private void testFetchSize() throws SQLException { if (!config.networked || config.memory) { return; } ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1, 100)"); int a = stat.getFetchSize(); int b = rs.getFetchSize(); assertEquals(a, b); rs.setFetchSize(b + 1); b = rs.getFetchSize(); assertEquals(a + 1, b); }
private void validateSQLdata(boolean hasdata) throws NamingException, SQLException { Connection con = h2Datasource.getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST"); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (hasdata) { assertNotNull(resultSet); assertTrue(resultSet.first()); assertEquals("txt", resultSet.getString("A")); } else { assertTrue(resultSet == null || resultSet.getFetchSize() == 0); } } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } con.close(); } }
@Override public User retrieveUser(User user) { final String SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = PreparedStatementCreator.createPreparedStatement(SQL); ResultSet resultSet = null; try { preparedStatement.setString(1, user.getUsername()); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); rowAffected = resultSet.getFetchSize(); System.out.println("Row: " + rowAffected); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } User retrievedUser = null; try { while ( { retrievedUser = new User(); retrievedUser.setFirstName(resultSet.getString("first_name")); retrievedUser.setLastName(resultSet.getString("last_name")); retrievedUser.setUsername(resultSet.getString("username")); retrievedUser.setEmail(resultSet.getString("email")); retrievedUser.setPassword(resultSet.getString("password")); retrievedUser.setType(resultSet.getString("user_type")); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return retrievedUser; }
public List<DataTransferObject> select(String sql, DataTransferObject record) throws SQLException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, Exception { checkConnection(); // Connection conn = DButil.getConnection(); prglog.debug("[PRG] selection SQL: " + sql); lastSQL = sql; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; List<DataTransferObject> records = new ArrayList<DataTransferObject>(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); result = stmt.executeQuery(sql); prglog.debug("[PRG] FetchSize: " + result.getFetchSize()); while ( { records.add(result2record(result, record.getClass().newInstance())); } } finally { if (result != null) result.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } // DButil.closeConnection(conn); return records; }
@Override public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { try { return _res.getFetchSize(); } catch (SQLException e) { handleException(e); return 0; } }
@Override public Collection<Long> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { List<Long> goodIds = new ArrayList<>(rs.getFetchSize()); while ( { incGoodCount(/* article id */ rs.getLong(2), /* timestamp */ rs.getTimestamp(3).getTime()); goodIds.add(/* good id*/ rs.getLong(1)); } return goodIds; }
/** * This method queries the database to validate the passed in FRN for the selected Funding Year * has been invoiced or not * * @exception SQLException, if query fails * @author */ public boolean checkFRNinv(String frn, String year) { String query; boolean validfrn = false; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + frn, this, null); USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + year, this, null); query = " SELECT DISTINCT rhcc_inv_id_fk "; query = query + " FROM wrk_ordr, wrk_ordr_dets, wo_det_hsties "; query = query + " WHERE wo_id = wo_id_fk "; query = query + " AND wod_id = wod_id_fk "; query = query + " AND wdh_stat = 'P' "; query = query + " AND inv_stat = 'I' "; query = query + " AND wrk_ordr_no ='" + frn + "' "; query = query + " AND wrk_ordr.yr_fk =" + year; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + query, this, null); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + rs.getFetchSize(), this, null); if ( { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN Invoiced" + rs.getString("rhcc_inv_id_fk"), this, null); validfrn = true; if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); return true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("RhccDinvview: FRN not Invoiced", this, ex); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close the resultset/statement", this, e); } } return false; }
/** * Search a PID from his URL in the {@link Queue}: - return the PID if found - return null if not * found * * @param url * @return * @throws Exception */ public Pid search(String url) throws Exception { Pid pid = null; Connection connection = DatabaseHelper.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(DatabaseHelper.GET_QUEUE_ELEMENT_URL_STATEMENT); stmt.setString(1, url); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getFetchSize() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate detected for URI: " + url); } if ( { pid = new Pid(resultSet.getString("identifier"), resultSet.getString("url")); stmt.close(); connection.close(); } stmt.close(); connection.close(); return pid; }
public List<CharacterDTO> findAll() { ArrayList<CharacterDTO> cast = new ArrayList<CharacterDTO>(); try { // Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // Properties dbProps = new Properties(); // dbProps.put("user", "srikumarv"); // dbProps.put("password", "comp9321"); // Connection connection = // DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://srikumarv.srvr:3306/cs9321",dbProps); Statement stmnt = connection.createStatement(); String query_cast = "SELECT MVCHAR_ID, MVCHAR_NAME, DIET, SOUNDS FROM TBL_CHARACTERS"; ResultSet res = stmnt.executeQuery(query_cast);"The result set size is " + res.getFetchSize()); while ( { int id = res.getInt("MVCHAR_ID");" " + id); String name = res.getString("MVCHAR_NAME");; String diet = res.getString("DIET");; String soundsArr = res.getString("SOUNDS");; + " " + diet + " " + soundsArr); String[] sounds = soundsArr.split(","); cast.add(new CharacterDTO(id, name, diet, sounds)); } res.close(); stmnt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Caught Exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } return cast; }
/** * return the {@link Operation}s whose type matches specified string * * @param typeDescription - a type description * @return the list of {@link Operation}s. It could be <code>empty</code> or <code>null</code>. * @throws OHException */ public ArrayList<Operation> getOperation(String typeDescription) throws OHException { DbQueryLogger dbQuery = new DbQueryLogger(); ArrayList<Operation> operationList = null; ResultSet resultSet; if (typeDescription == null) { String sqlString = "SELECT * FROM OPERATION JOIN OPERATIONTYPE ON OPE_OCL_ID_A = OCL_ID_A ORDER BY OPE_DESC"; resultSet = dbQuery.getData(sqlString, true); } else { String sqlString = "SELECT * FROM OPERATION JOIN OPERATIONTYPE ON OPE_OCL_ID_A = OCL_ID_A WHERE OCL_DESC LIKE CONCAT('%', ? , '%') ORDER BY OPE_DESC"; List<Object> parameters = Collections.<Object>singletonList(typeDescription); resultSet = dbQuery.getDataWithParams(sqlString, parameters, true); } try { operationList = new ArrayList<Operation>(resultSet.getFetchSize()); while ( { Operation operation = new Operation( resultSet.getString("OPE_ID_A"), resultSet.getString("OPE_DESC"), new OperationType( resultSet.getString("OPE_OCL_ID_A"), resultSet.getString("OCL_DESC")), resultSet.getInt("OPE_STAT"), resultSet.getInt("OPE_LOCK")); operationList.add(operation); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new OHException( MessageBundle.getMessage("angal.sql.problemsoccurredwiththesqlistruction"), e); } finally { dbQuery.releaseConnection(); } return operationList; }
private void testInt() throws SQLException { trace("Test INT"); ResultSet rs; Object o; stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY,VALUE INT)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1,-1)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(2,0)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(3,1)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(4," + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(5," + Integer.MIN_VALUE + ")"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(6,NULL)"); // this should not be read - maxrows=6 stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(7,NULL)"); // MySQL compatibility (is this required?) // rs=stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST T ORDER BY ID"); // check(rs.findColumn("T.ID"), 1); // check(rs.findColumn("T.NAME"), 2); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT *, NULL AS N FROM TEST ORDER BY ID"); // MySQL compatibility assertEquals(1, rs.findColumn("TEST.ID")); assertEquals(2, rs.findColumn("TEST.VALUE")); ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals(3, meta.getColumnCount()); assertEquals("resultSet".toUpperCase(), meta.getCatalogName(1)); assertTrue("PUBLIC".equals(meta.getSchemaName(2))); assertTrue("TEST".equals(meta.getTableName(1))); assertTrue("ID".equals(meta.getColumnName(1))); assertTrue("VALUE".equals(meta.getColumnName(2))); assertTrue(!meta.isAutoIncrement(1)); assertTrue(meta.isCaseSensitive(1)); assertTrue(meta.isSearchable(1)); assertFalse(meta.isCurrency(1)); assertTrue(meta.getColumnDisplaySize(1) > 0); assertTrue(meta.isSigned(1)); assertTrue(meta.isSearchable(2)); assertEquals(ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls, meta.isNullable(1)); assertFalse(meta.isReadOnly(1)); assertTrue(meta.isWritable(1)); assertFalse(meta.isDefinitelyWritable(1)); assertTrue(meta.getColumnDisplaySize(1) > 0); assertTrue(meta.getColumnDisplaySize(2) > 0); assertEquals(null, meta.getColumnClassName(3)); assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 0); assertResultSetMeta( rs, 3, new String[] {"ID", "VALUE", "N"}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER, Types.INTEGER, Types.NULL}, new int[] {10, 10, 1}, new int[] {0, 0, 0});; assertEquals(ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rs.getConcurrency()); assertEquals(ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD, rs.getFetchDirection()); trace("default fetch size=" + rs.getFetchSize()); // 0 should be an allowed value (but it's not defined what is actually // means) rs.setFetchSize(0); assertThrows(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_2, rs).setFetchSize(-1); // fetch size 100 is bigger than maxrows - not allowed assertThrows(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_2, rs).setFetchSize(100); rs.setFetchSize(6); assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 1); assertEquals(2, rs.findColumn("VALUE")); assertEquals(2, rs.findColumn("value")); assertEquals(2, rs.findColumn("Value")); assertEquals(2, rs.findColumn("Value")); assertEquals(1, rs.findColumn("ID")); assertEquals(1, rs.findColumn("id")); assertEquals(1, rs.findColumn("Id")); assertEquals(1, rs.findColumn("iD")); assertTrue(rs.getInt(2) == -1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("VALUE") == -1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("value") == -1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("Value") == -1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getString("Value").equals("-1") && !rs.wasNull()); o = rs.getObject("value"); trace(o.getClass().getName()); assertTrue(o instanceof Integer); assertTrue(((Integer) o).intValue() == -1); o = rs.getObject(2); trace(o.getClass().getName()); assertTrue(o instanceof Integer); assertTrue(((Integer) o).intValue() == -1); assertTrue(rs.getBoolean("Value")); assertTrue(rs.getByte("Value") == (byte) -1); assertTrue(rs.getShort("Value") == (short) -1); assertTrue(rs.getLong("Value") == -1); assertTrue(rs.getFloat("Value") == -1.0); assertTrue(rs.getDouble("Value") == -1.0); assertTrue(rs.getString("Value").equals("-1") && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("ID") == 1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("id") == 1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("Id") == 1 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt(1) == 1 && !rs.wasNull());; assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 2); assertTrue(rs.getInt(2) == 0 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(!rs.getBoolean(2)); assertTrue(rs.getByte(2) == 0); assertTrue(rs.getShort(2) == 0); assertTrue(rs.getLong(2) == 0); assertTrue(rs.getFloat(2) == 0.0); assertTrue(rs.getDouble(2) == 0.0); assertTrue(rs.getString(2).equals("0") && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt(1) == 2 && !rs.wasNull());; assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 3); assertTrue(rs.getInt("ID") == 3 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("VALUE") == 1 && !rs.wasNull());; assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 4); assertTrue(rs.getInt("ID") == 4 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("VALUE") == Integer.MAX_VALUE && !rs.wasNull());; assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 5); assertTrue(rs.getInt("id") == 5 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("value") == Integer.MIN_VALUE && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).equals("5") && !rs.wasNull());; assertTrue(rs.getRow() == 6); assertTrue(rs.getInt("id") == 6 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt("value") == 0 && rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt(2) == 0 && rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getInt(1) == 6 && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).equals("6") && !rs.wasNull()); assertTrue(rs.getString(2) == null && rs.wasNull()); o = rs.getObject(2); assertTrue(o == null); assertTrue(rs.wasNull()); assertFalse(; assertEquals(0, rs.getRow()); // there is one more row, but because of setMaxRows we don't get it stat.execute("DROP TABLE TEST"); stat.setMaxRows(0); }
public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { return rs.getFetchSize(); }
public static void fixUserCommon(int base) { if (Configuration.getInstance() == null) { Configuration.setInstance(ComptaPropsConfiguration.create()); } Configuration instance = Configuration.getInstance(); SQLTable tableSociete = Configuration.getInstance().getBase().getTable("SOCIETE_COMMON"); String baseName = tableSociete.getRow(base).getString("DATABASE_NAME"); instance.getBase().getDBSystemRoot().getRootsToMap().clear(); try { Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); s.add(baseName); instance.getBase().fetchTables(s); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not access societe base", e); } System.err.println("baseName" + baseName); instance.getSystemRoot().prependToRootPath("Common"); instance.getSystemRoot().prependToRootPath(baseName); SQLSchema baseSQL = instance.getBase().getSchema(baseName); DatabaseMetaData dbMetaDataSociete; try { dbMetaDataSociete = baseSQL.getBase().getDataSource().getConnection().getMetaData(); String[] type = new String[1]; type[0] = "TABLE"; ResultSet rs = dbMetaDataSociete.getTables("", baseSQL.getName(), "%", null); System.err.println("Start " + rs.getFetchSize()); int i = 0; while ( { if (rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE") != null && rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) { // System.err.println("FIND TABLE"); // baseSQL.getTableNames(); final SQLTable table = baseSQL.getTable(rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")); Set<SQLField> s = table.getFields(); for (SQLField field : s) { if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ID_USER_COMMON_CREATE") || field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ID_USER_COMMON_MODIFY")) { Object o = field.getDefaultValue(); if (o == null || (o instanceof Integer && ((Integer) o) == 0)) { System.err.println("Bad default on " + field); baseSQL .getBase() .execute( "ALTER TABLE \"" + field.getTable().getSchema().getName() + "\".\"" + field.getTable().getName() + "\" ALTER COLUMN \"" + field.getName() + "\" SET DEFAULT 1;"); baseSQL .getBase() .execute( "UPDATE \"" + field.getTable().getSchema().getName() + "\".\"" + field.getTable().getName() + "\" SET \"" + field.getName() + "\"=1 WHERE \"" + field.getName() + "\"=0 OR \"" + field.getName() + "\" IS NULL;"); } } } } // System.err.println(i++ + " " + rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE")); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { return current.getFetchSize(); }