@Override public Map<String, Object> saveMap(Map<String, Object> object, Class clazz) throws Exception { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); EntityInfo entityInfo = ClassUtils.getEntityInfoByClazz(clazz); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(entityInfo.getTableName()); sql.append("("); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<String, String> ptcMap = ClassUtils.propToColumnMap.get(entityInfo.getClazzName()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : object.entrySet()) { columns.add(ptcMap.get(entry.getKey())); values.add(entry.getValue()); } sql.append(StringUtils.join(columns, ",")); sql.append(") VALUES("); String[] params = new String[values.size()]; Arrays.fill(params, "?"); sql.append(StringUtils.join(params, ",")); sql.append(")"); if (entityInfo.getStrategy().equals(GenerationType.IDENTITY)) { Long id = addReutrnId(sql.toString(), values); if (id != null) { object.put(entityInfo.getPkName(), id); } } else { add(sql.toString(), values); } return object; }
public void setSwingDataCollection(Collection<ICFSecurityISOCountryObj> value) { final String S_ProcName = "setSwingDataCollection"; swingDataCollection = value; if (swingDataCollection == null) { arrayOfISOCountry = new ICFSecurityISOCountryObj[0]; } else { int len = value.size(); arrayOfISOCountry = new ICFSecurityISOCountryObj[len]; Iterator<ICFSecurityISOCountryObj> iter = swingDataCollection.iterator(); int idx = 0; while (iter.hasNext() && (idx < len)) { arrayOfISOCountry[idx++] = iter.next(); } if (idx < len) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Collection iterator did not fully populate the array copy"); } if (iter.hasNext()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Collection iterator had left over items when done populating array copy"); } Arrays.sort(arrayOfISOCountry, compareISOCountryByQualName); } PickerTableModel tblDataModel = getDataModel(); if (tblDataModel != null) { tblDataModel.fireTableDataChanged(); } }
@Override public boolean removeMetadataBlob( UserPublicKey owner, byte[] encodedWritingPublicKey, byte[] writingKeySignedMapKeyPlusBlob) { UserPublicKey writingKey = new UserPublicKey(encodedWritingPublicKey); try { byte[] payload = writingKey.unsignMessage(writingKeySignedMapKeyPlusBlob); byte[] mapKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(payload, 0, 32); byte[] metadataBlob = Arrays.copyOfRange( payload, 32, payload .length); // will be zero length for now // TODO change to the current blob hash MetadataBlob blob = new MetadataBlob(writingKey.getPublicKeys(), mapKey, metadataBlob); return blob.delete(); } catch (TweetNaCl.InvalidSignatureException e) { System.err.println( "Invalid signature during removeMetadataBlob for owner: " + owner + " and sharer: " + writingKey); return false; } }
public List<ICFAccTaxObj> readAllTax(boolean forceRead) { final String S_ProcName = "readAllTax"; if ((allTax == null) || forceRead) { Map<CFAccTaxPKey, ICFAccTaxObj> map = new HashMap<CFAccTaxPKey, ICFAccTaxObj>(); allTax = map; CFAccTaxBuff[] buffList = ((ICFAccSchema) schema.getBackingStore()) .getTableTax() .readAllDerived(schema.getAuthorization()); CFAccTaxBuff buff; ICFAccTaxObj obj; for (int idx = 0; idx < buffList.length; idx++) { buff = buffList[idx]; obj = newInstance(); obj.setPKey(((ICFAccSchema) schema.getBackingStore()).getFactoryTax().newPKey()); obj.setBuff(buff); ICFAccTaxObj realized = (ICFAccTaxObj) obj.realize(); } } Comparator<ICFAccTaxObj> cmp = new Comparator<ICFAccTaxObj>() { public int compare(ICFAccTaxObj lhs, ICFAccTaxObj rhs) { if (lhs == null) { if (rhs == null) { return (0); } else { return (-1); } } else if (rhs == null) { return (1); } else { CFAccTaxPKey lhsPKey = lhs.getPKey(); CFAccTaxPKey rhsPKey = rhs.getPKey(); int ret = lhsPKey.compareTo(rhsPKey); return (ret); } } }; int len = allTax.size(); ICFAccTaxObj arr[] = new ICFAccTaxObj[len]; Iterator<ICFAccTaxObj> valIter = allTax.values().iterator(); int idx = 0; while ((idx < len) && valIter.hasNext()) { arr[idx++] = valIter.next(); } if (idx < len) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newArgumentUnderflowException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "idx", idx, len); } else if (valIter.hasNext()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newArgumentOverflowException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "idx", idx, len); } Arrays.sort(arr, cmp); ArrayList<ICFAccTaxObj> arrayList = new ArrayList<ICFAccTaxObj>(len); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { arrayList.add(arr[idx]); } List<ICFAccTaxObj> sortedList = arrayList; return (sortedList); }
private LogisticRegressionModel instantiateSparkModel() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("fs.defaultFS", topologyConfig.getProperty("hdfs.url")); double[] sparkModelInfo = null; try { sparkModelInfo = getSparkModelInfoFromHDFS( new Path(topologyConfig.getProperty("hdfs.url") + "/tmp/sparkML_weights"), conf); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Couldn't instantiate Spark model in prediction bolt: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } // all numbers besides the last value are the weights double[] weights = Arrays.copyOfRange(sparkModelInfo, 0, sparkModelInfo.length - 1); // the last number in the array is the intercept double intercept = sparkModelInfo[sparkModelInfo.length - 1]; org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector weightsV = (Vectors.dense(weights)); return new LogisticRegressionModel(weightsV, intercept); }
SqlDialect get(DataSource dataSource) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData(); String productName = metaData.getDatabaseProductName(); String productVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion(); List key = Arrays.asList(productName, productVersion); SqlDialect dialect = map.get(key); if (dialect == null) { final SqlDialect.DatabaseProduct product = SqlDialect.getProduct(productName, productVersion); dialect = new SqlDialect(product, productName, metaData.getIdentifierQuoteString()); map.put(key, dialect); } connection.close(); connection = null; return dialect; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } } } }
public void loadData(boolean forceReload) { ICFFreeSwitchSchemaObj schemaObj = swingSchema.getSchema(); if ((containingCluster == null) || forceReload) { CFSecurityAuthorization auth = schemaObj.getAuthorization(); long containingClusterId = auth.getSecClusterId(); containingCluster = schemaObj.getClusterTableObj().readClusterByIdIdx(containingClusterId); } if ((listOfTenant == null) || forceReload) { arrayOfTenant = null; listOfTenant = schemaObj .getTenantTableObj() .readTenantByClusterIdx(containingCluster.getRequiredId(), swingIsInitializing); if (listOfTenant != null) { Object objArray[] = listOfTenant.toArray(); if (objArray != null) { int len = objArray.length; arrayOfTenant = new ICFSecurityTenantObj[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { arrayOfTenant[i] = (ICFSecurityTenantObj) objArray[i]; } Arrays.sort(arrayOfTenant, compareTenantByQualName); } } } }
/** * Return Regions as Array * * @param ctx context * @return MCountry Array */ public static MRegion[] getRegions(Ctx ctx) { if (s_regions.isEmpty()) loadAllRegions(ctx); MRegion[] retValue = new MRegion[s_regions.size()]; s_regions.values().toArray(retValue); Arrays.sort(retValue, new MRegion(ctx, 0, null)); return retValue; } // getRegions
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{index} - {4}") public static Collection<Object[]> getData() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[][] { {null, "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", "", "H2 test"}, {new jdbcDriver(), "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testmemdb", "SA", "", "HyperSQL DB test"} }); }
@BeforeClass public static void doTestSuiteSetup() throws Exception { /* List all of the object names being used in this entire class. * The objects are dropped with errors ignored, so it is OK if the * object does not exist for a particular test. */ objDropList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("table " + ATABLE_NAME)); doBaseTestSuiteSetup(); }
private static Collection<?> foreach( ScanRanges scanRanges, int[] widths, KeyRange[] expectedSplits) { SkipScanFilter filter = new SkipScanFilter(scanRanges.getRanges(), buildSchema(widths)); Scan scan = new Scan().setFilter(filter).setStartRow(KeyRange.UNBOUND).setStopRow(KeyRange.UNBOUND); List<Object> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); ret.add(new Object[] {scan, scanRanges, Arrays.<KeyRange>asList(expectedSplits)}); return ret; }
protected void maybeCreateTables(boolean dropTables) { boolean createTables = false; try { size(); } catch (DataAccessException e) { createTables = true; } Connection connection = getConnection(); try { startTransaction(connection); if (dropTables && !createTables) { // TODO: Logging.... System.err.println("--- dropping tables:"); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(TABLES)); Collections.reverse(tables); for (String table : tables) { System.err.print("Dropping table " + table); dropTable(table, connection); System.err.println("ok!"); } createTables = true; } if (createTables) { System.err.println("--- creating " + TABLES.length + " tables:"); for (String table : TABLES) { System.err.print("--- creating table " + table + "..."); InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("ddl/" + table + ".ddl"); if (inputStream == null) { System.err.println("Could not find DDL file for table " + table + "!"); return; } try { String sql = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); createTable(sql, connection); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } System.err.println("ok"); } } } catch (DataAccessException e) { rollback(connection); } finally { endTransaction(connection); close(connection); } }
@Override public boolean setMetadataBlob( UserPublicKey owner, byte[] encodedWritingPublicKey, byte[] writingKeySignedMapKey) { UserPublicKey writingKey = new UserPublicKey(encodedWritingPublicKey); try { byte[] payload = writingKey.unsignMessage(writingKeySignedMapKey); byte[] mapKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(payload, 0, 32); byte[] metadataBlob = Arrays.copyOfRange(payload, 32, payload.length); MetadataBlob blob = new MetadataBlob(writingKey.getPublicKeys(), mapKey, metadataBlob); return blob.insert(); } catch (TweetNaCl.InvalidSignatureException e) { System.err.println( "Invalid signature during setMetadataBlob for owner: " + owner + " and sharer: " + writingKey); return false; } }
/** * Return Array of Regions of Country * * @param ctx context * @param C_Country_ID country * @return MRegion Array */ public static MRegion[] getRegions(Ctx ctx, int C_Country_ID) { if (s_regions.isEmpty()) loadAllRegions(ctx); ArrayList<MRegion> list = new ArrayList<MRegion>(); Iterator<MRegion> it = s_regions.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MRegion r = it.next(); if (r.getC_Country_ID() == C_Country_ID) list.add(r); } // Sort it MRegion[] retValue = new MRegion[list.size()]; list.toArray(retValue); Arrays.sort(retValue, new MRegion(ctx, 0, null)); return retValue; } // getRegions
private static Collection<?> foreach( KeyRange[][] ranges, int[] widths, KeyRange[] expectedSplits) { RowKeySchema schema = buildSchema(widths); List<List<KeyRange>> slots = Lists.transform(Lists.newArrayList(ranges), ARRAY_TO_LIST); SkipScanFilter filter = new SkipScanFilter(slots, schema); // Always set start and stop key to max to verify we are using the information in skipscan // filter over the scan's KMIN and KMAX. Scan scan = new Scan().setFilter(filter).setStartRow(KeyRange.UNBOUND).setStopRow(KeyRange.UNBOUND); ScanRanges scanRanges = ScanRanges.create(slots, schema); List<Object> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); ret.add(new Object[] {scan, scanRanges, Arrays.<KeyRange>asList(expectedSplits)}); return ret; }
@Override public void batchDel(List<Object> ids, Class clazz) throws Exception { EntityInfo entityInfo = ClassUtils.getEntityInfoByClazz(clazz); if (entityInfo == null) { throw new DaoException("æ— æ•ˆçš„å®žä½“ç±»class"); } Object[] objects = new Object[ids.size()]; Arrays.fill(objects, "?"); SqlHelper sqlHelper = SqlHelper.getDeleteHelper(clazz); sqlHelper .append(" WHERE ") .append(entityInfo.getPkClumnName()) .append(" IN (") .append(StringUtils.join(objects, ",")) .append(")"); update(sqlHelper.getSql(), ids); }
@Test public void testSearch_Has() throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { ConnectionManager connectionManager = temporaryFileDatabase.getConnectionManager(true); initWithTestData(connectionManager); connection = connectionManager.getConnection(null); resultSet = DBQueries.search(has(self(Car.class)), NAME, connection); assertResultSetObjectKeysOrderAgnostic(resultSet, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); } finally { DBUtils.closeQuietly(connection); DBUtils.closeQuietly(resultSet); } }
// // Return the methods of an interface in a deterministic // order. Class.getMethods() does not do us this favor. // private Method[] sortMethods(Class iface) throws Exception { Method[] raw = iface.getMethods(); int count = raw.length; Method[] cooked = new Method[count]; MethodSortable[] sortables = new MethodSortable[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sortables[i] = new MethodSortable(raw[i]); } Arrays.sort(sortables); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { cooked[i] = sortables[i].getMethod(); } return cooked; }
// debug print the list of methods which throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException private void printUnsupportedList(HashSet<String> unsupportedList) { int count = unsupportedList.size(); if (count == 0) { return; } println("--------------- UNSUPPORTED METHODS ------------------"); println("--"); String[] result = new String[count]; unsupportedList.toArray(result); Arrays.sort(result); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { println(result[i]); } }
// debug print the list of methods which have disappeared from the SQL interface private void printVanishedMethodList(HashSet<String> vanishedMethodList) { int count = vanishedMethodList.size(); if (count == 0) { return; } println("--------------- VANISHED METHODS ------------------"); println("--"); String[] result = new String[count]; vanishedMethodList.toArray(result); Arrays.sort(result); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { println(result[i]); } }
public void loadData(boolean forceReload) { ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = swingSchema.getSchema(); if ((listOfAccessFrequency == null) || forceReload) { arrayOfAccessFrequency = null; listOfAccessFrequency = schemaObj.getAccessFrequencyTableObj().readAllAccessFrequency(swingIsInitializing); if (listOfAccessFrequency != null) { Object objArray[] = listOfAccessFrequency.toArray(); if (objArray != null) { int len = objArray.length; arrayOfAccessFrequency = new ICFBamAccessFrequencyObj[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { arrayOfAccessFrequency[i] = (ICFBamAccessFrequencyObj) objArray[i]; } Arrays.sort(arrayOfAccessFrequency, compareAccessFrequencyByQualName); } } } }
@Test public void testSearch_StringStartsWith() throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { ConnectionManager connectionManager = temporaryFileDatabase.getConnectionManager(true); initWithTestData(connectionManager); StringStartsWith<Car, String> startsWith = startsWith(Car.FEATURES, "ab"); connection = connectionManager.getConnection(null); resultSet = DBQueries.search(startsWith, NAME, connection); assertResultSetObjectKeysOrderAgnostic(resultSet, Arrays.asList(1, 3)); } finally { DBUtils.closeQuietly(connection); DBUtils.closeQuietly(resultSet); } }
public void loadData(boolean forceReload) { ICFSecuritySchemaObj schemaObj = swingSchema.getSchema(); if ((listOfISOTimezone == null) || forceReload) { arrayOfISOTimezone = null; listOfISOTimezone = schemaObj.getISOTimezoneTableObj().readAllISOTimezone(swingIsInitializing); if (listOfISOTimezone != null) { Object objArray[] = listOfISOTimezone.toArray(); if (objArray != null) { int len = objArray.length; arrayOfISOTimezone = new ICFSecurityISOTimezoneObj[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { arrayOfISOTimezone[i] = (ICFSecurityISOTimezoneObj) objArray[i]; } Arrays.sort(arrayOfISOTimezone, compareISOTimezoneByQualName); } } } }
// Debug print the list of method failures which we don't understand private void printNotUnderstoodList(HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList) { int count = notUnderstoodList.size(); if (count == 0) { return; } println("\n\n"); println("--------------- NOT UNDERSTOOD METHODS ------------------"); println("--"); String[] result = new String[count]; notUnderstoodList.toArray(result); Arrays.sort(result); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { println(result[i]); } }
public void writePredictionToHDFS(Tuple input, double[] params, double prediction) throws Exception { try { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("fs.defaultFS", topologyConfig.getProperty("hdfs.url")); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); Path pt = new Path( topologyConfig.getProperty("hdfs.url") + "/tmp/predictions/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(pt, true))); br.write("Original Event: " + input + "\n"); br.write("\n"); br.write("Certification status (from HBase): " + (params[0] == 1 ? "Y" : "N") + "\n"); br.write("Wage plan (from HBase): " + (params[1] == 1 ? "Miles" : "Hours" + "\n")); br.write("Hours logged (from HBase): " + params[2] * 100 + "\n"); br.write("Miles logged (from HBase): " + params[3] * 1000 + "\n"); br.write("\n"); br.write("Is Foggy? (from weather API): " + (params[4] == 1 ? "Y" : "N" + "\n")); br.write("Is Rainy? (from weather API): " + (params[5] == 1 ? "Y" : "N" + "\n")); br.write("Is Windy? (from weather API): " + (params[6] == 1 ? "Y" : "N" + "\n")); br.write("\n"); br.write("\n"); br.write("Input to Spark ML model: " + Arrays.toString(params) + "\n"); br.write("\n"); br.write("Prediction from Spark ML model: " + prediction + "\n"); br.flush(); br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void showCSVFileOpenDialog( String tablename, String parentTable, int parentKeyColumn, int passwordField) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { JFileChooser fopen = new JFileChooser(); javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("Comma Separated Values(CSV) Files", "csv"); fopen.addChoosableFileFilter(filter); int ret = fopen.showDialog(null, "Open File"); if (ret == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { CSVRead loginCSV = new CSVRead(); String[] deptCheckTables = {"equipment", "user", "class", "subject"}; if (Arrays.asList(deptCheckTables).contains(tablename) && !LoginForm.userRole.equals("sa")) { loginCSV.setDeptCheck(true); } loginCSV.setFilename(fopen.getSelectedFile().toString()); loginCSV.setTablename(tablename); if (parentTable != null) { loginCSV.setParentTable(parentTable); } if (parentKeyColumn != 0) { loginCSV.setParentKeyColumn(parentKeyColumn); } if (passwordField != 0) { loginCSV.setPasswordField(passwordField); } try { loginCSV.insertRows(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid File"); } catch (IOException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Data"); } } else { fopen.setVisible(false); } }
static { try { CON_PROXY_CTOR = createProxyConstructor(ProxyConnection.class); Class[] argClasses = new Class[0]; RS_CLOSE_METHOD = ResultSet.class.getMethod("close", argClasses); STMT_CLOSE_METHOD = Statement.class.getMethod("close", argClasses); CLOSE_ARGS = new Object[0]; OBJECT_METHODS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()))); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); logger.log( MLevel.SEVERE, "An Exception occurred in static initializer of" + C3P0PooledConnection.class.getName(), e); throw new InternalError( "Something is very wrong, or this is a pre 1.3 JVM." + "We cannot set up dynamic proxies and/or methods!"); } }
public static int[] getMSPIDs(MSPLocator loc, Connection c) throws SQLException { Statement s = c.createStatement(); String name = loc.getNameVersion().name; String version = loc.getNameVersion().version; ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( "select id from rosettaanalysis where name='" + name + "' and " + "version = '" + version + "'"); Vector<Integer> values = new Vector<Integer>(); while (rs.next()) { values.add(rs.getInt(1)); } s.close(); int[] array = new int[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { array[i] = values.get(i); } Arrays.sort(array); return array; }
public static void main(String[] args) { ////////////////////////// // The values in following 4 lines should be user input int startPos = 200; int endPos = 1000; int totalNumPixel = 1044; double threshhold = 0.0001; ///////////////////////// int numPixel = endPos - startPos; double wavelength[] = new double[totalNumPixel]; double photonCount[] = new double[totalNumPixel]; double SpecNoBk[] = new double[numPixel]; double ThisSpectrum[] = new double[numPixel]; double ThisXaxis[] = new double[numPixel]; double Po[] = new double[numPixel]; double Re[] = new double[numPixel]; double P[] = new double[6]; double Re2[] = new double[numPixel - 1]; double mySUM[] = new double[numPixel]; int ind[]; double DEV; double prevDEV; Connection connection = null; Statement stmt = null; String pattern = "##.##"; try { Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader(args[0])); int i = 0; while (in.hasNextDouble()) { wavelength[i] = in.nextDouble(); photonCount[i] = in.nextDouble(); ++i; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ThisSpectrum = Arrays.copyOfRange(photonCount, startPos, endPos); ThisXaxis = Arrays.copyOfRange(wavelength, startPos, endPos); final WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { obs.add(ThisXaxis[i], ThisSpectrum[i]); } final PolynomialCurveFitter fitter = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(5); P = fitter.fit(obs.toList()); Polyval pVal = new Polyval(P, ThisXaxis, numPixel); Po = pVal.evl(); for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { Re[i] = ThisSpectrum[i] - Po[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < numPixel - 1; i++) { Re2[i] = Re[i + 1] - Re[i]; } DEV = Math.sqrt(StatUtils.populationVariance(Re2, 0, Re2.length)); for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { mySUM[i] = Po[i] + DEV; } int jj = 0; // jj is the length of points to be removed for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { if (ThisSpectrum[i] > mySUM[i]) { jj++; ; } } ind = new int[jj]; int jjj = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { if (ThisSpectrum[i] > mySUM[i]) { ind[jjj] = i; jjj++; } } int indKeepLength = numPixel - ind.length; int indKeep[] = new int[indKeepLength]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPixel; i++) { if (!ArrayUtils.contains(ind, i)) { indKeep[k] = i; k++; } } double ThisSpectrumKeep[] = new double[indKeepLength]; double ThisXaxisKeep[] = new double[indKeepLength]; double PoKeep[] = new double[indKeepLength]; double ReKeep[] = new double[indKeepLength]; double Re2Keep[] = new double[indKeepLength - 1]; double mySUMKeep[] = new double[indKeepLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { ThisSpectrumKeep[i] = ThisSpectrum[indKeep[i]]; ThisXaxisKeep[i] = ThisXaxis[indKeep[i]]; } prevDEV = DEV; // at the point, ThisSpectrum and ThisXaxis should have reduced size final WeightedObservedPoints obs1 = new WeightedObservedPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { obs1.add(ThisXaxisKeep[i], ThisSpectrumKeep[i]); } while (true) { final PolynomialCurveFitter fitter1 = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(5); P = fitter1.fit(obs1.toList()); Polyval pVal1 = new Polyval(P, ThisXaxisKeep, indKeepLength); PoKeep = pVal1.evl(); for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { ReKeep[i] = ThisSpectrumKeep[i] - PoKeep[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength - 1; i++) { Re2Keep[i] = ReKeep[i + 1] - ReKeep[i]; } DEV = Math.sqrt(StatUtils.populationVariance(Re2Keep, 0, Re2Keep.length)); for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { mySUMKeep[i] = PoKeep[i] + DEV; } for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { if (ThisSpectrumKeep[i] > mySUMKeep[i]) ThisSpectrumKeep[i] = mySUMKeep[i]; } if ((Math.abs(DEV - prevDEV) / DEV) < threshhold) break; prevDEV = DEV; obs1.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < indKeepLength; i++) { obs1.add(ThisXaxisKeep[i], ThisSpectrumKeep[i]); } } Polyval pVal2 = new Polyval(P, ThisXaxis, numPixel); double FLbk[] = pVal2.evl(); for (int i = 0; i < ThisXaxis.length; i++) { SpecNoBk[i] = ThisSpectrum[i] - FLbk[i]; } // the write-to-file part is only for testing purpose, ThisXaxis and SpecNoBk are two outputs try { FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(args[1]); BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(fr); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(br); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(pattern); for (int j = 0; j < ThisXaxis.length; j++) { if (Double.toString(wavelength[j]) != null) out.write(ThisXaxis[j] + "\t" + SpecNoBk[j]); out.write("\r\n"); } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } }
public List<ICFAccTaxObj> readTaxByTenantIdx(long TenantId, boolean forceRead) { final String S_ProcName = "readTaxByTenantIdx"; CFAccTaxByTenantIdxKey key = ((ICFAccSchema) schema.getBackingStore()).getFactoryTax().newTenantIdxKey(); key.setRequiredTenantId(TenantId); Map<CFAccTaxPKey, ICFAccTaxObj> dict; if (indexByTenantIdx == null) { indexByTenantIdx = new HashMap<CFAccTaxByTenantIdxKey, Map<CFAccTaxPKey, ICFAccTaxObj>>(); } if ((!forceRead) && indexByTenantIdx.containsKey(key)) { dict = indexByTenantIdx.get(key); } else { dict = new HashMap<CFAccTaxPKey, ICFAccTaxObj>(); // Allow other threads to dirty-read while we're loading indexByTenantIdx.put(key, dict); ICFAccTaxObj obj; CFAccTaxBuff[] buffList = ((ICFAccSchema) schema.getBackingStore()) .getTableTax() .readDerivedByTenantIdx(schema.getAuthorization(), TenantId); CFAccTaxBuff buff; for (int idx = 0; idx < buffList.length; idx++) { buff = buffList[idx]; obj = schema.getTaxTableObj().newInstance(); obj.setPKey(((ICFAccSchema) schema.getBackingStore()).getFactoryTax().newPKey()); obj.setBuff(buff); ICFAccTaxObj realized = (ICFAccTaxObj) obj.realize(); } } Comparator<ICFAccTaxObj> cmp = new Comparator<ICFAccTaxObj>() { public int compare(ICFAccTaxObj lhs, ICFAccTaxObj rhs) { if (lhs == null) { if (rhs == null) { return (0); } else { return (-1); } } else if (rhs == null) { return (1); } else { CFAccTaxPKey lhsPKey = lhs.getPKey(); CFAccTaxPKey rhsPKey = rhs.getPKey(); int ret = lhsPKey.compareTo(rhsPKey); return (ret); } } }; int len = dict.size(); ICFAccTaxObj arr[] = new ICFAccTaxObj[len]; Iterator<ICFAccTaxObj> valIter = dict.values().iterator(); int idx = 0; while ((idx < len) && valIter.hasNext()) { arr[idx++] = valIter.next(); } if (idx < len) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newArgumentUnderflowException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "idx", idx, len); } else if (valIter.hasNext()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newArgumentOverflowException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "idx", idx, len); } Arrays.sort(arr, cmp); ArrayList<ICFAccTaxObj> arrayList = new ArrayList<ICFAccTaxObj>(len); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { arrayList.add(arr[idx]); } List<ICFAccTaxObj> sortedList = arrayList; return (sortedList); }