public void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login, String hostname, String msg) { String[] args = msg.split(" "); String cleancmd = args[0]; String message = pmmsg(msg, commandprefix); for (Commands command : cmds) { if (message.startsWith(command.getCommandName())) { command.handleMessage( this, sender, sender, message.replace(command.getCommandName(), "").trim(), args); } } }
private void setEventRequests(VirtualMachine vm) { EventRequestManager erm = vm.eventRequestManager(); // Normally, we want all uncaught exceptions. We request them // via the same mechanism as Commands.commandCatchException() // so the user can ignore them later if they are not // interested. // FIXME: this works but generates spurious messages on stdout // during startup: // Set uncaught java.lang.Throwable // Set deferred uncaught java.lang.Throwable Commands evaluator = new Commands(); evaluator.commandCatchException(new StringTokenizer("uncaught java.lang.Throwable")); ThreadStartRequest tsr = erm.createThreadStartRequest(); tsr.enable(); ThreadDeathRequest tdr = erm.createThreadDeathRequest(); tdr.enable(); }
public void sendObject( Object object, int primitiveTypeID, Commands.ValueObject valueObject, DataOutputStream out, boolean writeAsCommand, boolean flush) throws CommandException { int added = fillInValue(object, primitiveTypeID, valueObject); boolean sent = false; try { Commands.writeValue( out, valueObject, writeAsCommand, flush); // Write it back as a value command. sent = true; } finally { if (!sent) { // Ending due to some problem, so clean up any added objects from the id table. if ((added & OBJECT_ADDED) != 0) server.removeObject(valueObject.objectID); if ((added & CLASS_ADDED) != 0) server.removeObject(valueObject.classID); } } }
/* * @param is * @param exp * * @since 1.1.0 */ private void sendExpressionProxyResolutions( Commands.ValueObject valueObject, final int[] proxyIDs, final ExpressionProcesserController exp) throws CommandException { class ExpressionProxyRetriever implements Commands.ValueRetrieve { int index = 0; Object[] proxyResolution = new Object[2]; Commands.ValueObject worker = new Commands.ValueObject(); public Commands.ValueObject nextValue() { int proxyID = proxyIDs[index++]; if (exp.pullExpressionProxyValue(proxyID, proxyResolution)) { if (proxyResolution[1] != Void.TYPE) { if (((Class) proxyResolution[1]).isPrimitive()) { int returnTypeID = server.getIdentityID(proxyResolution[1]); // Need to tell worker the correct primitive type. fillInValue(proxyResolution[0], returnTypeID, worker); } else { fillInValue(proxyResolution[0], NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, worker); } } else worker.setFlag( ExpressionCommands .EXPRESSIONPROXY_VOIDTYPE); // It was resolved, but to not set due to void type // of expression. } else worker.setFlag(ExpressionCommands.EXPRESSIONPROXY_NOTRESOLVED); // It wasn't resolved. return worker; } }; valueObject.setArrayIDS(new ExpressionProxyRetriever(), proxyIDs.length, Commands.OBJECT_CLASS); Commands.writeValue(out, valueObject, true, false); // Write it back as a value command. }
public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String msg) { String[] args = msg.split(" "); String cleancmd = args[0]; String message = msg.replace(commandprefix, "").toLowerCase(); if (cleancmd.startsWith("?help")) { StringBuilder cmdlist = new StringBuilder(); for (Commands command : cmds) { cmdlist.append("?"); cmdlist.append(command.getCommandName()); cmdlist.append(", "); } this.sendMessage(channel, "Commands: " + cmdlist.toString()); } else if (cleancmd.startsWith(commandprefix)) { for (Commands command : cmds) { if (cleancmd.startsWith(commandprefix + command.getCommandName())) { Files.savelog(this, channel, sender, msg); command.handleMessage( this, channel, sender, message.replace(command.getCommandName(), "").trim(), args); } } } }
public void run(String arg) { if (arg.equals("menus")) { updateMenus(); return; } if (IJ.getApplet() != null) return; URL url = getClass().getResource("/ij/IJ.class"); String ij_jar = url == null ? null : url.toString().replaceAll("%20", " "); if (ij_jar == null || !ij_jar.startsWith("jar:file:")) { error("Could not determine location of ij.jar"); return; } int exclamation = ij_jar.indexOf('!'); ij_jar = ij_jar.substring(9, exclamation); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("Updater (jar loc): " + ij_jar); File file = new File(ij_jar); if (!file.exists()) { error("File not found: " + file.getPath()); return; } if (!file.canWrite()) { String msg = "No write access: " + file.getPath(); error(msg); return; } String[] list = openUrlAsList(IJ.URL + "/download/jars/list.txt"); int count = list.length + 3; String[] versions = new String[count]; String[] urls = new String[count]; String uv = getUpgradeVersion(); if (uv == null) return; versions[0] = "v" + uv; urls[0] = IJ.URL + "/upgrade/ij.jar"; if (versions[0] == null) return; for (int i = 1; i < count - 2; i++) { String version = list[i - 1]; versions[i] = version.substring(0, version.length() - 1); // remove letter urls[i] = IJ.URL + "/download/jars/ij" + version.substring(1, 2) + version.substring(3, 6) + ".jar"; } versions[count - 2] = "daily build"; urls[count - 2] = IJ.URL + "/ij.jar"; versions[count - 1] = "previous"; urls[count - 1] = IJ.URL + "/upgrade/ij2.jar"; int choice = showDialog(versions); if (choice == -1 || !Commands.closeAll()) return; // System.out.println("choice: "+choice); // for (int i=0; i<urls.length; i++) System.out.println(" "+i+" "+urls[i]); byte[] jar = null; if ("daily build".equals(versions[choice]) && notes != null && notes.contains(" </title>")) jar = getJar(""); if (jar == null) jar = getJar(urls[choice]); if (jar == null) { error("Unable to download ij.jar from " + urls[choice]); return; } Prefs.savePreferences(); // System.out.println("saveJar: "+file); saveJar(file, jar); if (choice < count - 2) // force macro Function Finder to download fresh list new File(IJ.getDirectory("macros") + "functions.html").delete(); System.exit(0); }
public void sendException(Throwable e, Commands.ValueObject value, DataOutputStream out) throws CommandException { // Exception ocurred, return a value command with the exception within it. setExceptionIntoValue(e, value); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.THROWABLE_SENT, value); }
/* * @param exp * @param valueObject * @throws CommandException * * @since 1.1.0 */ private void sendNoValueErrorCommand( ExpressionProcesserController exp, Commands.ValueObject valueObject) throws CommandException { setExceptionIntoValue(exp.getErrorThrowable(), valueObject); Commands.sendErrorCommand( out, ExpressionCommands.EXPRESSION_NOEXPRESSIONVALUE_EXCEPTION, valueObject); }
private void processExpressionCommand( Commands.ValueObject valueObject, InvokableValueSender valueSender) throws IOException, CommandException { Integer expressionID = new Integer(in.readInt()); byte cmdType = in.readByte(); ExpressionProcesserController exp = null; switch (cmdType) { case ExpressionCommands.START_EXPRESSION_TREE_PROCESSING: byte trace = in.readByte(); if (trace == ExpressionCommands.TRACE_DEFAULT) exp = new ExpressionProcesserController(server, this); else exp = new ExpressionProcesserController(server, this, trace == ExpressionCommands.TRACE_ON); expressionProcessors.put(expressionID, exp); break; case ExpressionCommands.TRANSFER_EXPRESSION_REQUEST: exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.remove(expressionID); sendObject(exp, NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true); break; case ExpressionCommands.RESUME_EXPRESSION_REQUEST: Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) getInvokableObject(valueObject); expressionProcessors.put(expressionID, exp); break; case ExpressionCommands.PUSH_EXPRESSION: exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID); exp.process(in); break; case ExpressionCommands.SYNC_REQUEST: boolean haveProxies = in.readBoolean(); // See if we expression proxy ids that need to be resolved if (haveProxies) { Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); } exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID); if (haveProxies) sendExpressionProxyResolutions(valueObject, (int[]) valueSender.getArray(), exp); if (exp.noErrors()) { valueObject.set(true); // Mark that all is good. Commands.writeValue(out, valueObject, true, true); } else { processExpressionError(exp, valueObject); } break; case ExpressionCommands.PULL_VALUE_REQUEST: haveProxies = in.readBoolean(); // See if we expression proxy ids that need to be resolved if (haveProxies) { Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); } exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.get(expressionID); if (haveProxies) sendExpressionProxyResolutions(valueObject, (int[]) valueSender.getArray(), exp); if (exp.noErrors()) { try { Object[] pulledValue = exp.pullValue(); // Send back the command code for pull value. Don't flush. We will flush when all done. if (((Class) pulledValue[1]).isPrimitive()) { int returnTypeID = server.getIdentityID(pulledValue[1]); // Need to tell sendObject the correct primitive type. sendObject(pulledValue[0], returnTypeID, valueObject, out, true, true); } else { sendObject( pulledValue[0], NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true, true); // Just send the object back. sendObject knows how to iterpret the type } } catch (NoExpressionValueException e) { sendNoValueErrorCommand(exp, valueObject); } } else processExpressionError(exp, valueObject); break; case ExpressionCommands.END_EXPRESSION_TREE_PROCESSING: exp = (ExpressionProcesserController) expressionProcessors.remove(expressionID); exp.close(); break; } }
/** * Process and loop until told to stop. A callback_done will stop the loop and will return a * result. Otherwise null is returned. */ public Object run() throws CommandException { Object result = null; boolean shutdown = false; boolean closeWhenDone = true; Commands.ValueObject valueObject = new Commands.ValueObject(); // Working value object so not continually recreated. InvokableValueSender valueSender = new InvokableValueSender(); // Working valuesender so not continually recreated. try { boolean doLoop = true; /** * Note: In the cases below you will see a lot of finally clauses that null variables out. * This is because this is a long running loop, and variables declared within blocks are not * garbage collected until the method is terminated, so these variables once set would never * be GC'd. The nulling at the end of the case makes sure that any of those objects set are * now available for garbage collection when necessary. */ while (doLoop && isConnected()) { byte cmd = 0; try { if (LINUX_1_3) socket.setSoTimeout(1000); // Linux 1.3 bug, see comment on LINUX_1_3 cmd = in.readByte(); if (LINUX_1_3 && isConnected()) socket.setSoTimeout(0); // Linux 1.3 bug, see comment on LINUX_1_3 } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { continue; // Timeout, try again } switch (cmd) { case Commands.QUIT_CONNECTION: doLoop = false; break; // Close this connection case Commands.TERMINATE_SERVER: doLoop = false; shutdown = true; // Shutdown everything break; case Commands.GET_CLASS: String className = in.readUTF(); Class aClass = null; Class superClass = null; String superClassName = null; boolean added = false; try { aClass = Class.forName( className); // Turns out using JNI format for array type will work fine. added = server.getIdentityID(aClass, valueObject); boolean isInterface = aClass.isInterface(); boolean isAbstract = java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isAbstract(aClass.getModifiers()); superClass = aClass.getSuperclass(); superClassName = (superClass != null) ? superClass.getName() : ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ out.writeByte(Commands.GET_CLASS_RETURN); out.writeInt(valueObject.objectID); out.writeBoolean(isInterface); out.writeBoolean(isAbstract); out.writeUTF(superClassName); out.flush(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.GET_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, valueObject); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { sendException(e.getException(), valueObject, out); } catch (LinkageError e) { sendException(e, valueObject, out); } catch (Throwable e) { // Something bad, did we add a class? If we did remove it from the table. if (added) server.removeObject(server.getObject(valueObject.objectID)); throw e; } finally { // clear out for GC to work. className = null; aClass = null; superClass = null; superClassName = null; valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.GET_CLASS_FROM_ID: int classID = in.readInt(); try { aClass = (Class) server.getObject(classID); boolean isInterface = aClass.isInterface(); boolean isAbstract = java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isAbstract(aClass.getModifiers()); superClass = aClass.getSuperclass(); superClassName = (superClass != null) ? superClass.getName() : ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ out.writeByte(Commands.GET_CLASS_ID_RETURN); out.writeUTF(aClass.getName()); out.writeBoolean(isInterface); out.writeBoolean(isAbstract); out.writeUTF(superClassName); out.flush(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION, valueObject); } finally { // clear out for GC to work. aClass = null; superClass = null; superClassName = null; valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.GET_OBJECT_DATA: int objectID = in.readInt(); Object anObject = null; try { anObject = server.getObject(objectID); valueObject.setObjectID(objectID, server.getIdentityID(anObject.getClass())); Commands.writeValue(out, valueObject, true); } catch (ClassCastException e) { valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION, valueObject); } finally { anObject = null; // Clear out for GC to work valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.RELEASE_OBJECT: int id = in.readInt(); server.removeObject(server.getObject(id)); break; case Commands.NEW_INIT_STRING: classID = in.readInt(); // ID Of class to do new upon. String initString = in.readUTF(); // The init string. Object newValue = null; Class theClass = null; try { theClass = (Class) server.getObject(classID); if (theClass == null) { // The class wasn't found. So imply ClassNotFound exception. throw new ClassNotFoundException(); } InitializationStringParser parser = null; try { parser = InitializationStringParser.createParser(initString); newValue = parser.evaluate(); boolean primitive = parser.isPrimitive(); // If expected class is Void.TYPE, that means don't test the type of the result // to verify if correct type, just return what it really is. if (theClass != Void.TYPE && primitive != theClass.isPrimitive()) { valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION, valueObject); continue; // Goto next command. } if (primitive) { try { // Need to do special tests for compatibility and assignment. sendObject( newValue, classID != Commands.VOID_TYPE ? classID : server.getIdentityID(parser.getExpectedType()), valueObject, out, true); // This will make sure it goes out as the correct primitive type } catch (ClassCastException e) { // The returned type is not of the correct type for what is expected. valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION, valueObject); continue; // Goto next command } } else { if (newValue != null) { // Test to see if they are compatible. (Null can be assigned to any object, // so that is why it was tested out above). // If expected class is Void.TYPE, that means don't test the type of the result // to verify if correct type, just return what it really is. if (theClass != Void.TYPE && !theClass.isInstance(newValue)) { // The returned type is not of the correct type for what is expected. valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION, valueObject); continue; // Goto next command } } sendObject( newValue, NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true); // Send out as an object. } } catch (InitializationStringEvaluationException e) { if (e instanceof EvaluationException) { // Want to return the real exception. sendException(e.getOriginalException(), valueObject, out); } else { // Couldn't be evaluated, return an error for this. setExceptionIntoValue(e.getOriginalException(), valueObject); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.CANNOT_EVALUATE_STRING, valueObject); } } finally { parser = null; // Clear out for GC to work } } catch (Throwable e) { sendException(e, valueObject, out); } finally { // Clear out for GC to work initString = null; theClass = null; newValue = null; valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.INVOKE: Object target = null; Object[] parms = null; Class returnType = null; java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod = null; try { int methodID = in.readInt(); // ID of method to invoke aMethod = (java.lang.reflect.Method) server.getObject(methodID); // Method to invoke Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); target = getInvokableObject(valueObject); Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); if (valueObject.type == Commands.ARRAY_IDS) { // It is an array containing IDs, as it normally would be. valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); parms = (Object[]) valueSender.getArray(); } else { // It is all objects or null, so it should be an Object[] or null. If not, then this // is an error. parms = (Object[]) valueObject.anObject; } if (!aMethod.isAccessible()) aMethod.setAccessible( true); // We will allow all to occur. Let access control be handled by IDE and // compiler. newValue = aMethod.invoke(target, parms); returnType = aMethod.getReturnType(); if (returnType.isPrimitive()) { int returnTypeID = server.getIdentityID(returnType); // Need to tell sendObject the correct primitive type. sendObject(newValue, returnTypeID, valueObject, out, true); } else { sendObject( newValue, NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true); // Just send the object back. sendObject knows how to iterpret the type } } catch (CommandException e) { throw e; // Throw it again. These we don't want to come up as an exception proxy. // These should end the thread. } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { // This is a wrappered exception. Return the wrappered one so it looks like // it was the real one. (Sometimes the method being invoked is on a // java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance, // which in turn is an InvocationTargetException, so we will go until we don't have an // InvocationTargetException. Throwable t = e; do { t = ((java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); } while (t instanceof java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException); sendException(t, valueObject, out); } catch (Throwable e) { sendException(e, valueObject, out); // Turn it into a exception proxy on the client. } finally { // Clear out for GC to work valueObject.set(); parms = null; target = null; aMethod = null; returnType = null; newValue = null; valueSender.clear(); } break; case Commands.INVOKE_WITH_METHOD_PASSED: aClass = null; String methodName = null; Class[] parmTypes = null; target = null; parms = null; returnType = null; aMethod = null; try { Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); aClass = (Class) getInvokableObject(valueObject); // The class that has the method. methodName = in.readUTF(); Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); if (valueObject.type == Commands.ARRAY_IDS) { // It is an array containing IDs, as it normally would be. valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); parmTypes = (Class[]) valueSender.getArray(); } else { // It null, so it should be an null. If not, then this is an error. parmTypes = null; } aMethod = aClass.getMethod(methodName, parmTypes); // Now we get the info for the invocation of the method and execute it. Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); target = getInvokableObject(valueObject); Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); if (valueObject.type == Commands.ARRAY_IDS) { // It is an array containing IDs, as it normally would be. valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); parms = (Object[]) valueSender.getArray(); } else { // It is all objects or null, so it should be an Object[] or null. If not, then this // is an error. parms = (Object[]) valueObject.anObject; } if (!aMethod.isAccessible()) aMethod.setAccessible( true); // We will allow all to occur. Let access control be handled by IDE and // compiler. newValue = aMethod.invoke(target, parms); returnType = aMethod.getReturnType(); if (returnType.isPrimitive()) { int returnTypeID = server.getIdentityID(returnType); // Need to tell sendObject the correct primitive type. sendObject(newValue, returnTypeID, valueObject, out, true); } else { sendObject( newValue, NOT_A_PRIMITIVE, valueObject, out, true); // Just send the object back. sendObject knows how to iterpret the type } } catch (CommandException e) { throw e; // Throw it again. These we don't want to come up as an exception proxy. // These should end the thread. } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { // This is a wrappered exception. Return the wrappered one so it looks like // it was the real one. (Sometimes the method being invoked is on a // java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance, // which in turn is an InvocationTargetException, so we will go until we don't have an // InvocationTargetException. Throwable t = e; do { t = ((java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); } while (t instanceof java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException); sendException(t, valueObject, out); } catch (Throwable e) { sendException(e, valueObject, out); // Turn it into a exception proxy on the client. } finally { aClass = null; methodName = null; parmTypes = null; // Clear out for GC to work valueObject.set(); parms = null; target = null; aMethod = null; returnType = null; newValue = null; valueSender.clear(); } break; case Commands.GET_ARRAY_CONTENTS: try { target = server.getObject(in.readInt()); // Array to get the ids for. valueObject.setArrayIDS( new ArrayContentsRetriever(target), Array.getLength(target), Commands.OBJECT_CLASS); Commands.writeValue(out, valueObject, true); // Write it back as a value command. } catch (CommandException e) { throw e; // Throw it again. These we don't want to come up as an exception proxy. // These should end the thread. } catch (Throwable e) { sendException(e, valueObject, out); // Turn it into a exception proxy on the client. } finally { target = null; valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.CALLBACK_DONE: try { if (connectionThread != null) { valueObject.set(); Commands.sendErrorCommand(out, Commands.UNKNOWN_COMMAND_SENT, valueObject); } else { try { Commands.readBackValue(in, valueObject, Commands.NO_TYPE_CHECK); if (valueObject.type == Commands.ARRAY_IDS) { // It is an array containing IDs, as it normally would be. valueSender.initialize(valueObject); Commands.readArray(in, valueObject.anInt, valueSender, valueObject, false); result = valueSender.getArray(); } else { result = getInvokableObject(valueObject); } doLoop = false; // We need to terminate and return result closeWhenDone = false; // Don't close, we will continue. } catch (CommandErrorException e) { // There was an command error on the other side. This means // connection still good, but don't continue the callback processing. doLoop = false; // We need to terminate and return result closeWhenDone = false; // Don't close, we will continue. throw e; // Let it go on out. } } } finally { valueObject.set(); valueSender.clear(); } break; case Commands.ERROR: try { // Got an error command. Don't know what to do but read the // value and simply print it out. Commands.readValue(in, valueObject); result = getInvokableObject(valueObject); System.out.println("Error sent to server: Result=" + result); // $NON-NLS-1$ } finally { valueObject.set(); } break; case Commands.EXPRESSION_TREE_COMMAND: try { processExpressionCommand(valueObject, valueSender); } finally { valueObject.set(); valueSender.clear(); } break; default: // Unknown command. We don't know how long it is, so we need to shut the connection // down. System.err.println("Error: Invalid cmd send to server: Cmd=" + cmd); // $NON-NLS-1$ doLoop = false; closeWhenDone = true; break; } } } catch (EOFException e) { // This is ok. It means that the connection on the other side was terminated. // So just accept this and go down. } catch (CommandException e) { throw e; } catch (SocketException e) { if (socket != null) throw new UnexpectedExceptionCommandException( false, e); // socket null means a valid close request } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (closeWhenDone) { try { for (Iterator itr = expressionProcessors.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { ExpressionProcesserController exp = (ExpressionProcesserController); exp.close(); } } finally { expressionProcessors.clear(); } if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } in = null; if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } out = null; close(); } } if (closeWhenDone && connectionThread != null) server.removeConnectionThread(connectionThread); if (shutdown) server.requestShutdown(); return result; }
public static void main(String argv[]) throws MissingResourceException { redirectOutMessage(); String cmdLine = ""; String javaArgs = ""; int traceFlags = VirtualMachine.TRACE_NONE; boolean launchImmediately = false; String connectSpec = null; MessageOutput.textResources = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "", Locale.getDefault()); for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { String token = argv[i]; if (token.equals("-dbgtrace")) { if ((i == argv.length - 1) || !Character.isDigit(argv[i + 1].charAt(0))) { traceFlags = VirtualMachine.TRACE_ALL; } else { String flagStr = ""; try { flagStr = argv[++i]; traceFlags = Integer.decode(flagStr).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { usageError("dbgtrace flag value must be an integer:", flagStr); return; } } } else if (token.equals("-X")) { usageError("Use java minus X to see"); return; } else if ( // Standard VM options passed on token.equals("-v") || token.startsWith("-v:") || // -v[:...] token.startsWith("-verbose") || // -verbose[:...] token.startsWith("-D") || // -classpath handled below // NonStandard options passed on token.startsWith("-X") || // Old-style options (These should remain in place as long as // the standard VM accepts them) token.equals("-noasyncgc") || token.equals("-prof") || token.equals("-verify") || token.equals("-noverify") || token.equals("-verifyremote") || token.equals("-verbosegc") || token.startsWith("-ms") || token.startsWith("-mx") || token.startsWith("-ss") || token.startsWith("-oss")) { javaArgs = addArgument(javaArgs, token); } else if (token.equals("-tclassic")) { usageError("Classic VM no longer supported."); return; } else if (token.equals("-tclient")) { // -client must be the first one javaArgs = "-client " + javaArgs; } else if (token.equals("-tserver")) { // -server must be the first one javaArgs = "-server " + javaArgs; } else if (token.equals("-sourcepath")) { if (i == (argv.length - 1)) { usageError("No sourcepath specified."); return; } Env.setSourcePath(argv[++i]); } else if (token.equals("-classpath")) { if (i == (argv.length - 1)) { usageError("No classpath specified."); return; } javaArgs = addArgument(javaArgs, token); javaArgs = addArgument(javaArgs, argv[++i]); } else if (token.equals("-attach")) { if (connectSpec != null) { usageError("cannot redefine existing connection", token); return; } if (i == (argv.length - 1)) { usageError("No attach address specified."); return; } String address = argv[++i]; /* * -attach is shorthand for one of the reference implementation's * attaching connectors. Use the shared memory attach if it's * available; otherwise, use sockets. Build a connect * specification string based on this decision. */ if (supportsSharedMemory()) { connectSpec = "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryAttach:name=" + address; } else { String suboptions = addressToSocketArgs(address); connectSpec = "com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:" + suboptions; } } else if (token.equals("-listen") || token.equals("-listenany")) { if (connectSpec != null) { usageError("cannot redefine existing connection", token); return; } String address = null; if (token.equals("-listen")) { if (i == (argv.length - 1)) { usageError("No attach address specified."); return; } address = argv[++i]; } /* * -listen[any] is shorthand for one of the reference implementation's * listening connectors. Use the shared memory listen if it's * available; otherwise, use sockets. Build a connect * specification string based on this decision. */ if (supportsSharedMemory()) { connectSpec = "com.sun.jdi.SharedMemoryListen:"; if (address != null) { connectSpec += ("name=" + address); } } else { connectSpec = "com.sun.jdi.SocketListen:"; if (address != null) { connectSpec += addressToSocketArgs(address); } } } else if (token.equals("-launch")) { launchImmediately = true; } else if (token.equals("-listconnectors")) { Commands evaluator = new Commands(); evaluator.commandConnectors(Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager()); return; } else if (token.equals("-connect")) { /* * -connect allows the user to pick the connector * used in bringing up the target VM. This allows * use of connectors other than those in the reference * implementation. */ if (connectSpec != null) { usageError("cannot redefine existing connection", token); return; } if (i == (argv.length - 1)) { usageError("No connect specification."); return; } connectSpec = argv[++i]; } else if (token.equals("-help")) { usage(); } else if (token.equals("-version")) { Commands evaluator = new Commands(); evaluator.commandVersion(progname, Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager()); System.exit(0); } else if (token.startsWith("-")) { usageError("invalid option", token); return; } else { // Everything from here is part of the command line cmdLine = addArgument("", token); for (i++; i < argv.length; i++) { cmdLine = addArgument(cmdLine, argv[i]); } break; } } /* * Unless otherwise specified, set the default connect spec. */ /* * Here are examples of jdb command lines and how the options * are interpreted as arguments to the program being debugged. * arg1 arg2 * ---- ---- * jdb hello a b a b * jdb hello "a b" a b * jdb hello a,b a,b * jdb hello a, b a, b * jdb hello "a, b" a, b * jdb -connect "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello a,b" illegal * jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello "a,b" illegal * jdb -connect 'com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello "a,b"' arg1 = a,b * jdb -connect 'com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello "a b"' arg1 = a b * jdb -connect 'com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello a b' arg1 = a arg2 = b * jdb -connect 'com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:main=hello "a," b' arg1 = a, arg2 = b */ if (connectSpec == null) { connectSpec = "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:"; } else if (!connectSpec.endsWith(",") && !connectSpec.endsWith(":")) { connectSpec += ","; // (Bug ID 4285874) } cmdLine = cmdLine.trim(); javaArgs = javaArgs.trim(); if (cmdLine.length() > 0) { if (!connectSpec.startsWith("com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:")) { usageError("Cannot specify command line with connector:", connectSpec); return; } connectSpec += "main=" + cmdLine + ","; } if (javaArgs.length() > 0) { if (!connectSpec.startsWith("com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:")) { usageError("Cannot specify target vm arguments with connector:", connectSpec); return; } connectSpec += "options=" + javaArgs + ","; } try { if (!connectSpec.endsWith(",")) { connectSpec += ","; // (Bug ID 4285874) } Env.init(connectSpec, launchImmediately, traceFlags); new ThreadDumper(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageOutput.printException("Internal exception:", e); } }