public UpdateAssetGUI() { try { PluginMgrClient.init(); mclient = new MasterMgrClient(); queue = new QueueMgrClient(); plug = PluginMgrClient.getInstance(); log = LogMgr.getInstance(); pAssetManager = new TreeMap<String, AssetInfo>(); project = "lr"; charList = new TreeMap<String, String>(); setsList = new TreeMap<String, String>(); propsList = new TreeMap<String, String>(); potentialUpdates = new TreeSet<String>(); pSubstituteFields = new TreeMap<String, LinkedList<JBooleanField>>(); /* load the look-and-feel */ { try { SynthLookAndFeel synth = new SynthLookAndFeel(); synth.load( LookAndFeelLoader.class.getResourceAsStream("synth.xml"), LookAndFeelLoader.class); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(synth); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { log.log( LogMgr.Kind.Ops, LogMgr.Level.Severe, "Unable to parse the look-and-feel XML file (synth.xml):\n" + " " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) { log.log( LogMgr.Kind.Ops, LogMgr.Level.Severe, "Unable to load the Pipeline look-and-feel:\n" + " " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /* application wide UI settings */ { JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } } catch (PipelineException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // end try/catch } // end constructor
public DylanatorTool() { super( "Dylanator", new VersionID("1.0.0"), "SCEA", "Special checkout for the switchLgt node. This ensures that " + "the lighter is working with the latest animation and " + "hi-res models."); pLoresSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(); pHiresSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(); err = null; plug = PluginMgrClient.getInstance(); underDevelopment(); addSupport(OsType.MacOS); addSupport(OsType.Windows); } // end constructor
private boolean dylanate( MasterMgrClient mclient, String switchName, DoubleMap<String, String, TreeSet<VersionID>> plugs) throws PipelineException { err.println("\nProcessing: " + switchName); String animName = null; { NodeMod switchMod = null; try { switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); } catch (PipelineException e) { mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, switchName, null, keep, pFroz); switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); } TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames()); for (String src : switchSrcs) { if (src.matches(animPattern)) { animName = src; err.println("Found anim node: " + src); mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU); continue; } // end if mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU); LinkMod lMod = switchMod.getSource(src); LinkPolicy rel = lMod.getPolicy(); System.err.println(src + ": " + rel); if (!rel.equals(REF)) { System.err.println("umm"); lMod.setPolicy(REF); switchMod.setSource(lMod); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod); } } // end for err.println("anim node: " + animName); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod); if (animName == null) throw new PipelineException("This switch node does not have an associated anim node"); } err.println("Checked out the anim and switch nodes"); String actionName = null; VersionID ttVer = null; boolean toCache = false; /*change the action setting on the Switch node*/ { NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); Path p = new Path(switchName); Path syfRoot = new Path(p.getParentPath().getParentPath(), "syf"); System.err.println("Going to look for caches in: " + syfRoot); ArrayList<String> syfDirs = getChildrenDirs(mclient, syfRoot.toString()); for (String dir : syfDirs) { System.err.println(dir); Path dPath = new Path(syfRoot, dir); ArrayList<String> simDir = getChildrenNodes(mclient, dPath.toString()); for (String pCache : simDir) { Path cPath = new Path(dPath, pCache); if (cPath.toString().matches(cltPattern)) { System.err.println("\t" + cPath.toString()); try { mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, cPath.toString(), null, over, froz); mclient.lock(pUser, pView, cPath.toString(), null);, pView, switchMod.getName(), cPath.toString(), DEP, LINKALL, null); } catch (PipelineException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } toCache = true; } } } { BaseAction action = switchMod.getAction(); if (!switchMod.getToolset().equals(pToolset)) { switchMod.setToolset(pToolset); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod); } if (!toCache) { actionName = modRep; } else { actionName = modRep + "Syflex"; } ttVer = plugs.get("SCEA", actionName).last(); if ((action == null) || (!action.getName().equals(actionName)) || (!action.getVersionID().equals(ttVer))) { System.err.println( "Action name is incorrect - the switch node " + switchName + " doesn't have a " + actionName + "Action"); action = plug.newAction(actionName, ttVer, "SCEA"); action.setSingleParamValue("Source", animName); action.setSingleParamValue("Response", "Ignore"); if (toCache) action.setSingleParamValue(aApplyCache, true); switchMod.setAction(action); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod); } else { if (!action.getSingleParamValue("Response").equals("Ignore")) { // action = plug.newAction(actionName, ttVer, "SCEA"); // action.setSingleParamValue("Source", animName); action.setSingleParamValue("Response", "Ignore"); // if(toCache) // action.setSingleParamValue(aApplyCache, true); switchMod.setAction(action); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod); } // end if } // end else } } { /*-check out and lock the animation sources-*/ NodeMod animMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, animName); Set<String> animSrcs = animMod.getSourceNames(); for (String src : animSrcs) { if (src.matches(loresPattern)) { pLoresSrcs.add(src); err.println("Adding lores src " + src); } mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz); } // end for err.println("lores:" + pLoresSrcs); } /*-sync the animation assets with the switch assets.*/ // also remove unnecessary hires models { NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); for (String src : switchMod.getSourceNames()) { if (src.matches(hiresPattern)) { err.println("Found hires source " + src); if (pLoresSrcs.contains(src + "_lr")) { pHiresSrcs.add(src); err.println("The hires source matched the anim node."); } else { err.println("Gotta remove " + src); } // end else } // end if } // end for } // add necessary hires models for (String lores : pLoresSrcs) { String hr = lores.replace("_lr", ""); err.println("Looking at lores source " + lores + " which matches " + hr); if (!pHiresSrcs.contains(hr)) { err.println("Gotta add " + hr + " to " + switchName); pHiresSrcs.add(hr); } } { NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames()); err.println("Final hiRes list:" + pHiresSrcs + "\n"); err.println("switch now has:\n\t" + switchSrcs + "\n"); err.println("Looking for things to add."); for (String src : pHiresSrcs) { if ((src.matches(hiresPattern) && (!switchSrcs.contains(src)))) { err.print("Linking "); mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);, pView, pPrimary, src, REF, LINKALL, null); switchSrcs.add(src); } err.println("src from hiRes list: " + src); } } { NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName); TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames()); err.println("switch now has:\n\t" + switchSrcs + "\n"); for (String src : switchSrcs) { if ((src.matches(hiresPattern) && (!pHiresSrcs.contains(src)))) { err.print("Unlinking "); mclient.unlink(pUser, pView, pPrimary, src); } err.println("src from switch node list: " + src); } } /*queue the switch node*/ mclient.submitJobs(pUser, pView, switchName, null); return false; }