public void downloadAndExtract(String name, Terminal terminal) throws IOException { if (name == null && url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("plugin name or url must be supplied with install."); } if (!Files.exists(environment.pluginsFile())) { terminal.println( "Plugins directory [%s] does not exist. Creating...", environment.pluginsFile()); Files.createDirectory(environment.pluginsFile()); } if (!Environment.isWritable(environment.pluginsFile())) { throw new IOException("plugin directory " + environment.pluginsFile() + " is read only"); } PluginHandle pluginHandle; if (name != null) { pluginHandle = PluginHandle.parse(name); checkForForbiddenName(; } else { // if we have no name but url, use temporary name that will be overwritten later pluginHandle = new PluginHandle("temp_name" + new Random().nextInt(), null, null); } Path pluginFile = download(pluginHandle, terminal); extract(pluginHandle, terminal, pluginFile); }
/** Check that deleting a registered directory causes the key to be cancelled and queued. */ static void testAutomaticCancel(Path dir) throws IOException { System.out.println("-- Automatic Cancel --"); Path subdir = Files.createDirectory(dir.resolve("bar")); try (WatchService watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()) { System.out.format("register %s for events\n", subdir); WatchKey myKey = subdir.register( watcher, new WatchEvent.Kind<?>[] {ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY}); System.out.format("delete: %s\n", subdir); Files.delete(subdir); takeExpectedKey(watcher, myKey); System.out.println("reset key"); if (myKey.reset()) throw new RuntimeException("Key was not cancelled"); if (myKey.isValid()) throw new RuntimeException("Key is still valid"); System.out.println("OKAY"); } }