private CIJobStatus deleteCI(CIJob job, List<String> builds) throws PhrescoException { S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method CIManagerImpl.deleteCI(CIJob job)"); S_LOGGER.debug("Job name " + job.getName()); cli = getCLI(job); String deleteType = null; List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); S_LOGGER.debug("job name " + job.getName()); S_LOGGER.debug("Builds " + builds); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(builds)) { // delete job S_LOGGER.debug("Job deletion started"); S_LOGGER.debug("Command " + FrameworkConstants.CI_JOB_DELETE_COMMAND); deleteType = DELETE_TYPE_JOB; argList.add(FrameworkConstants.CI_JOB_DELETE_COMMAND); argList.add(job.getName()); } else { // delete Build S_LOGGER.debug("Build deletion started"); deleteType = DELETE_TYPE_BUILD; argList.add(FrameworkConstants.CI_BUILD_DELETE_COMMAND); argList.add(job.getName()); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String string : builds) { result.append(string); result.append(","); } String buildNos = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); argList.add(buildNos); S_LOGGER.debug("Command " + FrameworkConstants.CI_BUILD_DELETE_COMMAND); S_LOGGER.debug("Build numbers " + buildNos); } try { int status = cli.execute(argList); String message = deleteType + " deletion started in jenkins"; if (status == FrameworkConstants.JOB_STATUS_NOTOK) { deleteType = deleteType.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + deleteType.substring(1); message = "Error while deleting " + deleteType + " in jenkins"; } S_LOGGER.debug("Delete CI Status " + status); S_LOGGER.debug("Delete CI Message " + message); return new CIJobStatus(status, message); } finally { if (cli != null) { try { cli.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into catch block of CIManagerImpl.deleteCI(CIJob job) " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into catch block of CIManagerImpl.deleteCI(CIJob job) " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } }
// 过滤整数字符,把所有非0~9的字符全部删除 private void filterInt(StringBuilder builder) { for (int i = builder.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int cp = builder.codePointAt(i); if (cp > '9' || cp < '0') { builder.deleteCharAt(i); } } }
int process(CharSequence org, int index, char begin, char end, StringBuilder result, Link link) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(org); int nesting = 1; StringBuilder variable = new StringBuilder(); outer: while (index < line.length()) { char c1 = line.charAt(index++); if (c1 == end) { if (--nesting == 0) { result.append(replace(variable.toString(), link)); return index; } } else if (c1 == begin) nesting++; else if (c1 == '\\' && index < line.length() - 1 && line.charAt(index) == '$') { // remove the escape backslash and interpret the dollar // as a // literal index++; variable.append('$'); continue outer; } else if (c1 == '$' && index < line.length() - 2) { char c2 = line.charAt(index); char terminator = getTerminator(c2); if (terminator != 0) { index = process(line, index + 1, c2, terminator, variable, link); continue outer; } } else if (c1 == '.' && index < line.length() && line.charAt(index) == '/') { // Found the sequence ./ if (index == 1 || Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(index - 2))) { // make sure it is preceded by whitespace or starts at begin index++; variable.append(domain.getBase().getAbsolutePath()); variable.append('/'); continue outer; } } variable.append(c1); } result.append(variable); return index; }
static String toString(Type[] types) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Type t : types) { sb.append(toString(t)).append(", "); } return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 2); // drop last , }
private static String or(String... tokens) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String t : tokens) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append('|'); buf.append(t); } return buf.toString(); }
/** * Returns a string representation of all found arguments. * * @param args array with arguments * @return string representation */ static String foundArgs(final Value[] args) { // compose found arguments final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Value v : args) { if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(v instanceof Jav ? Util.className(((Jav) v).toJava()) : v.seqType()); } return sb.toString(); }
private static String decamelizeClassName(String className) { Matcher match = CAPS.matcher(className); StringBuilder deCameled = new StringBuilder(); while (match.find()) { if (deCameled.length() == 0) { deCameled.append(; } else { deCameled.append(" "); deCameled.append(; } } return deCameled.toString(); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Prop p : PROPS.values()) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(':'); if (p.field.getType() == boolean.class) { sb.append((Boolean) get(p) ? "+" : "-"); sb.append(; } else { sb.append(; sb.append('='); sb.append(getString(p)); } } return sb.toString(); }
public static String convertName(String name) { // first, trim off the prefix for (String p : PROPERTY_PREFIX) { if (name.startsWith(p)) { name = name.substring(p.length()); break; } } // tokenize by finding 'x|X' and 'X|Xx' then insert '-'. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(name.length() + 5); for (String t : TOKENIZER.split(name)) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append('-'); buf.append(t.toLowerCase()); } return buf.toString(); }
protected void loadHttpServlet(final AnyValue conf, final ClassFilter<? extends Servlet> filter) throws Exception { final StringBuilder sb = logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO) ? new StringBuilder() : null; final String prefix = conf == null ? "" : conf.getValue("path", ""); final String threadName = "[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] "; List<FilterEntry<? extends Servlet>> list = new ArrayList(filter.getFilterEntrys()); list.sort( (FilterEntry<? extends Servlet> o1, FilterEntry<? extends Servlet> o2) -> { // 必须保证WebSocketServlet优先加载, 因为要确保其他的HttpServlet可以注入本地模式的WebSocketNode boolean ws1 = WebSocketServlet.class.isAssignableFrom(o1.getType()); boolean ws2 = WebSocketServlet.class.isAssignableFrom(o2.getType()); if (ws1 == ws2) return o1.getType().getName().compareTo(o2.getType().getName()); return ws1 ? -1 : 1; }); final List<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String[]>> ss = sb == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(); for (FilterEntry<? extends Servlet> en : list) { Class<HttpServlet> clazz = (Class<HttpServlet>) en.getType(); if (Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) continue; WebServlet ws = clazz.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class); if (ws == null || ws.value().length == 0) continue; final HttpServlet servlet = clazz.newInstance(); resourceFactory.inject(servlet, this); final String[] mappings = ws.value(); String pref = ? prefix : ""; DefaultAnyValue servletConf = (DefaultAnyValue) en.getProperty(); WebInitParam[] webparams = ws.initParams(); if (webparams.length > 0) { if (servletConf == null) servletConf = new DefaultAnyValue(); for (WebInitParam webparam : webparams) { servletConf.addValue(, webparam.value()); } } this.httpServer.addHttpServlet(servlet, pref, servletConf, mappings); if (ss != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { mappings[i] = pref + mappings[i]; } ss.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(clazz.getName(), mappings)); } } if (ss != null) { Collections.sort( ss, (AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String[]> o1, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String[]> o2) -> o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey())); int max = 0; for (AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String[]> as : ss) { if (as.getKey().length() > max) max = as.getKey().length(); } for (AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String[]> as : ss) { sb.append(threadName).append(" Loaded ").append(as.getKey()); for (int i = 0; i < max - as.getKey().length(); i++) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(" mapping to ").append(Arrays.toString(as.getValue())).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } } if (sb != null && sb.length() > 0) logger.log(Level.INFO, sb.toString()); }
/** * Returns whether the following token exists (using wildcards). * * @return result of check */ private boolean moreWC() { final StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); final int size = tokenList.size(); boolean period = false, bs = false, more = false; for (; cpos < size; cpos++) { String cSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos).getSurface(); final boolean cMark = tokenList.get(cpos).isMark(); String nSrfc = null; boolean nMark = false; if (cpos < size - 1) { nSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos + 1).getSurface(); nMark = tokenList.get(cpos + 1).isMark(); } if (nSrfc != null) { if ("\\".equals(cSrfc)) bs = true; // delimiter if (cMark && !isFtChar(cSrfc) || "\\".equals(cSrfc) && nMark) { period = false; bs = false; if (word.length() != 0) { more = true; break; } if ("\\".equals(cSrfc) && nMark) cpos++; continue; } word.append(cSrfc); if (bs || "\\".equals(nSrfc)) { more = true; continue; } if (".".equals(cSrfc) || ".".equals(nSrfc)) { period = true; continue; } if (period) { if ("{".equals(cSrfc)) { cpos++; for (; cpos < size; cpos++) { cSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos).getSurface(); word.append(cSrfc); if ("}".equals(cSrfc)) { more = true; break; } } cpos++; break; } continue; } } else { // last token. if (cMark) { if ("\\".equals(cSrfc)) continue; if (word.length() != 0) { word.append(cSrfc); } more = true; continue; } } if (period) { word.append(cSrfc); } else { if (bs) if (!isFtChar(cSrfc)) word.append(cSrfc); else word.setLength(0); } more = true; cpos++; break; } if (more) { currToken = word.length() == 0 ? tokenList.get(cpos - 1) : new Morpheme(word.toString(), MEISHI_FEATURE); } return more; }
private static void generateCtor( ClassFileWriter cfw, String adapterName, String superName, Constructor<?> superCtor) { short locals = 3; // this + factory + delegee Class<?>[] parameters = superCtor.getParameterTypes(); // Note that we swapped arguments in app-facing constructors to avoid // conflicting signatures with serial constructor defined below. if (parameters.length == 0) { cfw.startMethod( "<init>", "(Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;" + "Laurora/javascript/ContextFactory;)V", ClassFileWriter.ACC_PUBLIC); // Invoke base class constructor cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this cfw.addInvoke(ByteCode.INVOKESPECIAL, superName, "<init>", "()V"); } else { StringBuilder sig = new StringBuilder( "(Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;" + "Laurora/javascript/ContextFactory;"); int marker = sig.length(); // lets us reuse buffer for super signature for (Class<?> c : parameters) { appendTypeString(sig, c); } sig.append(")V"); cfw.startMethod("<init>", sig.toString(), ClassFileWriter.ACC_PUBLIC); // Invoke base class constructor cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this short paramOffset = 3; for (Class<?> parameter : parameters) { paramOffset += generatePushParam(cfw, paramOffset, parameter); } locals = paramOffset; sig.delete(1, marker); cfw.addInvoke(ByteCode.INVOKESPECIAL, superName, "<init>", sig.toString()); } // Save parameter in instance variable "delegee" cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_1); // first arg: Scriptable delegee cfw.add(ByteCode.PUTFIELD, adapterName, "delegee", "Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;"); // Save parameter in instance variable "factory" cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_2); // second arg: ContextFactory instance cfw.add(ByteCode.PUTFIELD, adapterName, "factory", "Laurora/javascript/ContextFactory;"); cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this for the following PUTFIELD for self // create a wrapper object to be used as "this" in method calls cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_1); // the Scriptable delegee cfw.add(ByteCode.ALOAD_0); // this cfw.addInvoke( ByteCode.INVOKESTATIC, "aurora/javascript/JavaAdapter", "createAdapterWrapper", "(Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;" + "Ljava/lang/Object;" + ")Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;"); cfw.add(ByteCode.PUTFIELD, adapterName, "self", "Laurora/javascript/Scriptable;"); cfw.add(ByteCode.RETURN); cfw.stopMethod(locals); }