public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; PrintWriter pr = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))); StringTokenizer st; t = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); while (t-- > 0) { st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine()); n = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); m = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); S = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); T = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); // build graph AdjList = new Vector<Vector<IntegerPair>>(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) AdjList.add(new Vector<IntegerPair>()); while (m-- > 0) { st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine()); a = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); b = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); w = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); AdjList.get(a).add(new IntegerPair(b, w)); // bidirectional AdjList.get(b).add(new IntegerPair(a, w)); } // SPFA from source S // initially, only S has dist = 0 and in the queue Vector<Integer> dist = new Vector<Integer>(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dist.add(INF); dist.set(S, 0); Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>(); q.offer(S); Vector<Boolean> in_queue = new Vector<Boolean>(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) in_queue.add(false); in_queue.set(S, true); while (!q.isEmpty()) { int u = q.peek(); q.poll(); in_queue.set(u, false); for (j = 0; j < AdjList.get(u).size(); j++) { // all outgoing edges from u int v = AdjList.get(u).get(j).first(), weight_u_v = AdjList.get(u).get(j).second(); if (dist.get(u) + weight_u_v < dist.get(v)) { // if can relax dist.set(v, dist.get(u) + weight_u_v); // relax if (!in_queue.get(v)) { // add to the queue only if it's not in the queue q.offer(v); in_queue.set(v, true); } } } } pr.printf("Case #%d: ", caseNo++); if (dist.get(T) != INF) pr.printf("%d\n", dist.get(T)); else pr.printf("unreachable\n"); } pr.close(); }
/** * Pools the specified <tt>RawPacket</tt> in order to avoid future allocations and to reduce the * effects of garbage collection. * * @param pkt the <tt>RawPacket</tt> to be offered to {@link #rawPacketPool} */ private void poolRawPacket(RawPacket pkt) { pkt.setBuffer(null); pkt.setFlags(0); pkt.setLength(0); pkt.setOffset(0); rawPacketPool.offer(pkt); }
int bfs(String[] terrain, int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) { Queue<Node> nodes = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); boolean seen[][] = new boolean[n][m]; nodes.offer(new Node(sr, sc, 0)); while (nodes.size() > 0) { Node top = nodes.poll(); int r = top.r; int c = top.c; int cost = top.cost; if (r == er && c == ec) { return cost; } if (seen[r][c]) { continue; } seen[r][c] = true; for (int i = 0; i < dx.length; i++) { int nr = r + dx[i]; int nc = c + dy[i]; if (0 <= nr && nr < n && 0 <= nc && nc < m) { char u = terrain[r].charAt(c); char v = terrain[nr].charAt(nc); if (u == 'X' || u == '$' || v == 'X' || v == '$') { nodes.offer(new Node(nr, nc, cost + 2)); } else { int uval = u - '0'; int vval = v - '0'; int dv = Math.abs(uval - vval); if (dv <= 1) { nodes.offer(new Node(nr, nc, cost + (dv == 0 ? 1 : 3))); } } } } } return -1; }
public double next(int val) { if (q.size() == this.max) { total -= q.poll(); } q.offer(val); total += val; return (double) total / q.size(); }
// we don't care about the return value but care about it throwing exception public void runMayThrow() throws Exception { if (endpoints.isEmpty()) { differencingDone.signalAll(); "No neighbors to repair with for " + tablename + " on " + range + ": " + getName() + " completed."); return; } // Checking all nodes are live for (InetAddress endpoint : endpoints) { if (!FailureDetector.instance.isAlive(endpoint)) { differencingDone.signalAll(); "Could not proceed on repair because a neighbor (" + endpoint + ") is dead: " + getName() + " failed."); return; } } AntiEntropyService.instance.sessions.put(getName(), this); Gossiper.instance.register(this); FailureDetector.instance.registerFailureDetectionEventListener(this); try { // Create and queue a RepairJob for each column family for (String cfname : cfnames) { RepairJob job = new RepairJob(cfname); jobs.offer(job); activeJobs.put(cfname, job); } jobs.peek().sendTreeRequests(); // block whatever thread started this session until all requests have been returned: // if this thread dies, the session will still complete in the background completed.await(); if (exception != null) throw exception; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Interrupted while waiting for repair: repair will continue in the background."); } finally { FailureDetector.instance.unregisterFailureDetectionEventListener(this); Gossiper.instance.unregister(this); AntiEntropyService.instance.sessions.remove(getName()); } }
/** * Adds a wrapper for delayed processing. * * @param wrapper Wrapper to add. */ void delay(GridOptimizedWrapper wrapper) { if (wrappers == null) wrappers = new LinkedList<GridOptimizedWrapper>(); // Add to FIFO queue. wrappers.offer(wrapper); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /* // Graph in Figure 4.3, format: list of unweighted edges // This example shows another form of reading graph input 13 16 0 1 1 2 2 3 0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 5 6 4 8 8 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 9 10 10 11 11 12 */ File f = new File("in_04.txt"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(f); V = sc.nextInt(); E = sc.nextInt(); AdjList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { Vector<IntegerPair> Neighbor = new Vector<IntegerPair>(); AdjList.add(Neighbor); // add neighbor list to Adjacency List } for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { a = sc.nextInt(); b = sc.nextInt(); AdjList.get(a).add(new IntegerPair(b, 0)); AdjList.get(b).add(new IntegerPair(a, 0)); } // as an example, we start from this source, see Figure 4.3 s = 5; // BFS routine // inside void main(String[] args) -- we do not use recursion, thus we do not need to create // separate function! Vector<Integer> dist = new Vector<Integer>(); dist.addAll(Collections.nCopies(V, 1000000000)); dist.set(s, 0); // start from source Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>(); q.offer(s); p.clear(); p.addAll( Collections.nCopies(V, -1)); // to store parent information (p must be a global variable!) int layer = -1; // for our output printing purpose Boolean isBipartite = true; while (!q.isEmpty()) { int u = q.poll(); // queue: layer by layer! if (dist.get(u) != layer) System.out.printf("\nLayer %d:", dist.get(u)); layer = dist.get(u); System.out.printf(", visit %d", u); Iterator it = AdjList.get(u).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // for each neighbours of u IntegerPair v = (IntegerPair); if (dist.get(v.first()) == 1000000000) { // if v not visited before dist.set(v.first(), dist.get(u) + 1); // then v is reachable from u q.offer(v.first()); // enqueue v for next steps p.set(v.first(), u); // parent of v is u } else if ((dist.get(v.first()) % 2) == (dist.get(u) % 2)) // same parity isBipartite = false; } } System.out.printf("\nShortest path: "); printpath(7); System.out.printf("\n"); System.out.printf("isBipartite? %d\n", isBipartite ? 1 : 0); }
// we don't care about the return value but care about it throwing exception public void runMayThrow() throws Exception { String.format( "[repair #%s] new session: will sync %s on range %s for %s.%s", getName(), repairedNodes(), range, tablename, Arrays.toString(cfnames))); if (endpoints.isEmpty()) { differencingDone.signalAll(); String.format( "[repair #%s] No neighbors to repair with on range %s: session completed", getName(), range)); return; } // Checking all nodes are live for (InetAddress endpoint : endpoints) { if (!FailureDetector.instance.isAlive(endpoint)) { differencingDone.signalAll(); String.format( "[repair #%s] Cannot proceed on repair because a neighbor (%s) is dead: session failed", getName(), endpoint)); return; } if (Gossiper.instance.getVersion(endpoint) < MessagingService.VERSION_11 && isSequential) { String.format( "[repair #%s] Cannot repair using snapshots as node %s is pre-1.1", getName(), endpoint)); return; } } AntiEntropyService.instance.sessions.put(getName(), this); Gossiper.instance.register(this); FailureDetector.instance.registerFailureDetectionEventListener(this); try { // Create and queue a RepairJob for each column family for (String cfname : cfnames) { RepairJob job = new RepairJob(cfname); jobs.offer(job); activeJobs.put(cfname, job); } jobs.peek().sendTreeRequests(); // block whatever thread started this session until all requests have been returned: // if this thread dies, the session will still complete in the background completed.await(); if (exception == null) {"[repair #%s] session completed successfully", getName())); } else { logger.error( String.format("[repair #%s] session completed with the following error", getName()), exception); throw exception; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for repair."); } finally { // mark this session as terminated terminate(); FailureDetector.instance.unregisterFailureDetectionEventListener(this); Gossiper.instance.unregister(this); AntiEntropyService.instance.sessions.remove(getName()); } }
/** * Enqueues wrapper for delayed processing. * * @param wrapper Wrapper to enqueue. */ void delay(GridOptimizedWrapper wrapper) { if (wrappers == null) wrappers = new LinkedList<GridOptimizedWrapper>(); wrappers.offer(wrapper); }
public Main() { try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; // minimum distance from D to K int numCities = nextInt(); int tradeRoutes = nextInt(); int[][] adjacencyMatrix = new int[numCities][numCities]; int[] minDistance = new int[numCities]; Arrays.fill(minDistance, 100000000); // Arrays.fill(adjacencyMatrix, -1); // int [] pencilCosts = new int[ Node[] cities = new Node[numCities]; for (int x = 0; x < tradeRoutes; x++) { int cityA = nextInt() - 1; int cityB = nextInt() - 1; int cost = nextInt(); if (cities[cityA] == null) cities[cityA] = new Node(cityA); if (cities[cityB] == null) cities[cityB] = new Node(cityB); adjacencyMatrix[cityA][cityB] = cost; adjacencyMatrix[cityB][cityA] = cost; // cities[cityA].routes.add(new Edge(cost, cities[cityB])); // cities[cityB].routes.add(new Edge(cost, cities[cityA])); } int numStores = nextInt(); int[] pencilCosts = new int[numCities]; Arrays.fill(pencilCosts, -1); for (int x = 0; x < numStores; x++) { int ID = nextInt() - 1; int cost = nextInt(); pencilCosts[ID] = cost; } int destination = nextInt() - 1; // if (isGood[destination]){ // } int minCost = 100000000; Queue<Node> Q = new LinkedList<Node>(); // PriorityQueue<Node> Q = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); minDistance[destination] = 0; // cities[destination].distance = 0; Q.offer(cities[destination]); while (!Q.isEmpty()) { Node temp = Q.poll(); for (int x = 0; x < numCities; x++) { if (adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x] != 0 && (minDistance[x] == 100000000 || minDistance[x] > minDistance[temp.ID] + adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x])) { minDistance[x] = minDistance[temp.ID] + adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x]; if (pencilCosts[x] != -1 && minDistance[x] < minCost) { // System.out.println(minCost); minCost = Math.min(minDistance[x] + pencilCosts[x], minCost); Q.offer(cities[x]); } else { if (pencilCosts[x] == -1) { // why> Q.offer(cities[x]); } } // Q.offer(temp.routes.get(x).destination); } } } for (int x = 0; x < numCities; x++) { if (pencilCosts[x] != -1 && pencilCosts[x] + minDistance[x] < minCost && minDistance[x] != 100000000) { minCost = minDistance[x] + pencilCosts[x]; } } System.out.println(minCost); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO: General"); } }
/** * Listens for incoming datagrams, stores them for reading by the <tt>read</tt> method and * notifies the local <tt>transferHandler</tt> that there's data to be read. */ public void run() { DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(buffer, 0, PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH); while (!closed) { try { // if (OSUtils.IS_ANDROID) p.setLength(PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH); receivePacket(p); } catch (IOException e) { ioError = true; break; } /* * Do the DatagramPacketFilters accept the received DatagramPacket? */ DatagramPacketFilter[] datagramPacketFilters = getDatagramPacketFilters(); boolean accept; if (!enabled) accept = false; else if (datagramPacketFilters == null) accept = true; else { accept = true; for (int i = 0; i < datagramPacketFilters.length; i++) { try { if (!datagramPacketFilters[i].accept(p)) { accept = false; break; } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t; } } } if (accept) { RawPacket pkts[] = createRawPacket(p); for (int i = 0; i < pkts.length; i++) { RawPacket pkt = pkts[i]; pkts[i] = null; if (pkt != null) { if (pkt.isInvalid()) { /* * Return pkt to the pool because it is invalid and, * consequently, will not be made available to * reading. */ poolRawPacket(pkt); } else { RawPacket oldPkt; synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { oldPkt = this.pkt; this.pkt = pkt; } if (oldPkt != null) { /* * Return oldPkt to the pool because it was made * available to reading and it was not read. */ poolRawPacket(oldPkt); } if (videoRecorder != null) videoRecorder.recordData(pkt); if ((transferHandler != null) && !closed) { try { transferHandler.transferData(this); } catch (Throwable t) { /* * XXX We cannot allow transferHandler to * kill us. */ if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) { throw (ThreadDeath) t; } else { logger.warn("An RTP packet may have not been" + " fully handled.", t); } } } } } } rawPacketArrayPool.offer(pkts); } } }