/** * Tests RequestParser.parse() with multipart request. * * @throws IOException I/O Exception * @throws QueryException query exception */ @Test public void parseMultipartReq() throws IOException, QueryException { final String multiReq = "<http:request " + "xmlns:http='http://expath.org/ns/http-client' " + "method='POST' href='" + REST_ROOT + "'>" + "<http:header name='hdr1' value='hdr1val'/>" + "<http:header name='hdr2' value='hdr2val'/>" + "<http:multipart media-type='multipart/mixed' boundary='xxxx'>" + "<http:header name='p1hdr1' value='p1hdr1val'/>" + "<http:header name='p1hdr2' value='p1hdr2val'/>" + "<http:body media-type='text/plain'>" + "Part1" + "</http:body>" + "<http:header name='p2hdr1' value='p2hdr1val'/>" + "<http:body media-type='text/plain'>" + "Part2" + "</http:body>" + "<http:body media-type='text/plain'>" + "Part3" + "</http:body>" + "</http:multipart>" + "</http:request>"; final DBNode dbNode1 = new DBNode(new IOContent(multiReq)); final HttpRequestParser rp = new HttpRequestParser(null); final HttpRequest r = rp.parse(dbNode1.children().next(), null); assertEquals(2, r.attributes.size()); assertEquals(2, r.headers.size()); assertTrue(r.isMultipart); assertEquals(3, r.parts.size()); // check parts final Iterator<Part> i = r.parts.iterator(); Part part = i.next(); assertEquals(2, part.headers.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyContent.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyAttrs.size()); part = i.next(); assertEquals(1, part.headers.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyContent.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyAttrs.size()); part = i.next(); assertEquals(0, part.headers.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyContent.size()); assertEquals(1, part.bodyAttrs.size()); }
public ShowComp() throws InterruptedException, IOException { super("CONNECTED COMPUTERS"); int x = 0, d = 20; mb = new JMenuBar(); File = new JMenu("File"); mb.add(File); exit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); exit.addActionListener(this); File.add(exit); ta = new JTextArea(); ta.setBounds(20, 30, 315, 470); ta.setEditable(false); add(ta); setJMenuBar(mb); sel = new JLabel("The connected computers are.."); sel.setBounds(15, 5, 300, 30); add(sel); b1 = new JButton("<< BACK"); b1.setBounds(140, 510, 100, 30); b1.setToolTipText("Back to main page"); b1.addActionListener(this); add(b1); setLayout(null); while (x < 360) { x = x + d; setBounds(675, 50, x, 600); this.show(); } // setVisible(true); String s = "192.168.0.", temp = null; Printer printer = new Printer(); printer.start(); Connector connector = new Connector(printer); connector.start(); LinkedList targets = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++) { temp = s + Integer.toString(i); Target t = new Target(temp); targets.add(t); connector.add(t); } Thread.sleep(2000); connector.shutdown(); connector.join(); for (Iterator i = targets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Target t = (Target) i.next(); if (!t.shown) t.show(); } setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); }
public void processSelectedKeys() throws IOException { // 处理连接就绪事件 for (Iterator it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SelectionKey selectionKey = (SelectionKey) it.next(); it.remove(); Target target = (Target) selectionKey.attachment(); SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel(); try { if (socketChannel.finishConnect()) { selectionKey.cancel(); target.connectFinish = System.currentTimeMillis(); socketChannel.close(); addFinishedTarget(target); } } catch (IOException x) { socketChannel.close(); target.failure = x; addFinishedTarget(target); } } }
void processSelectedKeys() throws IOException { for (Iterator i = sel.selectedKeys().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SelectionKey sk = (SelectionKey) i.next(); i.remove(); Target t = (Target) sk.attachment(); SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel) sk.channel(); try { if (sc.finishConnect()) { sk.cancel(); t.connectFinish = System.currentTimeMillis(); sc.close(); printer.add(t); } } catch (IOException x) { sc.close(); t.failure = x; printer.add(t); } } }