public void hitResponse(String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); int k = 0; String side = null; int x = -1; int y = -1; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (k == 0) st.nextToken(); if (k == 1) side = st.nextToken(); if (k == 2) x = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 3) y = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); k++; } System.out.println(gameData.getPlayerSide()); System.out.println(side); if (gameData.getPlayerSide().equals(side)) { System.out.println("player field hit"); gameData.shootAtField(side, x, y, 3, false, null, null, -1, -1); mw.v.enqueEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.PLAYER_FIELD_HIT, x, y)); } else { System.out.println("enemy field hit"); gameData.shootAtField(side, x, y, 3, false, null, null, -1, -1); mw.v.enqueEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.OPPONENT_FIELD_HIT, x, y)); } }
/* Create and show the graphical user interface. */ private static void createAndShowGUI() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("My Collapsing Puzzle"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Game game = new Game(); frame.setJMenuBar(game.createMenuBar()); frame.setContentPane(game.createContentPane()); frame.setSize(game.getGameSize()); frame.setVisible(true); }
/** * Test load simple gnugo. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void testLoadSimpleGnugo() throws IOException { Game game = Game.loadFromFile(new File("sgf/testing/simpleGnuGo.sgf")); Iterator<Move> i = game.getMoves(); Move move = null; BoardI board = new SmallerBoard(game.getSize()); while (i.hasNext()) { move =; assertNotNull(move); board = board.newBoard(move); } // System.err.println(g); }
/** * Test load all sg ffiles. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void testLoadAllSGFfiles() throws IOException { Stack<String> files = new Stack<String>(); files.push("sgf/2004-12"); int count = 0; while (files.size() > 0 && count <= 10) { String filename = files.pop(); File file = new File(filename); count++; if (DEBUG) System.err.println("examining \"" + filename + "\""); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.isDirectory()) { // System.err.println("\"" + filename + "\" is not a // directory, parsing as an SGF file"); Game game = Game.loadFromFile(file); if (game.getSize() == 19) { Iterator<Move> i = game.getMoves(); Move move = null; BoardI board = new SmallerBoard(game.getSize()); // System.err.println("board size is: \"" + // goGame.getSize() // + "\""); while (i.hasNext()) { move =; assertNotNull(move); // System.err.print("move: \"" + move + "\""); // assertTrue("" + board + "\n" + // move.toString(),board.isLegalMove(move)); board = board.newBoard(move); // System.err.println(" board size is: \"" + // board.getSize() + "\""); } // System.err.println(); } } else { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("\"" + filename + "\" is a directory"); if (!file.getName().contains(".svn")) { String[] children = file.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // System.err.println("pushing \"" + children[i] + // "\""); files.push(filename + "/" + children[i]); } } } } } }
// --------------------------------createAndShowGUI----------------------------- public static void createAndShowGUI() { Game thisGame = new Game(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); thisGame.frame = new JFrame("Tactics"); thisGame.oConn = new SocketManager(); thisGame.scrBounds = thisGame.frame.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds(); thisGame.frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); thisGame.frame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); thisGame.frame.addWindowListener(thisGame); thisGame.frame.setVisible(true); }
/** Rewrite this method for your game */ protected void update(int deltaTime) { if (execute == false && click == true) { String[] args = {}; Game.main(args); execute = true; } }
public void loadTerrain() { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // remove the existing terrain and detach it from the root node. if (terrain != null) { Node existingTerrain = (Node) terrain; existingTerrain.removeFromParent(); existingTerrain.removeControl(TerrainLodControl.class); existingTerrain.detachAllChildren(); terrain = null; } InputStream fis = game.getGameApplication() .getAssetManager() .locateAsset(new AssetKey("Scenes/" + map + "/terrainsave.jme")) .openStream(); BinaryImporter imp = BinaryImporter.getInstance(); imp.setAssetManager(assetManager); terrain = (TerrainQuad) imp.load(new BufferedInputStream(fis)); terrain.setShadowMode(ShadowMode.CastAndReceive); clickableNode.attachChild((Node) terrain); float duration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0f; System.out.println("Load took " + duration + " seconds"); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void loadDoodads() { InputStream fis = game.getGameApplication() .getAssetManager() .locateAsset(new AssetKey("Scenes/" + map + "/doodads.jme")) .openStream(); BinaryImporter importer = BinaryImporter.getInstance(); importer.setAssetManager(assetManager); try { doodadNode = (Node) importer.load(new BufferedInputStream(fis)); // this node is for buildings in fog (unsauber usw.....) doodadNode.attachChild(new Node()); /* Node test =new Node(); List list =doodadNode.getChildren(); for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) { BatchNode batch = new BatchNode(); batch.attachChild((Node)list.get(i)); batch.batch(); test.attachChild(batch); } rootNode.attachChild(test); * */ reflectNode.attachChild(doodadNode); } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "No saved node loaded.", ex); } }
public void loseGame() { final GameBoard boardView = (GameBoard) this.findViewById(; game.reInitGame(); boardView.setGame(game); boardView.invalidate(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("USAGE: java RenderMap map.txt image.png"); System.exit(1); } Game game = new Game(args[0], 100, 0); if (game.Init() == 0) { System.err.println("Error while loading map " + args[0]); System.exit(1); } ArrayList<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); colors.add(new Color(106, 74, 60)); colors.add(new Color(74, 166, 60)); colors.add(new Color(204, 51, 63)); colors.add(new Color(235, 104, 65)); colors.add(new Color(237, 201, 81)); Color bgColor = new Color(188, 189, 172); Color textColor = Color.BLACK; Font planetFont = new Font("Sans Serif", Font.BOLD, 11); Font fleetFont = new Font("Sans serif", Font.PLAIN, 7); GraphicsConfiguration gc = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getDefaultScreenDevice() .getDefaultConfiguration(); BufferedImage image = gc.createCompatibleImage(640, 480); Graphics2D _g = (Graphics2D) image.createGraphics(); // Turn on AA/Speed _g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); _g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED); _g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); game.Render(640, 480, 0.0, null, colors, bgColor, textColor, planetFont, fleetFont, _g); File file = new File(args[1]); ImageIO.write(image, "png", file); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } }
@Override public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) { if (loading) { if (loading_frames == 0) { if (game.isMultiplayer() && client.allConnected() == false) { return; } } if (loading_frames == 5) { if (game.isMultiplayer() && client.allLoaded() == false) { return; } } loading(loading_frames); loading_frames++; } else { loops = 0; while (System.currentTimeMillis() > next_game_tick && loops < MAX_FRAMESKIP && (game.isMultiplayer() == false || client.canContinue())) { if (game.isMultiplayer()) { client.update(); } Timer.update(GAME_TPF); game.update(GAME_TPF); next_game_tick += SKIP_TICKS; loops++; } camera.update(tpf); listener.setLocation(cam.getLocation()); listener.setRotation(cam.getRotation()); gui.update(tpf); // nur wegen Kamera auf Minimap } }
public void shoot(int x, int y) { if (!isServer) requestToServer.println( "fire " + gameData.getPlayerSide() + " " + new Integer(x).toString() + " " + new Integer(y).toString()); if (isServer) elaborateShootRequest(x, y, "host"); }
public void shipPlacedResponse(String response) { int i = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); String field = null; String alignment = null; String shipName = null; int xStartCoordinate = -1; int yStartCoordinate = -1; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (i == 0) st.nextToken(); if (i == 1) field = st.nextToken(); if (i == 2) alignment = st.nextToken(); if (i == 3) shipName = st.nextToken(); if (i == 4) xStartCoordinate = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (i == 5) yStartCoordinate = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); i++; } if (field.equals(gameData.getPlayerSide())) gameData.placeShipsOnField(alignment, shipName, xStartCoordinate, yStartCoordinate); }
public boolean placeShipsOnField( String field, String alignment, String shipName, int xStartCoordinate, int yStartCoordinate) { if (!gameData.shipAlreadyPlaced(shipName, alignment, xStartCoordinate, yStartCoordinate)) { if (!isServer) { requestToServer.println( "placeShip " + field + " " + alignment + " " + shipName + " " + xStartCoordinate + " " + yStartCoordinate); return true; } if (isServer) { boolean controllerQuery = cont.addShip(shipName, alignment, field, xStartCoordinate, yStartCoordinate); if (controllerQuery) { gameData.placeShipsOnField(alignment, shipName, xStartCoordinate, yStartCoordinate); for (ServerService s : services) { s.sendMessageToClients( "placeShip " + field + " " + alignment + " " + shipName + " " + xStartCoordinate + " " + yStartCoordinate); } return true; } } } return false; }
public void allShipsDestroyed(String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); st.nextToken(); String result; if ((st.nextToken().equals(gameData.getPlayerSide()))) result = "You Lose"; else result = "You Win!"; mw.v.enqueEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.GAME_OVER, result)); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } System.exit(0); }
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("Starting Listener"); int character; try { socket1 = new ServerSocket(port); game.gui.lock("Waiting for other player"); connection = socket1.accept(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); isr = new InputStreamReader(bis); while ((character = != 13) { strb.append((char) character); } // if received CLOSEMESSAGE -> end listening and do something if (strb.toString().equals(Online.CLOSEMESSAGE)) { System.out.println("Looks like we have ended..."); } // check incoming message System.out.println(strb); Figure f = game.parseFigure(strb.toString()); Position p = game.parsePosition(strb.toString()); game.playerPlay(f, p); game.switchPlayers(); game.gui.unlock(); connection.close(); System.out.println("moved, your turn!"); socket1.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception on server side" + e); } }
@Override public void destroy() { super.destroy(); if (client != null) { client.close(); } if (server != null) { server.close(); } game.getFogOfWar().destroy(); }
@Override protected void onStop() { SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putInt("level", this.level); editor.putString("map", game.getLabyrinth().getJsonMap()); editor.putString("howdy", game.getJsonHowdy()); String allDoneLevelsString = ""; for (String s : allDoneLevels) { allDoneLevelsString += s + ","; } if (allDoneLevelsString.length() > 0) { editor.putString( "doneLevels", allDoneLevelsString.substring(0, allDoneLevelsString.length() - 1)); } editor.commit(); super.onStop(); }
public void waterResponse(String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); String side = null; int k = 0; int x = -1; int y = -1; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (k == 0) st.nextToken(); if (k == 1) side = st.nextToken(); if (k == 2) x = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 3) y = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); k++; } gameData.shootAtField(side, x, y, 2, false, null, null, -1, -1); }
public void parseChatMessage(String response) { int counter = 0; String side = null; String playerName = null; String chatMessage = null; response = response.substring(5); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { if (counter > 1) break; if (counter == 0) playerName = st.nextToken(); if (counter == 1) side = st.nextToken(); counter++; } chatMessage = response.substring(playerName.length() + side.length() + 2); if (playerName.equals(gameData.getPlayerName())) playerName = "Me"; String finalString = playerName + " (" + side + ") says: " + chatMessage; mw.v.enqueEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.CHAT_MESSAGE, finalString)); }
public void chat(String message) { message = message.substring(5); if (isServer) { for (ServerService s : services) s.sendMessageToClients( "chat " + gameData.getPlayerName() + " " + gameData.getPlayerSide() + " " + message); parseChatMessage( "chat " + gameData.getPlayerName() + " " + gameData.getPlayerSide() + " " + message); } if (!isServer) requestToServer.println( "chat " + gameData.getPlayerName() + " " + gameData.getPlayerSide() + " " + message); }
@Override public void startTheGame() { gameType = ""; try { // receive ping from server gameType = mainServer.readLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Could not communicate with server: " + ex); Global.onException(); } super.startTheGame(); for (FixedTimer timer : timers) timer.start(); startMarquee(getGameType(), 1000); startMarquee("3"); startMarquee("2"); startMarquee("1"); // receive ping that the game is starting try { // ping back that client is ready mainServer.println(); mainServer.flush(); // wait for if server is ready mainServer.readLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Could not communicate with server: " + ex); Global.onException(); } turnOnEndGameReceiver(); startMarquee("START!"); }
public void destroyedResponse(String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response); String side = null; String shipName = null; String alignment = null; int size = 0; int k = 0; int xStartCoord = -1; int yStartCoord = -1; int hostPoints = -1; int guestPoints = -1; int x = -1; int y = -1; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (k == 0) st.nextToken(); if (k == 1) side = st.nextToken(); if (k == 2) shipName = st.nextToken(); if (k == 3) alignment = st.nextToken(); if (k == 4) xStartCoord = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 5) yStartCoord = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 6) hostPoints = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 7) guestPoints = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 8) x = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (k == 9) y = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); k++; } if (shipName.equals("aircraft")) size = 5; if (shipName.equals("battleship")) size = 4; if (shipName.equals("destroyer")) size = 3; if (shipName.equals("submarine")) size = 2; if (gameData.getPlayerSide().equals("guest")) { gameData.setMyPoints(guestPoints); gameData.setEnemyPoints(hostPoints); } else { gameData.setMyPoints(hostPoints); gameData.setEnemyPoints(guestPoints); } gameData.shootAtField(side, x, y, 3, true, shipName, alignment, xStartCoord, yStartCoord); mw.v.enqueEvent( new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.SHIP_EXPLODE, xStartCoord, yStartCoord, size, alignment, side)); }
public void simulate(int x) { // Bracket winners write to simfirst arraylist and move to next array in tournTeams to process. ArrayList<String> simfirst = new ArrayList<String>(); tournTeams = new Team[4][16]; // to reset the wins for new simulation nRegion = new Region[4]; winners = new Team[64]; ReadNCAA(); for (int l = 0; l < x; l++) { // loop for simulations roundOf32 = new Team[4][8]; sweet16 = new Team[4][4]; elite8 = new Team[4][2]; final4 = new Team[4][1]; theFinals = new Team[2]; simfirst = new ArrayList<String>(); // Round of 32 simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(1) + " on to Round of 32"); for (int j = 0; j < (tournTeams.length); j++) { // loop for teams in round int countNextb = 0; simfirst.add(" Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); // System.out.println("Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); for (int i = 0; i < tournTeams[j].length - 1; i += 2) { myGame = new Game(tournTeams[j][i], tournTeams[j][i + 1]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add( " Team " + tournTeams[j][i].name() + " Wins " + (tournTeams[j][i].wins() + 1)); // System.out.println(" Team "+ tournTeams[k][j][i].name() + " Wins " + // tournTeams[k][j][i].wins()); roundOf32[j][countNextb] = new Team(tournTeams[j][i].name(), tournTeams[j][i].seed(), tournTeams[j][i].wp()); roundOf32[j][countNextb].win(); // System.out.println("k+1="+(k+1)+" j =" + j +" countNextb= "+countNextb + " Team " + // tournTeams[k+1][j][countNextb].name()); } else { simfirst.add( " Team " + tournTeams[j][i + 1].name() + " Wins " + (tournTeams[j][i + 1].wins() + 1)); // System.out.println(" Team "+ tournTeams[k][j][i+1].name() + " Wins " + // tournTeams[k][j][i+1].wins()); roundOf32[j][countNextb] = new Team( tournTeams[j][i + 1].name(), tournTeams[j][i + 1].seed(), tournTeams[j][i + 1].wp()); roundOf32[j][countNextb].win(); // System.out.println("k+1="+(k+1)+" j =" + j +" countNextb= "+countNextb + " Team " + // tournTeams[k+1][j][countNextb].name()); } countNextb++; } } // Sweet 16 simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(2) + " on to Sweet 16"); for (int j = 0; j < (roundOf32.length); j++) { // loop for teams in round int countNextb = 0; simfirst.add(" Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); // System.out.println("Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); for (int i = 0; i < roundOf32[j].length - 1; i += 2) { myGame = new Game(roundOf32[j][i], roundOf32[j][i + 1]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add( " Team " + roundOf32[j][i].name() + " Wins " + (roundOf32[j][i].wins() + 1)); sweet16[j][countNextb] = roundOf32[j][i]; sweet16[j][countNextb].win(); } else { simfirst.add( " Team " + roundOf32[j][i + 1].name() + " Wins " + (roundOf32[j][i + 1].wins() + 1)); sweet16[j][countNextb] = roundOf32[j][i + 1]; sweet16[j][countNextb].win(); } countNextb++; } } // Elite 8 simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(3) + " on to Elite 8"); for (int j = 0; j < (sweet16.length); j++) { // loop for teams in round int countNextb = 0; simfirst.add(" Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); // System.out.println("Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); for (int i = 0; i < sweet16[j].length - 1; i += 2) { myGame = new Game(sweet16[j][i], sweet16[j][i + 1]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add( " Team " + sweet16[j][i].name() + " Wins " + (sweet16[j][i].wins() + 1)); elite8[j][countNextb] = sweet16[j][i]; elite8[j][countNextb].win(); } else { simfirst.add( " Team " + sweet16[j][i + 1].name() + " Wins " + (sweet16[j][i + 1].wins() + 1)); elite8[j][countNextb] = sweet16[j][i + 1]; elite8[j][countNextb].win(); } countNextb++; } } // Final 4 simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(4) + " on to Final 4"); for (int j = 0; j < (elite8.length); j++) { // loop for teams in round simfirst.add(" Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); // System.out.println("Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); for (int i = 0; i < elite8[j].length - 1; i += 2) { myGame = new Game(elite8[j][i], elite8[j][i + 1]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add(" Team " + elite8[j][i].name() + " Wins " + (elite8[j][i].wins() + 1)); final4[j][0] = elite8[j][i]; final4[j][0].win(); } else { simfirst.add( " Team " + elite8[j][i + 1].name() + " Wins " + (elite8[j][i + 1].wins() + 1)); final4[j][0] = elite8[j][i + 1]; final4[j][0].win(); } } } // Final 2 simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(5) + " on to Finals"); // loop for teams in round // System.out.println("Region: " + nRegion[j].name()); myGame = new Game(final4[0][0], final4[1][0]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(final4[0][0].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + final4[0][0].name() + " Wins " + (final4[0][0].wins() + 1)); theFinals[0] = final4[0][0]; theFinals[0].win(); } else { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(final4[1][0].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + final4[1][0].name() + " Wins " + (final4[1][0].wins() + 1)); theFinals[0] = final4[1][0]; theFinals[0].win(); } myGame = new Game(final4[2][0], final4[3][0]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(final4[2][0].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + final4[2][0].name() + " Wins " + (final4[2][0].wins() + 1)); theFinals[1] = final4[2][0]; theFinals[1].win(); } else { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(final4[3][0].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + final4[3][0].name() + " Wins " + (final4[3][0].wins() + 1)); theFinals[1] = final4[3][0]; theFinals[1].win(); } // The Winner simfirst.add("Winner Bracket " + Integer.toString(6) + " on to The Finals"); myGame = new Game(theFinals[0], theFinals[1]); if (myGame.winnerIndex() == 1) { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(theFinals[0].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + theFinals[0].name() + " Wins " + (theFinals[0].wins() + 1)); for (int k = 0; k < winners.length; k++) { if (winners[k].name().equals(theFinals[0].name())) winners[k].win(); } } else { simfirst.add(" Region: " + getRegionTeam(theFinals[1].name())); simfirst.add(" Team " + theFinals[1].name() + " Wins " + (theFinals[1].wins() + 1)); for (int k = 0; k < winners.length; k++) { if (winners[k].name().equals(theFinals[0].name())) winners[k].win(); } } totalSim.add(simfirst); // arraylist of the winner array list - all simulations stored together } }
private void gamesCsv(Round round) { File gamesCSV = new File(names[2]); if (gamesCSV.isFile() && gamesCSV.canRead()) { gamesCSV.delete(); } if (round.getSize() == 0) { return; } try { gamesCSV.createNewFile(); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(gamesCSV.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write( "gameId;gameName;status;gameSize;gameLength;lastTick;" + "weatherLocation;weatherDate;logUrl;brokerId;brokerBalance;" + separator); String tourneyUrl = properties.getProperty("tourneyUrl"); String baseUrl = properties.getProperty("actionIndex.logUrl", "download?game=%d"); for (Game game : round.getGameMap().values()) { String logUrl = ""; if (game.isComplete()) { if (baseUrl.startsWith("http://")) { logUrl = String.format(baseUrl, game.getGameId()); } else { logUrl = tourneyUrl + String.format(baseUrl, game.getGameId()); } } String content = String.format( "%d;%s;%s;%d;%d;%d;%s;%s;%s;", game.getGameId(), game.getGameName(), game.getState(), game.getSize(), game.getGameLength(), game.getLastTick(), game.getLocation(), game.getSimStartTime(), logUrl); for (Agent agent : game.getAgentMap().values()) { content = String.format("%s%d;%f;", content, agent.getBrokerId(), agent.getBalance()); } bw.write(content + separator); } bw.close(); copyFile(gamesCSV, names[3]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/* *PlayerBeingAddedMessages are bodiless, containing nothing *beyond their prefix. *The response is to freeze the manipulator while the player *is being added, and display *a message about it. */ public byte[] handleMessage(InputStream str) { Game.getLocalPlayer().getManipulator().setFrozen(true); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "A player is being added; stand by."); return new byte[0]; }
public void loading(int pos) { if (pos == 0) { camera = new RTSCamera(getCamera()); camera.registerWithInput(inputManager); loadingScreen.setProgress(0.1f, "Making Light"); } else if (pos == 1) { loadShadow(); loadLight(); loadingScreen.setProgress(0.2f, "Loading Terrain"); } else if (pos == 2) { reflectNode = new Node("reflect"); rootNode.attachChild(reflectNode); nonreflectNode = new Node("non reflect"); rootNode.attachChild(nonreflectNode); clickableNode = new Node("clickable"); reflectNode.attachChild(clickableNode); // clickableNode.attachChild(createTerrain()); loadTerrain(); loadWater(); camera.addTerrain(terrain); camera.addWater(water); loadingScreen.setProgress(0.6f, "Loading Doodads"); } else if (pos == 3) { loadDoodads(); loadingScreen.setProgress(0.8f, "Init Game"); } else if (pos == 4) { game.init(); // gui=new GUI(game); game.getMyGame().init(game); if (game.isMultiplayer()) { client.finishedLoading(); } loadingScreen.setProgress(1f, "Finished Loading"); } else if (pos == 5) { loadingScreen.clear(); camera.enable(); gui = new GUI(game); gui.init(); playerInput = new PlayerInput(game); // important input after nifty next_game_tick = System.currentTimeMillis(); Timer.init(); loading = false; } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader console = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; Dice d1 = new Dice(); Dice d2 = new Dice(); Dice d3 = new Dice(); Player player = new Player("Fred", 100); Game game = new Game(d1, d2, d3); List<DiceValue> cdv = game.getDiceValues(); int totalWins = 0; int totalLosses = 0; while (true) { int winCount = 0; int loseCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { String name = "Fred"; int balance = 10; int limit = 0; player = new Player(name, balance); player.setLimit(limit); int bet = 5; System.out.println(String.format("Start Game %d: ", i)); System.out.println( String.format( "%s starts with balance %d, limit %d", player.getName(), player.getBalance(), player.getLimit())); int turn = 0; while (player.balanceExceedsLimitBy(bet) && player.getBalance() < 200) { turn++; DiceValue pick = DiceValue.getRandom(); System.out.printf("Turn %d: %s bet %d on %s\n", turn, player.getName(), bet, pick); int winnings = game.playRound(player, pick, bet); cdv = game.getDiceValues(); System.out.printf("Rolled %s, %s, %s\n", cdv.get(0), cdv.get(1), cdv.get(2)); if (winnings > 0) { System.out.printf( "%s won %d, balance now %d\n\n", player.getName(), winnings, player.getBalance()); winCount++; } else { System.out.printf("%s lost, balance now %d\n\n", player.getName(), player.getBalance()); loseCount++; } } // while System.out.print(String.format("%d turns later.\nEnd Game %d: ", turn, i)); System.out.println( String.format("%s now has balance %d\n", player.getName(), player.getBalance())); } // for System.out.println( String.format( "Win count = %d, Lose Count = %d, %.2f", winCount, loseCount, (float) winCount / (winCount + loseCount))); totalWins += winCount; totalLosses += loseCount; String ans = console.readLine(); if (ans.equals("q")) break; } // while true System.out.println( String.format( "Overall win rate = %.1f%%", (float) (totalWins * 100) / (totalWins + totalLosses))); }
public void nextLevel() { boolean loaded = false; final GameBoard boardView = (GameBoard) this.findViewById(; this.level++; AssetManager am = getResources().getAssets(); try { List<String> allTutoLevels = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(am.list("levels/tutorial"))); // if(addMsg){ // allTutoLevels.addAll(Arrays.asList(am.list("msg"))); // } Log.d(TAG, allTutoLevels.toString()); for (String name : allTutoLevels) { if (name.startsWith(this.level + ".")) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("levels/tutorial/" + name))); String line; String levelJSON = ""; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { levelJSON += line + "\n"; } br.close(); game.initGame( levelJSON, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); loaded = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!loaded) { Random r = new Random(); List<String> allLevels = new ArrayList<>(); try { allLevels = Arrays.asList(am.list("levels")); } catch (IOException e) { } if (r.nextBoolean() && !allLevels.isEmpty() && allLevels.size() != allDoneLevels.size()) { try { int nLevel; do { nLevel = r.nextInt(allLevels.size()); } while (allDoneLevels.contains(allLevels.get(nLevel))); String name = allLevels.get(nLevel); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("levels/" + name))); String line; String levelJSON = ""; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { levelJSON += line + "\n"; } br.close(); allDoneLevels.add(name); game.initGame( levelJSON, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } catch (IOException e) { level, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } } else { level, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } } // am.close(); boardView.setGame(; boardView.invalidate(); boardView.getHowdyShadeView().invalidate(); Toast.makeText(this, this.level + "", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.i( TAG, "Max tiles : " + (boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60) * (boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60)); }
/** * Returns whether two games are equal. This is the case if they contain exactly the same lines. * The header does not matter. * * @return the hash code */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; // =====> if (!(obj instanceof Game)) return false; // =====> Game game = (Game) obj; return game.getModel().equals(getModel()); }