Example #1
 final Set<UUID> getPlayersOnServer(@NonNull String server) {
   checkArgument(getProxy().getServers().containsKey(server), "server does not exist");
   Collection<String> asStrings =
               ImmutableList.<String>of(), ImmutableList.<String>of(server));
   ImmutableSet.Builder<UUID> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
   for (String s : asStrings) {
   return builder.build();
 private static ImmutableSortedSet copyOfInternal(Comparator comparator1, Iterable iterable) {
   if (SortedIterables.hasSameComparator(comparator1, iterable)
       && (iterable instanceof ImmutableSortedSet)) {
     ImmutableSortedSet immutablesortedset = (ImmutableSortedSet) iterable;
     if (!immutablesortedset.isPartialView()) return immutablesortedset;
   ImmutableList immutablelist =
       ImmutableList.copyOf(SortedIterables.sortedUnique(comparator1, iterable));
   Object obj;
   if (immutablelist.isEmpty()) obj = emptySet(comparator1);
   else obj = new RegularImmutableSortedSet(immutablelist, comparator1);
   return ((ImmutableSortedSet) (obj));
Example #3
 private List<String> getCurrentServerIds(boolean nag, boolean lagged) {
   try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
     long time = getRedisTime(jedis.time());
     int nagTime = 0;
     if (nag) {
       nagTime = nagAboutServers.decrementAndGet();
       if (nagTime <= 0) {
     ImmutableList.Builder<String> servers = ImmutableList.builder();
     Map<String, String> heartbeats = jedis.hgetAll("heartbeats");
     for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : heartbeats.entrySet()) {
       try {
         long stamp = Long.parseLong(entry.getValue());
         if (lagged ? time >= stamp + 30 : time <= stamp + 30) servers.add(entry.getKey());
         else if (nag && nagTime <= 0) {
                       + " is "
                       + (time - stamp)
                       + " seconds behind! (Time not synchronized or server down?)");
       } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
     return servers.build();
   } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
     getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to fetch server IDs", e);
     return Collections.singletonList(configuration.getServerId());
Example #4
   * Get the exponentially-decayed approximate counts of values in multiple buckets. The elements in
   * the provided list denote the upper bound each of the buckets and must be sorted in ascending
   * order.
   * The approximate count in each bucket is guaranteed to be within 2 * totalCount * maxError of
   * the real count.
  public List<Bucket> getHistogram(List<Long> bucketUpperBounds) {
        "buckets must be sorted in increasing order");

    final ImmutableList.Builder<Bucket> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    final PeekingIterator<Long> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(bucketUpperBounds.iterator());

    final AtomicDouble sum = new AtomicDouble();
    final AtomicDouble lastSum = new AtomicDouble();

    // for computing weighed average of values in bucket
    final AtomicDouble bucketWeightedSum = new AtomicDouble();

    final double normalizationFactor = weight(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ticker.read()));

        new Callback() {
          public boolean process(Node node) {

            while (iterator.hasNext() && iterator.peek() <= node.getUpperBound()) {
              double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();

              Bucket bucket =
                  new Bucket(
                      bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);


            bucketWeightedSum.addAndGet(node.getMiddle() * node.weightedCount);
            return iterator.hasNext();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();
      Bucket bucket =
          new Bucket(bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);



    return builder.build();
Example #5
   * Gets the values at the specified quantiles +/- maxError. The list of quantiles must be sorted
   * in increasing order, and each value must be in the range [0, 1]
  public List<Long> getQuantiles(List<Double> quantiles) {
        Ordering.natural().isOrdered(quantiles), "quantiles must be sorted in increasing order");
    for (double quantile : quantiles) {
      checkArgument(quantile >= 0 && quantile <= 1, "quantile must be between [0,1]");

    final ImmutableList.Builder<Long> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    final PeekingIterator<Double> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(quantiles.iterator());

        new Callback() {
          private double sum = 0;

          public boolean process(Node node) {
            sum += node.weightedCount;

            while (iterator.hasNext() && sum > iterator.peek() * weightedCount) {

              // we know the max value ever seen, so cap the percentile to provide better error
              // bounds in this case
              long value = Math.min(node.getUpperBound(), max);


            return iterator.hasNext();

    // we finished the traversal without consuming all quantiles. This means the remaining quantiles
    // correspond to the max known value
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    return builder.build();
Example #6
 public Map<String, Object> getValuesDeep() {
   final Tag tag = this.findLastTag(this.path, false);
   if (!(tag instanceof CompoundTag)) {
     return Collections.emptyMap();
   final Queue<Node> node =
       new ArrayDeque<Node>(
           (Collection<? extends Node>) ImmutableList.of((Object) new Node(tag)));
   final Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) Maps.newHashMap();
   while (!node.isEmpty()) {
     final Node root = node.poll();
     for (final Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : root.values.entrySet()) {
       final String key = this.createRelativeKey(root.parent, entry.getKey());
       if (entry.getValue() instanceof CompoundTag) {
         node.add(new Node(key, entry.getValue()));
       } else {
         values.put(key, entry.getValue().getValue());
   return values;
Example #7
  * Gets the value at the specified quantile +/- maxError. The quantile must be in the range [0, 1]
 public long getQuantile(double quantile) {
   return getQuantiles(ImmutableList.of(quantile)).get(0);
 public static ImmutableSortedSet of(Comparable comparable) {
   return new RegularImmutableSortedSet(ImmutableList.of(comparable), Ordering.natural());
 private static ImmutableSortedSet copyOfInternal(Comparator comparator1, Iterator iterator1) {
   ImmutableList immutablelist =
       ImmutableList.copyOf(SortedIterables.sortedUnique(comparator1, iterator1));
   if (immutablelist.isEmpty()) return emptySet(comparator1);
   else return new RegularImmutableSortedSet(immutablelist, comparator1);
Example #10
  private void init(
      PName name,
      PTableType type,
      long timeStamp,
      long sequenceNumber,
      String pkName,
      List<PColumn> columns,
      PTableStats stats) {
    this.name = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
    this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
    this.columnsByName = ArrayListMultimap.create(columns.size(), 1);
    this.pkName = pkName;
    List<PColumn> pkColumns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(columns.size() - 1);
    PColumn[] allColumns = new PColumn[columns.size()];
    RowKeySchemaBuilder builder = new RowKeySchemaBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < allColumns.length; i++) {
      PColumn column = columns.get(i);
      allColumns[column.getPosition()] = column;
      PName familyName = column.getFamilyName();
      if (familyName == null) {
      columnsByName.put(column.getName().getString(), column);
    this.pkColumns = ImmutableList.copyOf(pkColumns);
    this.rowKeySchema = builder.setMinNullable(pkColumns.size()).build();
    this.allColumns = ImmutableList.copyOf(allColumns);

    // Two pass so that column order in column families matches overall column order
    // and to ensure that column family order is constant
    int maxExpectedSize = allColumns.length - pkColumns.size();
    // Maintain iteration order so that column families are ordered as they are listed
    Map<PName, List<PColumn>> familyMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    for (PColumn column : allColumns) {
      PName familyName = column.getFamilyName();
      if (familyName != null) {
        List<PColumn> columnsInFamily = familyMap.get(familyName);
        if (columnsInFamily == null) {
          columnsInFamily = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(maxExpectedSize);
          familyMap.put(familyName, columnsInFamily);

    Iterator<Map.Entry<PName, List<PColumn>>> iterator = familyMap.entrySet().iterator();
    PColumnFamily[] families = new PColumnFamily[familyMap.size()];
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, PColumnFamily> familyByString = ImmutableMap.builder();
    ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<byte[], PColumnFamily> familyByBytes =
    for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) {
      Map.Entry<PName, List<PColumn>> entry = iterator.next();
      PColumnFamily family = new PColumnFamilyImpl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      families[i] = family;
      familyByString.put(family.getName().getString(), family);
      familyByBytes.put(family.getName().getBytes(), family);
    this.families = ImmutableList.copyOf(families);
    this.familyByBytes = familyByBytes.build();
    this.familyByString = familyByString.build();
    this.stats = stats;
Example #11
 final int getCurrentCount() {
   Long count =
       (Long) getPlayerCountScript.eval(ImmutableList.<String>of(), ImmutableList.<String>of());
   return count.intValue();