); // ?? do we need the message also, or is it automatically part of the toString()? // messageBuffer.append(e.getMessage()); return null; } }
private void jButton4ActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: System.out.println(dateNow.toLocalDate()); System.out.println(timeNow.toLocalTime()); } // GEN-LAST:event_jButton4ActionPerformed