private File addBlock(Block b, File src, boolean createOk, boolean resetIdx) throws IOException { if (numBlocks < maxBlocksPerDir) { File dest = new File(dir, b.getBlockName()); File metaData = getMetaFile(src, b); File newmeta = getMetaFile(dest, b); if (!metaData.renameTo(newmeta) || !src.renameTo(dest)) { throw new IOException( "could not move files for " + b + " from tmp to " + dest.getAbsolutePath()); } if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DataNode.LOG.debug("addBlock: Moved " + metaData + " to " + newmeta); DataNode.LOG.debug("addBlock: Moved " + src + " to " + dest); } numBlocks += 1; return dest; } if (lastChildIdx < 0 && resetIdx) { // reset so that all children will be checked lastChildIdx = random.nextInt(children.length); } if (lastChildIdx >= 0 && children != null) { // Check if any child-tree has room for a block. for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { int idx = (lastChildIdx + i) % children.length; File file = children[idx].addBlock(b, src, false, resetIdx); if (file != null) { lastChildIdx = idx; return file; } } lastChildIdx = -1; } if (!createOk) { return null; } if (children == null || children.length == 0) { children = new FSDir[maxBlocksPerDir]; for (int idx = 0; idx < maxBlocksPerDir; idx++) { children[idx] = new FSDir(new File(dir, DataStorage.BLOCK_SUBDIR_PREFIX + idx)); } } // now pick a child randomly for creating a new set of subdirs. lastChildIdx = random.nextInt(children.length); return children[lastChildIdx].addBlock(b, src, true, false); }
/** Return the block file for the given ID */ public File findBlockFile(long blockId) { final Block b = new Block(blockId); File blockfile = null; ActiveFile activefile = ongoingCreates.get(b); if (activefile != null) { blockfile = activefile.file; } if (blockfile == null) { blockfile = getFile(b); } if (blockfile == null) { if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DataNode.LOG.debug("ongoingCreates=" + ongoingCreates); DataNode.LOG.debug("volumeMap=" + volumeMap); } } return blockfile; }