public void proceed() throws Exception { Util.deleteDir(Const.WORKING_DIR); Util.deleteFile(Const.DB_FILE_NAME); Util.deleteFile(Const.ERROR_FILE_NAME); if (!(new File(Const.WORKING_DIR)).mkdir()) { throw new Exception("Error! Cannot create working directory for xml, wbxml and zip files"); } fillArrLines(); validateArrLines(); createXmlMessages(); Util.writeRecordsToFiles(); Util.sortAllRecordsIntoArray(); genenerateOperatorsNamesTable(); Arrays.sort(arraySortedRecords); // re-sort again including newlly generated names offset // Util.printRecords(); // for debugging !!!!!!!!!!!!! genenerateApplicationsSettingsTable(); genenerateCarrierIndexTable(); genenerateHeaderTable(); Validator.postValidate(); writeTablesToFile(); // clean working directory if (REMOVE_WORKING_DIR) { Util.deleteDir(Const.WORKING_DIR); } /// ------------- test -------------- // Util.printRecords(); }
public void testServletBridgeLibraryIsMissing() { IWARProduct product = createBasicProduct(); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertFalse(validation.isValid()); ValidationError[] errors = validation.getErrors(); boolean foundServletBridgeMissing = false; for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { ValidationError error = errors[i]; String message = error.getMessage(); if (error.getType() == ValidationError.LIBRARY_MISSING && message.indexOf(SERVLETBRIDGE) != -1) { foundServletBridgeMissing = true; } } assertTrue(foundServletBridgeMissing); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Validator[] validators = {new ValidatorImpl()}; CorrectnessTest.check(validators); String[][] data = { readData("dataset1.dat"), readData("dataset2.dat"), readData("dataset3.dat") }; for (Validator val : validators) { System.out.println(val.getClass().getSimpleName()); System.out.println(val.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceAll(".", "=")); System.out.println( "Dataset1 Count\tDataset1 Time\tDataset2 Count" + "\tDataset2 Time\tDataset3 Count\tDataset3 Time"); for (int i = 0; i < DATA_POINTS; i++) { test(val, data); } } }
public void testContainsServletBridgeLibrary() throws Exception { IWARProduct product = createBasicProduct(); IWorkspaceRoot wsRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IProject project = wsRoot.getProject("warProduct"); if (!project.exists()) { project.create(null);; } IFile jar = project.getFile(SERVLETBRIDGE + ".jar"); if (!jar.exists()) { File bridge = File.createTempFile(SERVLETBRIDGE, ".jar"); FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(bridge); jar.create(stream, true, null); } product.addLibrary(jar.getFullPath(), false); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertTrue(validation.isValid()); }
private void checkForMissingRequiredBundle(final String id) throws IOException { IWARProduct product = createPlainProducttWithLibraries(); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertFalse(validation.isValid()); ValidationError[] errors = validation.getErrors(); boolean foundMissingBundle = false; for (int i = 0; i < errors.length && !foundMissingBundle; i++) { ValidationError error = errors[i]; if (error.getType() == ValidationError.BUNDLE_MISSING) { IProductPlugin missingBundle = (IProductPlugin) error.getCausingObject(); String message = error.getMessage(); if (missingBundle.getId().equals(id) && message.indexOf(id) != -1) { foundMissingBundle = true; } } } assertTrue(foundMissingBundle); }
public void createXmlMessages() throws Exception { Browser.createXmlMessages(); MMS.createXmlMessages(); JavaApp.createXmlMessages(); // IM should be last to generate id_name for all other applications!!! // set flag to avoid duplicationNAP names before calling createXmlMessages() // The method setNAPFlagForIMAndValidate() should be changed for new applications Validator.setNAPFlagForIMAndValidate(); IM.createXmlMessages(); }
// set offset for Applications Settings for each record and generate Applications Setting Table public void genenerateApplicationsSettingsTable() throws Exception { int totalDataLength = 0; String err = ""; // collected all errors for setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord(); // set offset and binary data for Applications Settings for each record for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { try { arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings_offset = totalDataLength; int currDataLength = setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord(arraySortedRecords[i]); totalDataLength += currDataLength; } catch (Exception ex) { err += ex.getMessage() + "\n"; } } if (err.length() > 0) { throw new Exception(err); } // create appl settings table byte[] b; applicationsSettingsTable = new BlockTable(totalDataLength); for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { b = arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings; applicationsSettingsTable.appendData(b); arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings = null; // release memory !!!! //////////////// -- test --/////////////////// /* int iii = ( ( ( (int) b[0]) & 0xff) << 16) + ( ( ( (int) b[1]) & 0xff) << 8) + ( ( (int) b[2]) & 0xff); System.out.println(arraySortedRecords[i].key.replaceAll(":", "_") + " : " + b.length + " iii= " + (iii >>> 1) + " flag: " + (iii & 1));*/ ///////////////////// -- end test-- /////////////////// } Validator.validateMaxAppsSettingsLength(applicationsSettingsTable.length); int lastOffset = arraySortedRecords[arraySortedRecords.length - 1].application_settings_offset; Validator.validateMaxAppsSettingsOffset(lastOffset); }
public void testLibrariesDoesntExist() { IWARProduct product = createBasicProduct(); String projectPath = File.separator + "test"; Path path = new Path(projectPath + File.separator + "test.jar"); product.addLibrary(path, false); Path servletBridgePath = new Path(projectPath + File.separator + SERVLETBRIDGE_JAR); product.addLibrary(servletBridgePath, false); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertFalse(validation.isValid()); ValidationError[] errors = validation.getErrors(); boolean testJarIsMissing = false; for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { ValidationError error = errors[i]; String message = error.getMessage(); if (error.getType() == ValidationError.LIBRARY_DOESNT_EXIST && message.indexOf("test.jar") != -1) { testJarIsMissing = true; } } assertTrue(testJarIsMissing); }
private void checkForBannedBundle(final String id) throws Exception { IWARProduct product = createBasicProductWithLibraries(); IProductPlugin plugin = new ProductPlugin(product.getModel()); plugin.setId(id); IProductPlugin[] plugins = new IProductPlugin[] {plugin}; product.addPlugins(plugins); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertFalse(validation.isValid()); ValidationError[] errors = validation.getErrors(); boolean foundBannedBundle = false; for (int i = 0; i < errors.length && !foundBannedBundle; i++) { ValidationError error = errors[i]; if (error.getType() == ValidationError.BUNDLE_BANNED) { IProductPlugin bannedPlugin = (IProductPlugin) error.getCausingObject(); String message = error.getMessage(); if (bannedPlugin.getId().equals(id) && message.indexOf(id) != -1) { foundBannedBundle = true; } } } assertTrue(foundBannedBundle); }
// generate operators names table with name length. assign offset for each record public static void genenerateOperatorsNamesTable() throws Exception { // operatorsNamesBytes HashMap hashNames = new HashMap(); String name; for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { name = arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name; if (hashNames.containsKey(name)) { Integer offset = (Integer) hashNames.get(name); arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = offset.intValue(); } else { byte[] nameByteArr = name.getBytes(); // since operatorsNamesBytes.length are always even... int half_offset = operatorsNamesBytes.length() / 2; Validator.validateOperatorNameOffset(half_offset); // validate half_offset arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = half_offset; int nameLength = nameByteArr.length + 1; // length of name + one byte to present this length. operatorsNamesBytes.addByte((byte) nameLength); operatorsNamesBytes.addBytes(nameByteArr); if ((operatorsNamesBytes.length() % 2) > 0) { // add one dummy byte to make it even operatorsNamesBytes.addByte((byte) 0); } hashNames.put(name, new Integer(half_offset)); } } // create operators Names Table operatorsNamesTable = new BlockTable(operatorsNamesBytes.length()); operatorsNamesTable.appendData(operatorsNamesBytes.getBytes()); Validator.validateOperatorNamesTableSize(operatorsNamesTable.length); }
public static String getPath(String fullFileName) { int pos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos == -1) { pos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("\\"); } String shortFileName = fullFileName.substring(0, pos); if (Validator.isNull(shortFileName)) { return "/"; } return shortFileName; }
private static void test(Validator val, String[] dataset) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Benchmark mbm = new Benchmark(); mbm.start(); int truecount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < REPEATS; i++) { truecount = 0; for (String s : dataset) { if (val.checkInteger(s)) truecount++; } } mbm.stop(); System.out.printf("%d\t%s", truecount, mbm); }
// Choose between wbxml or zip (the smallest one) to be used; // adds 3 additional bytes with metadata and set binary data for the record // returns length for the application settings + 3 bytes public int setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord(Record record) throws Exception { String key = record.key; // String generalPath = Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + // key.replaceAll(":", "_"); String generalPath = Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + Util.generateFileNameFromKey(key); File w = new File(generalPath + ".wbxml"); if (!w.exists()) { throw new Exception("Error: The file " + generalPath + ".wbxml doesn't exist!"); } FileInputStream in; boolean usedZip; // Choose between wbxml or zip (the smallest one) to be used in case if USE_ZIP // has not been set to false in function main(). if (USE_ZIP) { // zip wbxml files File z = new File(generalPath + ".zip"); if (!z.exists()) { throw new Exception("Error: The file " + generalPath + ".zip doesn't exist!"); } FileInputStream inw = new FileInputStream(w); FileInputStream inz = new FileInputStream(z); usedZip = inz.available() < inw.available(); in = (usedZip) ? inz : inw; } else { // do not zip wbxml files usedZip = false; in = new FileInputStream(w); } byte[] appWbxmlSettings = new byte[in.available()];; in.close(); // get 3 bytes that provide info: for data length (23 bits) and compressed flag (1 bit) // and write it into metaInfo BlockTable metaInfo = new BlockTable((Const.APP_BLOCK_LENGTH + Const.APP_COMPRESSWD_FLAG) / 8); // 3 bytes int appBlockSettingsLength = + appWbxmlSettings.length; int compressFlag = (usedZip) ? 1 : 0; Util.addBitsToTable(metaInfo, appBlockSettingsLength, Const.APP_BLOCK_LENGTH); Util.addBitsToTable(metaInfo, compressFlag, Const.APP_COMPRESSWD_FLAG); record.setBlockApplicationSettings(, appWbxmlSettings); Validator.validateAppBlockSettingsLength(appBlockSettingsLength, generalPath); return appBlockSettingsLength; }
public int run(PbTest[] tests, int timelimit, int memlimit) throws ServerException { allStdout = new ArrayList<String>(); allStderr = new ArrayList<String>(); int correct = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) { try { exec(runCmd, tests[i].in, timelimit, memlimit); allStdout.add(stdout); allStderr.add(stderr); if (!stderr.isEmpty()) { log.fine("NOK, stderr: " + stderr); continue; } if (!validator.ok(stdout, tests[i].out)) continue; log.fine("OK"); ++correct; } catch (Exception e) { // Assume incorrect. Do NOT propagate anyhing from the exception to // the client, just put it in the log. log.finer("exc: " + UtilSrv.describe(e)); } } return correct; }
public void testLibrariesExist() throws Exception { IWARProduct product = createBasicProductWithLibraries(); Validator validator = new Validator(product); Validation validation = validator.validate(); assertTrue(validation.isValid()); }
public void validate() throws ValidationException { Validator validator = new Validator(); validator.validate(this); }