/** Draws the edge structure of the tree */
 public void drawEdges(Graphics2D gg) {
   Enumeration nodeList = argument.getBreadthFirstTraversal().elements();
   // For each vertex...
   while (nodeList.hasMoreElements()) {
     // Get its edge list...
     TreeVertex vertex = (TreeVertex) nodeList.nextElement();
     Enumeration edges = vertex.getEdgeList().elements();
     // For each edge in the list...
     while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
       TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
       // If we have several vertices on layer 0, only draw
       // edges for layers below that
       if (!(argument.isMultiRoots() && vertex.getLayer() == 0)) {
         // If the edge has been selected with the mouse,
         // use a thick line
         if (edge.isSelected()) {
         // If we used a thick line, reset the stroke to normal
         // line for next edge.
         if (edge.isSelected()) {
         TreeVertex edgeSource = edge.getDestVertex();
Example #2
 public String getInfo() {
   String info = "Edges: ";
   Enumeration edges = m_edgeList.elements();
   while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
     info += edge.getSourceVertex().getLabel() + " => " + edge.getDestVertex().getLabel() + "; ";
   return info;
Example #3
 private void recurseSelectEdges(TreeVertex root) {
   Vector edges = root.getEdgeList();
   for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.elementAt(i);
     TreeVertex dest = edge.getDestVertex();
     if (m_vertexList.contains(dest)) {
Example #4
 /** Determines if this subtree contains the given vertex */
 public boolean containsTreeVertex(TreeVertex vertex) {
   if (vertex == null) return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < m_vertexList.size(); i++) {
     if ((TreeVertex) m_vertexList.elementAt(i) == vertex) return true;
   for (int i = 0; i < m_edgeList.size(); i++) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) m_edgeList.elementAt(i);
     if (edge.getSourceVertex() == vertex || edge.getDestVertex() == vertex) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #5
  * Fills a SubtreeFrame with info about the subtree. Used to display info when user right clicks
  * on an existing subtree.
 public void buildSubtreeFrame(SubtreeFrame sFrame) {
   // Clear visited flag on all vertices in the tree
   // and determine the layer number of the root node
   int highestLayer = 100;
   Enumeration edges = m_edgeList.elements();
   while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
     if (edge.getSourceVertex().getLayer() < highestLayer) {
       highestLayer = edge.getSourceVertex().getLayer();
   // Create list of premises and conclusion and assign
   // to text areas in the dialog
   Vector premiseList = new Vector();
   String conclusion = "";
   String criticalQuestions = "";
   edges = m_edgeList.elements();
   while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
     TreeVertex source = edge.getSourceVertex();
     TreeVertex dest = edge.getDestVertex();
     if (!source.getVisited()) {
       if (source.getLayer() == highestLayer) {
         conclusion += (String) source.getLabel();
       } else {
         premiseList.add((String) source.getLabel());
     if (!dest.getVisited()) {
       premiseList.add((String) dest.getLabel());
   // Assign the correct argument type to the combo box
   for (int index = 0; index < sFrame.selectArgumentCombo.getItemCount(); index++) {
     if (m_argumentType.getName().equals(sFrame.selectArgumentCombo.getItemAt(index))) {
   // Construct list of critical questions
   //    Enumeration quesList = m_argumentType.getCriticalQuestions().elements();
   //    while (quesList.hasMoreElements()) {
   //      criticalQuestions += (String)quesList.nextElement() +
   //          "\r\n _____________________________ \r\n";
   //   }
Example #6
 /** Build a shape for the entire subtree by joining together the shapes for each of its edges. */
 public Shape constructShape(DiagramBase diagram) {
   GeneralPath shape = new GeneralPath();
   Enumeration edges = m_edgeList.elements();
   while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
     if (!edge.visible) {
     Shape edgeShape = edge.getSchemeShape(diagram);
     PathIterator path = edgeShape.getPathIterator(null);
     shape.append(path, false);
   BasicStroke stroke =
       new BasicStroke(
           diagram.getSubtreeLineWidth(), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER);
   shapeTable.put(diagram, stroke.createStrokedShape(shape));
   return (Shape) shapeTable.get(diagram);
Example #7
   * Build a shape for the entire subtree by joining together the shapes for each of its edges.
   * Vertices included since needed for FullTextPanel.
  public Shape constructInternalShape(DiagramBase diagram, boolean includeVertices) {
    GeneralPath shape = new GeneralPath();
    Enumeration edges = m_edgeList.elements();
    while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
      TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
      Shape edgeShape = edge.getSchemeShape(diagram);
      PathIterator path = edgeShape.getPathIterator(null);
      shape.append(path, false);

      if (includeVertices) {
        Shape vertexShape;
        if (!edge.getSourceVertex().isVirtual()) {
          vertexShape = edge.getSourceVertex().getShape(diagram);
          path = vertexShape.getPathIterator(null);
          shape.append(path, false);
        if (!edge.getDestVertex().isVirtual()) {
          vertexShape = edge.getDestVertex().getShape(diagram);
          path = vertexShape.getPathIterator(null);
          shape.append(path, false);
    BasicStroke stroke =
        new BasicStroke(
            diagram.getSubtreeLineWidth() - DiagramBase.EDGE_OUTLINE_WIDTH + 1,
    internalShapeTable.put(diagram, stroke.createStrokedShape(shape));
    return (Shape) internalShapeTable.get(diagram);
  * Creates a line of width EDGE_SELECT_WIDTH for each edge
  * and tests if mouse click was in that Shape's boundary.
  * Returns the edge if one was selected, null otherwise.
 public TreeEdge testEdgeShapes(MouseEvent event) {
   if (argument == null || argument.getTree() == null) return null;
   double x = event.getX();
   double y = event.getY();
   BasicStroke edgeWidth = new BasicStroke(EDGE_SELECT_WIDTH);
   if (argument.getBreadthFirstTraversal() == null) return null;
   Enumeration nodeList = argument.getBreadthFirstTraversal().elements();
   while (nodeList.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeVertex vertex = (TreeVertex) nodeList.nextElement();
     if (argument.isMultiRoots() && vertex.getLayer() == 0) continue;
     Enumeration edges = vertex.getEdgeList().elements();
     while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
       TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
       Shape shape = edge.getShape(this);
       Shape wideEdge = edgeWidth.createStrokedShape(shape);
       TreeVertex child = edge.getDestVertex();
       if (wideEdge.contains(x, y)) {
         return edge;
   return null;
Example #9
 /** Build a shape for the entire subtree by joining together the shapes for each of its edges. */
 public Shape constructFullTextShape(DiagramBase diagram) {
   GeneralPath shape = new GeneralPath();
   Enumeration edges = m_edgeList.elements();
   while (edges.hasMoreElements()) {
     TreeEdge edge = (TreeEdge) edges.nextElement();
     if (!edge.visible) {
     Shape edgeShape = edge.getSchemeShape(diagram);
     PathIterator path = edgeShape.getPathIterator(null);
     shape.append(path, false);
     TreeVertex vertex = edge.getSourceVertex();
     if (!vertex.isVirtual()) {
       shape.append(vertex.getShape(diagram).getPathIterator(null), false);
     vertex = edge.getDestVertex();
     if (!vertex.isVirtual()) {
       shape.append(vertex.getShape(diagram).getPathIterator(null), false);
   BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(20, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER);
   shapeTable.put(diagram, stroke.createStrokedShape(shape));
   return (Shape) shapeTable.get(diagram);