/** * Exception processor for exceptions detected from the parser. (This is invoked by the parser * when an error is detected). * * @param sipMessage -- the message that incurred the error. * @param ex -- parse exception detected by the parser. * @param header -- header that caused the error. * @throws ParseException Thrown if we want to reject the message. */ public void handleException( ParseException ex, SIPMessage sipMessage, Class hdrClass, String header, String message) throws ParseException { if (LogWriter.needsLogging) stack.logWriter.logException(ex); // Log the bad message for later reference. if ((hdrClass != null) && (hdrClass.equals(From.class) || hdrClass.equals(To.class) || hdrClass.equals(CSeq.class) || hdrClass.equals(Via.class) || hdrClass.equals(CallID.class) || hdrClass.equals(RequestLine.class) || hdrClass.equals(StatusLine.class))) { stack.logBadMessage(message); throw ex; } else { sipMessage.addUnparsed(header); } }
/** * Constructor - connects to the given inet address. Acknowledgement -- Lamine Brahimi (IBM * Zurich) sent in a bug fix for this method. A thread was being uncessarily created. * * @param inetAddr inet address to connect to. * @param sipStack is the sip stack from which we are created. * @throws IOException if we cannot connect. */ protected TLSMessageChannel( InetAddress inetAddr, int port, SIPMessageStack sipStack, TLSMessageProcessor messageProcessor) throws IOException { if (LogWriter.needsLogging) { sipStack.logWriter.logMessage("creating new TLSMessageChannel "); sipStack.logWriter.logStackTrace(); } this.peerAddress = inetAddr; this.peerPort = port; this.myPort = messageProcessor.getPort(); this.peerProtocol = "TLS"; this.stack = sipStack; this.tlsMessageProcessor = messageProcessor; this.myAddress = sipStack.getHostAddress(); // Bug report by Vishwashanti Raj Kadiayl this.key = MessageChannel.getKey(peerAddress, peerPort, "TLS"); super.messageProcessor = messageProcessor; }
/** * Constructor - gets called from the SIPStack class with a socket on accepting a new client. All * the processing of the message is done here with the stack being freed up to handle new * connections. The sock input is the socket that is returned from the accept. Global data that is * shared by all threads is accessible in the Server structure. * * @param sock Socket from which to read and write messages. The socket is already connected (was * created as a result of an accept). * @param sipStack Ptr to SIP Stack */ protected TLSMessageChannel( SSLSocket sock, SIPMessageStack sipStack, TLSMessageProcessor msgProcessor) throws IOException { if (LogWriter.needsLogging) { sipStack.logWriter.logMessage("creating new TLSMessageChannel "); sipStack.logWriter.logStackTrace(); } mySock = sock; peerAddress = mySock.getInetAddress(); myAddress = sipStack.getHostAddress(); myClientInputStream = mySock.getInputStream(); myClientOutputStream = mySock.getOutputStream(); mythread = new Thread(this); mythread.setDaemon(true); mythread.setName("TLSMessageChannelThread"); // Stash away a pointer to our stack structure. stack = sipStack; this.tlsMessageProcessor = msgProcessor; this.myPort = this.tlsMessageProcessor.getPort(); // Bug report by Vishwashanti Raj Kadiayl super.messageProcessor = msgProcessor; // Can drop this after response is sent potentially. mythread.start(); }
/** * Gets invoked by the parser as a callback on successful message parsing (i.e. no parser errors). * * @param sipMessage Mesage to process (this calls the application for processing the message). */ public void processMessage(SIPMessage sipMessage) throws Exception { try { if (sipMessage.getFrom() == null || // sipMessage.getFrom().getTag() == null || sipMessage.getTo() == null || sipMessage.getCallId() == null || sipMessage.getCSeq() == null || sipMessage.getViaHeaders() == null) { String badmsg = sipMessage.encode(); if (LogWriter.needsLogging) { stack.logWriter.logMessage("bad message " + badmsg); stack.logWriter.logMessage(">>> Dropped Bad Msg"); } stack.logBadMessage(badmsg); return; } ViaList viaList = sipMessage.getViaHeaders(); // For a request // first via header tells where the message is coming from. // For response, this has already been recorded in the outgoing // message. if (sipMessage instanceof SIPRequest) { Via v = (Via) viaList.first(); if (v.hasPort()) { this.peerPort = v.getPort(); } else this.peerPort = 5061; this.peerProtocol = v.getTransport(); try { this.peerAddress = mySock.getInetAddress(); // Check to see if the received parameter matches // the peer address and tag it appropriately. // Bug fix by [email protected] // Should record host address not host name // bug fix by Joost Yervante Damand if (!v.getSentBy().getInetAddress().equals(this.peerAddress)) { v.setParameter(Via.RECEIVED, this.peerAddress.getHostAddress()); // @@@ hagai v.setParameter(Via.RPORT, new Integer(this.peerPort).toString()); } } catch (java.net.UnknownHostException ex) { // Could not resolve the sender address. if (LogWriter.needsLogging) { stack.logWriter.logMessage("Rejecting message -- could not resolve Via Address"); } return; } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex); } // Use this for outgoing messages as well. if (!this.isCached) { ((TLSMessageProcessor) this.messageProcessor).cacheMessageChannel(this); this.isCached = true; String key = IOHandler.makeKey(mySock.getInetAddress(), this.peerPort); stack.ioHandler.putSocket(key, mySock); } } // Foreach part of the request header, fetch it and process it long receptionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if (sipMessage instanceof SIPRequest) { // This is a request - process the request. SIPRequest sipRequest = (SIPRequest) sipMessage; // Create a new sever side request processor for this // message and let it handle the rest. if (LogWriter.needsLogging) { stack.logWriter.logMessage("----Processing Message---"); } // Check for reasonable size - reject message // if it is too long. if (stack.getMaxMessageSize() > 0 && sipRequest.getSize() + (sipRequest.getContentLength() == null ? 0 : sipRequest.getContentLength().getContentLength()) > stack.getMaxMessageSize()) { SIPResponse sipResponse = sipRequest.createResponse(SIPResponse.MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE); byte[] resp = sipResponse.encodeAsBytes(); this.sendMessage(resp, false); throw new Exception("Message size exceeded"); } ServerRequestInterface sipServerRequest = stack.newSIPServerRequest(sipRequest, this); sipServerRequest.processRequest(sipRequest, this); if (this.stack.serverLog.needsLogging(ServerLog.TRACE_MESSAGES)) { if (sipServerRequest.getProcessingInfo() == null) { stack.serverLog.logMessage( sipMessage, sipRequest.getViaHost() + ":" + sipRequest.getViaPort(), stack.getHostAddress() + ":" + stack.getPort(this.getTransport()), false, receptionTime); } else { this.stack.serverLog.logMessage( sipMessage, sipRequest.getViaHost() + ":" + sipRequest.getViaPort(), stack.getHostAddress() + ":" + stack.getPort(this.getTransport()), sipServerRequest.getProcessingInfo(), false, receptionTime); } } } else { SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) sipMessage; // This is a response message - process it. // Check the size of the response. // If it is too large dump it silently. if (stack.getMaxMessageSize() > 0 && sipResponse.getSize() + (sipResponse.getContentLength() == null ? 0 : sipResponse.getContentLength().getContentLength()) > stack.getMaxMessageSize()) { if (LogWriter.needsLogging) this.stack.logWriter.logMessage("Message size exceeded"); return; } ServerResponseInterface sipServerResponse = stack.newSIPServerResponse(sipResponse, this); sipServerResponse.processResponse(sipResponse, this); } } finally { } }