Example #1
  // Method to open a file for sequential read-only.
  private void openFile() {
    // Define local primitive(s).
    String contents = new String();

    // If a file is open, prompt to save the file before dismissing content
    // and reference.
    if (!file.toString().equals("")) {
      // Close the existing file.
    } // End of if file not null or not equal to a zero String.

    // Open a file.
    fileName = FileIO.findFile(this);

    // If a file name is returned.
    if (fileName != null) {
      // Read file.
      contents = FileIO.openFile(this, fileName);

      // Verify that the JTextAreaPanel is empty.
      if (sender.isTextAreaEmpty()) {
        // Set JTextAreaPanel.

      } // End of if JTextAreaPanel is empty.
      else {
        // Reset JTextAreaPanel by replacing the range.
        sender.replaceRange(contents, 0, sender.getText().length());
      } // End of else JTextAreaPanel is not empty.

      // Set file open flag to true.
      fileOpen = true;
    } // End of if a fileName is selected.
  } // End of openFile method.
Example #2
  // Method to saveAsFile().
  private void saveAsFile() {
    // Set a file.
    fileName = FileIO.nameFile(this);

    // If a file name is selected.
    if (fileName != null) {
      // Try block to throw a custom exception.
      try {
        // Save file.
        FileIO.saveFile(this, fileName, sender.getText());

      } // End of try to get message.
      catch (BufferEmptyException e) // Catch InvalidFileReference.
        // Capture the stack trace into a String.

        // Pass message to the JOptionPane manager.
            "There is nothing in the sender panel to write.\n\n"
                + "Do you want to see the stack trace?");
      } // End of catch on BufferEmptyException.
    } // End of if a fileName is selected.
  } // End of saveAsFile() method.