Example #1
  public void init() throws javax.servlet.ServletException {

    org.slf4j.Logger logServerStartup = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("serverStartup");
        getClass().getName() + " initialization start - " + UsageLog.setupNonRequestContext());

    this.ascLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.ascLimit", ascLimit);
    this.binLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.binLimit", binLimit);

    this.odapVersionString = ThreddsConfig.get("Opendap.serverVersion", odapVersionString);
            + " version= "
            + odapVersionString
            + " ascLimit = "
            + ascLimit
            + " binLimit = "
            + binLimit);

    // debugging actions

            + " initialization done - "
            + UsageLog.closingMessageNonRequestContext());
 * A wrapper around a {@link HttpServletResponse} which attempts to detect the type of output
 * acquired from the servlet chain and apply a stylesheet to it if all conditions mentioned in
 * {@link XSLTFilter} are met.
final class XSLTFilterServletResponse extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
  private static final Logger log =

   * If true, the stream will be passed verbatim to the next filter. This usually happens when the
   * output has a mime type different than <code>text/xml</code>.
  private boolean passthrough;

  /** The actual {@link HttpServletResponse}. */
  private HttpServletResponse origResponse = null;

  /** The actual {@link HttpServletRequest}. */
  private HttpServletRequest origRequest;

   * The {@link ServletOutputStream} returned from {@link #getOutputStream()} or <code>null</code>.
  private ServletOutputStream stream = null;

  /** The {@link PrintWriter} returned frmo {@link #getWriter()} or <code>null</code>. */
  private PrintWriter writer = null;

  /** A pool of stylesheets used for XSLT processing. */
  private TemplatesPool transformers;

  /** Servlet context for resolving local paths. */
  private ServletContext context;

   * Creates an XSLT filter servlet response for a single request, wrapping a given {@link
   * HttpServletResponse}.
   * @param response The original chain's {@link HttpServletResponse}.
   * @param request The original chain's {@link HttpServletRequest}.
   * @param transformers A pool of transformers to be used with this request.
  public XSLTFilterServletResponse(
      HttpServletResponse response,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      ServletContext context,
      TemplatesPool transformers) {

    this.origResponse = response;
    this.transformers = transformers;
    this.origRequest = request;
    this.context = context;

  /** We override this method to detect XML data streams. */
  public void setContentType(String contentType) {
    // Check if XSLT processing has been suppressed for this request.
    final boolean processingSuppressed = processingSuppressed(origRequest);

    if (processingSuppressed) {
      // Processing is suppressed.
      log.debug("XSLT processing disabled for the request.");

    if (!processingSuppressed
        && (contentType.startsWith("text/xml") || contentType.startsWith("application/xml"))) {
       * We have an XML data stream. Set the real response to proper content type.
       * TODO: Should we make the encoding a configurable setting?
      origResponse.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    } else {
       * The input is something we won't process anyway, so simply passthrough all
       * data directly to the output stream.
      if (!processingSuppressed) {
            "Content type is not text/xml or application/xml (" + contentType + "), passthrough.");

      passthrough = true;

      // If the output stream is already initialized, passthrough everything.
      if (stream != null && stream instanceof DeferredOutputStream) {
        try {
          ((DeferredOutputStream) stream).passthrough(origResponse.getOutputStream());
        } catch (IOException e) {
          ((DeferredOutputStream) stream).setExceptionOnNext(e);

   * Return <code>true</code> if the original request contained XSLT suppressing key.
   * @see XSLTFilterConstants#NO_XSLT_PROCESSING
  private boolean processingSuppressed(HttpServletRequest origRequest2) {
    return (origRequest.getAttribute(XSLTFilterConstants.NO_XSLT_PROCESSING) != null)
        | (origRequest.getParameter(XSLTFilterConstants.NO_XSLT_PROCESSING) != null);

  /** We do not delegate content length because it will most likely change. */
  public void setContentLength(final int length) {
    log.debug("Original content length (ignored): " + length);

  /** Flush the internal buffers. This only works if XSLT transformation is suppressed. */
  public void flushBuffer() throws IOException {

   * Return the byte output stream for this response. This is either the original stream or a
   * buffered stream.
   * @exception IllegalStateException Thrown when character stream has been already initialized
   *     ({@link #getWriter()}).
  public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    if (writer != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Character stream has been already initialized. Use streams consequently.");

    if (stream != null) {
      return stream;

    if (passthrough) {
      stream = origResponse.getOutputStream();
    } else {
      stream = new DeferredOutputStream();

    return stream;

   * Return the character output stream for this response. This is either the original stream or a
   * buffered stream.
   * @exception IllegalStateException Thrown when byte stream has been already initialized ({@link
   *     #getOutputStream()}).
  public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {
    if (stream != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Byte stream has been already initialized. Use streams consequently.");

    if (writer != null) {
      return writer;

    if (passthrough) {
      writer = this.origResponse.getWriter();
      return writer;

     * TODO: The character encoding should be extracted in {@link #setContentType()},
     * saved somewhere locally and used here. The response's character encoding may be
     * different (depends on the stylesheet).
    final String charEnc = origResponse.getCharacterEncoding();

    this.stream = new DeferredOutputStream();
    if (charEnc != null) {
      writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, charEnc));
    } else {
      writer = new PrintWriter(stream);

    return writer;

   * This method must be invoked at the end of processing. The streams are closed and their content
   * is analyzed. Actual XSLT processing takes place here.
  void finishResponse() throws IOException {
    if (writer != null) {
    } else {
      if (stream != null) stream.close();

     * If we're not in passthrough mode, then we need to finalize XSLT transformation.
    if (false == passthrough) {
      if (stream != null) {
        final byte[] bytes = ((DeferredOutputStream) stream).getBytes();
        final boolean processingSuppressed =
            (origRequest.getAttribute(XSLTFilterConstants.NO_XSLT_PROCESSING) != null)
                | (origRequest.getParameter(XSLTFilterConstants.NO_XSLT_PROCESSING) != null);

        if (processingSuppressed) {
          // Just copy the buffered data to the output directly.
          final OutputStream os = origResponse.getOutputStream();
        } else {
          // Otherwise apply XSLT transformation to it.
          try {
                (Map<String, Object>) origRequest.getAttribute(XSLTFilterConstants.XSLT_PARAMS_MAP),
          } catch (TransformerException e) {
            final Throwable t = unwrapCause(e);
            if (t instanceof IOException) {
              throw (IOException) t;

            filterError("Error applying stylesheet.", e);

  /** Unwraps original throwable from the transformer/ SAX stack. */
  private Throwable unwrapCause(TransformerException e) {
    Throwable t;

    if (e.getException() != null) {
      t = e.getException();
    } else if (e.getCause() != null) {
      t = e.getCause();
    } else {
      return e;

    do {
      if (t instanceof IOException) {
        // break early on IOException
        return t;
      } else if (t.getCause() != null) {
        t = t.getCause();
      } else if (t instanceof SAXException && ((SAXException) t).getException() != null) {
        t = ((SAXException) t).getException();
      } else {
        return t;
    } while (true);

   * Process the byte array (input XML) with the XSLT stylesheet and push the result to the output
   * stream.
  private void processWithXslt(
      byte[] bytes, final Map<String, Object> stylesheetParams, final HttpServletResponse response)
      throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, IOException {
    final TransformingDocumentHandler docHandler;
    try {
      final XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();

      docHandler =
          new TransformingDocumentHandler(origRequest, context, stylesheetParams, transformers);

          new IContentTypeListener() {
            public void setContentType(String contentType, String encoding) {
              if (encoding == null) {
              } else {
                response.setContentType(contentType + "; charset=" + encoding);
              try {
                docHandler.setTransformationResult(new StreamResult(response.getOutputStream()));
              } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not open output stream.");

      try {
        reader.parse(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)));
      } finally {
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      final Exception nested = e.getException();
      if (nested != null) {
        if (nested instanceof IOException) {
          throw (IOException) nested;
        } else if (nested instanceof TransformerException) {
          throw (TransformerException) nested;
      throw new TransformerException("Input parsing exception.", e);

   * Attempts to send an internal server error HTTP error, if possible. Otherwise simply pushes the
   * exception message to the output stream.
   * @param message Message to be printed to the logger and to the output stream.
   * @param t Exception that caused the error.
  protected void filterError(String message, Throwable t) {
    log.error("XSLT filter error: " + message, t);
    if (false == origResponse.isCommitted()) {
      // Reset the buffer and previous status code.
      origResponse.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

    // Response committed. Just push the error to the output stream.
    try {
      final OutputStream os = origResponse.getOutputStream();
      final PrintWriter osw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "iso8859-1"));
      osw.write("<html><body><!-- " + XSLTFilterConstants.ERROR_TOKEN + " -->");
      osw.write("<h1 style=\"color: red; margin-top: 1em;\">");
      osw.write("Internal server exception");
      osw.write("<b>URI</b>: " + origRequest.getRequestURI() + "\n<br/><br/>");
      serializeException(osw, t);
      if (t instanceof ServletException && ((ServletException) t).getRootCause() != null) {
        osw.write("<br/><br/><h2>ServletException root cause:</h2>");
        serializeException(osw, ((ServletException) t).getRootCause());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Not much to do in such case (connection broken most likely).
      log.debug("Filter error could not be returned to client.");

  /** Utility method to serialize an exception and its stack trace to simple HTML. */
  private final void serializeException(PrintWriter osw, Throwable t) {
    osw.write("<b>Exception</b>: " + t.toString() + "\n<br/><br/>");
    osw.write("<b>Stack trace:</b>");
        "<pre style=\"margin: 1px solid red; padding: 3px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: small;\">");

  /** */
  private void detectErrorResponse(int errorCode) {
    if (errorCode != HttpServletResponse.SC_ACCEPTED) {
      origRequest.setAttribute(XSLTFilterConstants.NO_XSLT_PROCESSING, Boolean.TRUE);

  /** */
  public void sendError(int errorCode) throws IOException {

  /** */
  public void sendError(int errorCode, String message) throws IOException {
    super.sendError(errorCode, message);

  /** */
  public void setStatus(int statusCode) {

  /** */
  public void setStatus(int statusCode, String message) {
    super.setStatus(statusCode, message);
Example #3
 * Created by 4535992 on 21/04/2015.
 * @version 2015-06-25
public class BeansKit
    implements org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware, BeanPostProcessor {

  private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeansKit.class);

  private static final BeansKit instance = new BeansKit();

  private BeansKit() {}

  public static BeansKit getInstance() {
    return instance;

  private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

  public static <T> T getBeanFromContext(
      String nameOfBean, Class<T> requiredType, AbstractApplicationContext context) {
    T obj = context.getBean(nameOfBean, requiredType);
    return obj;

  public static <T> T getBeanFromContext(
      String nameOfBean, Class<T> requiredType, ApplicationContext context) {
    // retrieve configured instance
    return context.getBean(nameOfBean, requiredType);

  public static ApplicationContext tryGetContextSpring(String filePathXml, Class<?> thisClass)
      throws IOException {
    return loadApplicationContextSpring(thisClass, filePathXml);

  private static ApplicationContext loadApplicationContextSpring(
      Class<?> thisClass, String... filePaths) {
    ApplicationContext context = new GenericApplicationContext();
    // Clean the path for load the context...
    for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) {
      if (filePaths[i].startsWith(File.separator) || filePaths[i].startsWith("/")) {
        filePaths[i] = filePaths[i].substring(1, filePaths[i].length());

    // This container loads the definitions of the beans from an XML file.
    // Here you do not need to provide the full path of the XML file but
    // you need to set CLASSPATH properly because this container will look
    // bean configuration XML file in CLASSPATH.
    // You can force with the fileSystem using "file:" instead of "classpath:".
    try {
      context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(filePaths, true);
    } catch (Exception e0) {
      try {
        if (e0.getCause().getMessage().contains("has already been set")) {
          logger.warn(e0.getMessage() + "->" + e0.getCause());
      } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
        /*do nothing*/
      try {
        context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(filePaths, true);
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        if (thisClass != null) {
          try {
            context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(filePaths, thisClass);
          } catch (Exception e2) {

            try {
              // This container loads the definitions of the beans from an XML file.
              // Here you need to provide the full path of the XML bean configuration file to the
              // constructor.
              // You can force with file: property to the class file.
              List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
              for (String spath : filePaths) {
                Path path = getResourceAsFile(spath, thisClass).toPath();
                if (Files.exists(path) && path.toRealPath() != null) {
                } else {
                  logger.warn("The resource with path:" + path.toString() + " not exists");
              if (!files.isEmpty()) {
                context =
                    new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(
                        files.toArray(new String[files.size()]), true);
              } else {
                logger.warn("The paths used are reference 0 resources return NULL value");
                return null;
            } catch (Exception e3) {
              logger.error(e3.getMessage(), e3);
        } else {
          logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
    return context;

  public static ApplicationContext tryGetContextSpring(String[] filesPathsXml, Class<?> thisClass)
      throws IOException {
    String[] paths = new String[filesPathsXml.length];
    int i = 0;
    for (String path : filesPathsXml) {
      if (new File(path).exists()) {
        // String path = toStringUriWithPrefix(getResourceAsFile(spath, thisClass));
        paths[i] = path;
    return loadApplicationContextSpring(thisClass, paths);

  /*public static String getResourceAsString(String fileName,Class<?> thisClass) {
      String result;
      try {
          result = org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(thisClass.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName));
          return result;
      } catch (IOException e) {
          return null;

  private ClassLoader getThisClassLoader() {
    return this.getClass().getClassLoader();

  public static File getResourceAsFile(String name, Class<?> thisClass) {
    ClassLoader classLoader = thisClass.getClassLoader();
    try {
      //noinspection ConstantConditions
      // String path = classLoader.getResource("").getPath();
      // ///C:/Users/tenti/Desktop/Projects/gate-basic/target/test-classes/
      return new File(classLoader.getResource(name).getFile());
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      try {
        // return new
        // File(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(name).getFile());
        // ClassLoader classLoader = Config.class.getClassLoader();
        // URL resource = classLoader.getResource(name);
        // String path = Paths.get(resource.toURI()).toAbsolutePath().toString();
        File file = null;
        URL url = null;

        if (classLoader != null) {
          url = classLoader.getResource(name);
        if (url == null) {
          url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);
        if (url != null) {
          try {
            file = new File(url.toURI());
          } catch (URISyntaxException e5) {
            file = new File(url.getPath());
        if (file == null) {
          file = getResourceAsFileFromBuildFolder(name);
        // return new File(path);
        return file;
      } catch (NullPointerException | IOException e2) {
        logger.error(e2.getMessage(), e2);
        return new File("");

  private static File getResourceAsFileFromBuildFolder(String name) throws IOException {
    String path =
            + File.separator
            + "build"
            + File.separator
            + "resources"
            + File.separator
            + "main"
            + File.separator
            + name.replace("/", File.separator);
    return new File(path);

   * @param the {@link String} path to the resource
   * @href https://discuss.gradle.org/t/getresourceasstream-returns-null-in-plugin-in-daemon-mode/2385/7
   * @return the {@link File} resource.
  /*public static File getResourceURLAsFile(String resource) throws IOException{
      new URLConnection(new URL("file:///")) {
          public void connect() throws IOException {
      return new File()

  public static File getResourceSpringAsFile(String pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder) {
    try {
      //noinspection ConstantConditions
      return getResourceSpringAsResource(pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, null, null).getFile();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

  public static File getResourceSpringAsFile(
      String pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, Class<?> clazz) {
    try {
      //noinspection ConstantConditions
      return getResourceSpringAsResource(pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, clazz, null).getFile();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

  public static File getResourceSpringAsFile(
      String pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    try {
      //noinspection ConstantConditions
      return getResourceSpringAsResource(pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, null, classLoader)
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

  public static String getResourceSpringAsString(String pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder) {
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    return readResource(
        getResourceSpringAsResource(pathRelativeToFileOnResourceFolder, null, null));

   * Method to get a resource. href:
   * http://howtodoinjava.com/spring/spring-core/how-to-load-external-resources-files-into-spring-context/
   * @param fileNameOrUri the {@link Object} to convert to {@link Resource} must be a {@link
   *     File},{@link URI},{@link URL},{@link Path},{@link String},{@link InputStream}
   * @param clazz the {@link Class} for reference to the resource folder.
   * @param classLoader the {@link ClassLoader} for load the resources.
   * @return the {@link Resource}.
  private static Resource getResourceSpringAsResource(
      Object fileNameOrUri, @Nullable Class<?> clazz, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
    try {
      Resource yourfile;
      // if File
      if (fileNameOrUri instanceof File && ((File) fileNameOrUri).exists()) {
        yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource(((File) fileNameOrUri));
      // if URL
      else if (org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils.isUrl(String.valueOf(fileNameOrUri))
          || fileNameOrUri instanceof URL) {
        if (fileNameOrUri instanceof URL) {
          yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.UrlResource((URL) fileNameOrUri);
        } else {
          yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.UrlResource(String.valueOf(fileNameOrUri));
        // if Path or URI
      } else if (fileNameOrUri instanceof Path || fileNameOrUri instanceof URI) {
        if (fileNameOrUri instanceof Path && Files.exists((Path) fileNameOrUri)) {
          yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.PathResource((Path) fileNameOrUri);
        } else {
          yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.PathResource((URI) fileNameOrUri);
        /*  }else if(fileNameOrUri instanceof Class){
        org.springframework.core.io.ClassRelativeResourceLoader relativeResourceLoader =
                new org.springframework.core.io.ClassRelativeResourceLoader((Class<?>) fileNameOrUri);
        yourfile = relativeResourceLoader.getResource("")
        // if InputStream
      } else if (fileNameOrUri instanceof InputStream) {
        yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.InputStreamResource((InputStream) fileNameOrUri);
      } else if (fileNameOrUri instanceof byte[]) {
        yourfile = new org.springframework.core.io.ByteArrayResource((byte[]) fileNameOrUri);
        // if String path toa file or String of a URI
      } else if (fileNameOrUri instanceof String) {
        if (classLoader != null) {
          yourfile =
              new org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource(
                  String.valueOf(fileNameOrUri), classLoader);
        } else if (clazz != null) {
          yourfile =
              new org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource(
                  String.valueOf(fileNameOrUri), clazz);
        } else {
          yourfile =
              new org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource(String.valueOf(fileNameOrUri));
      } else {
            "Can't load the resource for the Object with Class:"
                + fileNameOrUri.getClass().getName());
        return null;
      return yourfile;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

  public static String readResource(Resource resource) {
    try {
      /* org.springframework.core.io.Resource resource =
      new org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource(fileLocationInClasspath);*/
      BufferedReader br =
          new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resource.getInputStream()), 1024);
      StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
      String line;
      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      return stringBuilder.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

  public String readResource(String absolutePathToFile, ResourceLoader resourceLoader)
      throws IOException {
    // This line will be changed for all versions of other examples :
    // "file:c:/temp/filesystemdata.txt"
    Resource banner = resourceLoader.getResource("file:" + absolutePathToFile);
    InputStream in = banner.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (true) {
      String line = reader.readLine();
      if (line == null) break;
    return sb.toString();

  public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
    this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

   * Method to get a resource from relative path with spring.
   * @param location the {@link String} location of the file on the resource folders e.g.
   *     "location.txt".
   * @return the {@link Resource} of Spring core io.
  public Resource getResource(String location) {
    return resourceLoader.getResource(location);

   * Convert filename string to a URI.
   * Map '\' characters to '/' (this might break if '\' is used in
   * a Unix filename, but this is assumed to be a very rare occurrence
   * as '\' is often used with special meaning on Unix.)
   * For unix-like systems, the absolute filename begins with a '/' and is preceded by "file://".
   * For other systems an extra '/' must be supplied.
   * @param filePath string of the path to the file
   * @return path to the in uri formato with prefix file:///
  /*private static String toStringUriWithPrefix(String filePath) {
      StringBuilder mapFileName = new StringBuilder(filePath);
      for (int i = 0; i < mapFileName.length(); i++) {
          if (mapFileName.charAt(i) == '\\')
              mapFileName.setCharAt(i, '/');
      if (filePath.charAt(0) == '/') return "file://" + mapFileName.toString();
      else return "file:///" + mapFileName.toString();

   * Method to convert a File to a URI with the prefix file://.
   * @param file the File to convert.
   * @return the String URI with prefix.
  /*public static String toStringUriWithPrefix(File file) {
      return toStringUriWithPrefix(file.getAbsolutePath());

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  /*public static Collection<?> collect(Collection<?> collection, String propertyName) {
      return org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.collect(collection, new

  /*public static org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext createApplicationContext(String uri) throws MalformedURLException {
    org.springframework.core.io.Resource resource = getResourceSpringAsResource(uri,null,null);
    logger.debug("Using " + resource + " from " + uri);
    try {
      return new ResourceAdapterApplicationContext()ResourceXmlApplicationContext(resource) {
        protected void initBeanDefinitionReader(org.springframework.beans.context.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader) {

  public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
      throws BeansException {
    System.out.println("BeforeInitialization : " + beanName);
    return bean;
    // you can return any other object as well

  public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
    System.out.println("AfterInitialization : " + beanName);
    return bean;
    // you can return any other object as well
 * Helper class for using the netcdf-3 record dimension.
 * @author caron
 * @since Feb 29, 2008
public class RecordDatasetHelper {
  private static org.slf4j.Logger log =

  protected NetcdfDataset ncfile;
  protected String obsTimeVName, nomTimeVName;
  protected String latVName, lonVName, zcoordVName, zcoordUnits;
  protected String stnIdVName, stnIndexVName, stnDescVName;
  protected StationHelper stationHelper;
  protected DataType stationIdType;

  protected StructureDS recordVar;
  protected Dimension obsDim;

  protected LatLonRect boundingBox;
  protected double minDate, maxDate;
  protected DateUnit timeUnit;

  protected double altScaleFactor = 1.0;

  protected Formatter errs = null;
  protected boolean showErrors = true;

   * Constructor.
   * @param ncfile the netccdf file
   * @param typedDataVariables list of data variables; all record variables will be added to this
   *     list, except . You can remove extra
   * @param obsTimeVName observation time variable name (required)
   * @param nomTimeVName nominal time variable name (may be null)
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if ncfile has no unlimited dimension and recDimName is null.
  public RecordDatasetHelper(
      NetcdfDataset ncfile,
      String obsTimeVName,
      String nomTimeVName,
      List<VariableSimpleIF> typedDataVariables,
      String recDimName,
      Formatter errBuffer) {
    this.ncfile = ncfile;
    this.obsTimeVName = obsTimeVName;
    this.nomTimeVName = nomTimeVName;
    this.errs = errBuffer;

    // check if we already have a structure vs if we have to add it.

    if (this.ncfile.hasUnlimitedDimension()) {
      this.recordVar = (StructureDS) this.ncfile.getRootGroup().findVariable("record");
      this.obsDim = ncfile.getUnlimitedDimension();

    } else {
      if (recDimName == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "File <"
                + this.ncfile.getLocation()
                + "> has no unlimited dimension, specify psuedo record dimension with observationDimension global attribute.");
      this.obsDim = this.ncfile.getRootGroup().findDimension(recDimName);
      this.recordVar = new StructurePseudoDS(this.ncfile, null, "record", null, obsDim);

    // create member variables
    List<Variable> recordMembers = ncfile.getVariables();
    for (Variable v : recordMembers) {
      if (v == recordVar) continue;
      if (v.isScalar()) continue;
      if (v.getDimension(0) == this.obsDim) typedDataVariables.add(v);

    // need the time units
    Variable timeVar = ncfile.findVariable(obsTimeVName);
    String timeUnitString =
        ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(timeVar, CDM.UNITS, "seconds since 1970-01-01");
    try {
      timeUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnitString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (null != errs) errs.format("Error on string = %s == %s%n", timeUnitString, e.getMessage());
      try {
        timeUnit = new DateUnit("seconds since 1970-01-01");
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        // cant happen

   * Set extra information used by station obs datasets. Use stnIdVName or stnIndexVName.
   * @param stnIdVName the obs variable that is used to find the station in the stnHash; may be type
   *     int or a String (char).
   * @param stnDescVName optional station var containing station description
  public void setStationInfo(
      String stnIdVName, String stnDescVName, String stnIndexVName, StationHelper stationHelper) {
    this.stnIdVName = stnIdVName;
    this.stnDescVName = stnDescVName;
    this.stnIndexVName = stnIndexVName;
    this.stationHelper = stationHelper;

    if (stnIdVName != null) {
      Variable stationVar = ncfile.findVariable(stnIdVName);
      stationIdType = stationVar.getDataType();

  public void setLocationInfo(String latVName, String lonVName, String zcoordVName) {
    this.latVName = latVName;
    this.lonVName = lonVName;
    this.zcoordVName = zcoordVName;

    // check for meter conversion
    if (zcoordVName != null) {
      Variable v = ncfile.findVariable(zcoordVName);
      zcoordUnits = ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, CDM.UNITS, null);
      if (zcoordUnits != null)
        try {
          altScaleFactor = getMetersConversionFactor(zcoordUnits);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (errs != null) errs.format("%s", e.getMessage());

  // make structure variable names to shortNames so StructureData sdata can
  // access it members
  public void setShortNames(
      String latVName, String lonVName, String altVName, String obsTimeVName, String nomTimeVName) {
    this.latVName = latVName;
    this.lonVName = lonVName;
    this.zcoordVName = altVName;
    this.obsTimeVName = obsTimeVName;
    this.nomTimeVName = nomTimeVName;

  protected static double getMetersConversionFactor(String unitsString) throws Exception {
    SimpleUnit unit = SimpleUnit.factoryWithExceptions(unitsString);
    return unit.convertTo(1.0, SimpleUnit.meterUnit);

  public Structure getRecordVar() {
    return (this.recordVar);

  public int getRecordCount() {
    Dimension unlimitedDim = ncfile.getUnlimitedDimension();
    return unlimitedDim.getLength();

  public void setTimeUnit(DateUnit timeUnit) {
    this.timeUnit = timeUnit;

  public DateUnit getTimeUnit() {
    return this.timeUnit;

  public LatLonPoint getLocation(StructureData sdata) {
    StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
    double lat = sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(latVName));
    double lon = sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(lonVName));
    return new LatLonPointImpl(lat, lon);

  public double getLatitude(StructureData sdata) {
    StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
    return sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(latVName));

  public double getLongitude(StructureData sdata) {
    StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
    return sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(lonVName));

  public double getZcoordinate(StructureData sdata) {
    StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
    return (zcoordVName == null)
        ? Double.NaN
        : sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(zcoordVName));

  public String getZcoordUnits() {
    return zcoordUnits;

  public Date getObservationTimeAsDate(StructureData sdata) {
    return timeUnit.makeDate(getObservationTime(sdata));

  public double getObservationTime(StructureData sdata) {
    return getTime(sdata.findMember(obsTimeVName), sdata);

  private double getTime(StructureMembers.Member timeVar, StructureData sdata) {
    if (timeVar == null) return 0.0;

    if ((timeVar.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR) || (timeVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING)) {
      String time = sdata.getScalarString(timeVar);
      CalendarDate date = CalendarDateFormatter.isoStringToCalendarDate(null, time);
      if (date == null) {
        log.error("Cant parse date - not ISO formatted, = " + time);
        return 0.0;
      return date.getMillis() / 1000.0;

    } else {
      return sdata.convertScalarDouble(timeVar);

   * This reads through all the records in the dataset, and constructs a list of
   * RecordPointObs or RecordStationObs. It does not cache the data.
   * <p>If stnIdVName is not null, its a StationDataset, then construct a Station HashMap of StationImpl
   * objects. Add the RecordStationObs into the list of obs for that station.
   * @param cancel allow user to cancel
   * @return List of RecordPointObs or RecordStationObs
   * @throws IOException on read error
  public List<RecordPointObs> readAllCreateObs(CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {

    // see if its a station or point dataset
    boolean hasStations = stnIdVName != null;
    if (hasStations)
      stnHash = new HashMap<Object, Station>();

    // get min and max date and lat,lon
    double minDate = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDate = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

    double minLat = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxLat = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

    double minLon = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxLon = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

    // read all the data, create a RecordObs
    StructureMembers members = null;
    List<RecordPointObs> records = new ArrayList<RecordPointObs>();
    int recno = 0;
    Structure.Iterator ii = recordVar.getStructureIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata = ii.next();
      if (members == null)
        members = sdata.getStructureMembers();

      Object stationId = null;
      if (hasStations) {
        if (stationIdType == DataType.INT) {
          stationId = sdata.getScalarInt(stnIdVName);
        } else
          stationId = sdata.getScalarString(stnIdVName).trim();

      String desc = (stnDescVName == null) ? null : sdata.getScalarString(stnDescVName);
      double lat = sdata.getScalarDouble(latVName);
      double lon = sdata.getScalarDouble(lonVName);
      double alt = (altVName == null) ? 0.0 : altScaleFactor * sdata.getScalarDouble(altVName);
      double obsTime = sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(obsTimeVName));
      double nomTime = (nomTimeVName == null) ? obsTime : sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(nomTimeVName));

      //double obsTime = sdata.convertScalarDouble( members.findMember( obsTimeVName) );
      //double nomTime = (nomTimeVName == null) ? obsTime : sdata.convertScalarDouble( members.findMember( nomTimeVName));

      if (hasStations) {
        Station stn = stnHash.get(stationId);
        if (stn == null) {
          stn = new Station(stationId.toString(), desc, lat, lon, alt);
          stnHash.put(stationId, stn);
        RecordStationObs stnObs = new RecordStationObs(stn, obsTime, nomTime, timeUnit, recno);
        //stn.addObs( stnObs);

      } else {
        records.add(new RecordPointObs(new EarthLocation(lat, lon, alt), obsTime, nomTime, timeUnit, recno));

      // track date range and bounding box
      minDate = Math.min(minDate, obsTime);
      maxDate = Math.max(maxDate, obsTime);

      minLat = Math.min(minLat, lat);
      maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, lat);
      minLon = Math.min(minLon, lon);
      maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, lon);

      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) return null;
    boundingBox = new LatLonRect(new LatLonPointImpl(minLat, minLon), new LatLonPointImpl(maxLat, maxLon));

    return records;

  /* private boolean debugBB = false;
  public List getData(ArrayList records, LatLonRect boundingBox, CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
    if (debugBB) System.out.println("Want bb= "+boundingBox);
    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
      RecordDatasetHelper.RecordPointObs r =  (RecordDatasetHelper.RecordPointObs) records.get(i);
      if (boundingBox.contains(r.getLatLon())) {
        if (debugBB) System.out.println(" ok latlon= "+r.getLatLon());
        result.add( r);
      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) return null;
    return result;

  // return List<PointObsDatatype>
  public List getData(ArrayList records, LatLonRect boundingBox, double startTime, double endTime, CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
    if (debugBB) System.out.println("Want bb= "+boundingBox);
    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
      RecordDatasetHelper.RecordPointObs r =  (RecordDatasetHelper.RecordPointObs) records.get(i);
      if (boundingBox.contains(r.getLatLon())) {
        if (debugBB) System.out.println(" ok latlon= "+r.getLatLon());
        double timeValue = r.getObservationTime();
        if ((timeValue >= startTime) && (timeValue <= endTime))
          result.add( r);
      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) return null;
    return result;
  }  */

  public PointFeature factory(StationImpl s, StructureData sdata, int recno) {
    if (s == null) return new RecordPointObs(sdata, recno);
    else return new RecordStationObs(s, sdata, recno);

  class RecordPointObs extends PointFeatureImpl {
    protected int recno;
    protected StructureData sdata;

    RecordPointObs(int recno) {
      this.recno = recno;

    // Constructor for the case where you keep track of the location, time of each record, but not
    // the data.
    protected RecordPointObs(
        EarthLocation location, double obsTime, double nomTime, DateUnit timeUnit, int recno) {
      super(location, obsTime, nomTime, timeUnit);
      this.recno = recno;

    // Constructor for when you already have the StructureData and want to wrap it in a
    // StationObsDatatype
    protected RecordPointObs(StructureData sdata, int recno) {
      this.sdata = sdata;
      this.recno = recno;

      StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
      obsTime = getTime(members.findMember(obsTimeVName), sdata);
      nomTime = (nomTimeVName == null) ? obsTime : getTime(members.findMember(nomTimeVName), sdata);

      // this assumes the lat/lon/alt is stored in the obs record
      double lat = sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(latVName));
      double lon = sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(lonVName));
      double alt =
          (zcoordVName == null)
              ? 0.0
              : altScaleFactor * sdata.convertScalarDouble(members.findMember(zcoordVName));
      location = new EarthLocationImpl(lat, lon, alt);

    public String getId() {
      return Integer.toString(recno);

    public LatLonPoint getLatLon() {
      return new LatLonPointImpl(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());

    public StructureData getFeatureData() throws IOException {
      if (null == sdata) {
        try {
          // deal with files that are updating // LOOK kludge?
          if (recno > getRecordCount()) {
            int n = getRecordCount();
                "RecordPointObs.getData recno="
                    + recno
                    + " > "
                    + n
                    + "; after sync= "
                    + getRecordCount());

          sdata = recordVar.readStructure(recno);
        } catch (ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException e) {
          throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
      return sdata;

    public ucar.ma2.StructureData getDataAll() throws java.io.IOException {
      return getFeatureData();


  // a PointObs with the location info stored as a Station
  class RecordStationObs extends RecordPointObs {
    private Station station;

     * Constructor for the case where you keep track of the station, time of each record, but the
     * data reading is deferred.
     * @param station data is for this Station
     * @param obsTime observation time
     * @param nomTime nominal time (may be NaN)
     * @param recno data is at this record number
    protected RecordStationObs(
        Station station, double obsTime, double nomTime, DateUnit timeUnit, int recno) {
      super(station, obsTime, nomTime, timeUnit, recno);
      this.station = station;

    // Constructor for when you have everything
    protected RecordStationObs(
        Station station, double obsTime, double nomTime, StructureData sdata, int recno) {
      this.station = station;
      this.location = station;
      this.obsTime = obsTime;
      this.nomTime = nomTime;
      this.sdata = sdata;

    // Constructor for when you already have the StructureData and Station, and calculate times
    protected RecordStationObs(Station station, StructureData sdata, int recno) {
      this.station = station;
      this.location = station;
      this.sdata = sdata;

      StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
      obsTime = getTime(members.findMember(obsTimeVName), sdata);
      nomTime = (nomTimeVName == null) ? obsTime : getTime(members.findMember(nomTimeVName), sdata);

    // Constructor for when you already have the StructureData, and need to find Station and times
    protected RecordStationObs(StructureData sdata, int recno, boolean useId) {
      this.recno = recno;
      this.sdata = sdata;
      this.timeUnit = RecordDatasetHelper.this.timeUnit;

      StructureMembers members = sdata.getStructureMembers();
      obsTime = getTime(members.findMember(obsTimeVName), sdata);
      nomTime = (nomTimeVName == null) ? obsTime : getTime(members.findMember(nomTimeVName), sdata);

      if (useId) {
        // this assumes the station id/name is stored in the obs record
        String stationId;
        if (stationIdType == DataType.INT) {
          stationId = Integer.toString(sdata.getScalarInt(stnIdVName));
        } else stationId = sdata.getScalarString(stnIdVName).trim();
        station = stationHelper.getStation(stationId);
        if (null != errs)
          errs.format(" cant find station id = <%s> when reading record %d%n", stationId, recno);
        log.error(" cant find station id = <" + stationId + "> when reading record " + recno);

      } else {
        // use a station index
        List<Station> stations = stationHelper.getStations();
        int stationIndex = sdata.getScalarInt(stnIndexVName);
        if (stationIndex < 0 || stationIndex >= stations.size()) {
          if (null != errs)
                " cant find station at index =%d when reading record %d%n", stationIndex, recno);
              "cant find station at index = " + stationIndex + " when reading record " + recno);
        } else station = stations.get(stationIndex);

      location = station;
Example #5
 * THREDDS opendap server.
 * @author jcaron
 * @author Nathan David Potter
 * @since Apr 27, 2009 (branched)
public class OpendapServlet extends AbstractServlet {
  static final String DEFAULTCONTEXTPATH = "/thredds";
  static final String GDATASET = "guarded_dataset";
  private static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpendapServlet.class);

  private boolean allowSessions = false;
  private boolean allowDeflate = false; // handled by Tomcat

  private String odapVersionString = "opendap/3.7";

  private URI baseURI = null;

  private int ascLimit = 50;
  private int binLimit = 500;

  private boolean debugSession = false;

  public String getDefaultContextPath() {

  public void init() throws javax.servlet.ServletException {

    org.slf4j.Logger logServerStartup = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("serverStartup");
        getClass().getName() + " initialization start - " + UsageLog.setupNonRequestContext());

    this.ascLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.ascLimit", ascLimit);
    this.binLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.binLimit", binLimit);

    this.odapVersionString = ThreddsConfig.get("Opendap.serverVersion", odapVersionString);
            + " version= "
            + odapVersionString
            + " ascLimit = "
            + ascLimit
            + " binLimit = "
            + binLimit);

    // debugging actions

            + " initialization done - "
            + UsageLog.closingMessageNonRequestContext());

  public String getServerVersion() {
    return this.odapVersionString;

  // Servlets that support HTTP GET requests and can quickly determine their last modification time
  // should
  // override this method. This makes browser and proxy caches work more effectively, reducing the
  // load on
  // server and network resources.
  protected long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest req) {
    String query = req.getQueryString();
    if (query != null) return -1;

    String path = req.getPathInfo();
    if (path == null) return -1;

    if (path.endsWith(".asc")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4);
    else if (path.endsWith(".ascii")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 6);
    else if (path.endsWith(".das")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4);
    else if (path.endsWith(".dds")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4);
    else if (path.endsWith(".ddx")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4);
    else if (path.endsWith(".dods")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
    else if (path.endsWith(".html")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
    else if (path.endsWith(".info")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
    else if (path.endsWith(".opendap")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
    else return -1;

    // if (null != DatasetHandler.findResourceControl( path)) return -1; // LOOK weird Firefox
    // beahviour?

    File file = DataRootHandler.getInstance().getCrawlableDatasetAsFile(path);
    if ((file != null) && file.exists()) return file.lastModified();

    return -1;


  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    log.info("doGet(): " + UsageLog.setupRequestContext(request));
    // System.out.printf("opendap doGet: req=%s%n%s%n", ServletUtil.getRequest(request),
    // ServletUtil.showRequestDetail(this, request));

    String path = null;

    ReqState rs = getRequestState(request, response);

    try {
      path = request.getPathInfo();
      log.debug("doGet path={}", path);

      if (thredds.servlet.Debug.isSet("showRequestDetail"))
        log.debug(ServletUtil.showRequestDetail(this, request));

      if (path == null) {
            "doGet(): "
                + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, -1));

      if (baseURI == null) { // first time, set baseURI
        URI reqURI = ServletUtil.getRequestURI(request);
        // Build base URI from request (rather than hard-coding "/thredds/dodsC/").
        String baseUriString = request.getContextPath() + request.getServletPath() + "/";
        baseURI = reqURI.resolve(baseUriString);
        log.debug("doGet(): baseURI was set = {}", baseURI);

      if (path.endsWith("latest.xml")) {
        DataRootHandler.getInstance().processReqForLatestDataset(this, request, response);

      // Redirect all catalog requests at the root level.
      if (path.equals("/") || path.equals("/catalog.html") || path.equals("/catalog.xml")) {
        ServletUtil.sendPermanentRedirect(ServletUtil.getContextPath() + path, request, response);

      // Make sure catalog requests match a dataRoot before trying to handle.
      if (path.endsWith("/") || path.endsWith("/catalog.html") || path.endsWith("/catalog.xml")) {
        if (!DataRootHandler.getInstance().hasDataRootMatch(path)) {
              "doGet(): "
                  + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, -1));

        if (!DataRootHandler.getInstance().processReqForCatalog(request, response))
              "doGet(): "
                  + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(
                      ServletUtil.STATUS_FORWARD_FAILURE, -1));


      if (rs != null) {
        String dataSet = rs.getDataSet();
        String requestSuffix = rs.getRequestSuffix();

        if ((dataSet == null) || dataSet.equals("/") || dataSet.equals("")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("blob")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("close")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("dds")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("das")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("ddx")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("dods")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")
            || requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("ascii")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("info")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("html")
            || requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("htm")) {
        } else if (requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("ver")
            || requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("version")
            || dataSet.equalsIgnoreCase("/version")
            || dataSet.equalsIgnoreCase("/version/")) {
        } else if (dataSet.equalsIgnoreCase("/help")
            || dataSet.equalsIgnoreCase("/help/")
            || dataSet.equalsIgnoreCase("/" + requestSuffix)
            || requestSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("help")) {
        } else {
          sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unrecognized request");

      } else {
        sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unrecognized request");

      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, -1));

      // plain ol' 404
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e.getMessage());

      // DAP2Exception bad url
    } catch (BadURLException e) {
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, -1));
      dap2ExceptionHandler(e, rs);

      // all other DAP2Exception
    } catch (DAP2Exception de) {
      int status =
          (de.getErrorCode() == DAP2Exception.NO_SUCH_FILE)
              ? HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND
              : HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
      if ((de.getErrorCode() != DAP2Exception.NO_SUCH_FILE) && (de.getErrorMessage() != null))
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(status, -1));
      dap2ExceptionHandler(de, rs);

      // parsing, usually the CE
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, -1));
      parseExceptionHandler(pe, response);

      // 403 - request too big
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
      sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());

    } catch (java.net.SocketException e) {
      log.info("SocketException: " + e.getMessage(), e);
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(ServletUtil.STATUS_CLIENT_ABORT, -1));

    } catch (IOException e) {
      String eName =
          e.getClass().getName(); // dont want compile time dependency on ClientAbortException
      if (eName.equals("org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException")) {
        log.debug("ClientAbortException: " + e.getMessage());
        log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(ServletUtil.STATUS_CLIENT_ABORT, -1));

      log.error("path= " + path, e);
      sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage());

      // everything else
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      log.error("path= " + path, t);
      sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, t.getMessage());

  public void doGetASC(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (ds == null) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-ascii");

          "Sending OPeNDAP ASCII Data For: " + rs + "  CE: '" + rs.getConstraintExpression() + "'");

      ServerDDS dds = ds.getDDS();
      CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(dds);
      checkSize(dds, true);

      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());

      AsciiWriter writer = new AsciiWriter(); // could be static
      writer.toASCII(pw, dds, ds);

      // the way that getDAP2Data works
      // DataOutputStream sink = new DataOutputStream(bOut);
      // ce.send(myDDS.getName(), sink, ds);


    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetDAS(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (ds == null) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-das");

      OutputStream Out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());

      DAS myDAS = ds.getDAS();

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetDDS(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (null == ds) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-dds");

      OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
      ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS();

      if (rs.getConstraintExpression().equals("")) { // No Constraint Expression?
        // Send the whole DDS

      } else { // Otherwise, send the constrained DDS
        // Instantiate the CEEvaluator and parse the constraint expression
        CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS);

        // Send the constrained DDS back to the client
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out));

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetDDX(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (null == ds) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-ddx");

      OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());

      ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS();

      if (rs.getConstraintExpression().equals("")) { // No Constraint Expression?
        // Send the whole DDS
      } else { // Otherwise, send the constrained DDS

        // Instantiate the CEEvaluator and parse the constraint expression
        CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS);

        // Send the constrained DDS back to the client
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out));

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetBLOB(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (null == ds) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-blob");

      ServletOutputStream sOut = response.getOutputStream();
      OutputStream bOut;
      DeflaterOutputStream dOut = null;
      if (rs.getAcceptsCompressed() && allowDeflate) {
        response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "deflate");
        dOut = new DeflaterOutputStream(sOut);
        bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(dOut);
      } else {
        bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(sOut);

      ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS();
      CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS);
      checkSize(myDDS, false);

      // Send the binary data back to the client
      DataOutputStream sink = new DataOutputStream(bOut);
      ce.send(myDDS.getEncodedName(), sink, ds);

      // Finish up sending the compressed stuff, but don't
      // close the stream (who knows what the Servlet may expect!)
      if (null != dOut) dOut.finish();

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  private void doClose(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();
    HttpServletRequest request = rs.getRequest();
    String reqPath = rs.getDataSet();
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    session.removeAttribute(reqPath); // work done in the listener

    response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); // needed by client

    /* if (path.endsWith(".close")) {
      closeSession(request, response);
      log.info("doGet(): " + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, 0));


    // so we need to worry about deleting sessions?
    session.invalidate();  */

  public void doGetDAP2Data(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (null == ds) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-data");

      ServletOutputStream sOut = response.getOutputStream();
      OutputStream bOut;
      DeflaterOutputStream dOut = null;
      if (rs.getAcceptsCompressed() && allowDeflate) {
        response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "deflate");
        dOut = new DeflaterOutputStream(sOut);
        bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(dOut);

      } else {
        bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(sOut);

      ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS();
      CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS);
      checkSize(myDDS, false);

      // Send the constrained DDS back to the client
      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bOut));

      // Send the Data delimiter back to the client

      // Send the binary data back to the client
      DataOutputStream sink = new DataOutputStream(bOut);
      ce.send(myDDS.getEncodedName(), sink, ds);

      // Finish up sending the compressed stuff, but don't
      // close the stream (who knows what the Servlet may expect!)
      if (null != dOut) dOut.finish();

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetVER(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
    response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-version");

    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream()));

    pw.println("Server Version: " + getServerVersion());

  public void doGetHELP(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();

    response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
    response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-help");

    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream()));

  public void doGetDIR(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    // rather dangerous here, since you can go into an infinite loop
    // so we're going to insist that there's  no suffix
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();
    HttpServletRequest request = rs.getRequest();
    if ((rs.getRequestSuffix() == null) || (rs.getRequestSuffix().length() == 0)) {
      ServletUtil.forwardToCatalogServices(request, response);

    sendErrorResponse(response, 0, "Unrecognized request");

  public void doGetINFO(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();
    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (null == ds) return;

      PrintStream pw = new PrintStream(response.getOutputStream());
      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-description");

      GetInfoHandler di = new GetInfoHandler();
      di.sendINFO(pw, ds, rs);

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  public void doGetHTML(ReqState rs) throws Exception {
    HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse();
    HttpServletRequest request = rs.getRequest();
    GuardedDataset ds = null;
    try {
      ds = getDataset(rs);
      if (ds == null) return;

      response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-form");

      // Utilize the getDDS() method to get	a parsed and populated DDS
      // for this server.
      ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS();
      DAS das = ds.getDAS();
      GetHTMLInterfaceHandler2 di = new GetHTMLInterfaceHandler2();
      di.sendDataRequestForm(request, response, rs.getDataSet(), myDDS, das);

    } finally { // release lock if needed
      if (ds != null) ds.release();

  // debugging
  private void makeDebugActions() {
    DebugHandler debugHandler = DebugHandler.get("ncdodsServer");
    DebugHandler.Action act;

    act =
        new DebugHandler.Action("help", "Show help page") {
          public void doAction(DebugHandler.Event e) {
            try {
              doGetHELP(getRequestState(e.req, e.res));
            } catch (Exception ioe) {
              log.error("ShowHelp", ioe);

    act =
        new DebugHandler.Action("version", "Show server version") {
          public void doAction(DebugHandler.Event e) {
            e.pw.println("  version= " + getServerVersion());

  public String getServerName() {
    return this.getClass().getName();

  /*protected ReqState getRequestState(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    ReqState rs = null;
    // The url and query strings will come to us in encoded form
    // (see HTTPmethod.newMethod())
    String baseurl = request.getRequestURL().toString();
    baseurl = EscapeStrings.escapeURL(baseurl);
    log.debug("doGet baseurl={}", baseurl);

    String query = request.getQueryString();
    query = EscapeStrings.unescapeURLQuery(query);
    log.debug("doGet query={}", query);

    try {
      rs = new ReqState(request, response, getServletConfig(), getServerName(), baseurl, query);
    } catch (BadURLException bue) {
      rs = null;

    return rs;

   * ************************************************************************ Prints the OPeNDAP
   * Server help page to the passed PrintWriter
   * @param pw PrintWriter stream to which to dump the help page.
  private void printHelpPage(PrintWriter pw) {

    pw.println("<h3>OPeNDAP Server Help</h3>");
    pw.println("To access most of the features of this OPeNDAP server, append");
        "one of the following a eight suffixes to a URL: .das, .dds, .dods, .ddx, .blob, .info,");
    pw.println(".ver or .help. Using these suffixes, you can ask this server for:");
    pw.println("<dt> das  </dt> <dd> Dataset Attribute Structure (DAS)</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> dds  </dt> <dd> Dataset Descriptor Structure (DDS)</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> dods </dt> <dd> DataDDS object (A constrained DDS populated with data)</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> ddx  </dt> <dd> XML version of the DDS/DAS</dd>");
        "<dt> blob </dt> <dd> Serialized binary data content for requested data set, "
            + "with the constraint expression applied.</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> info </dt> <dd> info object (attributes, types and other information)</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> html </dt> <dd> html form for this dataset</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> ver  </dt> <dd> return the version number of the server</dd>");
    pw.println("<dt> help </dt> <dd> help information (this text)</dd>");
    pw.println("For example, to request the DAS object from the FNOC1 dataset at URI/GSO (a");
    pw.println("test dataset) you would appand `.das' to the URL:");

    pw.println("<p><b>Note</b>: Many OPeNDAP clients supply these extensions for you so you don't");
    pw.println("need to append them (for example when using interfaces supplied by us or");
    pw.println("software re-linked with a OPeNDAP client-library). Generally, you only need to");
    pw.println("add these if you are typing a URL directly into a WWW browser.");
    pw.println("<p><b>Note</b>: If you would like version information for this server but");
    pw.println("don't know a specific data file or data set name, use `/version' for the");
    pw.println("filename. For example: http://opendap.gso.url.edu/cgi-bin/nph-nc/version will");
    pw.println("return the version number for the netCDF server used in the first example. ");

    pw.println("<p><b>Suggestion</b>: If you're typing this URL into a WWW browser and");
    pw.println("would like information about the dataset, use the `.info' extension.");

    pw.println("<p>If you'd like to see a data values, use the `.html' extension and submit a");
    pw.println("query using the customized form.");
  // **************************************************************************

   * ************************************************************************ Prints the Bad URL
   * Page page to the passed PrintWriter
   * @param pw PrintWriter stream to which to dump the bad URL page.
  private void printBadURLPage(PrintWriter pw) {

    String serverContactName = ThreddsConfig.get("serverInformation.contact.name", "UNKNOWN");
    String serverContactEmail = ThreddsConfig.get("serverInformation.contact.email", "UNKNOWN");
    pw.println("<h3>Error in URL</h3>");
    pw.println("The URL extension did not match any that are known by this");
    pw.println("server. Below is a list of the five extensions that are be recognized by");
    pw.println("all OPeNDAP servers. If you think that the server is broken (that the URL you");
    pw.println("submitted should have worked), then please contact the");
    pw.println("administrator of this server [" + serverContactName + "] at: ");
    pw.println("<a href='mailto:" + serverContactEmail + "'>" + serverContactEmail + "</a><p>");

  // utils
   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @return the request state
  protected ReqState getRequestState(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    ReqState rs = null;

    // Assume url was encoded
    String baseurl = request.getRequestURL().toString();
    baseurl = EscapeStrings.unescapeURL(baseurl);

    // Assume query  was encoded
    String query = request.getQueryString();
    query = EscapeStrings.unescapeURLQuery(query);

    log.info(String.format("OpendapServlet: nominal url: %s?%s", baseurl, query));

    try {
      rs = new ReqState(request, response, this, getServerName(), baseurl, query);
    } catch (Exception bue) {
      rs = null;

    return rs;

  private void checkSize(ServerDDS dds, boolean isAscii) throws Exception {
    long size = computeSize(dds, isAscii);
    // System.err.printf("total (constrained) size=%s\n", size);
    log.debug("total (constrained) size={}", size);
    double dsize = size / (1000 * 1000);
    double maxSize = isAscii ? ascLimit : binLimit; // Mbytes
    if (dsize > maxSize) {
      log.info("Reject request size = {} Mbytes", dsize);
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "Request too big=" + dsize + " Mbytes, max=" + maxSize);

  // Recursively compute size of the dds to be returned
  private long computeSize(DConstructor ctor, boolean isAscii) throws Exception {
    long projectsize = 0; // accumulate size of projected variables
    long othersize = 0; // accumulate size of non-projected variables
    long fieldsize = 0;
    int projectedcount = 0;
    int fieldcount = 0;
    Enumeration vars = ctor.getVariables();
    while (vars.hasMoreElements()) {
      BaseType field = (BaseType) vars.nextElement();
      fieldsize = computeFieldSize(field, isAscii);
      // accumulate the field sizes
      if (field.isProject()) {
        projectsize += fieldsize;
      } else {
        othersize += fieldsize;
    // Cases to consider:
    // 1. If all of the fields of this ctor are projected,
    //    then return projectsize
    // 2. If none of the fields of this ctor are projected,
    //    then return othersize
    // 3. otherwise, at least one field, but not all, is projected,
    //    => return projectsize;
    if (projectedcount == fieldcount) return projectsize;
    else if (projectedcount == 0) return othersize;
    else {
      assert (projectedcount > 0 && projectedcount < fieldcount);
      return projectsize;

  long computeFieldSize(BaseType bt, boolean isAscii) throws Exception {
    long fieldsize = 0;
    // Figure out what this field is (e.g. primitive or not)
    // Somewhat convoluted.
    if (bt instanceof DConstructor) {
      // simple struct, seq, or grid => recurse
      fieldsize = computeSize((DConstructor) bt, isAscii);
    } else if (bt instanceof DArray) {
      SDArray da = (SDArray) bt;
      // Separate structure arrays from primitive arrays
      if (da.getContainerVar() instanceof DPrimitive) {
        fieldsize = computeArraySize(da);
      } else if (da.getContainerVar() instanceof DStructure) {
        fieldsize = computeSize((DStructure) da.getContainerVar(), isAscii); // recurse
      } else { // Some kind of problem
        throw new NoSuchTypeException("Computesize: unexpected type for " + bt.getLongName());
    } else if (bt instanceof DPrimitive) {
      DPrimitive dp = (DPrimitive) bt;
      if (dp instanceof DString) {
        String v = ((DString) dp).getValue();
        fieldsize = (v == null ? 0 : v.length());
      } else {
        DataType dtype = DODSNetcdfFile.convertToNCType(bt);
        fieldsize = dtype.getSize();
    } else { // Some kind of problem
      throw new NoSuchTypeException("Computesize: unknown type for " + bt.getLongName());
    return fieldsize;

  long computeArraySize(SDArray da) throws Exception {
    assert (da.getContainerVar() instanceof DPrimitive);
    BaseType base = da.getPrimitiveVector().getTemplate();
    DataType dtype = DODSNetcdfFile.convertToNCType(base);
    int elemSize = dtype.getSize();
    int n = da.numDimensions();
    List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<Range>(n);
    long size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      ranges.add(new Range(da.getStart(i), da.getStop(i), da.getStride(i)));
      Section s = new Section(ranges);
      size += s.computeSize() * elemSize;
    return size;

   * *********************** dataset caching ***********************************************

  // any time the server needs access to the dataset, it gets a "GuardedDataset" which allows us to
  // add caching
  // optionally, a session may be established, which allows us to reserve the dataset for that
  // session.
  protected GuardedDataset getDataset(ReqState preq) throws Exception {
    HttpServletRequest req = preq.getRequest();
    String reqPath = preq.getDataSet();

    // see if the client wants sessions
    boolean acceptSession = false;
    String s = req.getHeader("X-Accept-Session");
    if (s != null && s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && allowSessions) acceptSession = true;

    HttpSession session = null;
    if (acceptSession) {
      // see if theres already a session established, create one if not
      session = req.getSession();
      if (!session.isNew()) {
        GuardedDataset gdataset = (GuardedDataset) session.getAttribute(reqPath);
        if (null != gdataset) {
          if (debugSession)
            System.out.printf(" found gdataset %s in session %s %n", reqPath, session.getId());
          if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug(" found gdataset " + gdataset + " in session " + session.getId());
          return gdataset;

    NetcdfFile ncd = DatasetHandler.getNetcdfFile(req, preq.getResponse(), reqPath);
    if (null == ncd) return null;

    GuardedDataset gdataset = new GuardedDatasetCacheAndClone(reqPath, ncd, acceptSession);
    // GuardedDataset gdataset = new GuardedDatasetImpl(reqPath, ncd, acceptSession);

    if (acceptSession) {
      String cookiePath = req.getRequestURI();
      String suffix = "." + preq.getRequestSuffix();
      if (cookiePath.endsWith(suffix)) // snip off the suffix
      cookiePath = cookiePath.substring(0, cookiePath.length() - suffix.length());
      session.setAttribute(reqPath, gdataset);
      session.setAttribute(CookieFilter.SESSION_PATH, cookiePath);
      // session.setAttribute("dataset", ncd.getLocation());  // for UsageValve
      // session.setMaxInactiveInterval(30); // 30 second timeout !!
      if (debugSession)
            " added gdataset %s in session %s cookiePath %s %n",
            reqPath, session.getId(), cookiePath);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug(" added gdataset " + gdataset + " in session " + session.getId());
    } /* else {
        session = req.getSession();
        session.setAttribute("dataset", ncd.getLocation()); // for UsageValve
      } */

    return gdataset;


  public void parseExceptionHandler(ParseException pe, HttpServletResponse response) {
    try {
      BufferedOutputStream eOut = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-error");

      String msg = pe.getMessage().replace('\"', '\'');

      DAP2Exception de2 = new DAP2Exception(opendap.dap.DAP2Exception.CANNOT_READ_FILE, msg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("parseExceptionHandler: " + e);

  public void dap2ExceptionHandler(DAP2Exception de, ReqState rs) {
    rs.getResponse().setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-error");
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("dap2ExceptionHandler: " + e);

  private void sendErrorResponse(HttpServletResponse response, int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
    try {
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(errorCode, -1));
      response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-error");

      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());
      pw.println("Error {");
      pw.println("    code = " + errorCode + ";");
      pw.println("    message = \"" + errorMessage + "\";");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("sendErrorResponse: " + e);
 * A class containing static methods which deliver descriptions and names of parameters, levels and
 * units for byte codes from GRIB records.
 * <p>Performs operations related to loading parameter tables stored in files. Through a lookup
 * table (see readParameterTableLookup) all of the supported Parameter Tables are known. An actual
 * table is not loaded until a parameter from that center/subcenter/table is loaded. see <a
 * href="../../../Parameters.txt">Parameters.txt</a>
 * <p>For now, the lookup table name is hard coded to "resources/grib/tables/tablelookup.lst"
 * @author Capt Richard D. Gonzalez modified by Robb Kambic threadsafe 9/25/08 jcaron see
 *     http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-hashmap.html
public final class GribPDSParamTable {
  private static org.slf4j.Logger logger =

  private static final String RESOURCE_PATH = "resources/grib/tables";
  private static final String TABLE_LIST = "tablelookup.lst";

  private static final Pattern valid = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_@:\\.\\-\\+]*$");
  private static final Pattern numberFirst = Pattern.compile("^[0-9]");

   * Added by Richard D. Gonzalez static Array with parameter tables used by the GRIB file (should
   * only be one, but not actually limited to that - this allows GRIB files to be read that have
   * more than one center's information in it)
  private static volatile GribPDSParamTable[] paramTables = null;

  private static Object lock = new Object();

  private static boolean debug = false;
  private static int wmoTable;

   * This is a mapping from (center,subcenter,number)-> Param table for any data that has been
   * loaded
  private static Map<String, GribPDSParamTable> tableMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<String, GribPDSParamTable>();

  static {
    try {
      ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable> tables = new ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable>();
      String resourceName = RESOURCE_PATH + "/" + TABLE_LIST;
      readTableEntries(resourceName, tables);
      paramTables = (GribPDSParamTable[]) tables.toArray(new GribPDSParamTable[tables.size()]);

    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException(ioe);

   * _more_
   * @param aTableList _more_
   * @param aTables _more_
   * @return Was read successful
   * @throws IOException On badness
  private static boolean readTableEntries(String aTableList, ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable> aTables)
      throws IOException {
    InputStream inputStream = GribResourceReader.getInputStream(aTableList);
    if (inputStream == null) {
      logger.debug("Could not open table file:" + aTableList);
      return false;
    return readTableEntries(inputStream, aTableList, aTables);

   * Read the table list contained in the input stream
   * @param is The input stream
   * @param aTableList The name of the table list file
   * @param aTables The list to add the tables into
   * @return Was successful
   * @throws IOException On badness
  private static boolean readTableEntries(
      InputStream is, String aTableList, ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable> aTables) throws IOException {
    if (is == null) return false;

    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

    String line;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      line = line.trim();
      if ((line.length() == 0) || line.startsWith("#")) {
      GribPDSParamTable table = new GribPDSParamTable();
      String[] tableDefArr = line.split(":");

      table.center_id = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[0].trim());
      table.subcenter_id = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[1].trim());
      table.table_number = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[2].trim());
      table.filename = tableDefArr[3].trim();
      if (table.filename.startsWith("/")
          || table.filename.startsWith("\\")
          || table.filename.startsWith("file:")
          || table.filename.startsWith("http://")) {
        table.path = table.filename;
      } else if (aTableList != null) {
        table.path = GribResourceReader.getFileRoot(aTableList);
        if (table.path.equals(aTableList)) {
          table.path = table.filename;
        } else {
          table.path = table.path + "/" + table.filename;
        table.path = table.path.replace('\\', '/');
    return true;

  public static GribPDSParamTable[] getParameterTables() {
    return paramTables;

   * Reads in the list of tables available and stores them. Does not actually open the parameter
   * tables files, nor store the list of parameters, but just stores the file names of the parameter
   * tables. Parameters for a table are read in when the table is requested (in the
   * getParameterTable method).
   * @param is UserGribTabList as a InputStream
   * @throws IOException or read error
  public static void addParameterUserLookup(InputStream is) throws IOException {

    // leave out of lock since it does IO
    ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable> tables = new ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable>();
    if (!readTableEntries(is, null, tables)) {

    synchronized (lock) {
      // tmp table stores new user defined tables plus tablelookup.lst table entries
      GribPDSParamTable[] tmp = new GribPDSParamTable[paramTables.length + tables.size()];
      for (int idx = 0; idx < paramTables.length + tables.size(); idx++) {
        if (idx < tables.size()) {
          tmp[idx] = (GribPDSParamTable) tables.get(idx);
          // System.out.println( "usrlookup tables = " + tmp[ idx ].path );
        } else {
          tmp[idx] = paramTables[idx - tables.size()]; // tablelookup.lst entries
      paramTables = tmp; // new copy of the data structure

   * Reads in the list of tables available and stores them. Does not actually open the parameter
   * tables files, nor store the list of parameters, but just stores the file names of the parameter
   * tables. Parameters for a table are read in when the table is requested (in the
   * getParameterTable method).
   * @param userGribTabList string of userlookup file
   * @throws IOException if file found but read error
   * @return true if read ok, false if file not found
  public static boolean addParameterUserLookup(String userGribTabList) throws IOException {

    // leave out of lock since it does IO
    ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable> tables = new ArrayList<GribPDSParamTable>();
    if (!readTableEntries(userGribTabList, tables)) {
      // logger.error("could not read:" + userGribTabList);
      return false;

    synchronized (lock) {
      // tmp table stores new user defined tables plus tablelookup.lst table entries
      GribPDSParamTable[] tmp = new GribPDSParamTable[paramTables.length + tables.size()];
      for (int idx = 0; idx < paramTables.length + tables.size(); idx++) {
        if (idx < tables.size()) {
          tmp[idx] = tables.get(idx); // new stuff first
        } else {
          tmp[idx] = paramTables[idx - tables.size()]; // old stuff
      paramTables = tmp; // new copy of the data structure

    return true;

   * Looks for the parameter table which matches the center, subcenter and table version from the
   * tables array. If this is the first time asking for this table, then the parameters for this
   * table have not been read in yet, so this is done as well.
   * @param center - integer from PDS octet 5, representing Center.
   * @param subcenter - integer from PDS octet 26, representing Subcenter
   * @param tableVersion - integer from PDS octet 4, representing Parameter Table Version
   * @return GribPDSParamTable matching center, subcenter, and number
   * @throws NotSupportedException no table found
  public static GribPDSParamTable getParameterTable(int center, int subcenter, int tableVersion)
      throws NotSupportedException {

    String key = center + "_" + subcenter + "_" + tableVersion;
    if (center == -1) { // non existent table
      logger.error("GribPDSParamTable: non existent table for center, subcenter, table = " + key);
      return null;

    GribPDSParamTable table = tableMap.get(key);
    if (table != null) return table;

    table = readParameterTable(center, subcenter, tableVersion, true);

    if (table == null) {
      logger.error("GribPDSParamTable: cannot find table for center, subcenter, table " + key);
      throw new NotSupportedException(
          "Could not find a table entry for GRIB file with center: "
              + center
              + " subCenter: "
              + subcenter
              + " number: "
              + tableVersion);

    tableMap.put(key, table);
    return table;

   * Looks for the parameter table which matches the center, subcenter and table version from the
   * tables array. If this is the first time asking for this table, then the parameters for this
   * table have not been read in yet, so this is done as well.
   * @param center - integer from PDS octet 5, representing Center.
   * @param subcenter - integer from PDS octet 26, representing Subcenter
   * @param number - integer from PDS octet 4, representing Parameter Table Version
   * @param firstTry - Is this the first call or are we trying the wild cards
   * @return GribPDSParamTable matching center, subcenter, and number
  private static GribPDSParamTable readParameterTable(
      int center, int subcenter, int number, boolean firstTry) {

    if (firstTry) wmoTable = number;

    GribPDSParamTable[] localCopy = paramTables; // thread safe

    for (GribPDSParamTable table : localCopy) {

      if (center == table.center_id) {
        if ((table.subcenter_id == -1) || (subcenter == table.subcenter_id)) {
          if (number == table.table_number) {
            // now that this table is being used, check to see if the
            //   parameters for this table have been read in yet.
            // If not, initialize table and read them in now.
            if (table.parameters == null) {
              if (!firstTry) {
                    "GribPDSParamTable: Using default table:"
                        + table.path
                        + " ("
                        + table.center_id
                        + ":"
                        + table.subcenter_id
                        + ":"
                        + table.table_number
                        + ")");
              if (table.parameters
                  == null) // failed - maybe theres another entry table in paramTables

              // success - initialize other tables parameters with the same name
              for (int j = 0; j < paramTables.length; j++) {
                GribPDSParamTable tab = paramTables[j];
                if (tab.path.equals(table.path)) {
                  tab.parameters = table.parameters;
            return table;

    // Try with the  wild cards
    if (number != -1) {
      return readParameterTable(center, subcenter, -1, false);

    } else if (subcenter != -1) {
          "GribPDSParamTable: Could not find table for center:"
              + center
              + " subcenter:"
              + subcenter
              + " number:"
              + wmoTable);
      return readParameterTable(center, -1, -1, false);

    } else if (center != -1) {
      // return readParameterTable(-1, -1, -1, false);
      return readParameterTable(-1, -1, wmoTable, false);

    return null;

   * Munge a description to make it suitable as variable name
   * @param description start with this
   * @return Valid Description
  private static String makeValidDesc(String description) {
    description = description.replaceAll("\\s+", "_");
    if (valid.matcher(description).find()) return description;
    // else check for special characters
    if (numberFirst.matcher(description).find()) description = "N" + description;
    return description.replaceAll("\\)|\\(|=|,|;|\\[|\\]", "");


  /** Identification of center e.g. 88 for Oslo */
  private int center_id;

  /** Identification of center defined sub-center - not fully implemented yet. */
  private int subcenter_id;

  /** Identification of parameter table version number. */
  private int table_number;

  /** Stores the name of the file containing this table - not opened unless required for lookup. */
  private String filename = null;

  /** path of filename containing this table. Opened if required for lookup. */
  private String path = null;

  /** Map ids to GridParameter objects */
  private Map<String, GridParameter> parameters = null;

  private GribPDSParamTable() {}

  public int getCenter_id() {
    return center_id;

  public int getSubcenter_id() {
    return subcenter_id;

  public int getTable_number() {
    return table_number;

  public String getPath() {
    return path;

  public String getFilename() {
    return filename;

  public Map<String, GridParameter> getParameters() {
    if (parameters == null) readParameterTable();
    return parameters;

  /** Read parameter table. */
  private void readParameterTable() {
    if (path == null) {
      logger.error("GribPDSParamTable: unknown path for " + this);

    try {
      InputStream is = GribResourceReader.getInputStream(path);
      if (is == null) {
        logger.error("GribPDSParamTable: error getInputStream on " + this);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

      // Read first line that has center, subcenter, and version of table
      String line = br.readLine();
      if (debug) System.out.println(line);
      String[] tableDefArr = line.split(":");

      /*  LOOK - why not test values ?
      center    = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[1].trim());
      subcenter = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[2].trim());
      number    = Integer.parseInt(tableDefArr[3].trim());
      if ((center != center_id) && (subcenter != subcenter_id)
              && (number != table_number)) {
          throw new java.io.IOException(
              "parameter table header values do not "
              + " match values in GRIB file.  Possible error in lookup table.");

      HashMap<String, GridParameter> tmpParameters =
          new HashMap<String, GridParameter>(); // thread safe - temp hash

      // rdg - added the 0 line length check to cover the case of blank lines at
      //       the end of the parameter table file.
      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        if ((line.length() == 0) || line.startsWith("#")) {
        GridParameter parameter = new GridParameter();
        tableDefArr = line.split(":");
        // check to see if unit defined, if not, parameter is undefined
        if (tableDefArr[2].indexOf('[') == -1) {
          // Undefined unit
        } else {
          String[] arr2 = tableDefArr[2].split("\\[");
          // System.out.println( "Desc ="+ parameter.getDescription());
          // Remove "]"
          parameter.setUnit(arr2[1].substring(0, arr2[1].lastIndexOf(']')).trim());
        tmpParameters.put(Integer.toString(parameter.getNumber()), parameter);
        if (debug)
              parameter.getNumber() + " " + parameter.getDescription() + " " + parameter.getUnit());

      this.parameters = tmpParameters; // thread safe

    } catch (IOException ioError) {
          "An error occurred in GribPDSParamTable while trying to open the parameter table "
              + filename
              + " : "
              + ioError);

   * Get the parameter with id <tt>id</tt>.
   * @param id the parameter id
   * @return the GridParameter
  public GridParameter getParameter(int id) {
    GridParameter p = parameters.get(Integer.toString(id));
    if (p != null) return p;

        "GribPDSParamTable: Could not find parameter "
            + id
            + " for center:"
            + center_id
            + " subcenter:"
            + subcenter_id
            + " number:"
            + table_number
            + " table "
            + filename);
    String unknown = "UnknownParameter_" + Integer.toString(id) + "_table_" + filename;
    return new GridParameter(id, unknown, unknown, "Unknown");

  public String toString() {
    return "GribPDSParamTable{"
        + "center_id="
        + center_id
        + ", subcenter_id="
        + subcenter_id
        + ", table_number="
        + table_number
        + ", filename='"
        + filename
        + '\''
        + ", path='"
        + path
        + '\''
        + '}';

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    debug = true;
Example #7
 * Created by 4535992 on 28/12/2015.
 * href:http://www.journaldev.com/2544/java-csv-parserwriter-example-using-opencsv-apache-commons-csv-and-supercsv.
public class OpenCsvUtilities extends FileUtilities {

  private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger =

   * Method to write a CSV Data List of Beans to a String.
   * @param beans the List of Beans to convert.
   * @param separator the char separator.
   * @param <T> the generic variable.
   * @return the String content of the List of Beans.
  public static <T> String writeCSVDataToStringWithBeans(List<T> beans, char separator) {
    try {
      Writer writer = new StringWriter();
      try (CSVWriter csvWriter = new CSVWriter(writer, separator)) {
        List<String[]> data = toStringArray(beans);
      return writer.toString();
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "Can't write the CSV String from the Bean:"
              + beans.get(0).getClass().getName()
              + " -> "
              + e.getMessage(),
      return "";

   * Method to write a CSV Data List of Array of String to a String.
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
   * @param separator the char separator.
   * @return the String content of the List of Beans.
  public static String writeCSVDataToString(List<String[]> content, char separator) {
    try {
      Writer writer = new StringWriter();
      CSVWriter csvWriter;
      if (StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2 == separator) {
        csvWriter =
            new CSVWriter(writer, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      } else {
        csvWriter = new CSVWriter(writer, separator, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      return writer.toString();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("Can't write the CSV String -> " + e.getMessage(), e);
      return "";

   * Method to write a CSV Data List of Array of String to a String.
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
   * @return the String content of the List of Beans.
  public static String writeCSVDataToString(List<String[]> content) {
    return writeCSVDataToString(content, StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2);

   * Method to write a CSV File from List of Array of String.
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
   * @param separator the char separator.
   * @param fileOutputCsv the output File Csv to create.
   * @return the File Csv created.
  public static File writeCSVDataToFile(
      List<String[]> content, char separator, File fileOutputCsv) {
    try {
      Writer writer =
          new FileWriter(fileOutputCsv, true); // the true value make append the result...
      CSVWriter csvWriter;
      if (StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2 == separator) {
        csvWriter =
            new CSVWriter(writer, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      } else {
        csvWriter = new CSVWriter(writer, separator, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      return fileOutputCsv;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("Can't write the CSV to File:" + fileOutputCsv + " -> " + e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

   * Method to write a CSV File from List of Array of String.
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
   * @param fileOutputCsv the output File Csv to create.
   * @return the File Csv created.
  public static File writeCSVDataToFile(List<String[]> content, File fileOutputCsv) {
    return writeCSVDataToFile(content, StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2, fileOutputCsv);

   * Method to write a CSV List of Array of String to System Console..
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
   * @param separator the char separator.
  public static void writeCSVDataToConsole(List<String[]> content, char separator) {
    try {
      Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, StringUtilities.UTF_8);
      CSVWriter csvWriter;
      if (StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2 == separator) {
        csvWriter =
            new CSVWriter(writer, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      } else {
        csvWriter = new CSVWriter(writer, separator, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
      csvWriter.writeAll(content, false);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("Can't write the CSV to Console -> " + e.getMessage(), e);

   * Method to write a CSV List of Array of String to System Console..
   * @param content the List of Array of String to convert.
  public static void writeCSVDataToConsole(List<String[]> content) {
    writeCSVDataToConsole(content, StringUtilities.NULL_CHAR2);

   * Method to convert a List of beans to a List of Array of Strings.
   * @param beans the List of Beans.
   * @param <T> generic value.
   * @return the List of Array of String content of the csv.
  public static <T> List<String[]> toStringArray(List<T> beans) {
    return toStringArray(beans, null);

   * Method to convert a List of beans to a List of Array of Strings.
   * @param beans the List of Beans.
   * @param addNewHeader the new String Array for the Header row.
   * @param <T> generic value.
   * @return the List of Array of String content of the csv.
  public static <T> List<String[]> toStringArray(List<T> beans, String[] addNewHeader) {
    List<String[]> records = new ArrayList<>();
    // add header record
    // records.add(new String[]{"ID","Name","Role","Salary"});
    if (addNewHeader != null) records.add(addNewHeader);
    for (T bean : beans) {
      // beans.stream().map((bean) -> {
      List<String> record = new ArrayList<>();
      // invoke getter method and convert to String
      Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) bean.getClass();
      // T t = ReflectionUtilities.invokeConstructor(clazz);
      List<Method> getter = (List<Method>) ReflectionUtilities.findGetters(clazz, true);

      for (Method method : getter) {
        record.add(String.valueOf(ReflectionUtilities.invokeGetter(bean, method)));
      // getter.stream().forEach((method) ->
      // record.add(String.valueOf(ReflectionUtilities.invokeGetter(bean,method))));
      // return record;
      // }).forEach((record) -> records.add(ListUtilities.toArray(record)));
    return records;

   * Method use OpenCsv Library for
   * @param columnMapping Map allow the user to pass the column Names to a Field Names of the Class.
   * @param fileInputCsv the File CSV to parse.
   * @param <T> the generic variable.
   * @return the List of Bean parsed from the CSV file.
  public static <T> List<T> parseCSVFileAsList(
      Map<String, String> columnMapping, File fileInputCsv) {
    try {
      HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy<T> beanStrategy =
          new HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy<>();
      // beanStrategy.setType(clazz); //deprecated
      /*Map<String, String> columnMapping = new HashMap<>();
      columnMapping.put("ID", "id");
      columnMapping.put("Name", "name");
      columnMapping.put("Role", "role");*/
      CsvToBean<T> csvToBean = new CsvToBean<>();
      CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileInputCsv));
      return csvToBean.parse(beanStrategy, reader);
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "Can't parse the CSV file:" + fileInputCsv.getAbsolutePath() + " -> " + e.getMessage(),
      return new ArrayList<>();

   * Method use OpenCsv Library for
   * @param clazz the Class of the Bean.
   * @param fileInputCsv the File CSV to parse.
   * @param separator the char separator.
   * @param <T> the generic variable.
   * @return the List of Bean parsed from the CSV file.
  public static <T> List<T> parseCSVFileAsList(Class<T> clazz, File fileInputCsv, char separator) {
    try {
      List<T> beans;
      try ( // create CSVReader object
      CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileInputCsv), separator)) {
        beans = new ArrayList<>();
        // read line by line
        String[] record;
        // skip header row
        String[] headers = reader.readNext();
        // read content
        while ((record = reader.readNext()) != null) {
          T t = ReflectionUtilities.invokeConstructor(clazz);
          for (int i = 0; i < record.length; i++) {
            String nameMethod = "set" + org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.capitalize(headers[i]);
            // invoke setter method
            if (ReflectionUtilities.checkMethod(clazz, nameMethod)) {
              ReflectionUtilities.invokeSetter(t, nameMethod, record[i]);
            } else {
                  "Not exists the Method with name:"
                      + nameMethod
                      + " on the Bean:"
                      + t.getClass().getName());
      return beans;
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "Can't parse the CSV file:" + fileInputCsv.getAbsolutePath() + " -> " + e.getMessage(),
      return new ArrayList<>();

   * Method use OpenCsv Library for
   * @param fileInputCsv the File CSV to parse.
   * @param separator the char separator.
   * @return the List of Bean parsed from the CSV file.
  public static List<String[]> parseCSVFileAsList(File fileInputCsv, char separator) {
    try {
      List<String[]> records;
      // read all lines at once
      try ( // create CSVReader object
      CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileInputCsv), separator)) {
        // read all lines at once
        records = reader.readAll();
        Iterator<String[]> iterator = records.iterator();
        // skip header row
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
          String[] record = iterator.next();
      return records;
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "Can't parse the CSV file:" + fileInputCsv.getAbsolutePath() + " -> " + e.getMessage(),
      return new ArrayList<>();

   * Method to get the content of a comma separated file (.csv,.input,.txt)
   * @param CSV the File comma separated.
   * @param noHeaders if true jump the first line of the content.
   * @return the List of Array of the content of the File comma separated.
  public static List<String[]> parseCSVFileAsList(File CSV, boolean noHeaders) {
    List<String[]> content;
    try {
      CSVReader reader1 = new CSVReader(new FileReader(CSV));
      content = reader1.readAll();
      /* List<String[]> myDatas = reader1.readAll();
      String[] lineI = myDatas.get(i);
      for (String[] line : myDatas) {
          for (String value : line) {
              //do stuff with value
      if (noHeaders) content.remove(0);
      if (content.get(0).length <= 1) {
            "Attention: You haven't parsed correctly the CSV file with OpenCSV API try with Univocity Method");
      return content;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("Can't find the CSV File:" + e.getMessage(), e);
      return null;

   * Method to get the String array of the columns of a CSV File.
   * @param fileCSV the File CSV.
   * @param hasFirstLine if true the first line of CSV File contains the columns name.
   * @return a String Array of the columns.
  public static String[] getHeaders(File fileCSV, boolean hasFirstLine) {
    String[] columns = new String[0];
    try {
      CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileCSV));
      columns = reader.readNext(); // assuming first read
      if (!hasFirstLine) {
        int columnCount = 0;
        if (columns != null) columnCount = columns.length;
        columns = new String[columnCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
          columns[i] = "Column#" + i;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("Can't find the Headers on the CSV File", e);
    return columns;

   * Method to get the String array of the columns of a CSV File.
   * @param contentWithHeaders the {@link List} of {@link String} array of the content of the csv.
   * @return a String Array of the columns.
  public static String[] getHeaders(List<String[]> contentWithHeaders) {
    String[] columns = new String[0];
    try {
      String[] headers = contentWithHeaders.get(0);
      if (headers.length <= 1) {
        throw new Exception("Can't find the delimiter with openCSV try with Univicity method.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Can't find the Headers on the content", e);
    return columns;

   * Method to get the String array of the columns of a CSV File.
   * @param fileCSV the File CSV.
   * @param hasFirstLine if true the first line of CSV File contains the columns name.
   * @return a String Array of the columns.
  public static String[] getHeadersWithUnivocity(File fileCSV, boolean hasFirstLine) {
    return UnivocityUtilities.getHeaders(fileCSV, hasFirstLine);

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Method use OpenCsv Library for
   * @param fileInputCsv the File CSV to parse.
   * @param noHeaders if true the headers are excluded from the cotent.
   * @return the List of Bean parsed from the CSV file.
  public static List<String[]> parseCSVFileAsListWithUnivocity(
      File fileInputCsv, boolean noHeaders) {
    return UnivocityUtilities.parseCSVFileAsList(fileInputCsv, noHeaders);

  /* public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      List<Employee> emps = parseCSVFileLineByLine();

  public static String getFieldLatitude(String[] headers) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(L|l)(at)(itude)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    return getField(headers, pattern);

  public static String getFieldLongitude(String[] headers) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(L|l)(on|ng)(gitude)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    return getField(headers, pattern);

  public static String getField(String[] headers, Pattern pattern) {
    // String[] headers = CSVGetHeaders(headers,true);
    for (String s : headers) {
      if (pattern.matcher(String.valueOf(s)).matches()) {
        return s;
    return "NULL";

   * Parse CSV file using OpenCSV library and load in given database table. href:
   * http://viralpatel.net/blogs/java-load-csv-file-to-database/. Modified by rammar:
   * https://github.com/BaderLab/pharmacogenomics/blob/master/src/CSVLoader/CSVLoader.java
   * @param connection the {@link Connection} SQL.
   * @param separator the {@link Character} separator.
   * @param csvFile Input CSV InputStream
   * @param tableName Database table name to import data
   * @param truncateBeforeLoad Truncate the table before inserting new records.
   * @throws SQLException if any error is occurred with the SQL Connection.
   * @throws java.io.IOException if any error is occurred with the file.
  public static void loadCSVToSQLTable(
      Connection connection,
      char separator,
      InputStream csvFile,
      String tableName,
      boolean truncateBeforeLoad)
      throws SQLException, IOException {

    String SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO ${table}(${keys}) VALUES(${values})";
    String TABLE_REGEX = "\\$\\{table\\}";
    String KEYS_REGEX = "\\$\\{keys\\}";
    String VALUES_REGEX = "\\$\\{values\\}";
    CSVReader csvReader;
    if (null == connection) {
      throw new SQLException("Not a valid connection.");
    try {

      /* Modified by rammar.
       * I was having issues with the CSVReader using the "\" to escape characters.
       * A MySQL CSV file contains quote-enclosed fields and non-quote-enclosed NULL
       * values written as "\N". The CSVReader was removing the "\". To detect "\N"
       * I must remove the escape character, and the only character you can replace
       * it with that you are pretty much guaranteed will not be used to escape
       * text is '\0'.
       * I read this on:
       * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6008395/opencsv-in-java-ignores-backslash-in-a-field-value
       * based on:
       * http://sourceforge.net/p/opencsv/support-requests/5/
      // PREVIOUS VERSION: csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvFile), this.seprator);
      csvReader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(csvFile), separator, '"', '\0');

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IOException("Error occured while executing file. " + e.getMessage());

    String[] headerRow = csvReader.readNext();

    if (null == headerRow) {
      throw new FileNotFoundException(
          "No columns defined in given CSV file." + "Please check the CSV file format.");

    String questionmarks = StringUtils.repeat("?,", headerRow.length);
    questionmarks = (String) questionmarks.subSequence(0, questionmarks.length() - 1);

    /* NOTE from Ron: Header column names must match SQL table fields */
    String query = SQL_INSERT.replaceFirst(TABLE_REGEX, tableName);
    query = query.replaceFirst(KEYS_REGEX, StringUtils.join(headerRow, ","));
    query = query.replaceFirst(VALUES_REGEX, questionmarks);

    // System.out.println("Query: " + query); // Modified by rammar to suppress output

    String[] nextLine;
    Connection con = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    try {
      con = connection;
      ps = con.prepareStatement(query);

      if (truncateBeforeLoad) {
        // delete data from table before loading csv
        con.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM " + tableName);
      final int batchSize = 1000;
      int count = 0;
      Date date;
      while ((nextLine = csvReader.readNext()) != null) {
        int index = 1;
        for (String string : nextLine) {
          date = DateUtilities.convertToDate(string);
          if (null != date) {
            ps.setDate(index++, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()));
          } else {

            /* Section modified by rammar to allow NULL values
             * to be input into the DB. */
            if (string.length() > 0 && !string.equals("\\N")) {
              ps.setString(index++, string);
            } else {
              ps.setNull(index++, Types.VARCHAR);
              // ps.setString(index++, null); // can use this syntax also - not sure which is better
        if (++count % batchSize == 0) {
      ps.executeBatch(); // insert remaining records
      logger.info(count + " records loaded into " + tableName + " DB table");
    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Error occured while loading data from file to database." + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
      if (null != ps) ps.close();
Example #8
public class ServletUtil {

  public static final String CONTENT_TEXT = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";

  // bogus status returns for our logging
  public static final int STATUS_CLIENT_ABORT = 1000;
  public static final int STATUS_FORWARDED = 1001;
  public static final int STATUS_FORWARD_FAILURE = 1002;

  private static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServletUtil.class);
  private static boolean isDebugInit = false;

  private static String contextPath = null;
  private static String rootPath = null;
  private static String contentPath = null;

   * @param context the Servlet context.
   * @deprecated Now handled in TdsContext.init().
  public static void initContext(ServletContext context) {
    //    setContextPath(context);
    if (contextPath == null) {
      // Servlet 2.5 allows the following.
      // contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath();
      String tmpContextPath =
          context.getInitParameter("ContextPath"); // cannot be overridden in the ThreddsConfig file
      if (tmpContextPath == null) tmpContextPath = "thredds";
      contextPath = "/" + tmpContextPath;
    //    setRootPath(context);
    if (rootPath == null) {
      rootPath = context.getRealPath("/");
      rootPath = rootPath.replace('\\', '/');

    //    setContentPath();
    if (contentPath == null) {
      String tmpContentPath = "../../content" + getContextPath() + "/";
      File cf = new File(getRootPath(), tmpContentPath);
      try {
        contentPath = cf.getCanonicalPath() + "/";
        contentPath = contentPath.replace('\\', '/');
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    //    initDebugging(context);

  public static void setContextPath(String newContextPath) {
    contextPath = newContextPath;

  public static void setRootPath(String newRootPath) {
    rootPath = newRootPath;

  public static void setContentPath(String newContentPath) {
    contentPath = newContentPath;
    if (!contentPath.endsWith("/")) contentPath = contentPath + "/";

  public static void initDebugging(ServletContext webapp) {
    if (isDebugInit) return;
    isDebugInit = true;

    String debugOn = webapp.getInitParameter("DebugOn");
    if (debugOn != null) {
      StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(debugOn);
      while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) Debug.set(toker.nextToken(), true);

   * Return the real path on the servers file system that corresponds to the root document ("/") on
   * the given servlet.
   * @return the real path on the servers file system that corresponds to the root document ("/") on
   *     the given servlet.
  public static String getRootPath() {
    return rootPath;

   * Return the context path for the given servlet. Note - ToDo: Why not just use
   * ServletContext.getServletContextName()?
   * @return the context path for the given servlet.
  public static String getContextPath() {
    return contextPath;

   * Return the content path for the given servlet.
   * @return the content path for the given servlet.
  public static String getContentPath() {
    return contentPath;

   * Return the default/initial content path for the given servlet. The content of which is copied
   * to the content path when the web app is first installed.
   * @return the default/initial content path for the given servlet.
  public static String getInitialContentPath() {
    return getRootPath() + "/WEB-INF/altContent/startup/";

   * Return the file path dealing with leading and trailing path seperators (which must be a slash
   * ("/")) for the given directory and file paths.
   * <p>Note: Dealing with path strings is fragile. ToDo: Switch from using path strings to
   * java.io.Files.
   * @param dirPath the directory path.
   * @param filePath the file path.
   * @return a full file path with the given directory and file paths.
  public static String formFilename(String dirPath, String filePath) {
    if ((dirPath == null) || (filePath == null)) return null;

    if (filePath.startsWith("/")) filePath = filePath.substring(1);

    return dirPath.endsWith("/") ? dirPath + filePath : dirPath + "/" + filePath;

   * Handle a request for a raw/static file (i.e., not a catalog or dataset request).
   * <p>Look in the content (user) directory then the root (distribution) directory for a file that
   * matches the given path and, if found, return it as the content of the HttpServletResponse. If
   * the file is forbidden (i.e., the path contains a "..", "WEB-INF", or "META-INF" directory),
   * send a HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN response. If no file matches the request (including an
   * "index.html" file if the path ends in "/"), send an HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND..
   * <p>
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Make sure the path does not contain ".." directories.
   *   <li>Make sure the path does not contain "WEB-INF" or "META-INF".
   *   <li>Check for requested file in the content directory (if the path is a directory, make sure
   *       the path ends with "/" and check for an "index.html" file).
   *   <li>Check for requested file in the root directory (if the path is a directory, make sure the
   *       path ends with "/" and check for an "index.html" file). </ol
   * @param path the requested path
   * @param servlet the servlet handling the request
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param res the HttpServletResponse
   * @throws IOException if can't complete request due to IO problems.
  public static void handleRequestForRawFile(
      String path, HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException {
    // Don't allow ".." directories in path.
    if (path.indexOf("/../") != -1
        || path.equals("..")
        || path.startsWith("../")
        || path.endsWith("/..")) {
      res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Path cannot contain \"..\" directory.");
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, -1));

    // Don't allow access to WEB-INF or META-INF directories.
    String upper = path.toUpperCase();
    if (upper.indexOf("WEB-INF") != -1 || upper.indexOf("META-INF") != -1) {
          HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Path cannot contain \"WEB-INF\" or \"META-INF\".");
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, -1));

    // Find a regular file
    File regFile = null;
    // Look in content directory for regular file.
    File cFile = new File(ServletUtil.formFilename(getContentPath(), path));
    if (cFile.exists()) {
      if (cFile.isDirectory()) {
        if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
          String newPath = req.getRequestURL().append("/").toString();
          ServletUtil.sendPermanentRedirect(newPath, req, res);
        // If request path is a directory, check for index.html file.
        cFile = new File(cFile, "index.html");
        if (cFile.exists() && !cFile.isDirectory()) regFile = cFile;
      // If not a directory, use this file.
      else regFile = cFile;

    if (regFile == null) {
      // Look in root directory.
      File rFile = new File(ServletUtil.formFilename(getRootPath(), path));
      if (rFile.exists()) {
        if (rFile.isDirectory()) {
          if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
            String newPath = req.getRequestURL().append("/").toString();
            ServletUtil.sendPermanentRedirect(newPath, req, res);
          rFile = new File(rFile, "index.html");
          if (rFile.exists() && !rFile.isDirectory()) regFile = rFile;
        } else regFile = rFile;

    if (regFile == null) {
      res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); // 404
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, -1));

    ServletUtil.returnFile(servlet, req, res, regFile, null);

   * Handle an explicit request for a content directory file (path must start with "/content/".
   * <p>Note: As these requests will show the configuration files for the server, these requests
   * should be covered by security constraints.
   * <p>
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Make sure the path does not contain ".." directories.
   *   <li>Check for the requested file in the content directory. </ol
   * @param path the requested path (must start with "/content/")
   * @param servlet the servlet handling the request
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param res the HttpServletResponse
   * @throws IOException if can't complete request due to IO problems.
  public static void handleRequestForContentFile(
      String path, HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException {
    handleRequestForContentOrRootFile("/content/", path, servlet, req, res);

   * Handle an explicit request for a root directory file (path must start with "/root/".
   * <p>Note: As these requests will show the configuration files for the server, these requests
   * should be covered by security constraints.
   * <p>
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Make sure the path does not contain ".." directories.
   *   <li>Check for the requested file in the root directory. </ol
   * @param path the requested path (must start with "/root/")
   * @param servlet the servlet handling the request
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param res the HttpServletResponse
   * @throws IOException if can't complete request due to IO problems.
  public static void handleRequestForRootFile(
      String path, HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException {
    handleRequestForContentOrRootFile("/root/", path, servlet, req, res);

   * Convenience routine used by handleRequestForContentFile() and handleRequestForRootFile().
   * @param pathPrefix
   * @param path
   * @param servlet
   * @param req request
   * @param res response
   * @throws IOException on IO error
  private static void handleRequestForContentOrRootFile(
      String pathPrefix,
      String path,
      HttpServlet servlet,
      HttpServletRequest req,
      HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException {
    if (!pathPrefix.equals("/content/") && !pathPrefix.equals("/root/")) {
          "handleRequestForContentFile(): The path prefix <"
              + pathPrefix
              + "> must be \"/content/\" or \"/root/\".");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path prefix must be \"/content/\" or \"/root/\".");

    if (!path.startsWith(pathPrefix)) {
          "handleRequestForContentFile(): path <"
              + path
              + "> must start with \""
              + pathPrefix
              + "\".");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path must start with \"" + pathPrefix + "\".");

    // Don't allow ".." directories in path.
    if (path.indexOf("/../") != -1
        || path.equals("..")
        || path.startsWith("../")
        || path.endsWith("/..")) {
      res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Path cannot contain \"..\" directory.");
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, -1));

    // Find the requested file.
    File file =
        new File(
            ServletUtil.formFilename(getContentPath(), path.substring(pathPrefix.length() - 1)));
    if (file.exists()) {
      // Do not allow request for a directory.
      if (file.isDirectory()) {
        if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
          String redirectPath = req.getRequestURL().append("/").toString();
          ServletUtil.sendPermanentRedirect(redirectPath, req, res);

        int i = HtmlWriter.getInstance().writeDirectory(res, file, path);
        int status = i == 0 ? HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND : HttpServletResponse.SC_OK;
        log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(status, i));


      // Return the requested file.
      ServletUtil.returnFile(servlet, req, res, file, null);
    } else {
      // Requested file not found.
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, -1));
      res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); // 404

   * Send a permanent redirect (HTTP status 301 "Moved Permanently") response with the given target
   * path.
   * <p>The given target path may be relative or absolute. If it is relative, it will be resolved
   * against the request URL.
   * @param targetPath the path to which the client is redirected.
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param res the HttpServletResponse
   * @throws IOException if can't write the response.
  public static void sendPermanentRedirect(
      String targetPath, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
    // Absolute URL needed so resolve the target path against the request URL.
    URI uri;
    try {
      uri = new URI(req.getRequestURL().toString());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
          "sendPermanentRedirect(): Bad syntax on request URL <" + req.getRequestURL() + ">.", e);
          "sendPermanentRedirect(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(
                  HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0));
      if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    String absolutePath = uri.resolve(targetPath).toString();
    absolutePath = res.encodeRedirectURL(absolutePath);

    res.addHeader("Location", absolutePath);

    String title = "Permanently Moved - 301";
    String body =
        new StringBuilder()
            .append("The requested URL <")
            .append("> has been permanently moved (HTTP status code 301).")
            .append(" Instead, please use the following URL: <a href=\"")
    String htmlResp =
        new StringBuilder()

    log.info("sendPermanentRedirect(): redirect to " + absolutePath);
        "sendPermanentRedirect(): "
            + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(
                HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, htmlResp.length()));

    // Write the catalog out.
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

   * Write a file to the response stream.
   * @param servlet called from here
   * @param contentPath file root path
   * @param path file path reletive to the root
   * @param req the request
   * @param res the response
   * @param contentType content type, or null
   * @throws IOException on write error
  public static void returnFile(
      HttpServlet servlet,
      String contentPath,
      String path,
      HttpServletRequest req,
      HttpServletResponse res,
      String contentType)
      throws IOException {

    String filename = ServletUtil.formFilename(contentPath, path);

    log.debug("returnFile(): returning file <" + filename + ">.");
    // No file, nothing to view
    if (filename == null) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));

    // dontallow ..
    if (filename.indexOf("..") != -1) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, 0));

    // dont allow access to WEB-INF or META-INF
    String upper = filename.toUpperCase();
    if (upper.indexOf("WEB-INF") != -1 || upper.indexOf("META-INF") != -1) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, 0));

    returnFile(servlet, req, res, new File(filename), contentType);

  private static FileCacheRaf fileCacheRaf;

  public static void setFileCache(FileCacheRaf fileCache) {
    fileCacheRaf = fileCache;

  public static FileCacheRaf getFileCache() {
    return fileCacheRaf;

   * Write a file to the response stream. Handles Range requests.
   * @param servlet called from here
   * @param req the request
   * @param res the response
   * @param file to serve
   * @param contentType content type, if null, will try to guess
   * @throws IOException on write error
  public static void returnFile(
      HttpServlet servlet,
      HttpServletRequest req,
      HttpServletResponse res,
      File file,
      String contentType)
      throws IOException {

    // No file, nothing to view
    if (file == null) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));

    // check that it exists
    if (!file.exists()) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));

    // not a directory
    if (!file.isFile()) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, 0));

    // Set the type of the file
    String filename = file.getPath();
    if (null == contentType) {
      if (filename.endsWith(".html")) contentType = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";
      else if (filename.endsWith(".xml")) contentType = "text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1";
      else if (filename.endsWith(".txt") || (filename.endsWith(".log"))) contentType = CONTENT_TEXT;
      else if (filename.indexOf(".log.") > 0) contentType = CONTENT_TEXT;
      else if (filename.endsWith(".nc")) contentType = "application/x-netcdf";
      else contentType = servlet.getServletContext().getMimeType(filename);

      if (contentType == null) contentType = "application/octet-stream";

    returnFile(req, res, file, contentType);

   * Write a file to the response stream. Handles Range requests.
   * @param req request
   * @param res response
   * @param file must exists and not be a directory
   * @param contentType must not be null
   * @throws IOException or error
  public static void returnFile(
      HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, File file, String contentType)
      throws IOException {

    // see if its a Range Request
    boolean isRangeRequest = false;
    long startPos = 0, endPos = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    String rangeRequest = req.getHeader("Range");
    if (rangeRequest != null) { // bytes=12-34 or bytes=12-
      int pos = rangeRequest.indexOf("=");
      if (pos > 0) {
        int pos2 = rangeRequest.indexOf("-");
        if (pos2 > 0) {
          String startString = rangeRequest.substring(pos + 1, pos2);
          String endString = rangeRequest.substring(pos2 + 1);
          startPos = Long.parseLong(startString);
          if (endString.length() > 0) endPos = Long.parseLong(endString) + 1;
          isRangeRequest = true;

    // set content length
    long fileSize = file.length();
    long contentLength = fileSize;
    if (isRangeRequest) {
      endPos = Math.min(endPos, fileSize);
      contentLength = endPos - startPos;

    if (contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
          "Content-Length", Long.toString(contentLength)); // allow content length > MAX_INT
    else res.setContentLength((int) contentLength); // note HEAD only allows this

    String filename = file.getPath();
    boolean debugRequest = Debug.isSet("returnFile");
    if (debugRequest)
          "returnFile(): filename = "
              + filename
              + " contentType = "
              + contentType
              + " contentLength = "
              + contentLength);

    // indicate we allow Range Requests
    res.addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");

    if (req.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) {
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, 0));

    try {

      if (isRangeRequest) {
        // set before content is sent
        res.addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " + startPos + "-" + (endPos - 1) + "/" + fileSize);

        FileCacheRaf.Raf craf = null;
        try {
          craf = fileCacheRaf.acquire(filename);
              craf.getRaf(), startPos, contentLength, res.getOutputStream(), new byte[60000]);
              "returnFile(): "
                  + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(
                      HttpServletResponse.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT, contentLength));
        } finally {
          if (craf != null) fileCacheRaf.release(craf);

      // Return the file
      ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
      IO.copyFileB(file, out, 60000);
      if (debugRequest) log.debug("returnFile(): returnFile ok = " + filename);
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, contentLength));

    // @todo Split up this exception handling: those from file access vs those from dealing with
    // response
    //       File access: catch and res.sendError()
    //       response: don't catch (let bubble up out of doGet() etc)
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      log.error("returnFile(): FileNotFoundException= " + filename);
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));
      if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
    } catch (java.net.SocketException e) {
      log.info("returnFile(): SocketException sending file: " + filename + " " + e.getMessage());
      log.info("returnFile(): " + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(STATUS_CLIENT_ABORT, 0));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      String eName =
          e.getClass().getName(); // dont want compile time dependency on ClientAbortException
      if (eName.equals("org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException")) {
            "returnFile(): ClientAbortException while sending file: "
                + filename
                + " "
                + e.getMessage());
            "returnFile(): " + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(STATUS_CLIENT_ABORT, 0));

      log.error("returnFile(): IOException (" + e.getClass().getName() + ") sending file ", e);
          "returnFile(): "
              + UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));
      if (!res.isCommitted())
        res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Problem sending file: " + e.getMessage());

   * Send given content string as the HTTP response.
   * @param contents the string to return as the HTTP response.
   * @param res the HttpServletResponse
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while writing the response.
  public static void returnString(String contents, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {

    try {
      ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
      IO.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes()), out);
          UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, contents.length()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error(" IOException sending string: ", e);
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, 0));
      res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Problem sending string: " + e.getMessage());

   * Return the request URL relative to the server (i.e., starting with the context path).
   * @param req request
   * @return URL relative to the server
  public static String getReletiveURL(HttpServletRequest req) {
    return req.getContextPath() + req.getServletPath() + req.getPathInfo();

   * Forward this request to the CatalogServices servlet ("/catalog.html").
   * @param req request
   * @param res response
   * @throws IOException on IO error
   * @throws ServletException other error
  public static void forwardToCatalogServices(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws IOException, ServletException {

    String reqs = "catalog=" + getReletiveURL(req);
    String query = req.getQueryString();
    if (query != null) reqs = reqs + "&" + query;
    log.info("forwardToCatalogServices(): request string = \"/catalog.html?" + reqs + "\"");

    // dispatch to CatalogHtml servlet
    RequestForwardUtils.forwardRequestRelativeToCurrentContext("/catalog.html?" + reqs, req, res);

  public static boolean saveFile(
      HttpServlet servlet,
      String contentPath,
      String path,
      HttpServletRequest req,
      HttpServletResponse res) {

    // @todo Need to use logServerAccess() below here.
    boolean debugRequest = Debug.isSet("SaveFile");
    if (debugRequest) log.debug(" saveFile(): path= " + path);

    String filename = contentPath + path; // absolute path
    File want = new File(filename);

    // backup current version if it exists
    int version = getBackupVersion(want.getParent(), want.getName());
    String fileSave = filename + "~" + version;
    File file = new File(filename);
    if (file.exists()) {
      try {
        IO.copyFile(filename, fileSave);
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "saveFile(): Unable to save copy of file "
                + filename
                + " to "
                + fileSave
                + "\n"
                + e.getMessage());
        return false;

    // save new file
    try {
      OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
      IO.copy(req.getInputStream(), out);
      if (debugRequest) log.debug("saveFile(): ok= " + filename);
      log.info(UsageLog.closingMessageForRequestContext(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED, -1));
      return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
          "saveFile(): Unable to PUT file " + filename + " to " + fileSave + "\n" + e.getMessage());
      return false;

  private static int getBackupVersion(String dirName, String fileName) {
    int maxN = 0;
    File dir = new File(dirName);
    if (!dir.exists()) return -1;

    String[] files = dir.list();
    if (null == files) return -1;

    for (String name : files) {
      if (name.indexOf(fileName) < 0) continue;
      int pos = name.indexOf('~');
      if (pos < 0) continue;
      String ver = name.substring(pos + 1);
      int n = 0;
      try {
        n = Integer.parseInt(ver);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        log.error("Format Integer error on backup filename= " + ver);
      maxN = Math.max(n, maxN);
    return maxN + 1;

  public static boolean copyDir(String fromDir, String toDir) throws IOException {
    File contentFile = new File(toDir + ".INIT");
    if (!contentFile.exists()) {
      IO.copyDirTree(fromDir, toDir);
      return true;
    return false;

   * ************************************************************************ Sends an error to the
   * client.
   * @param t The exception that caused the problem.
   * @param res The <code>HttpServletResponse</code> for the client.
  public static void handleException(Throwable t, HttpServletResponse res) {
    try {
      String message = t.getMessage();
      if (message == null) message = "NULL message " + t.getClass().getName();
      if (Debug.isSet("trustedMode")) { // security issue: only show stack if trusted
        ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bs);
        message = new String(bs.toByteArray());
              HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, message.length()));
      log.error("handleException", t);
      t.printStackTrace(); // debugging - log.error not showing stack trace !!
      if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, message);

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      log.error("handleException() had problem reporting Exception", e);

  public static void showServerInfo(PrintStream out) {
    out.println("Server Info");
        " getDocumentBuilderFactoryVersion(): "
            + XMLEntityResolver.getDocumentBuilderFactoryVersion());

    Properties sysp = System.getProperties();
    Enumeration e = sysp.propertyNames();
    List<String> list = Collections.list(e);

    out.println("System Properties:");
    for (String name : list) {
      String value = System.getProperty(name);
      out.println("  " + name + " = " + value);

  public static void showServletInfo(HttpServlet servlet, PrintStream out) {
    out.println("Servlet Info");
    out.println(" getServletName(): " + servlet.getServletName());
    out.println(" getRootPath(): " + getRootPath());
    out.println(" Init Parameters:");
    Enumeration params = servlet.getInitParameterNames();
    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) params.nextElement();
      out.println("  " + name + ": " + servlet.getInitParameter(name));

    ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();
    out.println("Context Info");

    try {
      out.println(" context.getResource('/'): " + context.getResource("/"));
    } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
    } // cant happen
    out.println(" context.getServerInfo(): " + context.getServerInfo());
    out.println("  name: " + getServerInfoName(context.getServerInfo()));
    out.println("  version: " + getServerInfoVersion(context.getServerInfo()));

    out.println(" context.getInitParameterNames():");
    params = context.getInitParameterNames();
    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) params.nextElement();
      out.println("  " + name + ": " + context.getInitParameter(name));

    out.println(" context.getAttributeNames():");
    params = context.getAttributeNames();
    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) params.nextElement();
      out.println("  context.getAttribute(\"" + name + "\"): " + context.getAttribute(name));


   * Show the pieces of the request, for debugging
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return parsed request
  public static String getRequestParsed(HttpServletRequest req) {
    return req.getRequestURI()
        + " = "
        + req.getContextPath()
        + "(context), "
        + req.getServletPath()
        + "(servletPath), "
        + req.getPathInfo()
        + "(pathInfo), "
        + req.getQueryString()
        + "(query)";

   * This is the server part, eg http://motherlode:8080
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return request server
  public static String getRequestServer(HttpServletRequest req) {
    return req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort();

   * This is everything except the query string
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return parsed request base
  public static String getRequestBase(HttpServletRequest req) {
    // return "http://"+req.getServerName()+":"+ req.getServerPort()+req.getRequestURI();
    return req.getRequestURL().toString();

   * The request base as a URI
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return parsed request as a URI
  public static URI getRequestURI(HttpServletRequest req) {
    try {
      return new URI(getRequestBase(req));
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      return null;

   * servletPath + pathInfo
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return parsed request servletPath + pathInfo
  public static String getRequestPath(HttpServletRequest req) {
    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
    if (req.getServletPath() != null) buff.append(req.getServletPath());
    if (req.getPathInfo() != null) buff.append(req.getPathInfo());
    return buff.toString();

   * The entire request including query string
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @return entire parsed request
  public static String getRequest(HttpServletRequest req) {
    String query = req.getQueryString();
    return getRequestBase(req) + (query == null ? "" : "?" + query);

   * Return the value of the given parameter for the given request. Should only be used if the
   * parameter is known to only have one value. If used on a multi-valued parameter, the first value
   * is returned.
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param paramName the name of the parameter to find.
   * @return the value of the given parameter for the given request.
  public static String getParameterIgnoreCase(HttpServletRequest req, String paramName) {
    Enumeration e = req.getParameterNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      String s = (String) e.nextElement();
      if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) return req.getParameter(s);
    return null;

   * Return the values of the given parameter (ignoring case) for the given request.
   * @param req the HttpServletRequest
   * @param paramName the name of the parameter to find.
   * @return the values of the given parameter for the given request.
  public static String[] getParameterValuesIgnoreCase(HttpServletRequest req, String paramName) {
    Enumeration e = req.getParameterNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      String s = (String) e.nextElement();
      if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) return req.getParameterValues(s);
    return null;

  public static String getFileURL(String filename) {
    filename = filename.replace('\\', '/');
    filename = StringUtil.replace(filename, ' ', "+");
    return "file:" + filename;

   * Show details about the request
   * @param servlet used to get teh servlet context, may be null
   * @param req the request
   * @return string showing the details of the request.
  public static String showRequestDetail(HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest req) {
    StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();

    sbuff.append("Request Info\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getServerName(): ").append(req.getServerName()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getServerPort(): ").append(req.getServerPort()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getContextPath:").append(req.getContextPath()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getServletPath:").append(req.getServletPath()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getPathInfo:").append(req.getPathInfo()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getQueryString:").append(req.getQueryString()).append("\n");
        .append(" getQueryStringDecoded:")
    /*try {
      sbuff.append(" getQueryStringDecoded:").append(URLDecoder.decode(req.getQueryString(), "UTF-8")).append("\n");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
    sbuff.append(" req.getRequestURI:").append(req.getRequestURI()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" getRequestBase:").append(getRequestBase(req)).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" getRequestServer:").append(getRequestServer(req)).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" getRequest:").append(getRequest(req)).append("\n");

    sbuff.append(" req.getPathTranslated:").append(req.getPathTranslated()).append("\n");
    String path = req.getPathTranslated();
    if ((path != null) && (servlet != null)) {
      ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext();
      sbuff.append(" getMimeType:").append(context.getMimeType(path)).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getScheme:").append(req.getScheme()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getProtocol:").append(req.getProtocol()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getMethod:").append(req.getMethod()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getContentType:").append(req.getContentType()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getContentLength:").append(req.getContentLength()).append("\n");

    sbuff.append(" req.getRemoteAddr():").append(req.getRemoteAddr());
    try {
          .append(" getRemoteHost():")
    } catch (java.net.UnknownHostException e) {
      sbuff.append(" getRemoteHost():").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" getRemoteUser():").append(req.getRemoteUser()).append("\n");

    sbuff.append("Request Parameters:\n");
    Enumeration params = req.getParameterNames();
    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) params.nextElement();
      String values[] = req.getParameterValues(name);
      if (values != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
              .append("  ")
              .append("  (")
              .append("): ")

    sbuff.append("Request Headers:\n");
    Enumeration names = req.getHeaderNames();
    while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) names.nextElement();
      Enumeration values = req.getHeaders(name); // support multiple values
      if (values != null) {
        while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
          String value = (String) values.nextElement();
          sbuff.append("  ").append(name).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" ------------------\n");

    return sbuff.toString();

  public static String showRequestHeaders(HttpServletRequest req) {
    StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
    sbuff.append("Request Headers:\n");
    Enumeration names = req.getHeaderNames();
    while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) names.nextElement();
      Enumeration values = req.getHeaders(name); // support multiple values
      if (values != null) {
        while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
          String value = (String) values.nextElement();
          sbuff.append("  ").append(name).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
    return sbuff.toString();

  public static void showSession(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, PrintStream out) {

    // res.setContentType("text/html");

    // Get the current session object, create one if necessary
    HttpSession session = req.getSession();

    // Increment the hit count for this page. The value is saved
    // in this client's session under the name "snoop.count".
    Integer count = (Integer) session.getAttribute("snoop.count");
    if (count == null) {
      count = 1;
    } else count = count + 1;
    session.setAttribute("snoop.count", count);

    out.println("<BODY><H1>Session Snoop</H1>");

    // Display the hit count for this page
        "You've visited this page " + count + ((!(count.intValue() != 1)) ? " time." : " times."));


    out.println("<H3>Here is your saved session data:</H3>");
    Enumeration atts = session.getAttributeNames();
    while (atts.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) atts.nextElement();
      out.println(name + ": " + session.getAttribute(name) + "<BR>");

    out.println("<H3>Here are some vital stats on your session:</H3>");
    out.println("Session id: " + session.getId() + " <I>(keep it secret)</I><BR>");
    out.println("New session: " + session.isNew() + "<BR>");
    out.println("Timeout: " + session.getMaxInactiveInterval());
    out.println("<I>(" + session.getMaxInactiveInterval() / 60 + " minutes)</I><BR>");
    out.println("Creation time: " + session.getCreationTime());
    out.println("<I>(" + new Date(session.getCreationTime()) + ")</I><BR>");
    out.println("Last access time: " + session.getLastAccessedTime());
    out.println("<I>(" + new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime()) + ")</I><BR>");

        "Requested session ID from cookie: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() + "<BR>");
    out.println("Requested session ID from URL: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() + "<BR>");
    out.println("Requested session ID valid: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdValid() + "<BR>");

    out.println("<H3>Test URL Rewriting</H3>");
    out.println("Click <A HREF=\"" + res.encodeURL(req.getRequestURI()) + "\">here</A>");
    out.println("to test that session tracking works via URL");
    out.println("rewriting even when cookies aren't supported.");


  public static void showSession(HttpServletRequest req, PrintStream out) {

    // res.setContentType("text/html");

    // Get the current session object, create one if necessary
    HttpSession session = req.getSession();

    out.println("Session id: " + session.getId());
    out.println(" session.isNew(): " + session.isNew());
    out.println(" session.getMaxInactiveInterval(): " + session.getMaxInactiveInterval() + " secs");
        " session.getCreationTime(): "
            + session.getCreationTime()
            + " ("
            + new Date(session.getCreationTime())
            + ")");
        " session.getLastAccessedTime(): "
            + session.getLastAccessedTime()
            + " ("
            + new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime())
            + ")");
    out.println(" req.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie());
    out.println(" req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL());
    out.println(" req.isRequestedSessionIdValid: " + req.isRequestedSessionIdValid());

    out.println("Saved session Attributes:");
    Enumeration atts = session.getAttributeNames();
    while (atts.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) atts.nextElement();
      out.println(" " + name + ": " + session.getAttribute(name) + "<BR>");

  public static String showSecurity(HttpServletRequest req, String role) {
    StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();

    sbuff.append("Security Info\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getRemoteUser(): ").append(req.getRemoteUser()).append("\n");
    sbuff.append(" req.getUserPrincipal(): ").append(req.getUserPrincipal()).append("\n");
        .append(" req.isUserInRole(")
    sbuff.append(" ------------------\n");

    return sbuff.toString();

  /* from luca / ageci code, portResolver, portMapper not known
  static public void getSecureRedirect(HttpServletRequest req) {
      String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo();
      String queryString = req.getQueryString();
      String contextPath = req.getContextPath();
      String destination = req.getServletPath() + ((pathInfo ==   null) ? "" : pathInfo)
          + ((queryString == null) ? "" : ("?" + queryString));
      String redirectUrl = contextPath;

      Integer httpPort = new Integer(portResolver.getServerPort(req));
      Integer httpsPort = portMapper.lookupHttpsPort(httpPort);
      if (httpsPort != null) {
          boolean includePort = true;
          if (httpsPort.intValue() == 443) {
              includePort = false;
          redirectUrl = "https://" + req.getServerName() +   ((includePort) ? (":" + httpsPort) : "") + contextPath
              + destination;
  } */

  private static String getServerInfoName(String serverInfo) {
    int slash = serverInfo.indexOf('/');
    if (slash == -1) return serverInfo;
    else return serverInfo.substring(0, slash);

  private static String getServerInfoVersion(String serverInfo) {
    // Version info is everything between the slash and the space
    int slash = serverInfo.indexOf('/');
    if (slash == -1) return null;
    int space = serverInfo.indexOf(' ', slash);
    if (space == -1) space = serverInfo.length();
    return serverInfo.substring(slash + 1, space);

  public static void showThreads(PrintStream pw) {
    Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
    ThreadGroup group = current.getThreadGroup();
    while (true) {
      if (group.getParent() == null) break;
      group = group.getParent();
    showThreads(pw, group, current);

  private static void showThreads(PrintStream pw, ThreadGroup g, Thread current) {
    int nthreads = g.activeCount();
    pw.println("\nThread Group = " + g.getName() + " activeCount= " + nthreads);
    Thread[] tarray = new Thread[nthreads];
    int n = g.enumerate(tarray, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      Thread thread = tarray[i];
      ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
      String loaderName = (loader == null) ? "Default" : loader.getClass().getName();
      Thread.State state = thread.getState();
      long id = thread.getId();
      pw.print("   " + id + " " + thread.getName() + " " + state + " " + loaderName);
      if (thread == current) pw.println(" **** CURRENT ***");
      else pw.println();

    int ngroups = g.activeGroupCount();
    ThreadGroup[] garray = new ThreadGroup[ngroups];
    int ng = g.enumerate(garray, false);
    for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
      ThreadGroup nested = garray[i];
      showThreads(pw, nested, current);
 * Build a GribCollection object. Rectilyse and manage grib collection index. Covers
 * GribCollectionProto.
 * @author caron
 * @since 4/6/11
public class Grib2CollectionBuilder {
  private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger =

  public static final String MAGIC_START = "Grib2CollectionIndex";
  protected static final int version = 5;
  private static final boolean debug = false;

  // from a single file, read in the index, create if it doesnt exist
  public static GribCollection createFromSingleFile(
      File file, CollectionManager.Force force, Formatter f) throws IOException {
    Grib2CollectionBuilder builder = new Grib2CollectionBuilder(file, f);
    builder.readOrCreateIndex(force, f);
    return builder.gc;

  // from a collection, read in the index, create if it doesnt exist or is out of date
  // assume that the CollectionManager is up to date, eg doesnt need to be scanned
  public static GribCollection factory(
      CollectionManager dcm, CollectionManager.Force force, Formatter f) throws IOException {
    Grib2CollectionBuilder builder = new Grib2CollectionBuilder(dcm);
    builder.readOrCreateIndex(force, f);
    return builder.gc;

  // read in the index, index raf already open
  public static GribCollection createFromIndex(String name, File directory, RandomAccessFile raf)
      throws IOException {
    Grib2CollectionBuilder builder = new Grib2CollectionBuilder(name, directory);
    if (builder.readIndex(raf)) return builder.gc;
    throw new IOException("Reading index failed");

  // this writes the index always
  public static boolean writeIndexFile(File indexFile, CollectionManager dcm, Formatter f)
      throws IOException {
    Grib2CollectionBuilder builder = new Grib2CollectionBuilder(dcm);
    return builder.createIndex(indexFile, CollectionManager.Force.always, f);


  private final List<CollectionManager> collections = new ArrayList<CollectionManager>();
  protected GribCollection gc;

  // single file
  private Grib2CollectionBuilder(File file, Formatter f) throws IOException {
    try {
      // String spec = StringUtil2.substitute(file.getPath(), "\\", "/");
      CollectionManager dcm = new DatasetCollectionSingleFile(file);
      this.gc = new Grib2Collection(file.getName(), new File(dcm.getRoot()));

    } catch (Exception e) {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000);
      e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos));
      f.format("%s", bos.toString());
      throw new IOException(e);

  private Grib2CollectionBuilder(CollectionManager dcm) {
    this.gc = new Grib2Collection(dcm.getCollectionName(), new File(dcm.getRoot()));

  private Grib2CollectionBuilder(String name, File directory) {
    this.gc = new Grib2Collection(name, directory);

  protected Grib2CollectionBuilder() {
    this.gc = null;

  protected int getVersion() {
    return version;

  // read or create index
  private void readOrCreateIndex(CollectionManager.Force ff, Formatter f) throws IOException {

    // force new index or test for new index needed
    boolean force =
        ((ff == CollectionManager.Force.always)
            || (ff == CollectionManager.Force.test && needsUpdate()));

    // otherwise, we're good as long as the index file exists
    File idx = gc.getIndexFile();
    if (force || !idx.exists() || !readIndex(idx.getPath())) {
      logger.info("GribCollection {}: createIndex {}", gc.getName(), idx.getPath());
      createIndex(idx, ff, f); // write out index
      gc.rafLocation = idx.getPath();
      gc.setRaf(new RandomAccessFile(idx.getPath(), "r"));
      readIndex(gc.getRaf()); // read back in index

  public boolean needsUpdate() {
    File idx = gc.getIndexFile();
    return !idx.exists() || needsUpdate(idx.lastModified());

  private boolean needsUpdate(long idxLastModified) {
    CollectionManager.ChangeChecker cc = Grib2Index.getChangeChecker();
    for (CollectionManager dcm : collections) {
      for (MFile mfile : dcm.getFiles()) {
        if (cc.hasChangedSince(mfile, idxLastModified)) return true;
    return false;

  // reading

  public boolean readIndex(String filename) throws IOException {
    return readIndex(new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"));

  public boolean readIndex(RandomAccessFile raf) {
    gc.setRaf(raf); // LOOK leaving the raf open in the GribCollection
    try {

      //// header message
      if (!NcStream.readAndTest(raf, MAGIC_START.getBytes())) {
        logger.error("GribCollection {}: invalid index", gc.getName());
        return false;

      int v = raf.readInt();
      if (v != getVersion()) {
            "GribCollection {}: index found version={}, want version= {} on file {}",
            new Object[] {gc.getName(), v, version, raf.getLocation()});
        return false;

      long skip = raf.readLong();

      int size = NcStream.readVInt(raf);
      if ((size < 0) || (size > 100 * 1000 * 1000)) {
        logger.warn("GribCollection {}: invalid index ", gc.getName());
        return false;

      byte[] m = new byte[size];

      GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex proto =

      gc.center = proto.getCenter();
      gc.subcenter = proto.getSubcenter();
      gc.master = proto.getMaster();
      gc.local = proto.getLocal();
      gc.genProcessType = proto.getGenProcessType();
      gc.genProcessId = proto.getGenProcessId();
      gc.backProcessId = proto.getBackProcessId();
      gc.local = proto.getLocal();
      // gc.tables = Grib2Tables.factory(gc.center, gc.subcenter, gc.master, gc.local);

      gc.filenames = new ArrayList<String>(proto.getFilesCount());
      for (int i = 0; i < proto.getFilesCount(); i++) gc.filenames.add(proto.getFiles(i));

      // error condition on a GribCollection Index
      if ((proto.getFilesCount() == 0) && !(this instanceof TimePartitionBuilder)) {
        logger.warn("GribCollection {}: has no files, force recreate ", gc.getName());
        return false;

      gc.groups = new ArrayList<GribCollection.GroupHcs>(proto.getGroupsCount());
      for (int i = 0; i < proto.getGroupsCount(); i++)
        gc.groups.add(readGroup(proto.getGroups(i), gc.makeGroup()));

      gc.params = new ArrayList<Parameter>(proto.getParamsCount());
      for (int i = 0; i < proto.getParamsCount(); i++) gc.params.add(readParam(proto.getParams(i)));

      if (!readPartitions(proto)) {
        logger.warn("TimePartition {}: has no partitions, force recreate ", gc.getName());
        return false;

      return true;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logger.error("Error reading index " + raf.getLocation(), t);
      return false;

  protected boolean readPartitions(GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex proto) {
    return true;

  protected void readTimePartitions(
      GribCollection.GroupHcs group, GribCollectionProto.Group proto) {
    // NOOP

  GribCollection.GroupHcs readGroup(GribCollectionProto.Group p, GribCollection.GroupHcs group)
      throws IOException {

    Grib2SectionGridDefinition gdss = new Grib2SectionGridDefinition(p.getGds().toByteArray());
    Grib2Gds gds = gdss.getGDS();

    group.varIndex = new ArrayList<GribCollection.VariableIndex>();
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getVariablesCount(); i++)
      group.varIndex.add(readVariable(p.getVariables(i), group));

    group.timeCoords = new ArrayList<TimeCoord>(p.getTimeCoordsCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getTimeCoordsCount(); i++)

    group.vertCoords = new ArrayList<VertCoord>(p.getVertCoordsCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getVertCoordsCount(); i++)

    group.ensCoords = new ArrayList<EnsCoord>(p.getEnsCoordsCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getEnsCoordsCount(); i++)

    group.filenose = new int[p.getFilenoCount()];
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getFilenoCount(); i++) group.filenose[i] = p.getFileno(i);

    readTimePartitions(group, p);

    // finish
    for (GribCollection.VariableIndex vi : group.varIndex) {
      TimeCoord tc = group.timeCoords.get(vi.timeIdx);
      vi.ntimes = tc.getSize();
      VertCoord vc = (vi.vertIdx < 0) ? null : group.vertCoords.get(vi.vertIdx);
      vi.nverts = (vc == null) ? 0 : vc.getSize();
      EnsCoord ec = (vi.ensIdx < 0) ? null : group.ensCoords.get(vi.ensIdx);
      vi.nens = (ec == null) ? 0 : ec.getSize();

    // group.assignVertNames();

    return group;

  private Parameter readParam(GribCollectionProto.Parameter pp) throws IOException {
    if (pp.hasSdata()) return new Parameter(pp.getName(), pp.getSdata());

    int count = 0;
    double[] vals = new double[pp.getDataCount()];
    for (double val : pp.getDataList()) vals[count++] = val;

    return new Parameter(pp.getName(), vals);

  private TimeCoord readTimeCoord(GribCollectionProto.Coord pc) throws IOException {
    if (pc.getBoundCount() > 0) { // its an interval
      List<TimeCoord.Tinv> coords = new ArrayList<TimeCoord.Tinv>(pc.getValuesCount());
      for (int i = 0; i < pc.getValuesCount(); i++)
        coords.add(new TimeCoord.Tinv((int) pc.getValues(i), (int) pc.getBound(i)));
      return new TimeCoord(pc.getCode(), pc.getUnit(), coords);
    } else {
      List<Integer> coords = new ArrayList<Integer>(pc.getValuesCount());
      for (float value : pc.getValuesList()) coords.add((int) value);
      return new TimeCoord(pc.getCode(), pc.getUnit(), coords);

  private VertCoord readVertCoord(GribCollectionProto.Coord pc) throws IOException {
    boolean isLayer = (pc.getBoundCount() > 0);
    List<VertCoord.Level> coords = new ArrayList<VertCoord.Level>(pc.getValuesCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < pc.getValuesCount(); i++)
      coords.add(new VertCoord.Level(pc.getValues(i), isLayer ? pc.getBound(i) : 0));
    return new VertCoord(pc.getCode(), coords, isLayer);

  private EnsCoord readEnsCoord(GribCollectionProto.Coord pc) throws IOException {
    List<EnsCoord.Coord> coords = new ArrayList<EnsCoord.Coord>(pc.getValuesCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < pc.getValuesCount(); i += 2)
      coords.add(new EnsCoord.Coord((int) pc.getValues(i), (int) pc.getValues(i + 1)));
    return new EnsCoord(coords);

  protected GribCollection.VariableIndex readVariable(
      GribCollectionProto.Variable pv, GribCollection.GroupHcs group) {
    int discipline = pv.getDiscipline();
    int category = pv.getCategory();
    int param = pv.getParameter();
    int levelType = pv.getLevelType();
    int intvType = pv.getIntervalType();
    boolean isLayer = pv.getIsLayer();
    int ensDerivedType = pv.getEnsDerivedType();
    int probType = pv.getProbabilityType();
    String probabilityName = pv.getProbabilityName();
    int cdmHash = pv.getCdmHash();
    long recordsPos = pv.getRecordsPos();
    int recordsLen = pv.getRecordsLen();
    int timeIdx = pv.getTimeIdx();
    int vertIdx = pv.getVertIdx();
    int ensIdx = pv.getEnsIdx();
    int tableVersion = pv.getTableVersion();

    return gc.makeVariableIndex(

  // writing

  private class Group {
    public Grib2SectionGridDefinition gdss;
    public int gdsHash; // may have been modified
    public Grib2Rectilyser rect;
    public List<Grib2Record> records = new ArrayList<Grib2Record>();
    public String name;
    public Set<Integer>
        fileSet; // this is so we can show just the component files that are in this group

    private Group(Grib2SectionGridDefinition gdss, int gdsHash) {
      this.gdss = gdss;
      this.gdsHash = gdsHash;
      Grib2Gds gds = gdss.getGDS();
      name = gds.getNameShort() + "-" + gds.ny + "X" + gds.nx;

  // create the index

  private boolean createIndex(File indexFile, CollectionManager.Force ff, Formatter f)
      throws IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    ArrayList<String> filenames = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Group> groups = makeAggregatedGroups(filenames, ff, f);
    createIndex(indexFile, groups, filenames, f);

    long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    f.format("That took %d msecs%n", took);
    return true;

  // read all records in all files,
  // divide into groups based on GDS hash
  // each group has an arraylist of all records that belong to it.
  // for each group, run rectlizer to derive the coordinates and variables
  public List<Group> makeAggregatedGroups(
      ArrayList<String> filenames, CollectionManager.Force force, Formatter f) throws IOException {
    Map<Integer, Group> gdsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Group>();

    f.format("GribCollection %s: makeAggregatedGroups%n", gc.getName());
    int total = 0;
    int fileno = 0;
    for (CollectionManager dcm : collections) {
      // dcm.scanIfNeeded(); // LOOK ??
      f.format(" dcm= %s%n", dcm);
      Map<Integer, Integer> gdsConvert = (Map<Integer, Integer>) dcm.getAuxInfo("gdsHash");

      for (MFile mfile : dcm.getFiles()) {
        // f.format("%3d: %s%n", fileno, mfile.getPath());

        Grib2Index index = new Grib2Index();
        try {
          if (!index.readIndex(
              force)) { // heres where the index date is checked against the data file
            index.makeIndex(mfile.getPath(), f);
                "  Index written: %s == %d records %n",
                mfile.getName() + Grib2Index.IDX_EXT, index.getRecords().size());
          } else if (debug) {
                "  Index read: %s == %d records %n",
                mfile.getName() + Grib2Index.IDX_EXT, index.getRecords().size());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
              "GribCollectionBuilder: reading/Creating gbx9 index failed err=%s%n  skipping %s%n",
              ioe.getMessage(), mfile.getPath() + Grib2Index.IDX_EXT);

        for (Grib2Record gr : index.getRecords()) {
          gr.setFile(fileno); // each record tracks which file it belongs to
          int gdsHash =
              gr.getGDSsection().getGDS().hashCode(); // use GDS hash code to group records
          if (gdsConvert != null
              && gdsConvert.get(gdsHash)
                  != null) { // allow external config to muck with gdsHash. Why? because of error in
            // encoding
            gdsHash = (Integer) gdsConvert.get(gdsHash); // and we need exact hash matching

          Group g = gdsMap.get(gdsHash);
          if (g == null) {
            g = new Group(gr.getGDSsection(), gdsHash);
            gdsMap.put(gdsHash, g);
    f.format(" total grib records= %d%n", total);

    Grib2Rectilyser.Counter c = new Grib2Rectilyser.Counter();
    List<Group> result = new ArrayList<Group>(gdsMap.values());
    for (Group g : result) {
      g.rect = new Grib2Rectilyser(g.records, g.gdsHash);
      f.format(" GDS hash %d == ", g.gdsHash);
      g.rect.make(f, c);
        " Rectilyser: nvars=%d records unique=%d total=%d dups=%d (%f) %n",
        c.vars, c.recordsUnique, c.records, c.dups, ((float) c.dups) / c.records);

    return result;

  VariableRecords (sizeRecords bytes)
  GribCollectionIndex (sizeIndex bytes)

  private void createIndex(
      File indexFile, List<Group> groups, ArrayList<String> filenames, Formatter f)
      throws IOException {
    Grib2Record first = null; // take global metadata from here

    if (indexFile.exists()) indexFile.delete(); // replace it
    f.format(" createIndex for %s%n", indexFile.getPath());

    RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(indexFile.getPath(), "rw");
    try {
      //// header message
      long lenPos = raf.getFilePointer();
      raf.writeLong(0); // save space to write the length of the record section
      long countBytes = 0;
      int countRecords = 0;
      for (Group g : groups) {
        g.fileSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (Grib2Rectilyser.VariableBag vb : g.rect.getGribvars()) {
          if (first == null) first = vb.first;
          GribCollectionProto.VariableRecords vr = writeRecordsProto(vb, g.fileSet);
          byte[] b = vr.toByteArray();
          vb.pos = raf.getFilePointer();
          vb.length = b.length;
          countBytes += b.length;
          countRecords += vb.recordMap.length;
      long bytesPerRecord = countBytes / ((countRecords == 0) ? 1 : countRecords);
          "  write RecordMaps: bytes = %d record = %d bytesPerRecord=%d%n",
          countBytes, countRecords, bytesPerRecord);

      if (first == null) {
        logger.error("GribCollection {}: has no files\n{}", gc.getName(), f.toString());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("GribCollection " + gc.getName() + " has no files");

      long pos = raf.getFilePointer();
      raf.seek(pos); // back to the output.

      GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.Builder indexBuilder =

      for (String fn : filenames) indexBuilder.addFiles(fn);

      for (Group g : groups) indexBuilder.addGroups(writeGroupProto(g));

      /* int count = 0;
      for (DatasetCollectionManager dcm : collections) {
        indexBuilder.addParams(makeParamProto(new Parameter("spec" + count, dcm.())));
      } */

      // what about just storing first ??
      Grib2SectionIdentification ids = first.getId();

      Grib2Pds pds = first.getPDS();

      GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex index = indexBuilder.build();
      byte[] b = index.toByteArray();
      NcStream.writeVInt(raf, b.length); // message size
      raf.write(b); // message  - all in one gulp
      f.format("  write GribCollectionIndex= %d bytes%n", b.length);

    } finally {
      f.format("  file size =  %d bytes%n", raf.length());
      if (raf != null) raf.close();

  /* private void createIndexForGroup(Group group, ArrayList<String> filenames) throws IOException {
    Grib2Record first = null; // take global metadata from here

    File file = new File(gc.getDirectory(), group.name + GribCollection.IDX_EXT);
    if (file.exists()) file.delete(); // replace it

    RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getPath(), "rw");
    try {
      //// header message
      String magic = gc.getMagicBytes();
      long lenPos = raf.getFilePointer();
      raf.writeLong(0); // save space to write the length of the record section
      long countBytes = 0;
      int countRecords = 0;
      group.fileSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

      for (Rectilyser.VariableBag vb : group.rect.getGribvars()) {
        if (first == null) first = vb.first;
        GribCollectionProto.VariableRecords vr = makeRecordsProto(vb, group.fileSet);
        byte[] b = vr.toByteArray();
        vb.pos = raf.getFilePointer();
        vb.length = b.length;
        countBytes += b.length;
      countRecords += group.records.size();
      if (countRecords == 0) countRecords = 1;
      long bytesPerRecord = countBytes / countRecords;
      logger.debug("VariableRecords: bytes = {} record = {} bytesPerRecord={}", new Object[] {countBytes, countRecords, bytesPerRecord});

      long pos = raf.getFilePointer();
      raf.seek(pos); // back to the output.

      GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.Builder indexBuilder = GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.newBuilder();

      for (String fn : filenames)


      int count = 0;
      for (CollectionManager dcm : collections) {
        indexBuilder.addParams(makeParamProto(new Parameter("spec" + count, dcm.toString())));

      Grib2SectionIdentification ids = first.getId();

      GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex index = indexBuilder.build();
      byte[] b = index.toByteArray();
      NcStream.writeVInt(raf, b.length); // message size
      raf.write(b);  // message  - all in one gulp
      logger.debug("GribCollectionIndex= {} bytes%n", b.length);

    } finally {
      logger.debug("file size =  {} bytes%n", raf.length());
      if (raf != null) raf.close();
  } */

  private GribCollectionProto.VariableRecords writeRecordsProto(
      Grib2Rectilyser.VariableBag vb, Set<Integer> fileSet) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.VariableRecords.Builder b =
    for (Grib2Rectilyser.Record ar : vb.recordMap) {
      GribCollectionProto.Record.Builder br = GribCollectionProto.Record.newBuilder();

      if (ar == null || ar.gr == null) {
        br.setPos(0); // missing : ok to use 0 since drsPos > 0

      } else {
        Grib2SectionDataRepresentation drs = ar.gr.getDataRepresentationSection();
    return b.build();

  private GribCollectionProto.Group writeGroupProto(Group g) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Group.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Group.newBuilder();


    for (Grib2Rectilyser.VariableBag vb : g.rect.getGribvars())

    List<TimeCoord> timeCoords = g.rect.getTimeCoords();
    for (int i = 0; i < timeCoords.size(); i++)
      b.addTimeCoords(writeCoordProto(timeCoords.get(i), i));

    List<VertCoord> vertCoords = g.rect.getVertCoords();
    for (int i = 0; i < vertCoords.size(); i++)
      b.addVertCoords(writeCoordProto(vertCoords.get(i), i));

    List<EnsCoord> ensCoords = g.rect.getEnsCoords();
    for (int i = 0; i < ensCoords.size(); i++) b.addEnsCoords(writeCoordProto(ensCoords.get(i), i));

    for (Integer aFileSet : g.fileSet) b.addFileno(aFileSet);

    return b.build();

  private GribCollectionProto.Variable writeVariableProto(Grib2Rectilyser.VariableBag vb)
      throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Variable.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Variable.newBuilder();

    Grib2Pds pds = vb.first.getPDS();
    if (vb.vertCoordIndex >= 0) b.setVertIdx(vb.vertCoordIndex);
    if (vb.ensCoordIndex >= 0) b.setEnsIdx(vb.ensCoordIndex);

    if (pds.isEnsembleDerived()) {
      Grib2Pds.PdsEnsembleDerived pdsDerived = (Grib2Pds.PdsEnsembleDerived) pds;
      b.setEnsDerivedType(pdsDerived.getDerivedForecastType()); // derived type (table 4.7)

    if (pds.isProbability()) {
      Grib2Pds.PdsProbability pdsProb = (Grib2Pds.PdsProbability) pds;

    return b.build();

  protected GribCollectionProto.Parameter writeParamProto(Parameter param) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Parameter.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Parameter.newBuilder();

    if (param.isString()) b.setSdata(param.getStringValue());
    else {
      for (int i = 0; i < param.getLength(); i++) b.addData(param.getNumericValue(i));

    return b.build();

  protected GribCollectionProto.Coord writeCoordProto(TimeCoord tc, int index) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Coord.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Coord.newBuilder();
    float scale =
        (float) tc.getTimeUnitScale(); // deal with, eg, "6 hours" by multiplying values by 6
    if (tc.isInterval()) {
      for (TimeCoord.Tinv tinv : tc.getIntervals()) {
        b.addValues(tinv.getBounds1() * scale);
        b.addBound(tinv.getBounds2() * scale);
    } else {
      for (int value : tc.getCoords()) b.addValues(value * scale);
    return b.build();

  protected GribCollectionProto.Coord writeCoordProto(VertCoord vc, int index) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Coord.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Coord.newBuilder();
    for (VertCoord.Level coord : vc.getCoords()) {
      if (vc.isLayer()) {
        b.addValues((float) coord.getValue1());
        b.addBound((float) coord.getValue2());
      } else {
        b.addValues((float) coord.getValue1());
    return b.build();

  protected GribCollectionProto.Coord writeCoordProto(EnsCoord ec, int index) throws IOException {
    GribCollectionProto.Coord.Builder b = GribCollectionProto.Coord.newBuilder();
    for (EnsCoord.Coord coord : ec.getCoords()) {
      b.addValues((float) coord.getCode());
      b.addValues((float) coord.getEnsMember());
    return b.build();
Example #10
public class RC {
  static boolean showlog = false; /* do not do any logging */
  public static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(RC.class);

  // Predefined flags
  // To add a new flag:
  // 1. choose a name for the flag
  // 2. Define the protected static field with default value
  // 3. Define a get function
  // 4. Add an arm to the set function
  // 5. Add any usefull utilities like booleanize()

  public static final String USEGROUPSKEY = "ucar.nc2.cdm.usegroups";
  public static final String VERIFYSERVERKEY = "ucar.nc2.net.verifyserver";
  public static final String ALLOWSELFSIGNEDKEY = "ucar.nc2.net.allowselfsigned";

  protected static boolean useGroups = true;
  protected static boolean verifyServer = false;
  protected static boolean allowSelfSigned = true;

  public static boolean getUseGroups() {
    if (!initialized) RC.initialize();
    return useGroups;

  public static boolean getVerifyServer() {
    if (!initialized) RC.initialize();
    return verifyServer;

  public static boolean getAllowSelfSigned() {
    if (!initialized) RC.initialize();
    return allowSelfSigned;

  public static void set(String key, String value) {
    // TODO: think about the rc properties naming hierarchy
    assert (key != null);
    if (USEGROUPSKEY.equals(key)) {
      useGroups = booleanize(value);
    } else if (VERIFYSERVERKEY.equals(key)) {
      verifyServer = booleanize(value);
    } else if (ALLOWSELFSIGNEDKEY.equals(key)) {
      allowSelfSigned = booleanize(value);

  static boolean booleanize(String value) {
    // canonical boolean values
    if (value == null || "0".equals(value) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return false;
    if (value.length() == 0 || "1".equals(value) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return true;
    return value != null; // any non-null value?


  static final String DFALTRCFILE = ".threddsrc";

  static final char LTAG = '[';
  static final char RTAG = ']';

  static final String[] rcfilelist = new String[] {".dodsrc", ".tdsrc"};

  static int urlCompare(URL u1, URL u2) {
    int relation;
    if (u1 == null && u2 == null) return 0;
    if (u1 == null) return -1;
    if (u2 == null) return +1;
    // 1. host test
    String host1 = (new StringBuilder(u1.getHost())).reverse().toString();
    String host2 = (new StringBuilder(u2.getHost())).reverse().toString();
    // Use lexical order on the reversed host names
    relation = host1.compareTo(host2);
    if (relation != 0) return relation;
    // 2. path test
    relation = (u1.getPath().compareTo(u2.getPath()));
    if (relation != 0) return relation;
    // 3. port number
    relation = (u1.getPort() - u2.getPort());
    if (relation != 0) return relation;
    // 4. note: all other fields are ignored
    return 0;

  // Match has different semantics than urlCompare
  static boolean urlMatch(URL pattern, URL url) {
    int relation;

    if (pattern == null) return (url == null);

    if (!(url.getHost().endsWith(pattern.getHost())))
      return false; // e.g. pattern=x.y.org url=y.org

    if (!(url.getPath().startsWith(pattern.getPath())))
      return false; // e.g. pattern=y.org/a/b url=y.org/a

    if (pattern.getPort() > 0 && pattern.getPort() != url.getPort()) return false;

    // note: all other fields are ignored

    return true;

  public static class Triple implements Comparable {
    public String key; // also sort key
    public String value;
    public URL url;

    public Triple(String key, String value, String url) {
      URL u = null;
      if (url != null && url.length() > 0)
        try {
          u = new URL(url);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
          u = null;
      set(key, value, u);

    public Triple(String key, String value, URL url) {
      set(key, value, url);

    void set(String key, String value, URL url) {
      this.key = key.trim().toLowerCase();
      this.url = url;
      this.value = value;
      if (this.value == null) this.value = "";

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (o == null || !(o instanceof Triple)) return false;
      return (compareTo((Triple) o) == 0);

    public int compareTo(Object o) {
      if (o == null) throw new NullPointerException();
      Triple t = (Triple) o;
      int relation = key.compareTo(t.key);
      if (relation != 0) return relation;
      relation = urlCompare(this.url, t.url);
      return relation;

    // toString produces an rc line
    public String toString() {
      StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
      if (url != null) {
      return line.toString();

  // Define a singlton RC instance for general global use
  static RC dfaltRC = null;

  private static boolean initialized = false;

  static {

  public static synchronized void initialize() {
    if (!initialized) {
      initialized = true;

   * Allow users to add to the default rc
   * @param key
   * @param value
   * @param url null => not url specific
  public static synchronized void add(String key, String value, String url) {
    if (key == null) return;
    if (!initialized) RC.initialize();
    Triple t = new Triple(key, value, url);
    // recompute well-knowns

   * Allow users to search the default rc
   * @param key
   * @param url null => not url specific
   * @return value corresponding to key+url, or null if does not exist
  public static synchronized String find(String key, String url) {
    if (key == null) return null;
    if (!initialized) RC.initialize();
    Triple t = dfaltRC.lookup(key, url);
    return (t == null ? null : t.value);

  /** Record some well known parameters */
  static void setWellKnown() {
    if (dfaltRC.triplestore.size() == 0) return;
    // Walk the set of triples looking for those that have no url
    for (String key : dfaltRC.keySet()) {
      Triple triple = dfaltRC.lookup(key);
      if (triple.url == null) {
        RC.set(key, triple.value); // let set sort it out

  static void loadDefaults() {
    RC rc0 = new RC();
    String[] locations =
        new String[] {
          System.getProperty("user.home"), System.getProperty("user.dir"),

    boolean found1 = false;
    for (String loc : locations) {
      if (loc == null) continue;
      String dir = loc.replace('\\', '/');
      if (dir.endsWith("/")) dir = dir.substring(0, dir.length() - 1);
      for (String rcpath : rcfilelist) {
        String filepath = loc + "/" + rcpath;
        if (rc0.load(filepath)) found1 = true;
    if (!found1) if (showlog) log.debug("No .rc file found");
    dfaltRC = rc0;

  static void loadFromJava() {
    for (String flag : flags) {
      String value = System.getProperty(flag);
      if (value != null) {
        set(flag, value);

  static RC getDefault() {
    return dfaltRC;

  // Instance Data

  Map<String, List<Triple>> triplestore;

  // constructors

  public RC() {
    triplestore = new HashMap<String, List<Triple>>();

  // Loaders

  // Load this triple store from an rc file
  // overwrite existing entries

  public boolean load(String abspath) {
    abspath = abspath.replace('\\', '/');
    File rcFile = new File(abspath);
    if (!rcFile.exists() || !rcFile.canRead()) {
      return false;
    if (showlog) log.debug("Loading rc file: " + abspath);
    try (BufferedReader rdr =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(rcFile), CDM.UTF8))) {
      for (int lineno = 1; ; lineno++) {
        URL url = null;
        String line = rdr.readLine();
        if (line == null) break;
        // trim leading blanks
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.length() == 0) continue; // empty line
        if (line.charAt(0) == '#') continue; // check for comment
        // parse the line
        if (line.charAt(0) == LTAG) {
          int rindex = line.indexOf(RTAG);
          if (rindex < 0) return false;
          if (showlog) log.error("Malformed [url] at " + abspath + "." + lineno);
          String surl = line.substring(1, rindex);
          try {
            url = new URL(surl);
          } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            if (showlog) log.error("Malformed [url] at " + abspath + "." + lineno);
          line = line.substring(rindex + 1);
          // trim again
          line = line.trim();
        // Get the key,value part
        String[] pieces = line.split("\\s*=\\s*");
        assert (pieces.length == 1 || pieces.length == 2);
        // Create the triple
        String value = "1";
        if (pieces.length == 2) value = pieces[1].trim();
        Triple triple = new Triple(pieces[0].trim(), value, url);
        List<Triple> list = triplestore.get(triple.key);
        if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<Triple>();
        Triple prev = addtriple(list, triple);
        triplestore.put(triple.key, list);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {
      if (showlog) log.debug("Loading rc file: " + abspath);
      return false;

    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (showlog) log.error("File " + abspath + ": IO exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
      return false;
    return true;

  public Set<String> keySet() {
    return triplestore.keySet();

  public List<Triple> getTriples(String key) {
    List<Triple> list = triplestore.get(key);
    if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<Triple>();
    return list;

  public Triple lookup(String key) {
    return lookup(key, (URL) null);

  public Triple lookup(String key, String url) {
    if (url == null || url.length() == 0) return lookup(key);
    try {
      URL u = new URL(url);
      return lookup(key, u);
    } catch (MalformedURLException m) {
    return null;

  public Triple lookup(String key, URL url) {
    List<Triple> list = triplestore.get(key);
    if (list == null) return null;
    if (url == null) {
      if (list.size() == 0) return null;
      return list.get(0);
    } else
      for (Triple t : list) {
        if (urlMatch(t.url, url)) return t;
    return null;

  Triple addtriple(List<Triple> list, Triple triple) {
    Triple prev = null;
    assert (list != null);
    // Look for duplicates
    int i = list.indexOf(triple);
    if (i >= 0) {
      prev = list.remove(i);
    return prev;

  // Allow for external loading
  public Triple insert(Triple t) {
    if (t.key == null) return null;
    List<Triple> list = triplestore.get(t.key);
    if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<Triple>();
    Triple prev = addtriple(list, t);
    triplestore.put(t.key, list);
    return prev;

  // Output in .rc form
  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder rc = new StringBuilder();
    for (String key : keySet()) {
      List<Triple> list = getTriples(key);
      for (Triple triple : list) {
        String line = triple.toString();
    return rc.toString();
} // class RC
Example #11
 * A session is encapsulated in an instance of the class HTTPSession. The encapsulation is with
 * respect to a specific HttpHost "realm", where the important part is is host+port. This means that
 * once a session is specified, it is tied permanently to that realm.
 * <p>A Session encapsulate a number of other objects:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>An instance of an Apache HttpClient.
 *   <li>A http session id
 *   <li>A RequestContext object; this also includes authentication: specifically a credential and a
 *       credentials provider.
 * </ul>
 * <p>Currently, it is assumed that only one set of credentials is needed, whether directly for
 * server X or for server Y. This may change in the future.
 * <p>As a rule, if the client gives an HTTPSession object to the "create method" procedures of
 * HTTPFactory (e.g. HTTPFactory.Get or HTTPFactory.Post) then that creation call must specify a url
 * that is "compatible" with the scope of the session. The method url is <it>compatible</i> if its
 * host+port is the same as the session's host+port (=scope) and its scheme is compatible, where
 * e.g. http is compatible with https (see HTTPAuthUtil.httphostCompatible)
 * <p>If the HTTPFactory method creation call does not specify a session object, then one is created
 * (and destroyed) behind the scenes along with the method.
 * <p>Note that the term legalurl in the following code means that the url has reserved characters
 * within identifieers in escaped form. This is particularly and issue for queries. Especially:
 * ?x[0:5] is legal and the square brackets need not be encoded.
 * <p>As of the move to Apache Httpclient 4.4 and later, the underlying HttpClient objects are
 * generally immutable. This means that at least this class (HTTPSession) and the HTTPMethod class
 * must store the relevant info and create the HttpClient and HttpMethod objects dynamically. This
 * also means that when a parameter is changed (Agent, for example), any existing cached HttpClient
 * must be thrown away and reconstructed using the change. As a rule, the HttpClient object will be
 * created at the last minute so that multiple parameter changes can be effected without have to
 * re-create the HttpClient for each parameter change. Also note that the immutable objects will be
 * cached and reused if no parameters are changed.
 * <p><em>Authorization</em> We assume that the session supports two CredentialsProvider instances:
 * one global to all HTTPSession objects and one specific to each HTTPSession object.
 * <p>As an aside, authentication is a bit tricky because some authorization schemes use
 * redirection. That is, the initial request is made to server X, but X says: goto to server Y" to
 * get, say, and authorization token. Then Y says: return to X with this token and proceed.
 * <p><em>SSL</em> TBD.
public class HTTPSession implements Closeable {
  // Constants

  // Define all the legal properties
  // Previously taken from class AllClientPNames, but that is now
  // deprecated, so just use an enum

  static /*package*/ enum Prop {

  // Header names
  // from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields
  public static final String HEADER_USERAGENT = "User-Agent";
  public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";

  static final int DFALTTHREADCOUNT = 50;
  static final int DFALTREDIRECTS = 25;
  static final int DFALTCONNTIMEOUT = 1 * 60 * 1000; // 1 minutes (60000 milliseconds)
  static final int DFALTSOTIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes (300000 milliseconds)

  static final int DFALTRETRIES = 3;
  static final int DFALTUNAVAILRETRIES = 3;
  static final int DFALTUNAVAILINTERVAL = 3000; // 3 seconds
  static final String DFALTUSERAGENT = "/NetcdfJava/HttpClient4.4";

  static final String[] KNOWNCOMPRESSORS = {"gzip", "deflate"};


  static final boolean IGNORECERTS = false;

  // Type Declaration(s)

  // Support loose certificate acceptance
  static class LooseTrustStrategy extends TrustSelfSignedStrategy {
    public boolean isTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
        throws CertificateException {
      try {
        if (super.isTrusted(chain, authType)) return true;
        // check expiration dates
        for (X509Certificate x5 : chain) {
          try {
          } catch (CertificateExpiredException | CertificateNotYetValidException ce) {
            return true;
      } catch (CertificateException e) {
        return true; // temporary
      return false;

  /** Sub-class HashTable<String,Object> for mnemonic convenience and for synchronized access. */
  static class Settings extends Hashtable<Prop, Object> {
    public Settings() {}

    public Set<Prop> getKeys() {
      return keySet();

    public Object getParameter(Prop param) {
      return super.get(param);

    public long getIntParameter(Prop param) {
      return (Long) super.get(param);

    public Settings setParameter(Prop param, Object value) {
      super.put(param, value);
      return this;

    public Object removeParameter(Prop param) {
      return super.remove(param);

  // For communication between HTTPSession.execute and HTTPMethod.execute.
  static /*package*/ class ExecState {
    public HttpRequestBase request = null;
    public CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

  static /*package*/ enum Methods {
    private final String name;

    Methods(String name) {
      this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
      return name;

  static class GZIPResponseInterceptor implements HttpResponseInterceptor {
    public void process(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context)
        throws HttpException, IOException {
      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
      if (entity != null) {
        Header ceheader = entity.getContentEncoding();
        if (ceheader != null) {
          HeaderElement[] codecs = ceheader.getElements();
          for (HeaderElement h : codecs) {
            if (h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
              response.setEntity(new GzipDecompressingEntity(response.getEntity()));

  static class DeflateResponseInterceptor implements HttpResponseInterceptor {
    public void process(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context)
        throws HttpException, IOException {
      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
      if (entity != null) {
        Header ceheader = entity.getContentEncoding();
        if (ceheader != null) {
          HeaderElement[] codecs = ceheader.getElements();
          for (HeaderElement h : codecs) {
            if (h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) {
              response.setEntity(new DeflateDecompressingEntity(response.getEntity()));

  static class ZipStreamFactory implements InputStreamFactory {
    // InputStreamFactory methods
    public InputStream create(InputStream instream) throws IOException {
      return new ZipInputStream(instream, HTTPUtil.UTF8);

  static class GZIPStreamFactory implements InputStreamFactory {
    // InputStreamFactory methods
    public InputStream create(InputStream instream) throws IOException {
      return new GZIPInputStream(instream);

  // Static variables

  public static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(HTTPSession.class);

  protected static PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connmgr;

  // Define a settings object to hold all the
  // settable values; there will be one
  // instance for global and one for local.

  static Settings globalsettings;

  // Define interceptor instances
  static List<HttpRequestInterceptor> reqintercepts = new ArrayList<HttpRequestInterceptor>();
  static List<HttpResponseInterceptor> rspintercepts = new ArrayList<HttpResponseInterceptor>();
  // This is a hack to suppress content-encoding headers from request
  protected static HttpResponseInterceptor CEKILL;
  // Debug Header interceptors
  protected static List<HttpRequestInterceptor> dbgreq = new ArrayList<>();
  protected static List<HttpResponseInterceptor> dbgrsp = new ArrayList<>();

  protected static Map<String, InputStreamFactory> contentDecoderMap;

  // public final HttpClientBuilder setContentDecoderRegistry(Map<String,InputStreamFactory>
  // contentDecoderMap)

  // Since can't access CredentialsProvider map, mimic
  protected static Map<AuthScope, CredentialsProvider> globalcreds = new HashMap<>();

  // As taken from the command line, usually
  protected static KeyStore keystore = null;
  protected static KeyStore truststore = null;
  protected static String keypath = null;
  protected static String keypassword = null;
  protected static String trustpath = null;
  protected static String trustpassword = null;
  protected static SSLConnectionSocketFactory globalsslfactory = null;
  protected static Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> sslregistry = null;

  protected static HttpHost httpproxy = null;
  protected static HttpHost httpsproxy = null;
  protected static String proxyuser = null;
  protected static String proxypwd = null;

  // For debugging
  protected static Boolean globaldebugheaders = null;

  static { // watch out: order is important for these initializers
    CEKILL = new HTTPUtil.ContentEncodingInterceptor();
    contentDecoderMap = new HashMap<String, InputStreamFactory>();
    contentDecoderMap.put("zip", new ZipStreamFactory());
    contentDecoderMap.put("gzip", new GZIPStreamFactory());
    globalsettings = new Settings();
    processDFlags(); // Process all -D flags
    connmgr = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(sslregistry);
    // does not work setGlobalThreadCount(DFALTTHREADCOUNT);

  // Static Initialization

  // Provide defaults for a settings map
  protected static void setDefaults(Settings props) {
    if (false) { // turn off for now
      props.setParameter(Prop.HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION, Boolean.TRUE);
    props.setParameter(Prop.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, Boolean.TRUE);
    props.setParameter(Prop.ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS, Boolean.TRUE);
    props.setParameter(Prop.MAX_REDIRECTS, (Integer) DFALTREDIRECTS);
    props.setParameter(Prop.SO_TIMEOUT, (Integer) DFALTSOTIMEOUT);
    props.setParameter(Prop.CONN_TIMEOUT, (Integer) DFALTCONNTIMEOUT);
    props.setParameter(Prop.CONN_REQ_TIMEOUT, (Integer) DFALTCONNREQTIMEOUT);
    props.setParameter(Prop.USER_AGENT, DFALTUSERAGENT);

  static synchronized void processDFlags() {
    // SSL flags
    keypath = cleanproperty("keystore");
    keypassword = cleanproperty("keystorepassword");
    trustpath = cleanproperty("truststore");
    trustpassword = cleanproperty("truststorepassword");
    setGlobalSSLAuth(keypath, keypassword, trustpath, trustpassword);

    // Proxy flags
    String proxyurl = cleanproperty("proxyurl");
    if (proxyurl != null) setGlobalProxy(proxyurl);
    else { // Check the java.net flags
      String proxyhost = cleanproperty("https.proxyHost");
      if (proxyhost != null) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        String proxyport = cleanproperty("https.proxyPort");
        if (proxyport != null) {

  // Static Methods (Mostly global accessors)

  public static synchronized void setGlobalUserAgent(String userAgent) {
    globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.USER_AGENT, userAgent);

  public static synchronized String getGlobalUserAgent() {
    return (String) globalsettings.getParameter(Prop.USER_AGENT);

  public static synchronized void setGlobalThreadCount(int nthreads) {
    // globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.MAX_THREADS,nthreads);
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        "HTTPSession.setGlobalThreadCount is currently not working");

  // Alias
  public static void setGlobalMaxConnections(int nthreads) {

  public static synchronized int getGlobalThreadCount() {
    return connmgr.getMaxTotal();

  // Timeouts

  public static synchronized void setGlobalConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {
    if (timeout >= 0) {
      globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.CONN_TIMEOUT, (Integer) timeout);
      globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.CONN_REQ_TIMEOUT, (Integer) timeout);

  public static synchronized void setGlobalSoTimeout(int timeout) {
    if (timeout >= 0) globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.SO_TIMEOUT, (Integer) timeout);

  /** Enable/disable redirection following Default is yes. */
  public static synchronized void setGlobalFollowRedirects(boolean tf) {
    globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, (Boolean) tf);

   * Set the max number of redirects to follow
   * @param n
  public static synchronized void setGlobalMaxRedirects(int n) {
    if (n < 0) // validate
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("setMaxRedirects");
    globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.MAX_REDIRECTS, n);

  public static synchronized Object getGlobalSetting(String key) {
    return globalsettings.get(key);

  // Compression

  public static synchronized void setGlobalCompression(String compressors) {
    if (globalsettings.getParameter(Prop.COMPRESSION) != null) removeGlobalCompression();
    String compresslist = checkCompressors(compressors);
    if (HTTPUtil.nullify(compresslist) == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad compressors: " + compressors);
    globalsettings.setParameter(Prop.COMPRESSION, compresslist);
    HttpResponseInterceptor hrsi;
    if (compresslist.contains("gzip")) {
      hrsi = new GZIPResponseInterceptor();
    if (compresslist.contains("deflate")) {
      hrsi = new DeflateResponseInterceptor();

  public static void removeGlobalCompression() {
    if (globalsettings.removeParameter(Prop.COMPRESSION) != null) {
      for (int i = rspintercepts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // walk backwards
        HttpResponseInterceptor hrsi = rspintercepts.get(i);
        if (hrsi instanceof GZIPResponseInterceptor || hrsi instanceof DeflateResponseInterceptor)

  protected static synchronized String checkCompressors(String compressors) {
    // Syntactic check of compressors
    Set<String> cset = new HashSet<>();
    compressors = compressors.replace(',', ' ');
    compressors = compressors.replace('\t', ' ');
    String[] pieces = compressors.split("[ ]+");
    for (String p : pieces) {
      for (String c : KNOWNCOMPRESSORS) {
        if (p.equalsIgnoreCase(c)) {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    for (String s : cset) {
      if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(",");
    return buf.toString();
  // Authorization

   * @param provider
   * @throws HTTPException
  public static void setGlobalCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider provider)
      throws HTTPException {
    setGlobalCredentialsProvider(provider, (AuthScope) null);

   * This is the most general case
   * @param provider the credentials provider
   * @param scope where to use it (i.e. on what host)
   * @throws HTTPException
  public static void setGlobalCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider provider, AuthScope scope)
      throws HTTPException {
    mapcreds(provider, scope, globalcreds);

   * It is convenient to be able to directly set the Credentials (not the provider) when those
   * credentials are fixed. Scope defaults to ANY
   * @param creds
   * @throws HTTPException
  public static void setGlobalCredentials(Credentials creds) throws HTTPException {
    setGlobalCredentials(creds, null);

   * It is convenient to be able to directly set the Credentials (not the provider) when those
   * credentials are fixed.
   * @param creds
   * @param scope where to use it (i.e. on what host)
   * @throws HTTPException
  public static void setGlobalCredentials(Credentials creds, AuthScope scope) throws HTTPException {
    assert (creds != null);
    if (scope == null) scope = AuthScope.ANY;
    CredentialsProvider provider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    provider.setCredentials(scope, creds);
    setGlobalCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  /* Make this externally accessible primarily for testing */

  public static synchronized void setGlobalSSLAuth(
      String keypath, String keypassword, String trustpath, String trustpassword) {
    // load the stores if defined
    try {
      if (trustpath != null && trustpassword != null) {
        truststore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        try (FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(new File(trustpath))) {
          truststore.load(instream, trustpassword.toCharArray());
      } else truststore = null;
      if (keypath != null && keypassword != null) {
        keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        try (FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(new File(keypath))) {
          keystore.load(instream, keypassword.toCharArray());
      } else keystore = null;
    } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException | KeyStoreException ex) {
      log.error("Illegal -D keystore parameters: " + ex.getMessage());
      truststore = null;
      keystore = null;
    try {
      // set up the context
      SSLContext scxt = null;
      if (IGNORECERTS) {
        scxt = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        TrustManager[] trust_mgr =
            new TrustManager[] {
              new X509TrustManager() {
                public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                  return null;

                public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String t) {}

                public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String t) {}
            null, // key manager
            trust_mgr, // trust manager
            new SecureRandom()); // random number generator
      } else {
        SSLContextBuilder sslbuilder = SSLContexts.custom();
        TrustStrategy strat = new LooseTrustStrategy();
        if (truststore != null) sslbuilder.loadTrustMaterial(truststore, strat);
        else sslbuilder.loadTrustMaterial(strat);
        sslbuilder.loadTrustMaterial(truststore, new LooseTrustStrategy());
        if (keystore != null) sslbuilder.loadKeyMaterial(keystore, keypassword.toCharArray());
        scxt = sslbuilder.build();
      globalsslfactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(scxt, new NoopHostnameVerifier());

      RegistryBuilder rb = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create();
      rb.register("https", globalsslfactory);
      sslregistry = rb.build();
    } catch (KeyStoreException
        | NoSuchAlgorithmException
        | KeyManagementException
        | UnrecoverableEntryException e) {
      log.error("Failed to set key/trust store(s): " + e.getMessage());
      sslregistry = null;
      globalsslfactory = null;

  public static synchronized void setGlobalProxy(String proxyurl) {
    if (proxyurl == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad proxy URL: " + proxyurl);
    URI uri;
    try {
      uri = HTTPUtil.parseToURI(proxyurl);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad proxy URL: " + proxyurl);
    if (uri.getScheme().equals("http"))
      httpproxy = new HttpHost(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), "http");
    else if (uri.getScheme().equals("https"))
      httpsproxy = new HttpHost(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), "https");
    String upw = uri.getUserInfo();
    if (upw != null) {
      String[] pieces = upw.split("[:]");
      if (pieces.length != 2
          || HTTPUtil.nullify(pieces[0]) == null
          || HTTPUtil.nullify(pieces[1]) == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad userinfo: " + proxyurl);
      proxyuser = pieces[0];
      proxypwd = pieces[1];

  // Instance variables

  // Currently, the granularity of authorization is host+port.
  protected String sessionURI = null; // This is either a real url
  // or one constructed from an AuthScope
  protected URI scopeURI = null; // constructed
  protected AuthScope scope = null;
  protected boolean closed = false;

  // Since can't access CredentialsProvider map, mimic
  protected Map<AuthScope, CredentialsProvider> localcreds = new HashMap<>();

  protected List<ucar.httpservices.HTTPMethod> methodList = new Vector<HTTPMethod>();
  protected String identifier = "Session";
  protected Settings localsettings = new Settings();

  // We currently only allow the use of global interceptors
  //    protected List<Object> intercepts = new ArrayList<Object>(); // current set of interceptors;

  // This context is re-used over all method executions so that we maintain
  // cookies, credentials, etc.
  // But we do need away to clear so that e.g. we can clear credentials cache
  protected HttpClientContext sessioncontext = HttpClientContext.create();

  // cached and recreated as needed
  protected boolean cachevalid = false; // Are cached items up-to-date?
  protected CloseableHttpClient cachedclient = null;
  protected RequestConfig cachedconfig = null;
  protected URI requestURI = null; // full uri from the HTTPMethod call
  protected ExecState execution = new ExecState();

  // Constructor(s)
  // All are package level so that only HTTPFactory can be used externally

  protected HTTPSession() throws HTTPException {}

  HTTPSession(String host, int port) throws HTTPException {
    init(new AuthScope(host, port, null, null), null);

  HTTPSession(String uri) throws HTTPException {
    init(HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(uri), uri);

  HTTPSession(HttpHost httphost) throws HTTPException {
    init(HTTPAuthUtil.hostToAuthScope(httphost), null);

  protected void init(AuthScope scope, String actualurl) throws HTTPException {
    assert (scope != null);
    if (actualurl != null) this.sessionURI = actualurl;
    else this.sessionURI = HTTPAuthUtil.authscopeToURI(scope).toString();
    this.scope = scope;
    this.scopeURI = HTTPAuthUtil.authscopeToURI(scope);
    this.cachevalid = false; // Force build on first use
    this.sessioncontext.setCookieStore(new BasicCookieStore());
    this.sessioncontext.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.AUTH_CACHE, new BasicAuthCache());

  // Interceptors: Only supported at global level

  protected static void setInterceptors(HttpClientBuilder cb) {
    for (HttpRequestInterceptor hrq : reqintercepts) {
    for (HttpResponseInterceptor hrs : rspintercepts) {
    // Add debug interceptors
    for (HttpRequestInterceptor hrq : dbgreq) {
    for (HttpResponseInterceptor hrs : dbgrsp) {
    // Hack: add Content-Encoding suppressor

  // Accessor(s)

  public AuthScope getAuthScope() {
    return this.scope;

  public String getSessionURI() {
    return this.sessionURI;

   * Extract the sessionid cookie value
   * @return sessionid string
  public String getSessionID() {
    String sid = null;
    String jsid = null;
    List<Cookie> cookies = this.sessioncontext.getCookieStore().getCookies();
    for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
      if (cookie.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sessionid")) sid = cookie.getValue();
      if (cookie.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("jsessionid")) jsid = cookie.getValue();
    return (sid == null ? jsid : sid);

  public HTTPSession setUserAgent(String agent) {
    if (agent == null || agent.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null argument");
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.USER_AGENT, agent);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

  public HTTPSession setSoTimeout(int timeout) {
    if (timeout <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("setSoTimeout");
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.SO_TIMEOUT, timeout);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

  public HTTPSession setConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {
    if (timeout <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("setConnectionTImeout");
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.CONN_TIMEOUT, timeout);
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.CONN_REQ_TIMEOUT, timeout);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

   * Set the max number of redirects to follow
   * @param n
  public HTTPSession setMaxRedirects(int n) {
    if (n < 0) // validate
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("setMaxRedirects");
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.MAX_REDIRECTS, n);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

  /** Enable/disable redirection following Default is yes. */
  public HTTPSession setFollowRedirects(boolean tf) {
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, (Boolean) tf);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

   * Should we use sessionid's?
   * @param tf
  public HTTPSession setUseSessions(boolean tf) {
    localsettings.setParameter(Prop.USESESSIONS, (Boolean) tf);
    this.cachevalid = false;
    return this;

  public List<Cookie> getCookies() {
    if (this.sessioncontext == null) return null;
    List<Cookie> cookies = this.sessioncontext.getCookieStore().getCookies();
    return cookies;

  public HTTPSession clearCookies() {
    BasicCookieStore cookies = (BasicCookieStore) this.sessioncontext.getCookieStore();
    if (cookies != null) cookies.clear();
    return this;

  public HTTPSession clearCredentialsCache() {
    BasicAuthCache ac =
        (BasicAuthCache) this.sessioncontext.getAttribute(HttpClientContext.AUTH_CACHE);
    if (ac != null) ac.clear();
    return this;

  // make package specific

  HttpClient getClient() {
    return this.cachedclient;

  HttpClientContext getExecutionContext() {
    return this.sessioncontext;

  public Object getSetting(String key) {
    return localsettings.get(key);


  /** Close the session. This implies closing any open methods. */
  public synchronized void close() {
    if (this.closed) return; // multiple calls ok
    while (methodList.size() > 0) {
      HTTPMethod m = methodList.get(0);
      m.close(); // forcibly close; will invoke removemethod().
    closed = true;

  synchronized HTTPSession addMethod(HTTPMethod m) {
    if (!methodList.contains(m)) methodList.add(m);
    return this;

  synchronized HTTPSession removeMethod(HTTPMethod m) {
    return this;

  // Authorization
  // per-session versions of the global accessors

   * @param provider
   * @throws HTTPException
  public HTTPSession setCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider provider) throws HTTPException {
    setCredentialsProvider(provider, null);
    return this;

   * This is the most general case
   * @param provider the credentials provider
   * @param scope where to use it (i.e. on what host+port)
   * @throws HTTPException
  public HTTPSession setCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider provider, AuthScope scope)
      throws HTTPException {
    mapcreds(provider, scope, localcreds);
    return this;

   * It is convenient to be able to directly set the Credentials (not the provider) when those
   * credentials are fixed. Scope defaults to ANY
   * @param creds
   * @throws HTTPException
  public HTTPSession setCredentials(Credentials creds) throws HTTPException {
    setCredentials(creds, null);
    return this;

   * It is convenient to be able to directly set the Credentials (not the provider) when those
   * credentials are fixed.
   * @param creds
   * @param scope where to use it (i.e. on what host)
   * @throws HTTPException
  public HTTPSession setCredentials(Credentials creds, AuthScope scope) throws HTTPException {
    assert (creds != null);
    if (scope == null) scope = AuthScope.ANY;
    CredentialsProvider provider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    provider.setCredentials(scope, creds);
    setCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);
    return this;

  // Execution (do an actual execution)
  // Package visible

   * Called primarily from HTTPMethod to do the bulk of the execution. Assumes HTTPMethod has
   * inserted its headers into request.
   * @param method
   * @param methoduri
   * @param rb
   * @return Request+Response pair
   * @throws HTTPException
  ExecState execute(HTTPMethod method, URI methoduri, RequestBuilder rb) throws HTTPException {
    this.execution = new ExecState();
    this.requestURI = methoduri;
    AuthScope methodscope = HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(methoduri);
    AuthScope target = HTTPAuthUtil.authscopeUpgrade(this.scope, methodscope);
    synchronized (this) { // keep coverity happy
      // Merge Settings;
      Settings merged = HTTPUtil.merge(globalsettings, localsettings);
      if (!this.cachevalid) {
        RequestConfig.Builder rcb = RequestConfig.custom();
        this.cachedconfig = configureRequest(rcb, merged);
        HttpClientBuilder cb = HttpClients.custom();
        configClient(cb, merged);
        this.cachedclient = cb.build();
        this.cachevalid = true;
    this.execution.request = (HttpRequestBase) rb.build();
    try {
      HttpHost targethost = HTTPAuthUtil.authscopeToHost(target);
      this.execution.response =
          cachedclient.execute(targethost, this.execution.request, this.sessioncontext);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new HTTPException(ioe);
    return this.execution;

  protected RequestConfig configureRequest(RequestConfig.Builder rcb, Settings settings)
      throws HTTPException {
    // Configure the RequestConfig
    for (Prop key : settings.getKeys()) {
      Object value = settings.getParameter(key);
      boolean tf = (value instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) value : false);
      if (key == Prop.ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS) {
      } else if (key == Prop.HANDLE_REDIRECTS) {
      } else if (key == Prop.MAX_REDIRECTS) {
        rcb.setMaxRedirects((Integer) value);
      } else if (key == Prop.SO_TIMEOUT) {
        rcb.setSocketTimeout((Integer) value);
      } else if (key == Prop.CONN_TIMEOUT) {
        rcb.setConnectTimeout((Integer) value);
      } else if (key == Prop.CONN_REQ_TIMEOUT) {
        rcb.setConnectionRequestTimeout((Integer) value);
      } else if (key == Prop.MAX_THREADS) {
        connmgr.setMaxTotal((Integer) value);
        connmgr.setDefaultMaxPerRoute((Integer) value);
      } /* else ignore */
    RequestConfig cfg = rcb.build();
    return cfg;

  protected void configClient(HttpClientBuilder cb, Settings settings) throws HTTPException {
    String agent = (String) settings.get(Prop.USER_AGENT);
    if (agent != null) cb.setUserAgent(agent);

   * Handle authentication and Proxy'ing
   * @param cb
   * @throws HTTPException
  protected synchronized void setAuthenticationAndProxy(HttpClientBuilder cb) throws HTTPException {
    // First, setup the ssl factory

    // Second, Construct a CredentialsProvider that is
    // the union of the Proxy credentials plus
    // either the global local credentials; local overrides global
    // Unfortunately, we cannot either clone or extract the contents
    // of the client supplied provider, so we are forced (for now)
    // to modify the client supplied provider.

    // Look in the local authcreds for best scope match
    AuthScope bestMatch = HTTPAuthUtil.bestmatch(scope, localcreds.keySet());
    CredentialsProvider cp = null;
    if (bestMatch != null) {
      cp = localcreds.get(bestMatch);
    } else {
      bestMatch = HTTPAuthUtil.bestmatch(scope, globalcreds.keySet());
      if (bestMatch != null) cp = globalcreds.get(bestMatch);
    // Build the proxy credentials and AuthScope
    Credentials proxycreds = null;
    AuthScope proxyscope = null;
    if (proxyuser != null && (httpproxy != null || httpsproxy != null)) {
      if (httpproxy != null) proxyscope = HTTPAuthUtil.hostToAuthScope(httpproxy);
      else // httpsproxy != null
      proxyscope = HTTPAuthUtil.hostToAuthScope(httpsproxy);
      proxycreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyuser, proxypwd);
    if (cp == null && proxycreds != null && proxyscope != null) {
      // If client provider is null and proxycreds are not,
      // then use proxycreds alone
      cp = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
      cp.setCredentials(proxyscope, proxycreds);
    } else if (cp != null && proxycreds != null && proxyscope != null) {
      // If client provider is not null and proxycreds are not,
      // then add proxycreds to the client provider
      cp.setCredentials(proxyscope, proxycreds);
    if (cp != null) this.sessioncontext.setCredentialsProvider(cp);

  // Utilities Static and Per-Instance

  static String getCanonicalURL(String legalurl) {
    if (legalurl == null) return null;
    int index = legalurl.indexOf('?');
    if (index >= 0) legalurl = legalurl.substring(0, index);
    // remove any trailing extension
    // index = legalurl.lastIndexOf('.');
    // if(index >= 0) legalurl = legalurl.substring(0,index);
    return HTTPUtil.canonicalpath(legalurl);

  static String getUrlAsString(String url) throws HTTPException {
    try (HTTPMethod m = HTTPFactory.Get(url); ) {
      int status = m.execute();
      String content = null;
      if (status == 200) {
        content = m.getResponseAsString();
      return content;

  static int putUrlAsString(String content, String url) throws HTTPException {
    int status = 0;
    try {
      try (HTTPMethod m = HTTPFactory.Put(url)) {
            new StringEntity(content, ContentType.create("application/text", "UTF-8")));
        status = m.execute();
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException uce) {
      throw new HTTPException(uce);
    return status;

  static String getstorepath(String prefix) {
    String path = System.getProperty(prefix + "store");
    if (path != null) {
      path = path.trim();
      if (path.length() == 0) path = null;
    return path;

  static String getpassword(String prefix) {
    String password = System.getProperty(prefix + "storepassword");
    if (password != null) {
      password = password.trim();
      if (password.length() == 0) password = null;
    return password;

  static String cleanproperty(String property) {
    String value = System.getProperty(property);
    if (value != null) {
      value = value.trim();
      if (value.length() == 0) value = null;
    return value;

  static void mapcreds(
      CredentialsProvider provider,
      AuthScope scope,
      Map<AuthScope, CredentialsProvider> authcreds) {
    assert (provider != null);
    if (scope == null) scope = AuthScope.ANY;
    authcreds.put(scope, provider);

  // Testing support

  // Expose the state for testing purposes
  public synchronized boolean isClosed() {
    return this.closed;

  public synchronized int getMethodcount() {
    return methodList.size();

  public RequestConfig getDebugConfig() {
    return (this.cachevalid ? this.cachedconfig : null);

  public Header[] getRequestHeaders() {
    if (!this.cachevalid) return null;
    Header[] hdrs = null;
    if (this.execution.request != null) hdrs = this.execution.request.getAllHeaders();
    return hdrs;

  // Debug interface

  // Provide a way to kill everything at the end of a Test

  // When testing, we need to be able to clean up
  // all existing sessions because JUnit can run all
  // test within a single jvm.
  static List<HTTPSession> sessionList = null; // List of all HTTPSession instances

  // only used when testing flag is set
  public static boolean TESTING = false; // set to true during testing, should be false otherwise

  protected static synchronized void kill() {
    if (sessionList != null) {
      for (HTTPSession session : sessionList) {
      // Rebuild the connection manager
      connmgr = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(sslregistry);

  // If we are testing, then track the sessions for kill
  protected static synchronized void track(HTTPSession session) {
    if (sessionList == null) sessionList = new ArrayList<HTTPSession>();

  public static synchronized void debugHeaders(boolean print) {
    HTTPUtil.InterceptRequest rq = new HTTPUtil.InterceptRequest();
    HTTPUtil.InterceptResponse rs = new HTTPUtil.InterceptResponse();
    /* remove any previous */
    for (int i = reqintercepts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      HttpRequestInterceptor hr = reqintercepts.get(i);
      if (hr instanceof HTTPUtil.InterceptCommon) reqintercepts.remove(i);
    for (int i = rspintercepts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      HttpResponseInterceptor hr = rspintercepts.get(i);
      if (hr instanceof HTTPUtil.InterceptCommon) rspintercepts.remove(i);

  public static void debugReset() {
    for (HttpRequestInterceptor hri : reqintercepts) {
      if (hri instanceof HTTPUtil.InterceptCommon) ((HTTPUtil.InterceptCommon) hri).clear();

  public static HTTPUtil.InterceptRequest debugRequestInterceptor() {
    for (HttpRequestInterceptor hri : reqintercepts) {
      if (hri instanceof HTTPUtil.InterceptRequest) return ((HTTPUtil.InterceptRequest) hri);
    return null;

  public static HTTPUtil.InterceptResponse debugResponseInterceptor() {
    for (HttpResponseInterceptor hri : rspintercepts) {
      if (hri instanceof HTTPUtil.InterceptResponse) return ((HTTPUtil.InterceptResponse) hri);
    return null;

  // Deprecated, but here for back compatibility

  public static void setGlobalCredentialsProvider(AuthScope scope, CredentialsProvider provider)
      throws HTTPException {
    setGlobalCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  public static void setGlobalCredentialsProvider(String url, CredentialsProvider provider)
      throws HTTPException {
    assert (url != null && provider != null);
    AuthScope scope = HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(url);
    setGlobalCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  public static void setGlobalCredentials(String url, Credentials creds) throws HTTPException {
    assert (url != null && creds != null);
    AuthScope scope = HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(url);
    CredentialsProvider provider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    provider.setCredentials(scope, creds);
    setGlobalCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  public void setCredentials(String url, Credentials creds) throws HTTPException {
    assert (creds != null);
    AuthScope scope = HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(url);
    setCredentials(creds, scope);

  public void setCredentialsProvider(String url, CredentialsProvider provider)
      throws HTTPException {
    assert (url != null && provider != null);
    AuthScope scope = HTTPAuthUtil.uriToAuthScope(url);
    setCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  public void setCredentialsProvider(AuthScope scope, CredentialsProvider provider)
      throws HTTPException {
    setCredentialsProvider(provider, scope);

  public static int getRetryCount() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public static void setGlobalCompression() {

  public static void setGlobalProxy(String host, int port) {
    try {
      URL u = new URL("http", host, port, null);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

  public void setProxy(String host, int port) {
    setGlobalProxy(host, port);

  public static void setGlobalCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider provider, String scheme)
      throws HTTPException {

  public static void setRetryCount(int count) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public void clearState() {
    // no-op

  public String getSessionURL() {
    return getSessionURI();
 * This class reads a NEXRAD level II data file. It can handle NCDC archives (ARCHIVE2), as well as
 * CRAFT/IDD compressed files (AR2V0001).
 * <p>Adapted with permission from the Java Iras software developed by David Priegnitz at NSSL.
 * <p>
 * <p>Documentation on Archive Level II data format can be found at: <a
 * href="http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/radar/leveliidoc.html">
 * http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/radar/leveliidoc.html</a>
 * @author caron
 * @author David Priegnitz
public class Level2VolumeScan {

  // data formats
  public static final String ARCHIVE2 = "ARCHIVE2";
  public static final String AR2V0001 = "AR2V0001";
  public static final String AR2V0002 = "AR2V0002";
  public static final String AR2V0003 = "AR2V0003";
  public static final String AR2V0004 = "AR2V0004";
  public static final String AR2V0006 = "AR2V0006";

  private static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Level2VolumeScan.class);

  // Data file
  RandomAccessFile raf;

  private String dataFormat = null; // ARCHIVE2 or AR2V0001
  private int title_julianDay; // days since 1/1/70
  private int title_msecs; // milliseconds since midnight
  private String stationId; // 4 letter station assigned by ICAO
  private NexradStationDB.Station station; // from lookup table, may be null
  private Level2Record first, last;

  private int vcp = 0; // Volume coverage pattern
  private int max_radials = 0;
  private int min_radials = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  private int max_radials_hr = 0;
  private int min_radials_hr = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  private int dopplarResolution;
  private boolean hasDifferentDopplarResolutions;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionData;

  private boolean hasHighResolutionREF;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionVEL;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionSW;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionZDR;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionPHI;
  private boolean hasHighResolutionRHO;
  // List of List of Level2Record
  private List<List<Level2Record>> reflectivityGroups, dopplerGroups;

  // private ArrayList reflectivityGroups, dopplerGroups;

  private List<List<Level2Record>> reflectivityHighResGroups;
  private List<List<Level2Record>> velocityHighResGroups;
  private List<List<Level2Record>> spectrumHighResGroups;
  private ArrayList diffReflectHighResGroups;
  private ArrayList diffPhaseHighResGroups;
  private ArrayList coefficientHighResGroups;

  private boolean showMessages = false,
      showData = false,
      debugScans = false,
      debugGroups2 = false,
      debugRadials = false,
      debugStats = false;
  private boolean runCheck = false;

  Level2VolumeScan(RandomAccessFile orgRaf, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
    this.raf = orgRaf;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Level2VolumeScan on " + raf.getLocation());


    // volume scan header
    dataFormat = raf.readString(8);
    String volumeNo = raf.readString(3);
    title_julianDay = raf.readInt(); // since 1/1/70
    title_msecs = raf.readInt();
    stationId = raf.readString(4).trim(); // only in AR2V0001
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" dataFormat= " + dataFormat + " stationId= " + stationId);

    if (stationId.length() == 0) {
      // try to get it from the filename LOOK

      stationId = null;

    // try to find the station
    if (stationId != null) {
      if (!stationId.startsWith("K") && stationId.length() == 4) {
        String _stationId = "K" + stationId;
        station = NexradStationDB.get(_stationId);
      } else station = NexradStationDB.get(stationId);

    // see if we have to uncompress
    if (dataFormat.equals(AR2V0001)
        || dataFormat.equals(AR2V0003)
        || dataFormat.equals(AR2V0004)
        || dataFormat.equals(AR2V0006)) {
      String BZ = raf.readString(2);
      if (BZ.equals("BZ")) {
        RandomAccessFile uraf;
        File uncompressedFile = DiskCache.getFileStandardPolicy(raf.getLocation() + ".uncompress");

        if (uncompressedFile.exists() && uncompressedFile.length() > 0) {
          // see if its locked - another thread is writing it
          FileInputStream fstream = null;
          FileLock lock = null;
          try {
            fstream = new FileInputStream(uncompressedFile);
            // lock = fstream.getChannel().lock(0, 1, true); // wait till its unlocked

            while (true) { // loop waiting for the lock
              try {
                lock = fstream.getChannel().lock(0, 1, true); // wait till its unlocked

              } catch (OverlappingFileLockException oe) { // not sure why lock() doesnt block
                try {
                  Thread.sleep(100); // msecs
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {

          } finally {
            if (lock != null) lock.release();
            if (fstream != null) fstream.close();
          uraf = new ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile(uncompressedFile.getPath(), "r");

        } else {
          // nope, gotta uncompress it
          uraf = uncompress(raf, uncompressedFile.getPath());
          if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("made uncompressed file= " + uncompressedFile.getPath());

        // switch to uncompressed file
        raf = uraf;


    List<Level2Record> reflectivity = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> doppler = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highReflectivity = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highVelocity = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highSpectrum = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highDiffReflectivity = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highDiffPhase = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
    List<Level2Record> highCorreCoefficient = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();

    long message_offset31 = 0;
    int recno = 0;
    while (true) {

      Level2Record r = Level2Record.factory(raf, recno++, message_offset31);
      if (r == null) break;
      if (showData) r.dump2(System.out);
      // skip non-data messages
      if (r.message_type == 31) {
        message_offset31 = message_offset31 + (r.message_size * 2 + 12 - 2432);

      if (r.message_type != 1 && r.message_type != 31) {
        if (showMessages) r.dumpMessage(System.out);

      //  if (showData) r.dump2(System.out);

      /* skip bad
      if (!r.checkOk()) {
      }   */

      // some global params
      if (vcp == 0) vcp = r.vcp;
      if (first == null) first = r;
      last = r;

      if (runCheck && !r.checkOk()) {

      if (r.hasReflectData) reflectivity.add(r);
      if (r.hasDopplerData) doppler.add(r);

      if (r.message_type == 31) {
        if (r.hasHighResREFData) highReflectivity.add(r);
        if (r.hasHighResVELData) highVelocity.add(r);
        if (r.hasHighResSWData) highSpectrum.add(r);
        if (r.hasHighResZDRData) highDiffReflectivity.add(r);
        if (r.hasHighResPHIData) highDiffPhase.add(r);
        if (r.hasHighResRHOData) highCorreCoefficient.add(r);

      if ((cancelTask != null) && cancelTask.isCancel()) return;
    if (debugRadials)
      System.out.println(" reflect ok= " + reflectivity.size() + " doppler ok= " + doppler.size());
    if (highReflectivity.size() == 0) {
      reflectivityGroups = sortScans("reflect", reflectivity, 600);
      dopplerGroups = sortScans("doppler", doppler, 600);
    if (highReflectivity.size() > 0)
      reflectivityHighResGroups = sortScans("reflect_HR", highReflectivity, 720);
    if (highVelocity.size() > 0)
      velocityHighResGroups = sortScans("velocity_HR", highVelocity, 720);
    if (highSpectrum.size() > 0)
      spectrumHighResGroups = sortScans("spectrum_HR", highSpectrum, 720);
    if (highDiffReflectivity.size() > 0)
      diffReflectHighResGroups = sortScans("diffReflect_HR", highDiffReflectivity, 720);
    if (highDiffPhase.size() > 0)
      diffPhaseHighResGroups = sortScans("diffPhase_HR", highDiffPhase, 720);
    if (highCorreCoefficient.size() > 0)
      coefficientHighResGroups = sortScans("coefficient_HR", highCorreCoefficient, 720);

  private ArrayList sortScans(String name, List<Level2Record> scans, int siz) {

    // now group by elevation_num
    Map<Short, List<Level2Record>> groupHash = new HashMap<Short, List<Level2Record>>(siz);
    for (Level2Record record : scans) {
      List<Level2Record> group = groupHash.get(record.elevation_num);
      if (null == group) {
        group = new ArrayList<Level2Record>();
        groupHash.put(record.elevation_num, group);

    // sort the groups by elevation_num
    ArrayList groups = new ArrayList(groupHash.values());
    Collections.sort(groups, new GroupComparator());

    // use the maximum radials
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
      ArrayList group = (ArrayList) groups.get(i);
      Level2Record r = (Level2Record) group.get(0);
      if (runCheck) testScan(name, group);
      if (r.getGateCount(REFLECTIVITY_HIGH) > 500 || r.getGateCount(VELOCITY_HIGH) > 1000) {
        max_radials_hr = Math.max(max_radials_hr, group.size());
        min_radials_hr = Math.min(min_radials_hr, group.size());
      } else {
        max_radials = Math.max(max_radials, group.size());
        min_radials = Math.min(min_radials, group.size());

    if (debugRadials) {
      System.out.println(name + " min_radials= " + min_radials + " max_radials= " + max_radials);
      for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
        ArrayList group = (ArrayList) groups.get(i);
        Level2Record lastr = (Level2Record) group.get(0);
        for (int j = 1; j < group.size(); j++) {
          Level2Record r = (Level2Record) group.get(j);
          if (r.data_msecs < lastr.data_msecs) System.out.println(" out of order " + j);
          lastr = r;

    testVariable(name, groups);
    if (debugScans) System.out.println("-----------------------------");

    return groups;

  public int getMaxRadials(int r) {
    if (r == 0) return max_radials;
    else if (r == 1) return max_radials_hr;
    else return 0;

  public int getMinRadials(int r) {
    if (r == 0) return min_radials;
    else if (r == 1) return min_radials_hr;
    else return 0;

  public int getDopplarResolution() {
    return dopplarResolution;

  public boolean hasDifferentDopplarResolutions() {
    return hasDifferentDopplarResolutions;

  public boolean hasHighResolutions(int dt) {
    if (dt == 0) return hasHighResolutionData;
    else if (dt == 1) return hasHighResolutionREF;
    else if (dt == 2) return hasHighResolutionVEL;
    else if (dt == 3) return hasHighResolutionSW;
    else if (dt == 4) return hasHighResolutionZDR;
    else if (dt == 5) return hasHighResolutionPHI;
    else if (dt == 6) return hasHighResolutionRHO;
    else return false;

  // do we have same characteristics for all records in a scan?
  private int MAX_RADIAL = 721;
  private int[] radial = new int[MAX_RADIAL];

  private boolean testScan(String name, ArrayList group) {
    int datatype = name.equals("reflect") ? Level2Record.REFLECTIVITY : Level2Record.VELOCITY_HI;
    Level2Record first = (Level2Record) group.get(0);

    int n = group.size();
    if (debugScans) {
      boolean hasBoth = first.hasDopplerData && first.hasReflectData;
              + " "
              + first
              + " has "
              + n
              + " radials resolution= "
              + first.resolution
              + " has both = "
              + hasBoth);

    boolean ok = true;
    double sum = 0.0;
    double sum2 = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RADIAL; i++) radial[i] = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) {
      Level2Record r = (Level2Record) group.get(i);

      /* this appears to be common - seems to be ok, we put missing values in
      if (r.getGateCount(datatype) != first.getGateCount(datatype)) {
        log.error(raf.getLocation()+" different number of gates ("+r.getGateCount(datatype)+
                "!="+first.getGateCount(datatype)+") in record "+name+ " "+r);
        ok = false;
      } */

      if (r.getGateSize(datatype) != first.getGateSize(datatype)) {
                + " different gate size ("
                + r.getGateSize(datatype)
                + ") in record "
                + name
                + " "
                + r);
        ok = false;
      if (r.getGateStart(datatype) != first.getGateStart(datatype)) {
                + " different gate start ("
                + r.getGateStart(datatype)
                + ") in record "
                + name
                + " "
                + r);
        ok = false;
      if (r.resolution != first.resolution) {
                + " different resolution ("
                + r.resolution
                + ") in record "
                + name
                + " "
                + r);
        ok = false;

      if ((r.radial_num < 0) || (r.radial_num >= MAX_RADIAL)) {
                + " radial out of range= "
                + r.radial_num
                + " in record "
                + name
                + " "
                + r);
      if (radial[r.radial_num] > 0) {
                + " duplicate radial = "
                + r.radial_num
                + " in record "
                + name
                + " "
                + r);
        ok = false;
      radial[r.radial_num] = r.recno + 1;

      sum += r.getElevation();
      sum2 += r.getElevation() * r.getElevation();
      // System.out.println("  elev="+r.getElevation()+" azi="+r.getAzimuth());

    for (int i = 1; i < radial.length; i++) {
      if (0 == radial[i]) {
        if (n != (i - 1)) {
          log.warn(" missing radial(s)");
          ok = false;

    double avg = sum / n;
    double sd = Math.sqrt((n * sum2 - sum * sum) / (n * (n - 1)));
    // System.out.println(" avg elev="+avg+" std.dev="+sd);

    return ok;

  // do we have same characteristics for all groups in a variable?
  private boolean testVariable(String name, List scans) {
    int datatype = name.equals("reflect") ? Level2Record.REFLECTIVITY : Level2Record.VELOCITY_HI;
    if (scans.size() == 0) {
      log.warn(" No data for = " + name);
      return false;

    boolean ok = true;
    List firstScan = (List) scans.get(0);
    Level2Record firstRecord = (Level2Record) firstScan.get(0);
    dopplarResolution = firstRecord.resolution;

    if (debugGroups2)
          "Group "
              + Level2Record.getDatatypeName(datatype)
              + " ngates = "
              + firstRecord.getGateCount(datatype)
              + " start = "
              + firstRecord.getGateStart(datatype)
              + " size = "
              + firstRecord.getGateSize(datatype));

    for (int i = 1; i < scans.size(); i++) {
      List scan = (List) scans.get(i);
      Level2Record record = (Level2Record) scan.get(0);

      if ((datatype == Level2Record.VELOCITY_HI)
          && (record.resolution
              != firstRecord.resolution)) { // do all velocity resolutions match ??
                + " scan "
                + i
                + " diff resolutions = "
                + record.resolution
                + ", "
                + firstRecord.resolution
                + " elev= "
                + record.elevation_num
                + " "
                + record.getElevation());
        ok = false;
        hasDifferentDopplarResolutions = true;

      if (record.getGateSize(datatype) != firstRecord.getGateSize(datatype)) {
                + " scan "
                + i
                + " diff gates size = "
                + record.getGateSize(datatype)
                + " "
                + firstRecord.getGateSize(datatype)
                + " elev= "
                + record.elevation_num
                + " "
                + record.getElevation());
        ok = false;

      } else if (debugGroups2)
            " ok gates size elev= " + record.elevation_num + " " + record.getElevation());

      if (record.getGateStart(datatype) != firstRecord.getGateStart(datatype)) {
                + " scan "
                + i
                + " diff gates start = "
                + record.getGateStart(datatype)
                + " "
                + firstRecord.getGateStart(datatype)
                + " elev= "
                + record.elevation_num
                + " "
                + record.getElevation());
        ok = false;

      } else if (debugGroups2)
            " ok gates start elev= " + record.elevation_num + " " + record.getElevation());

      if (record.message_type == 31) {
        hasHighResolutionData = true;
        // each data type
        if (record.hasHighResREFData) hasHighResolutionREF = true;
        if (record.hasHighResVELData) hasHighResolutionVEL = true;
        if (record.hasHighResSWData) hasHighResolutionSW = true;
        if (record.hasHighResZDRData) hasHighResolutionZDR = true;
        if (record.hasHighResPHIData) hasHighResolutionPHI = true;
        if (record.hasHighResRHOData) hasHighResolutionRHO = true;

    return ok;

   * Get Reflectivity Groups Groups are all the records for a variable and elevation_num;
   * @return List of type List of type Level2Record
  public List getReflectivityGroups() {
    return reflectivityGroups;

   * Get Velocity Groups Groups are all the records for a variable and elevation_num;
   * @return List of type List of type Level2Record
  public List getVelocityGroups() {
    return dopplerGroups;

  public List getHighResVelocityGroups() {
    return velocityHighResGroups;

  public List getHighResReflectivityGroups() {
    return reflectivityHighResGroups;

  public List getHighResSpectrumGroups() {
    return spectrumHighResGroups;

  public List getHighResDiffReflectGroups() {
    return diffReflectHighResGroups;

  public List getHighResDiffPhaseGroups() {
    return diffPhaseHighResGroups;

  public List getHighResCoeffocientGroups() {
    return coefficientHighResGroups;

  private class GroupComparator implements Comparator<List<Level2Record>> {

    public int compare(List<Level2Record> group1, List<Level2Record> group2) {
      Level2Record record1 = group1.get(0);
      Level2Record record2 = group2.get(0);

      // if (record1.elevation_num != record2.elevation_num)
      return record1.elevation_num - record2.elevation_num;
      // return record1.cut - record2.cut;

   * Get data format (ARCHIVE2, AR2V0001) for this file.
   * @return data format (ARCHIVE2, AR2V0001) for this file.
  public String getDataFormat() {
    return dataFormat;

   * Get the starting Julian day for this volume
   * @return days since 1/1/70.
  public int getTitleJulianDays() {
    return title_julianDay;

   * Get the starting time in seconds since midnight.
   * @return Generation time of data in milliseconds of day past midnight (UTC).
  public int getTitleMsecs() {
    return title_msecs;

   * Get the Volume Coverage Pattern number for this data.
   * @return VCP
   * @see Level2Record#getVolumeCoveragePatternName
  public int getVCP() {
    return vcp;

   * Get the 4-char station ID for this data
   * @return station ID (may be null)
  public String getStationId() {
    return stationId;

  public String getStationName() {
    return station == null ? "unknown" : station.name;

  public double getStationLatitude() {
    return station == null ? 0.0 : station.lat;

  public double getStationLongitude() {
    return station == null ? 0.0 : station.lon;

  public double getStationElevation() {
    return station == null ? 0.0 : station.elev;

  public Date getStartDate() {
    return first.getDate();

  public Date getEndDate() {
    return last.getDate();

   * Write equivilent uncompressed version of the file.
   * @param inputRaf file to uncompress
   * @param ufilename write to this file
   * @return raf of uncompressed file
   * @throws IOException on read error
  private RandomAccessFile uncompress(RandomAccessFile inputRaf, String ufilename)
      throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile outputRaf = new RandomAccessFile(ufilename, "rw");
    FileLock lock = null;

    while (true) { // loop waiting for the lock
      try {
        lock = outputRaf.getRandomAccessFile().getChannel().lock(0, 1, false);

      } catch (OverlappingFileLockException oe) { // not sure why lock() doesnt block
        try {
          Thread.sleep(100); // msecs
        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {

    try {
      byte[] header = new byte[Level2Record.FILE_HEADER_SIZE];

      boolean eof = false;
      int numCompBytes;
      byte[] ubuff = new byte[40000];
      byte[] obuff = new byte[40000];
      try {
        CBZip2InputStream cbzip2 = new CBZip2InputStream();
        while (!eof) {
          try {
            numCompBytes = inputRaf.readInt();
            if (numCompBytes == -1) {
              if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("  done: numCompBytes=-1 ");
          } catch (EOFException ee) {
            log.warn("  got EOFException ");
            break; // assume this is ok

          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "reading compressed bytes "
                    + numCompBytes
                    + " input starts at "
                    + inputRaf.getFilePointer()
                    + "; output starts at "
                    + outputRaf.getFilePointer());
           * For some stupid reason, the last block seems to
           * have the number of bytes negated.  So, we just
           * assume that any negative number (other than -1)
           * is the last block and go on our merry little way.
          if (numCompBytes < 0) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("last block?" + numCompBytes);
            numCompBytes = -numCompBytes;
            eof = true;
          byte[] buf = new byte[numCompBytes];
          ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 2, numCompBytes - 2);

          // CBZip2InputStream cbzip2 = new CBZip2InputStream(bis);
          int total = 0;
          int nread;
          while ((nread = cbzip2.read(ubuff)) != -1) {
            dout2.write(ubuff, 0, nread);
            total += nread;
          try {
            while ((nread = cbzip2.read(ubuff)) != -1) {
              if (total + nread > obuff.length) {
                byte[] temp = obuff;
                obuff = new byte[temp.length * 2];
                System.arraycopy(temp, 0, obuff, 0, temp.length);
              System.arraycopy(ubuff, 0, obuff, total, nread);
              total += nread;
            if (obuff.length >= 0) outputRaf.write(obuff, 0, total);
          } catch (BZip2ReadException ioe) {
            log.warn("Nexrad2IOSP.uncompress ", ioe);
          float nrecords = (float) (total / 2432.0);
          if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                "  unpacked "
                    + total
                    + " num bytes "
                    + nrecords
                    + " records; ouput ends at "
                    + outputRaf.getFilePointer());

      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (outputRaf != null) outputRaf.close();
        outputRaf = null;

        // dont leave bad files around
        File ufile = new File(ufilename);
        if (ufile.exists()) {
          if (!ufile.delete())
            log.warn("failed to delete uncompressed file (IOException)" + ufilename);

        if (e instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) e;
        else throw new RuntimeException(e);

    } finally {
      if (null != outputRaf) outputRaf.flush();
      if (lock != null) lock.release();

    return outputRaf;

  // debugging

  static void bdiff(String filename) throws IOException {

    InputStream in1 = new FileInputStream(filename + ".tmp");
    InputStream in2 = new FileInputStream(filename + ".tmp2");

    int count = 0;
    int bad = 0;
    while (true) {
      int b1 = in1.read();
      int b2 = in2.read();
      if (b1 < 0) break;
      if (b2 < 0) break;

      if (b1 != b2) {
        System.out.println(count + " in1=" + b1 + " in2= " + b2);
        if (bad > 130) break;
    System.out.println("total read = " + count);

  // check if compressed file seems ok
  public static long testValid(String ufilename) throws IOException {
    boolean lookForHeader = false;

    // gotta make it
    RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(ufilename, "r");
    byte[] b = new byte[8];
    String test = new String(b);
    if (test.equals(Level2VolumeScan.ARCHIVE2) || test.equals(Level2VolumeScan.AR2V0001)) {
      System.out.println("--Good header= " + test);
    } else {
      System.out.println("--No header ");
      lookForHeader = true;

    boolean eof = false;
    int numCompBytes;
    try {

      while (!eof) {

        if (lookForHeader) {
          test = new String(b);
          if (test.equals(Level2VolumeScan.ARCHIVE2) || test.equals(Level2VolumeScan.AR2V0001)) {
            System.out.println("  found header= " + test);
            lookForHeader = false;
          } else {

        try {
          numCompBytes = raf.readInt();
          if (numCompBytes == -1) {
            System.out.println("\n--done: numCompBytes=-1 ");
        } catch (EOFException ee) {
          System.out.println("\n--got EOFException ");
          break; // assume this is ok

        System.out.print(" " + numCompBytes + ",");
        if (numCompBytes < 0) {
          System.out.println("\n--last block " + numCompBytes);
          numCompBytes = -numCompBytes;
          if (!lookForHeader) eof = true;

    } catch (EOFException e) {

    return raf.getFilePointer();

  /** test */
  public static void main2(String[] args) throws IOException {
    File testDir = new File("C:/data/bad/radar2/");

    File[] files = testDir.listFiles();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
      File file = files[i];
      if (!file.getPath().endsWith(".ar2v")) continue;
      System.out.println(file.getPath() + " " + file.length());
      long pos = testValid(file.getPath());
      if (pos == file.length()) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          System.out.println("ERROR=  " + t);
      } else System.out.println("NOT pos=" + pos);


  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

    RandomAccessFile raf =
        new RandomAccessFile(
    // RandomAccessFile raf = new
    // RandomAccessFile("R:/testdata2/radar/nexrad/level2/problem/KCCX_20060627_1701", "r");
    new Level2VolumeScan(raf, null);