   * Returns the clone of <code>o_</code>. It calls <code>o_.clone()</code>, if possible, and either
   * raises an exception or returns null if fails.
   * @param raiseException_ set to true if one wishes to get exception instead of receiving null
   *     when this method fails to call <code>o_.clone()</code>.
  public static Object clone(Object o_, boolean raiseException_) {
    if (o_ == null) return null;
    if (o_ instanceof String) return o_;

    try {
      if (o_ instanceof drcl.ObjectCloneable) return ((drcl.ObjectCloneable) o_).clone();
      if (o_.getClass().isArray()) {
        int length_ = Array.getLength(o_);
        Class componentType_ = o_.getClass().getComponentType();
        Object that_ = Array.newInstance(componentType_, length_);
        if (componentType_.isPrimitive()) System.arraycopy(o_, 0, that_, 0, length_);
        else {
          for (int i = 0; i < length_; i++)
            Array.set(that_, i, clone(Array.get(o_, i), raiseException_));
        return that_;
      Method m_ = o_.getClass().getMethod("clone", null);
      return m_.invoke(o_, null);
    } catch (Exception e_) {
      if (raiseException_) {
        Thread t_ = Thread.currentThread();
        t_.getThreadGroup().uncaughtException(t_, e_);
      return null;