private void exportData(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list) throws java.sql.SQLException, ClassNotSupportedException { c.disconnect(); if (DetIDGenerator.mtcc) { for (String[] s : TOBMTCC) { ArrayList<String> n = new ArrayList<String>(); n.add(s[0]); n.add(s[1]); n.add(s[2]); n.add(s[3]); list.add(n); } } if (DetIDGenerator.export) { configureExportDatabaseConnection(); c.connect(); } else { System.out.print( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<ROWSET xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''>\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ArrayList<String> v = list.get(i); int dcuID = Integer.parseInt(v.get(0)); int detID = Integer.parseInt(v.get(1)); float length = new java.lang.Float(v.get(2)); int apvNumber = Integer.parseInt(v.get(3)); if (DetIDGenerator.export) { int res = ((OracleConnection) c) .callFunction("PkgDcuInfo.setValues", dcuID, detID, length, apvNumber); // ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> count = c.selectQuery("select count(*) from dcuInfo"); // if(count.size()!=0){ // int nbOk = Integer.parseInt(count.get(0).get(0)); // System.out.println(v); // System.out.println("Trace : Nb in db : "+nbOk+"\nInsertion Nb : "+i+"\nPLSQL result // :"+res+"\n"); // } } else { System.out.println( "<DCUINFO dcuHardId=\"" + dcuID + "\" detId=\"" + detID + "\" fibreLength=\"" + length + "\" apvNumber=\"" + apvNumber + "\" />"); } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.print(((i * 100) / list.size()) + " %\r"); } if (!DetIDGenerator.export) { System.out.println("</ROWSET>"); } }
private void configureExportDatabaseConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException { String dbString = System.getProperty("CONFDB"); if (dbString == null || dbString.equals("") || dbString.indexOf('/') == -1 || dbString.indexOf('@') == -1) throw new java.sql.SQLException("No valid $CONFDB variable found : can not connect!"); String user = dbString.substring(0, dbString.indexOf('/')); String password = dbString.substring(dbString.indexOf('/') + 1, dbString.indexOf('@')); String url = dbString.substring(dbString.indexOf('@') + 1, dbString.length()); url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + url; c.setUser(user); c.setUrl(url); c.setPassword(password); }
/** Default Constructor */ public DetIDGenerator() { query = new String(); try { c = CDBConnection.getConnection(); if (DetIDGenerator.export || DetIDGenerator.updateCB) { /* Just to check that we can connect to the export database Better to see it now rather than after all the computing... */ configureExportDatabaseConnection(); c.connect(); c.disconnect(); // Ok it's working, let's go! } c.setUser("prod_consult"); c.setUrl( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes)(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = =(TYPE = SELECT)(METHOD = BASIC)(RETRIES = 180)(DELAY = 5))))"); c.setPassword("am8bilo8gy"); c.connect(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { Error("SQL Error : \n" + query + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { Error("Can not find Oracle driver"); } }
/** * Perform the treatment : * * <ul> * <li>Get the Det IDs for TEC and TOB * <li>Get the DCU IDs associated to the module IDs * <li>Get the fiber's length * <li>Get the number of APVs * <li>Export the data to a DB or print them on the screen * </ul> */ public void go() { try { ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); IDetIdGenerator tec = new TECAnalyzer(); IDetIdGenerator tob = new TOBAnalyzer(); list.addAll(tec.getDetIds()); list.addAll(tob.getDetIds()); if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println(list.size() + " modules found"); if (!DetIDGenerator.updateCB) { if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Retrieving the fibers length..."); getFiberLength(list); } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Converting DetIds to 32 bits..."); compactDetIds(list); if (!DetIDGenerator.updateCB) { if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Retrieving the number of APVs..."); getApvNumber(list); } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Searching the DCU ids..."); getDCU(list); if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Reversing the DCU ids..."); reverseDcuIds(list); if (!DetIDGenerator.updateCB) { if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.println("Exporting..."); exportData(list); } else { System.out.println("updating the construction DB..."); updateConstructionDB(list); } c.disconnect(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { Error("SQL Error : \n" + query + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotSupportedException e) { Error("ClassNotSupportedException :\n" + e.getMessage()); } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { Error("Can not find Oracle driver"); } catch (Exception e) { Error("Error : \n" + e.getMessage()); } }
private void getApvNumber(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement psType = c.createPreparedStatement( "select OD.type_description from " + "cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA, " + "cmstrkdb.object_description OD WHERE" + " OA.object=OD.object AND OA.type=OD.type AND " + "OA.version=OD.version AND OA.object='HYB' AND " + "OA.container_id=?"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ArrayList<String> v = list.get(i); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = c.preparedSelectQuery(psType, v.get(0)); if (res.size() > 0) { String type = (res.get(0)).get(0); type = type.substring(type.indexOf('.') + 1, type.length() - 1); v.add(type); } else { v.add("4"); Error("Type of hybrid contained in module " + v.get(0) + " unknown!!"); } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.print(((i * 100) / list.size()) + " %\r"); } psType.close(); }
/** * Retrieve the det_id from a dcuHardId * * @param dcuId The dcuHard Id * @return The det_id corresponding to the dcu_id */ public int getDetId(int dcuId) throws java.sql.SQLException { ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = c.selectQuery("select detid from dcuInfo where dcuhardid=" + dcuId); if (res.size() == 0) throw new java.sql.SQLException("No detId found for DcuId " + dcuId); else return Integer.parseInt((res.get(0)).get(0)); }
private void updateConstructionDB(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list) throws java.sql.SQLException, ClassNotSupportedException, java.lang.Exception { if (DetIDGenerator.updateCB) { c.disconnect(); configureExportDatabaseConnection(); c.connect(); c.beginTransaction(); c.executeQuery("delete tec_detid"); c.executeQuery("delete tob_detid"); for (ArrayList<String> record : list) { int dcuID = Integer.parseInt(record.get(0)); int detID = Integer.parseInt(record.get(1)); DetIdConverter det = new DetIdConverter(detID); if (det.getSubDetector() == 6) { // TEC TECDetIdConverter d = new TECDetIdConverter(detID); d.compact(); String query = "insert into tec_detid (DETECTOR,DISK,SECTOR,FRONT_BACK,RING,POSITION,STEREO,DCUID,DETID) values (\'TEC" + (d.getTEC() == 1 ? "-" : "+") + "\'," + d.getWheel() + "," + d.getPetal() + ",'" + (d.getFrontBack() == 1 ? "F" : "B") + "'," + d.getRing() + "," + d.getModNumber() + ",'" + ((d.getStereo() == 1) ? "S" : (d.getStereo() == 0 ? "G" : "M")) + "'," + dcuID + "," + detID + ")"; System.out.println(query); c.executeQuery(query); } if (det.getSubDetector() == 5) { // TOB TOBDetIdConverter d = new TOBDetIdConverter(detID); d.compact(); String query = "insert into tob_detid (LAYER,ROD,FRONT_BACK,POSITION,STEREO,DCUID,DETID) values (" + d.getLayer() + "," + d.getRod() + ",'" + (d.getFrontBack() == 1 ? "F" : "B") + "'," + d.getModNumber() + ",'" + ((d.getStereo() == 1) ? "S" : (d.getStereo() == 0 ? "U" : "R")) + "'," + dcuID + "," + detID + ")"; System.out.println(query); c.executeQuery(query); // System.out.println(dcuID+","+detID+",TOB,"+d.getLayer()+","+d.getRod()+","+d.getFrontBack()+","+d.getModNumber()+","+d.getStereo()); } } c.commit(); } }
private void getDCU(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list) throws java.sql.SQLException { // 1 method for TOB dcus PreparedStatement tob = c.createPreparedStatement( "select MB.dcuhardid from " + "cmstrkdb.TOBTESTINGMODULEBASIC_1_MOD_ MB " + "where MB.status='reference' AND MB.object_id=?"); // 4 different methods for TEC (trye the first, if fails try the second ...) PreparedStatement psTec1 = c.createPreparedStatement( "select MB.dcuid from cmstrkdb.modvalidation_2_mod_ MV, " + "cmstrkdb.modulbasic_2_mod_ MB " + "where MB.test_id=MV.modulbasic_2_mod_ AND " + "MV.status='reference' AND MV.object_id=?"); PreparedStatement psTec2 = c.createPreparedStatement( "select distinct FP.dcu_id from " + "cmstrkdb.hybproducer_1_hyb_ HP, " + "cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA, " + "cmstrkdb.fhitproduction_1_hyb_ FP where " + "HP.fhitproduction_1_hyb_=FP.test_id AND " + "OA.object_id=HP.object_id AND OA.object='HYB'" + " AND OA.container_id=?"); PreparedStatement psTec3 = c.createPreparedStatement( "select distinct FR.dcu_id from " + "cmstrkdb.hybmeasurements_2_hyb_ HM, " + "cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA, " + "cmstrkdb.fhitreception_1_hyb_ FR where " + "HM.fhitreception_1_hyb_=FR.test_id AND " + "OA.object_id=HM.object_id AND OA.object='HYB' " + "AND OA.container_id=?"); PreparedStatement psTec4 = c.createPreparedStatement( "select distinct FP.dcu_id from " + "cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA, " + "cmstrkdb.fhitproduction_1_hyb_ FP where " + "OA.object_id=FP.object_id AND OA.object='HYB' " + "AND OA.container_id=?"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ArrayList<String> v = list.get(i); DetIdConverter det = new DetIdConverter(Integer.parseInt(v.get(1))); if (det.getSubDetector() == 6) { // TEC ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = c.preparedSelectQuery(psTec1, v.get(0)); if (res.size() == 1 && (res.get(0)).get(0) != null && !(res.get(0)).get(0).equals("0")) { ArrayList<String> detail = res.get(0); v.set(0, detail.get(0)); } else { res = c.preparedSelectQuery(psTec2, v.get(0)); if (res.size() == 1 && (res.get(0)).get(0) != null && !(res.get(0)).get(0).equals("0")) { ArrayList<String> detail = res.get(0); v.set(0, detail.get(0)); } else { res = c.preparedSelectQuery(psTec3, v.get(0)); if (res.size() == 1 && (res.get(0)).get(0) != null && !(res.get(0)).get(0).equals("0")) { ArrayList<String> detail = res.get(0); v.set(0, detail.get(0)); } else { res = c.preparedSelectQuery(psTec4, v.get(0)); if (res.size() == 1 && (res.get(0)).get(0) != null && !(res.get(0)).get(0).equals("0")) { ArrayList<String> detail = res.get(0); v.set(0, detail.get(0)); } else { Error("DCU_ID of module " + v.get(0) + " unknown!!"); } } } } } if (det.getSubDetector() == 5) { // TOB ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = c.preparedSelectQuery(tob, v.get(0)); if (res.size() == 1 && (res.get(0)).get(0) != null && !(res.get(0)).get(0).equals("0")) { ArrayList<String> detail = res.get(0); int dcuId = reverseDcuId(Integer.parseInt(detail.get(0))); v.set(0, dcuId + ""); } else { Error("DCU_ID of module " + v.get(0) + " unknown!!"); v.set(0, "0"); } } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.print(((i * 100) / list.size()) + " %\r"); } tob.close(); psTec1.close(); psTec2.close(); psTec3.close(); psTec4.close(); }
private void getFiberLength(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> list) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement modules = c.createPreparedStatement( "select OA2.object_id, OA2.number_in_container from cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA, cmstrkdb.object_assembly OA2 WHERE OA2.object='AOH' AND OA2.number_in_container=OA.number_in_container AND OA2.container_id=OA.container_id AND OA.object_id=?"); PreparedStatement aoh = c.createPreparedStatement( "select G.fiber_length from cmstrkdb.aohgeneral_1_aoh_ G, cmstrkdb.aohcomp_1_aoh_ C where C.aohgeneral_1_aoh_=G.test_id AND C.object_id=?"); PreparedStatement length = c.createPreparedStatement( "select distinct D.fanout_length from cmstrkdb.manufacture_1_optfanout_ M, cmstrkdb.diamond_1_optfanout_ D, cmstrkdb.object_assembly FANOUT, cmstrkdb.object_assembly AOH, cmstrkdb.object_assembly LASTRANS, L WHERE M.diamond_1_optfanout_=D.test_id AND M.object_id=FANOUT.object_id AND L.object_id_b=FANOUT.object_id AND L.object_id_a=LASTRANS.object_id AND LASTRANS.container_id=AOH.object_id AND AOH.object_id=?"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { try { ArrayList<String> v = list.get(i); String cDetID = new String(v.get(1)); String[] det_id = cDetID.split("\\."); int tec = Integer.parseInt(det_id[2]); int disk = Integer.parseInt(det_id[3]); int front = Integer.parseInt(det_id[4]); int sector = Integer.parseInt(det_id[5]); // System.out.println(tec+" "+disk+" "+front+" "+sector); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = c.preparedSelectQuery(modules, v.get(0)); if (res.size() > 0) { String aoh_id = (res.get(0)).get(0); int aoh_position = Integer.parseInt((res.get(0)).get(1)); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> lengthRes = c.preparedSelectQuery(aoh, aoh_id); if (lengthRes.size() > 0) { int aoh_length = Integer.parseInt((lengthRes.get(0)).get(0)); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> lengthRes2 = c.preparedSelectQuery(length, aoh_id); if (lengthRes2.size() == 1) { float total_length = aoh_length + Integer.parseInt((lengthRes2.get(0)).get(0)); v.add((total_length / 10) + ""); // The size should be in centimeters } else { v.add("1"); if (lengthRes2.size() > 1) throw new Exception("Can not find unique length for the aoh " + aoh_id); else throw new Exception("Data are missing for this AOH : " + aoh_id); } } else { v.add("1"); throw new Exception("Can not find the length of the aoh " + aoh_id); } } else { v.add("1"); throw new Exception("Can not find the AOH corresponding to module " + v.get(0)); } if (DetIDGenerator.verbose) System.out.print(((i * 100) / list.size()) + " %\r"); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Error(e.getMessage()); } } // Close the statements modules.close(); aoh.close(); length.close(); }