private void writeWayNodes(List<Integer> waynodes, int compressionType, MappedByteBuffer buffer) { if (!waynodes.isEmpty() && waynodes.size() % 2 == 0) { Iterator<Integer> waynodeIterator = waynodes.iterator(); buffer.putInt(; buffer.putInt(; while (waynodeIterator.hasNext()) { switch (compressionType) { case 0: buffer.putInt(; buffer.putInt(; break; case 1: buffer.put(Serializer.getSignedThreeBytes(; buffer.put(Serializer.getSignedThreeBytes(; break; case 2: buffer.putShort(; buffer.putShort(; break; case 3: buffer.put(; buffer.put(; break; } } } }
private long writeContainerHeader( long date, int version, short tilePixel, String comment, boolean debugStrings, boolean waynodeCompression, boolean polygonClipping, boolean pixelCompression, GeoCoordinate mapStartPosition) throws IOException { // get metadata for the map file int numberOfZoomIntervals = dataStore.getZoomIntervalConfiguration().getNumberOfZoomIntervals(); logger.fine("writing header"); MappedByteBuffer containerHeaderBuffer = randomAccessFile.getChannel().map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE); // write file header // magic byte byte[] magicBytes = MAGIC_BYTE.getBytes(); containerHeaderBuffer.put(magicBytes); // write container header size int headerSizePosition = containerHeaderBuffer.position(); containerHeaderBuffer.position(headerSizePosition + 4); // version number of the binary file format containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(version); // meta info byte containerHeaderBuffer.put( buildMetaInfoByte( debugStrings, mapStartPosition != null, pixelCompression, polygonClipping, waynodeCompression)); // amount of map files inside this file containerHeaderBuffer.put((byte) numberOfZoomIntervals); // projection type writeUTF8(PROJECTION, containerHeaderBuffer); // width and height of a tile in pixel containerHeaderBuffer.putShort(tilePixel); logger.fine( "Bounding box for file: " + dataStore.getBoundingBox().maxLatitudeE6 + ", " + dataStore.getBoundingBox().minLongitudeE6 + ", " + dataStore.getBoundingBox().minLatitudeE6 + ", " + dataStore.getBoundingBox().maxLongitudeE6); // upper left corner of the bounding box containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(dataStore.getBoundingBox().maxLatitudeE6); containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(dataStore.getBoundingBox().minLongitudeE6); containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(dataStore.getBoundingBox().minLatitudeE6); containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(dataStore.getBoundingBox().maxLongitudeE6); if (mapStartPosition != null) { containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(mapStartPosition.getLatitudeE6()); containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(mapStartPosition.getLongitudeE6()); } // date of the map data containerHeaderBuffer.putLong(date); // store the mapping of tags to tag ids containerHeaderBuffer.putShort((short) PoiEnum.values().length); for (PoiEnum poiEnum : PoiEnum.values()) { writeUTF8(poiEnum.toString(), containerHeaderBuffer); containerHeaderBuffer.putShort((short) poiEnum.ordinal()); } containerHeaderBuffer.putShort((short) WayEnum.values().length); for (WayEnum wayEnum : WayEnum.values()) { writeUTF8(wayEnum.toString(), containerHeaderBuffer); containerHeaderBuffer.putShort((short) wayEnum.ordinal()); } // comment if (comment != null && !comment.equals("")) { writeUTF8(comment, containerHeaderBuffer); } else { writeUTF8("", containerHeaderBuffer); } // initialize buffer for writing zoom interval configurations bufferZoomIntervalConfig = randomAccessFile .getChannel() .map( MapMode.READ_WRITE, containerHeaderBuffer.position(), SIZE_ZOOMINTERVAL_CONFIGURATION * numberOfZoomIntervals); containerHeaderBuffer.position( containerHeaderBuffer.position() + SIZE_ZOOMINTERVAL_CONFIGURATION * numberOfZoomIntervals); // -4 bytes of header size variable itself int headerSize = containerHeaderBuffer.position() - headerSizePosition - 4; containerHeaderBuffer.putInt(headerSizePosition, headerSize); return containerHeaderBuffer.position(); }
private long writeSubfile( long startPositionSubfile, int zoomIntervalIndex, boolean debugStrings, boolean waynodeCompression, boolean polygonClipping, boolean pixelCompression) throws IOException { logger.fine( "writing data for zoom interval " + zoomIntervalIndex + ", number of tiles: " + dataStore.numberOfHorizontalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex) * dataStore.numberOfVerticalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex)); TileCoordinate upperLeft = dataStore.getUpperLeft(zoomIntervalIndex); int lengthX = dataStore.numberOfHorizontalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex); int lengthY = dataStore.numberOfVerticalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex); byte minZoomCurrentInterval = dataStore.getZoomIntervalConfiguration().getMinZoom(zoomIntervalIndex); byte maxZoomCurrentInterval = dataStore.getZoomIntervalConfiguration().getMaxZoom(zoomIntervalIndex); byte baseZoomCurrentInterval = dataStore.getZoomIntervalConfiguration().getBaseZoom(zoomIntervalIndex); byte maxMaxZoomlevel = dataStore.getZoomIntervalConfiguration().getMaxMaxZoom(); int tileAmountInBytes = dataStore.numberOfHorizontalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex) * dataStore.numberOfVerticalTiles(zoomIntervalIndex) * BYTE_AMOUNT_SUBFILE_INDEX_PER_TILE; int indexBufferSize = tileAmountInBytes + (debugStrings ? DEBUG_INDEX_START_STRING.getBytes().length : 0); MappedByteBuffer indexBuffer = randomAccessFile .getChannel() .map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, startPositionSubfile, indexBufferSize); MappedByteBuffer tileBuffer = randomAccessFile .getChannel() .map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, startPositionSubfile + indexBufferSize, TILE_BUFFER_SIZE); long currentSubfileOffset = indexBufferSize; for (int tileY = upperLeft.getY(); tileY < upperLeft.getY() + lengthY; tileY++) { for (int tileX = upperLeft.getX(); tileX < upperLeft.getX() + lengthX; tileX++) { //"writing data for tile (" + tileX + ", " + tileY + ")"); long currentTileOffsetInBuffer = tileBuffer.position(); TileCoordinate currentTileCoordinate = new TileCoordinate(tileX, tileY, baseZoomCurrentInterval); // seek to index frame of this tile and write relative offset of this // tile as five bytes to the index indexBuffer.put(Serializer.getFiveBytes(currentSubfileOffset)); // get statistics for tile TileData currentTile = dataStore.getTile(zoomIntervalIndex, tileX, tileY); // ************* POI ************ // write amount of POIs and ways for each zoom level // TODO is this computation correct? Ways that have an associated zoom level of // e.g. 9 // are lifted to zoom level 12 for an interval 12,14,17 Map<Byte, List<TDNode>> poisByZoomlevel = currentTile.poisByZoomlevel(minZoomCurrentInterval, maxMaxZoomlevel); Map<Byte, List<TDWay>> waysByZoomlevel = currentTile.waysByZoomlevel(minZoomCurrentInterval, maxMaxZoomlevel); if (poisByZoomlevel.size() > 0 || waysByZoomlevel.size() > 0) { int tileContainerStart = tileBuffer.position(); if (debugStrings) { // write tile header StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(DEBUG_STRING_TILE_HEAD) .append(tileX) .append(",") .append(tileY) .append(DEBUG_STRING_TILE_TAIL); tileBuffer.put(sb.toString().getBytes()); // append withespaces so that block has 32 bytes appendWhitespace(32 - sb.toString().getBytes().length, tileBuffer); } short cumulatedPOIs = 0; short cumulatedWays = 0; for (byte zoomlevel = minZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel <= maxZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel++) { if (poisByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel) != null) cumulatedPOIs += poisByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel).size(); if (waysByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel) != null) cumulatedWays += waysByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel).size(); tileBuffer.putShort(cumulatedPOIs); tileBuffer.putShort(cumulatedWays); } // skip 4 bytes, later these 4 bytes will contain the start // position of the ways in this tile int fileIndexStartWayContainer = tileBuffer.position(); tileBuffer.position(fileIndexStartWayContainer + 4); // write POIs for each zoom level beginning with lowest zoom level for (byte zoomlevel = minZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel <= maxZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel++) { List<TDNode> pois = poisByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel); if (pois == null) continue; for (TDNode poi : pois) { if (debugStrings) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(DEBUG_STRING_POI_HEAD).append(poi.getId()).append(DEBUG_STRING_POI_TAIL); tileBuffer.put(sb.toString().getBytes()); // append withespaces so that block has 32 bytes appendWhitespace(32 - sb.toString().getBytes().length, tileBuffer); } // write poi features to the file tileBuffer.putInt(poi.getLatitude()); tileBuffer.putInt(poi.getLongitude()); // write byte with layer and tag amount info tileBuffer.put( buildLayerTagAmountByte( poi.getLayer(), poi.getTags() == null ? 0 : (short) poi.getTags().size())); // write tag ids to the file if (poi.getTags() != null) { for (PoiEnum poiEnum : poi.getTags()) { tileBuffer.putShort((short) poiEnum.ordinal()); } } // write byte with bits set to 1 if the poi has a name, an elevation // or a housenumber tileBuffer.put( buildInfoByteForPOI(poi.getName(), poi.getElevation(), poi.getHouseNumber())); if (poi.getName() != null && poi.getName().length() > 0) { writeUTF8(poi.getName(), tileBuffer); } if (poi.getElevation() != 0) { tileBuffer.putShort(poi.getElevation()); } if (poi.getHouseNumber() != null && poi.getHouseNumber().length() > 0) { writeUTF8(poi.getHouseNumber(), tileBuffer); } } } // end for loop over POIs // write offset to first way in the tile header tileBuffer.putInt(fileIndexStartWayContainer, tileBuffer.position() - tileContainerStart); // ************* WAYS ************ // write ways for (byte zoomlevel = minZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel <= maxZoomCurrentInterval; zoomlevel++) { List<TDWay> ways = waysByZoomlevel.get(zoomlevel); if (ways == null) continue; // use executor service to parallelize computation of subtile bitmasks // for all // ways in the current tile short[] bitmaskComputationResults = computeSubtileBitmasks(ways, currentTileCoordinate); assert bitmaskComputationResults.length == ways.size(); // needed to access bitmask computation results in the foreach loop int i = 0; for (TDWay way : ways) { // // INNER WAY // // inner ways will be written as part of the outer way // if (way.isInnerWay()) // continue; int startIndexWay = tileBuffer.position(); WayNodePreprocessingResult wayNodePreprocessingResult = preprocessWayNodes( way, waynodeCompression, pixelCompression, polygonClipping, maxZoomCurrentInterval, minZoomCurrentInterval, currentTileCoordinate); if (wayNodePreprocessingResult == null) { continue; } if (debugStrings) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(DEBUG_STRING_WAY_HEAD).append(way.getId()).append(DEBUG_STRING_WAY_TAIL); tileBuffer.put(sb.toString().getBytes()); // append withespaces so that block has 32 bytes appendWhitespace(32 - sb.toString().getBytes().length, tileBuffer); } // skip 4 bytes to reserve space for way size int startIndexWaySize = tileBuffer.position(); tileBuffer.position(startIndexWaySize + 4); // write way features // short bitmask = GeoUtils.computeBitmask(way, // currentTileCoordinate); // short bitmask = (short) 0xffff; tileBuffer.putShort(bitmaskComputationResults[i++]); // write byte with layer and tag amount tileBuffer.put( buildLayerTagAmountByte( way.getLayer(), way.getTags() == null ? 0 : (short) way.getTags().size())); // set type of the way node compression int compressionType = wayNodePreprocessingResult.getCompressionType(); // write byte with amount of tags which are rendered tileBuffer.put(buildRenderTagWayNodeCompressionByte(way.getTags(), compressionType)); // write tag bitmap tileBuffer.put(buildTagBitmapByte(way.getTags())); // file.writeByte((byte) 0xff); // write tag ids if (way.getTags() != null) { for (WayEnum wayEnum : way.getTags()) { tileBuffer.putShort((short) wayEnum.ordinal()); } } // write the amount of way nodes to the file tileBuffer.putShort( (short) (wayNodePreprocessingResult.getWaynodesAsList().size() / 2)); // write the way nodes: // the first node is always stored with four bytes // the remaining way node differences are stored according to the // compression type writeWayNodes( wayNodePreprocessingResult.getWaynodesAsList(), wayNodePreprocessingResult.getCompressionType(), tileBuffer); // write a byte with name, label and way type information tileBuffer.put(buildInfoByteForWay(way.getName(), way.getWaytype(), way.getRef())); // // if the way has a name, write it to the file if (way.getName() != null && way.getName().length() > 0) { writeUTF8(way.getName(), tileBuffer); } // if the way has a ref, write it to the file if (way.getRef() != null && way.getRef().length() > 0) { writeUTF8(way.getRef(), tileBuffer); } // // // // if the way has a label position write it to the file // // if (labelPositionLatitude != 0 && labelPositionLongitude != 0) // { // // raf.writeInt(labelPositionLatitude); // // raf.writeInt(labelPositionLongitude); // // } // // *********MULTIPOLYGON PROCESSING*********** if (way.getWaytype() == 3 && dataStore.getInnerWaysOfMultipolygon(way.getId()) != null) { List<TDWay> innerways = dataStore.getInnerWaysOfMultipolygon(way.getId()); if (innerways == null) { tileBuffer.put((byte) 0); } else { tileBuffer.put((byte) innerways.size()); for (TDWay innerway : innerways) { WayNodePreprocessingResult innerWayNodePreprocessingResult = preprocessWayNodes( innerway, waynodeCompression, pixelCompression, false, maxZoomCurrentInterval, minZoomCurrentInterval, currentTileCoordinate); // write the amount of way nodes to the file tileBuffer.putShort( (short) (innerWayNodePreprocessingResult.getWaynodesAsList().size() / 2)); writeWayNodes( innerWayNodePreprocessingResult.getWaynodesAsList(), wayNodePreprocessingResult.getCompressionType(), tileBuffer); } } } // write the size of the way to the file tileBuffer.putInt(startIndexWaySize, tileBuffer.position() - startIndexWay); } } // end for loop over ways } // end if clause checking if tile is empty or not long tileSize = tileBuffer.position() - currentTileOffsetInBuffer; currentSubfileOffset += tileSize; // if necessary, allocate new buffer if (tileBuffer.remaining() < MIN_TILE_BUFFER_SIZE) tileBuffer = randomAccessFile .getChannel() .map( MapMode.READ_WRITE, startPositionSubfile + currentSubfileOffset, TILE_BUFFER_SIZE); tilesProcessed++; if (tilesProcessed % fivePercentOfTilesToProcess == 0) { "written " + (tilesProcessed / fivePercentOfTilesToProcess) * 5 + "% of file"); } } // end for loop over tile columns } // /end for loop over tile rows // return size of sub file in bytes return currentSubfileOffset; }
private void writeUTF8(String string, MappedByteBuffer buffer) { buffer.putShort((short) string.getBytes().length); buffer.put(string.getBytes()); }