Example #1
   * Constructor.
   * @param rq request
   * @param rs response
   * @param servlet calling servlet instance
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  public HTTPContext(
      final HttpServletRequest rq, final HttpServletResponse rs, final BaseXServlet servlet)
      throws IOException {

    req = rq;
    res = rs;
    params = new HTTPParams(this);

    method = rq.getMethod();

    final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(req.getRequestURL());
    final String qs = req.getQueryString();
    if (qs != null) uri.append('?').append(qs);
    log('[' + method + "] " + uri, null);

    // set UTF8 as default encoding (can be overwritten)
    segments = decode(toSegments(req.getPathInfo()));

    // adopt servlet-specific credentials or use global ones
    final GlobalOptions mprop = context().globalopts;
    user = servlet.user != null ? servlet.user : mprop.get(GlobalOptions.USER);
    pass = servlet.pass != null ? servlet.pass : mprop.get(GlobalOptions.PASSWORD);

    // overwrite credentials with session-specific data
    final String auth = req.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION);
    if (auth != null) {
      final String[] values = auth.split(" ");
      if (values[0].equals(BASIC)) {
        final String[] cred = org.basex.util.Base64.decode(values[1]).split(":", 2);
        if (cred.length != 2) throw new LoginException(NOPASSWD);
        user = cred[0];
        pass = cred[1];
      } else {
        throw new LoginException(WHICHAUTH, values[0]);
Example #2
   * Process all the requests. The connection must have been opened and set first.
   * @param requests the requets to process
  public void processRequests(List requests)
      throws IOException, UnconfiguredRequestException, ResponseException, CommandAbortedException {

    if (requests == null || requests.size() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "[processRequests] requests "
              + // NOI18N
              "was either null or empty."); // NOI18N

    if (abort) {
      throw new CommandAbortedException(
          "Aborted during request processing", // NOI18N
          CommandException.getLocalMessage("Client.commandAborted", null)); // NOI18N

    loggedDataInputStream = null;
    loggedDataOutputStream = null;

    // send the initialisation requests if we are handling the first
    // command
    boolean filterRootRequest = true;
    if (isFirstCommand()) {
      int pos = 0;
      if (!initialRequestsSent) {
        pos = fillInitialRequests(requests);
        initialRequestsSent = true;
        filterRootRequest = false;
      if (globalOptions != null) {
        // sends the global options that are to be sent to server (-q, -Q, -t, -n, l)
        for (Iterator it = globalOptions.createRequestList().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          Request request = (Request) it.next();
          requests.add(pos++, request);

        if (globalOptions.isUseGzip() && globalOptions.getCompressionLevel() != 0) {
          requests.add(pos++, new GzipFileContentsRequest(globalOptions.getCompressionLevel()));
    } else if (printConnectionReuseWarning) {
      if (System.getProperty("javacvs.multiple_commands_warning") == null) { // NOI18N
        System.err.println("WARNING TO DEVELOPERS:"); // NOI18N
            "Please be warned that attempting to reuse one open connection for more commands is not supported by cvs servers very well."); // NOI18N
        System.err.println("You are advised to open a new Connection each time."); // NOI18N
            "If you still want to proceed, please do: System.setProperty(\"javacvs.multiple_commands_warning\", \"false\")"); // NOI18N
        System.err.println("That will disable this message."); // NOI18N

    if (!ALLOWED_CONNECTION_REUSE_REQUESTS.contains(requests.get(requests.size() - 1).getClass())) {
      printConnectionReuseWarning = true;

    final boolean fireEnhancedEvents = getEventManager().isFireEnhancedEventSet();
    int fileDetailRequestCount = 0;

    if (fireEnhancedEvents) {
      for (Iterator it = requests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Request request = (Request) it.next();

        FileDetails fileDetails = request.getFileForTransmission();
        if (fileDetails != null && fileDetails.getFile().exists()) {
      CVSEvent event =
          new EnhancedMessageEvent(
              this, EnhancedMessageEvent.REQUESTS_COUNT, new Integer(fileDetailRequestCount));

    LoggedDataOutputStream dos = connection.getOutputStream();
    loggedDataOutputStream = dos;

    // this list stores stream modification requests, each to be called
    // to modify the input stream the next time we need to process a
    // response
    List streamModifierRequests = new LinkedList();

    // sending files does not seem to allow compression
    transmitFileHandler = getUncompressedFileHandler();

    for (Iterator it = requests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      if (abort) {
        throw new CommandAbortedException(
            "Aborted during request processing", // NOI18N
            CommandException.getLocalMessage("Client.commandAborted", null)); // NOI18N

      final Request request = (Request) it.next();

      if (request instanceof GzipFileContentsRequest) {
        if (dontUseGzipFileHandler) {
              "Warning: The server is not supporting gzip-file-contents request, no compression is used.");

      // skip the root request if already sent
      if (request instanceof RootRequest) {
        if (filterRootRequest) {
        } else { // Even if we should not filter the RootRequest now, we must filter all successive
                 // RootRequests
          filterRootRequest = true;
      // send request to server
      String requestString = request.getRequestString();

      // we must modify the outputstream now, but defer modification
      // of the inputstream until we are about to read a response.
      // This is because some modifiers (e.g. gzip) read the header
      // on construction, and obviously no header is present when
      // no response has been sent
      if (request.modifiesInputStream()) {
      dos = connection.getOutputStream();

      FileDetails fileDetails = request.getFileForTransmission();
      if (fileDetails != null) {
        final File file = fileDetails.getFile();
        // only transmit the file if it exists! When committing
        // a remove request you cannot transmit the file
        if (file.exists()) {
              new String(
                      "<Sending file: "
                          + // NOI18N
                          + ">\n")
                  .getBytes("utf8")); // NOI18N

          if (fireEnhancedEvents) {
            CVSEvent event =
                new EnhancedMessageEvent(this, EnhancedMessageEvent.FILE_SENDING, file);


          if (fileDetails.isBinary()) {
            transmitFileHandler.transmitBinaryFile(file, dos);
          } else {
            transmitFileHandler.transmitTextFile(file, dos);

          if (fireEnhancedEvents && fileDetailRequestCount == 0) {
            CVSEvent event =
                new EnhancedMessageEvent(this, EnhancedMessageEvent.REQUESTS_SENT, "Ok"); // NOI18N
      if (request.isResponseExpected()) {

        // now perform the deferred modification of the input stream
        Iterator modifiers = streamModifierRequests.iterator();
        while (modifiers.hasNext()) {
          System.err.println("Modifying the inputstream..."); // NOI18N
          final Request smRequest = (Request) modifiers.next();
              "Request is a: "
                  + // NOI18N


    transmitFileHandler = null;