/** static method testing jdbc framework with an update statement */ public static void testUpdate() { SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec.setAutoCommit(true); sqlExec.addParam(new Integer(7)); sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon("UPDATE JDBC_TEST SET CODE = 'Z' WHERE TEST_ID = ?"); System.out.println(sqlExec.getNumRecordsUpdated() + " record(s) updated"); }
/** * This method tests the jdbc framework with a call to the following Oracle stored function: * * <p>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jdbc_test1 RETURN NUMBER IS cnt_jdbc_test NUMBER; BEGIN * dbms_output.put_line ('starting jdbc_test1...'); * * <p>cnt_jdbc_test := 0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt_jdbc_test FROM JDBC_TEST; RETURN cnt_jdbc_test; * EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN Null; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Consider logging the error and then * re-raise RAISE; END jdbc_test1; / */ public static void testOracleStoredFunction() { String sql = "SELECT jdbc_test1() AS TestCount from dual"; SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sql); if (res.getRowCount() > 0) System.out.println("SQL Results: " + res.getInt(0, 0)); }
/** static method testing jdbc framework with a simple select statement using parameters */ public static void testSimpleSelectWithParams() { try { SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); // sqlExec.addParam(new Integer(8)); sqlExec.addParam(8); sqlExec.addParam(Date.valueOf("2003-05-10")); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sqlSelect); String out = "SQL Results:\n"; for (int row = 0; row < res.getRowCount(); row++) out += res.getLong(row, "TEST_ID") + " " + res.getString(row, "NOTES") + " " + res.getDate(row, "TEST_DT") + " " + res.getDouble(row, "AMOUNT") + " " + res.getString(row, "CODE") + "\n"; System.out.println(out); } catch (DatabaseException e) { if (e.isDataIntegrityViolation()) applyDataIntegrityViolationRecovery(); } }
public static void testThis() { String sql = "UPDATE JEFF_TEST SET HEIGHT = ? WHERE EMPID < 4"; SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec.addParam(55); sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sql); System.out.println(sqlExec.getNumRecordsUpdated() + " records updated"); }
/** static method testing jdbc framework with a delete and an insert statement */ public static void testDeleteAndInsert() { SQLExecutor sqlExec1 = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec1.setAutoCommit(true); sqlExec1.addParam(new Integer(7)); sqlExec1.runQueryCloseCon("DELETE FROM JDBC_TEST WHERE TEST_ID = ?"); System.out.println(sqlExec1.getNumRecordsUpdated() + " record(s) deleted"); SQLExecutor sqlExec2 = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec2.setAutoCommit(true); String sql = "INSERT INTO JDBC_TEST (TEST_ID, NOTES, TEST_DT, AMOUNT, CODE) " + "VALUES (7, 'seven', SYSDATE+2, 25.245, 'E')"; // "VALUES (7, 'seven', CURRENT_DATE, 25.245, 'E')"; MySQL version sqlExec2.runQueryCloseCon(sql); System.out.println(sqlExec2.getNumRecordsUpdated() + " record(s) inserted"); }
/** * static method testing jdbc framework with a simple select statement, parameters, and a maximum * number of rows */ public static void testSimpleSelectAndMaxRows() { SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec.setMaxRows(5); // limit number of rows returned to 5 sqlExec.addParam(new Integer(8)); sqlExec.addParam(Date.valueOf("2003-05-10")); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sqlSelect); System.out.println(res.toString()); }
/** Does a simple select from a MySQL database. */ public static void testMySQL() { String driverName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; String connURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"; String username = "******"; String password = ""; ConnectionPool conPool = new ConnectionPool(1, driverName, connURL, username, password); SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(conPool); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon("SELECT * FROM JDBC_TEST"); System.out.println(res.toString()); }
public static void testSelectDistinctAndMixedCase() { ConnectionPool conPool = getConnectionPool(); SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(conPool); String sql = "SELECT distinct test_id, test_dt " + "FROM JDBC_TEST " + "WHERE test_dt = (SELECT MAX(test_dt) FROM JDBC_TEST)"; SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon(sql); String testID = res.getString(0, "test_id"); Date testDate = res.getDate(0, "TEST_DT"); System.out.println("test_id = " + testID); System.out.println("TEST_DT = " + testDate); }
/** * Illustrates creating a database connection using standard JDBC and then using this connection * to create a ConnectionPool and execute a select statement. */ public static void testCreatingOwnConnection() { Connection con = null; try { Class.forName(driverName).newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection(connURL, username, password); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.out.println(sqle.getMessage() + "\n" + "SQL State: " + sqle.getSQLState()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(new ConnectionPool(con)); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM JDBC_TEST"); System.out.println("Record count=" + res.getInt(0, 0)); }
/** * static method testing jdbc framework with a simple select statement using parameters and the * result set's .toString() method */ public static void testSimpleSelectWithParamsAndToString() { try { driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; connURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@SNOWMASS:1521:WDEV"; username = "******"; password = "******"; ConnectionPool conPool = new ConnectionPool(1, driverName, connURL, username, password); SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(conPool); // sqlExec.addParam(new Integer(8)); sqlExec.addParam(8); sqlExec.addParam(Date.valueOf("2003-05-10")); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon("SELECT * FROM UTILITY_STATUS"); String out = "SQL Results:\n" + res.toString(); System.out.println(out); } catch (DatabaseException e) { if (e.isDataIntegrityViolation()) applyDataIntegrityViolationRecovery(); } }
/** * static method testing jdbc framework with a select for update statement (that locks a record) * and an update statement that generates a deadlock. */ public static void testDeadlockException() { ConnectionPool conPool = getConnectionPool(); SQLExecutor sqlExec1 = new SQLExecutor(conPool); try { // lock record with a select for update statement sqlExec1.setAutoCommit(false); sqlExec1.addParam(new Integer(2)); sqlExec1.runQuery("SELECT CODE FROM JDBC_TEST WHERE TEST_ID = ? FOR UPDATE"); System.out.println("Attempting to update a record locked by another connection..."); SQLExecutor sqlExec2 = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); sqlExec2.setTimeoutInSec(5); // timeout if deadlocked sqlExec2.addParam(new Integer(2)); sqlExec2.runQueryCloseCon("UPDATE JDBC_TEST SET CODE = 'X' WHERE TEST_ID = ?"); } catch (DatabaseException e) { System.out.println("Error code=" + e.getSQLErrorCode() + ", " + e.getMessage()); if (e.isRowlockOrTimedOut()) System.out.println("Rowlock exception!"); } finally { conPool.closeAllConnections(); } }
/** static method testing jdbc framework with a simple select statement that returns no rows */ public static void testSelectWhichReturnsNoRows() { SQLExecutor sqlExec = new SQLExecutor(getConnectionPool()); SQLResults res = sqlExec.runQueryCloseCon("select * from JDBC_TEST where CODE = '4'"); System.out.println(res.toString()); }