public static void createDirectories() { final String[] dirs = { Paths.getHomeDirectory(), Paths.getLogsDirectory(), Paths.getCacheDirectory(), Paths.getSettingsDirectory(), Paths.getScriptsDirectory(), Paths.getScriptsSourcesDirectory(), Paths.getScriptsPrecompiledDirectory(), Paths.getScriptsNetworkDirectory(), }; for (final String name : dirs) { final File dir = new File(name); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { dir.mkdirs(); } } if (Configuration.getCurrentOperatingSystem() == Configuration.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS) { try { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec( "attrib +H \"" + new File(Paths.getScriptsNetworkDirectory()).getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } catch (final IOException ignored) { } } }
public static String getAccountsFile() { final String path; if (Configuration.getCurrentOperatingSystem() == OperatingSystem.WINDOWS) { path = System.getenv("APPDATA") + File.separator + Configuration.NAME + "_Accounts.ini"; } else { path = Paths.getUnixHome() + File.separator + "." + Configuration.NAME_LOWERCASE + "acct"; } return path; }
private void laden(Path saveName) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(saveName.toString()); prop.load(in); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("quellMenu%d", i)); i++) quellListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))))); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("zielMenu%d", i)); i++) zielListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))))); in.close(); }
private ArrayList<Path> holeLaufwerkeUnix() { ArrayList<Path> laufwerksRoot = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileStore store : FileSystems.getDefault().getFileStores()) { if ("/dev/sd")) { laufwerksRoot.add( Paths.get(store.toString().substring(0, store.toString().indexOf(' ')))); } } return laufwerksRoot; }
public static String getHomeDirectory() { final String env = System.getenv(Configuration.NAME.toUpperCase() + "_HOME"); if (env == null || env.isEmpty()) { return (Configuration.getCurrentOperatingSystem() == OperatingSystem.WINDOWS ? FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getDefaultDirectory().getAbsolutePath() : Paths.getUnixHome()) + File.separator + Configuration.NAME; } else { return env; } }
private int getNumberOfItems(Path quellOrdner) { int retValue = 0; try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { if (Files.isDirectory(qfile)) { getNumberOfItems(Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } i++; } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } retValue = i; return retValue; }
public static void registerLogging() { final Properties logging = new Properties(); final String logFormatter = LogFormatter.class.getCanonicalName(); final String fileHandler = FileHandler.class.getCanonicalName(); logging.setProperty( "handlers", TextAreaLogHandler.class.getCanonicalName() + "," + fileHandler); logging.setProperty(".level", "INFO"); logging.setProperty(SystemConsoleHandler.class.getCanonicalName() + ".formatter", logFormatter); logging.setProperty(fileHandler + ".formatter", logFormatter); logging.setProperty(TextAreaLogHandler.class.getCanonicalName() + ".formatter", logFormatter); logging.setProperty( fileHandler + ".pattern", Paths.getLogsDirectory() + File.separator + "%u.%g.log"); logging.setProperty(fileHandler + ".count", "10"); final ByteArrayOutputStream logout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try {, ""); LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(new ByteArrayInputStream(logout.toByteArray())); } catch (final Exception ignored) { } }
public static String getCacheDirectory() { return Paths.getHomeDirectory() + File.separator + "Cache"; }
public void cnpStart(Path quellOrdner, Path zielOrdner) { try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { Path target = Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()); if (abbruch) break; if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && !Files.exists(target)) { Files.createDirectory(target); textArea.append("Verzeichnis: " + qfile + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } else if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append("Wechsle in Verzeichnis: " + qfile + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } // Wenn die Datei noch nicht existiert else if (!Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } // Wenn Datei im Zielverzeichnis schon existiert else if (Files.exists(target)) { if (cAUeSchr) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wird absolut überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else if (cUeSchr) { if (checkAlter( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()))) { textArea.append( target.toString() + " wird mit neuer Datei überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else { textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } } else textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } pbCounter++; progressBar.setValue(pbCounter); } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static String getPathCache() { return Paths.getSettingsDirectory() + File.separator + "path.txt"; }
/** @author micha */ public class CopyWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ListSelectionListener, WindowListener, ItemListener, ChangeListener { private boolean cUeSchr, cAUeSchr, abbruch; private JButton btnQAuswahl, btnZAuswahl, btnQEntfernen, btnZEntfernen, btnSync, btnAbbruch, btnBackup; private JList<ListItem> quellJList, zielJList; private DefaultListModel<ListItem> quellListModel, zielListModel; private JScrollPane listBoxScroller, listBoxScroller2, textAreaScroller; private Path saveName = Paths.get("Synchros.conf"), neuesLaufwerk; private JLabel quellLabel, zielLabel; private JRadioButton nUebSchr, aUeSchr, ueSchr; private JPanel optionPanel, fcPanel, syncPanel, logPanel, mainPanel; private JProgressBar progressBar; private Thread u, t; private JTextArea textArea; /** */ public CopyWindow() { initializeComponents(); } private void initializeComponents() { this.setTitle("Synchro - Kopierassistent"); this.setBounds(0, 0, 550, 600); this.setResizable(true); this.setLayout(null); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); this.addWindowListener(this); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setBounds(0, 0, this.getWidth() - 20, 25); // fcPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); mainPanel.setLayout(null); btnBackup = new JButton("Backup"); btnBackup.setBounds(this.getWidth() / 2, 0, this.getWidth() / 2 - 20, mainPanel.getHeight()); btnBackup.addActionListener(this); mainPanel.add(btnBackup); this.add(mainPanel); fcPanel = new JPanel(); fcPanel.setBounds(10, 40, this.getWidth(), 260); // fcPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); fcPanel.setLayout(null); quellLabel = new JLabel("Bitte Quellverzeichnis auswählen"); quellLabel.setBounds(10, 5, 320, 20); fcPanel.add(quellLabel); quellListModel = new DefaultListModel<>(); quellJList = new JList<ListItem>(quellListModel); quellJList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); quellJList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); quellJList.addListSelectionListener(this); listBoxScroller = new JScrollPane(quellJList); listBoxScroller.setBounds(0, 30, 315, 100); fcPanel.add(listBoxScroller); btnQAuswahl = new JButton("Quellverz. hinzufügen"); btnQAuswahl.setBounds(320, 30, 200, 25); btnQAuswahl.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnQAuswahl); btnQEntfernen = new JButton("Quellverz. entfernen"); btnQEntfernen.setBounds(320, 60, 200, 25); btnQEntfernen.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnQEntfernen); zielLabel = new JLabel("Bitte Zielverzeichnis auswählen"); zielLabel.setBounds(10, 135, 320, 20); fcPanel.add(zielLabel); zielListModel = new DefaultListModel<>(); zielJList = new JList<ListItem>(zielListModel); zielJList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); zielJList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); zielJList.addListSelectionListener(this); listBoxScroller2 = new JScrollPane(zielJList); listBoxScroller2.setBounds(0, 160, 315, 100); fcPanel.add(listBoxScroller2); btnZAuswahl = new JButton("Zielverz. hinzufügen"); btnZAuswahl.setBounds(320, 160, 200, 25); btnZAuswahl.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnZAuswahl); btnZEntfernen = new JButton("Zielverz. entfernen"); btnZEntfernen.setBounds(320, 190, 200, 25); btnZEntfernen.addActionListener(this); fcPanel.add(btnZEntfernen); this.add(fcPanel); ButtonGroup bGrp = new ButtonGroup(); optionPanel = new JPanel(); optionPanel.setBounds(10, 300 + 10, this.getWidth() - 40, 90); optionPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.getWidth() - 40, 90)); // optionPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); optionPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); nUebSchr = new JRadioButton("Keine Dateien überschreiben"); nUebSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(nUebSchr); optionPanel.add(nUebSchr); ueSchr = new JRadioButton("Neuere Dateien überschreiben"); ueSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(ueSchr); optionPanel.add(ueSchr); aUeSchr = new JRadioButton("Alle Dateien überschreiben"); aUeSchr.addItemListener(this); bGrp.add(aUeSchr); optionPanel.add(aUeSchr); this.add(optionPanel); syncPanel = new JPanel(); syncPanel.setBounds( 10, optionPanel.getY() + optionPanel.getHeight() + 10, this.getWidth() - 30, 25); // syncPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); syncPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); btnSync = new JButton("Sync it!"); btnSync.setBounds(0, 0, 150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3)); btnSync.addActionListener(this); btnSync.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnSync.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); syncPanel.add(btnSync, BorderLayout.LINE_START); btnAbbruch = new JButton("Abbrechen"); btnAbbruch.setBounds(0, 0, 150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3)); btnAbbruch.addActionListener(this); btnAbbruch.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnAbbruch.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(150, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); btnAbbruch.setVisible(false); syncPanel.add(btnAbbruch, BorderLayout.LINE_END); progressBar = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL); progressBar.setBorderPainted(true); progressBar.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, (syncPanel.getHeight() / 3))); progressBar.setForeground(Color.RED); progressBar.setStringPainted(true); progressBar.setVisible(true); syncPanel.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(syncPanel); logPanel = new JPanel(); logPanel.setBounds( 10, syncPanel.getY() + syncPanel.getHeight() + 10, this.getWidth() - 30, 105); logPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setMargin(new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3)); textArea.setBackground(; textArea.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); textArea.setAutoscrolls(true); textArea.setFocusable(false); textAreaScroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) textArea.getCaret(); caret.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE); textAreaScroller.setBounds(0, 0, syncPanel.getWidth(), 50); logPanel.add(textAreaScroller, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(logPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } private void initFrame() { this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); try { if (!Files.exists(saveName)) Files.createFile(saveName); laden(saveName); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } nUebSchr.setSelected(true); if (!quellListModel.isEmpty()) quellJList.setSelectedIndex(0); if (!zielListModel.isEmpty()) zielJList.setSelectedIndex(0); starteLaufwerkspruefung(); } private void starteLaufwerkspruefung() { u = new Thread(new laufwerksPruefung()); u.setDaemon(true); u.start(); } /** */ public void Show() { initFrame(); this.setVisible(true); } public void visible() { this.setVisible(true); } public void invisible() { this.setVisible(false); } /** */ public Path dateiAuswählen() { JFileChooser fc1 = new JFileChooser(); fc1.setDialogTitle("SyncOrdner auswählen"); fc1.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (fc1.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return fc1.getSelectedFile().toPath(); else return null; } public Path dateiAuswählen(Path neuesLaufwerk) { JFileChooser fc1 = new JFileChooser(); fc1.setDialogTitle("SyncOrdner auswählen"); fc1.setCurrentDirectory(neuesLaufwerk.toFile()); fc1.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (fc1.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return fc1.getSelectedFile().toPath(); else return null; } private void neuesLaufwerkDialog() { Object[] options = {"Quell", "Ziel", "Abbruch"}; System.out.println("windowClosing()"); int retValue = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( null, "Neues Laufwerk wurde gefunden. Soll es eingebunden werden?", "Laufwerk endeckt", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[2]); if (retValue == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION || retValue == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) return; else if (retValue == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) addQListBoxEintrag(dateiAuswählen(neuesLaufwerk)); else if (retValue == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) addZListBoxEintrag(dateiAuswählen(neuesLaufwerk)); } private void addQListBoxEintrag(Path quellOrdner) { if (quellOrdner == null) return; quellListModel.addElement(new ListItem(quellOrdner, quellOrdner)); quellJList.setSelectedIndex(quellListModel.getSize() - 1); } private void subQListBoxEintrag() { if (quellJList.getSelectedIndex() < 0) return; else quellListModel.remove(quellJList.getSelectedIndex()); if (quellListModel.getSize() > 0) quellJList.setSelectedIndex(quellListModel.getSize() - 1); } /** */ private void addZListBoxEintrag(Path zielOrdner) { if (zielOrdner == null) return; zielListModel.addElement(new ListItem(zielOrdner, zielOrdner.toString())); zielJList.setSelectedIndex(zielListModel.getSize() - 1); } private void subZListBoxEintrag() { if (zielJList.getSelectedIndex() < 0) return; else zielListModel.remove(zielJList.getSelectedIndex()); if (zielListModel.getSize() > 0) zielJList.setSelectedIndex(zielListModel.getSize() - 1); } private void speichern(Path saveName) { Properties prop = new Properties(); if (!quellListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < quellListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("quellMenu%d", i), quellListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); if (!zielListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < zielListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("zielMenu%d", i), zielListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(saveName.toString());, null); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void laden(Path saveName) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(saveName.toString()); prop.load(in); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("quellMenu%d", i)); i++) quellListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))))); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("zielMenu%d", i)); i++) zielListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))))); in.close(); } public void checkUeberSchreib() { if (ueSchr.isSelected()) { cUeSchr = true; cAUeSchr = false; } else if (aUeSchr.isSelected()) { cUeSchr = false; cAUeSchr = true; } else if (nUebSchr.isSelected()) { cUeSchr = false; cAUeSchr = false; } } private boolean checkAlter(Path quellDatei, Path zielDatei) { boolean retValue = false; try { if ((Files.getLastModifiedTime(quellDatei).compareTo(Files.getLastModifiedTime(zielDatei)) > 0)) retValue = true; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return retValue; } private void startCopy(Path quellOrdner, Path zielOrdner) { t = new Thread(new copyNprogress(quellOrdner, zielOrdner)); t.start(); } private void setAbbruch() { abbruch = true; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == btnQAuswahl) { addQListBoxEintrag(dateiAuswählen()); } if (e.getSource() == btnQEntfernen) { subQListBoxEintrag(); } if (e.getSource() == btnZAuswahl) { addZListBoxEintrag(dateiAuswählen()); } if (e.getSource() == btnZEntfernen) { subZListBoxEintrag(); } if (e.getSource() == btnSync) { startCopy( (Path) quellJList.getSelectedValue().getValueMember(), (Path) zielJList.getSelectedValue().getValueMember()); } if (e.getSource() == btnAbbruch) { setAbbruch(); } if (e.getSource() == btnBackup) { MainNtray.bwvisible(); this.invisible(); } } @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {} @Override public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { speichern(saveName); MainNtray.bwdispose(); MainNtray.removeTrayIcon(); this.dispose(); } @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {} @Override public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JRadioButton) checkUeberSchreib(); } private class copyNprogress implements Runnable { private Path quellOrdner, zielOrdner; int pbCounter = 0, i = 0; public copyNprogress(Path quellOrdner, Path zielOrdner) { this.quellOrdner = quellOrdner; this.zielOrdner = zielOrdner; } public void cnpStart(Path quellOrdner, Path zielOrdner) { try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { Path target = Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()); if (abbruch) break; if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && !Files.exists(target)) { Files.createDirectory(target); textArea.append("Verzeichnis: " + qfile + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } else if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append("Wechsle in Verzeichnis: " + qfile + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } // Wenn die Datei noch nicht existiert else if (!Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } // Wenn Datei im Zielverzeichnis schon existiert else if (Files.exists(target)) { if (cAUeSchr) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wird absolut überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else if (cUeSchr) { if (checkAlter( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()))) { textArea.append( target.toString() + " wird mit neuer Datei überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else { textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } } else textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } pbCounter++; progressBar.setValue(pbCounter); } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private int getNumberOfItems(Path quellOrdner) { int retValue = 0; try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { if (Files.isDirectory(qfile)) { getNumberOfItems(Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } i++; } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } retValue = i; return retValue; } @Override public void run() { abbruch = false; btnSync.setVisible(false); btnAbbruch.setVisible(true); pbCounter = 0; i = 0; progressBar.setMaximum(getNumberOfItems(quellOrdner)); progressBar.setValue(0); progressBar.setMinimum(0); progressBar.setVisible(true); cnpStart(quellOrdner, zielOrdner); btnSync.setVisible(true); btnAbbruch.setVisible(false); progressBar.setValue(0); } } private class laufwerksPruefung extends Thread { private ArrayList<Path> initial; private ArrayList<Path> aktuell; public laufwerksPruefung() { if (istWindows()) initial = holeLaufwerkeWindows(); else initial = holeLaufwerkeUnix(); textArea.append("Laufwerksprüfung aktiv" + System.lineSeparator()); } private boolean istWindows() { boolean retValue = false; if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows")) { retValue = true; } return retValue; } private ArrayList<Path> holeLaufwerkeWindows() { ArrayList<Path> laufwerksRoot = new ArrayList<>(); Iterable<Path> rootDirectories = FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories(); for (Path path : rootDirectories) { laufwerksRoot.add(path.getRoot()); } return laufwerksRoot; } private ArrayList<Path> holeLaufwerkeUnix() { ArrayList<Path> laufwerksRoot = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileStore store : FileSystems.getDefault().getFileStores()) { if ("/dev/sd")) { laufwerksRoot.add( Paths.get(store.toString().substring(0, store.toString().indexOf(' ')))); } } return laufwerksRoot; } private Path holePathVonNeuemLaufwerk(ArrayList<Path> initial, ArrayList<Path> aktuell) { ArrayList<Path> test, test1; test = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); test1 = (ArrayList<Path>) initial.clone(); test.removeAll(test1); return test.get(test.size() - 1); } @Override public void run() { while (true) { if (istWindows()) aktuell = holeLaufwerkeWindows(); else aktuell = holeLaufwerkeUnix(); if (initial.size() != aktuell.size()) { if (!initial.containsAll(aktuell)) { neuesLaufwerk = holePathVonNeuemLaufwerk(initial, aktuell); textArea.append("Neues Laufwerk endeckt: " + neuesLaufwerk + System.lineSeparator()); this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); neuesLaufwerkDialog(); } else { this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); textArea.append("Laufwerk wurde entfernt" + System.lineSeparator()); } } try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Laufwerksprüfung wird abgebrochen"); } } } } @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
public static String getUIDsFile() { return Paths.getSettingsDirectory() + File.separator + "uid.txt"; }
public static String getScreenshotsDirectory() { return Paths.getHomeDirectory() + File.separator + "Screenshots"; }
public static String getSettingsDirectory() { return Paths.getHomeDirectory() + File.separator + "Settings"; }
public boolean isJar() { Path pth = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/Advent.jar"); if (pth.toFile().exists()) return true; return false; }
public static String getScriptsDirectory() { return Paths.getHomeDirectory() + File.separator + Paths.SCRIPTS_NAME_OUT; }
public static String getScriptsNetworkDirectory() { return Paths.getScriptsDirectory() + File.separator + "Network"; }
public static String getScriptsPrecompiledDirectory() { return Paths.getScriptsDirectory() + File.separator + "Precompiled"; }
public static String getScriptsSourcesDirectory() { return Paths.getScriptsDirectory() + File.separator + "Sources"; }
/** * Constructor to create a character * * @param x X Position * @param y Y Position * @param w Width of Image * @param h Height of Image * @param FileN Name of image file * @param S Max number of frames */ public GameCharacter( double x, double y, double w, double h, String FileN, int S, int Ty, String c) { // Set position and size X = x; Y = y; W = w; H = h; BASIC_PROCESS = new ProgressBar(new Font("Arial", 36, 36), this); BASIC_EFFECTS = new ProgressBar(new Font("Arial", 36, 36), this); // Add magic attacks // Fireball for (int i = 0; i < FIREBALL.length; i++) { FIREBALL[i] = new MagicAttack(-500, -500, 39, 41, "Fireball.png", 3, 1, 2, "Fireball"); FIREBALL[i].STATS.setStats(new String[] {"Damage=10", "Points=10"}); FIREBALL[i].CASTER = this; } // Shock for (int i = 0; i < SHOCK.length; i++) { SHOCK[i] = new MagicAttack(-500, -500, 39, 41, "Shock.png", 2, 1, 0, "Shock"); SHOCK[i].STATS.setStats(new String[] {"Damage=20", "Points=15"}); SHOCK[i].CASTER = this; } // Darkness for (int i = 0; i < DARKNESS.length; i++) { DARKNESS[i] = new MagicAttack(-500, -500, 165, 164, "Darkness.png", 3, 1, 2, "Darkness"); DARKNESS[i].STATS.setStats(new String[] {"Damage=100", "Points=50"}); DARKNESS[i].CASTER = this; } // Life Drain for (int i = 0; i < LIFE_DRAIN.length; i++) { LIFE_DRAIN[i] = new MagicAttack(-500, -500, 32, 32, "Life Drain.png", 7, 1, 0, "Life Drain"); LIFE_DRAIN[i].STATS.setStats(new String[] {"Damage=50", "Points=25"}); LIFE_DRAIN[i].CASTER = this; } // Get Image try { if (isJar()) { // Character imgCHARAC = getImage("/Graphics/Character/", FileN); // Blood int BloodType = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 3) + 1; imgBLOOD = getImage("/Graphics/Effects/", "Dead" + BloodType + ".png"); // Quest imgQStart = getImage("/Graphics/Effects/", "Quest_Start.png"); imgQEnd = getImage("/Graphics/Effects/", "Quest_Complete.png"); } else { // Character imgCHARAC = + FileN).toFile()); // Blood int BloodType = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 3) + 1; imgBLOOD = + "Dead" + BloodType + ".png").toFile()); // Quest imgQStart = + "Quest_Start.png").toFile()); imgQEnd = + "Quest_Complete.png").toFile()); } } catch (Exception e) { } // Max number of frames SIZE = S; // Sprite type TYPE = Ty; // Assign class CLASS = c; Cl = c; // Add items and attacks according to class if (CLASS.equals("Player")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Health Potion", 25, 1, "Health Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Rusted Dagger", 20, 1, "Dagger_4.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=10", "Attack Speed=1"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Wooden Staff", 20, 1, "Staff_1.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=5", "Attack Speed=1"}); // Equip items INVENTORY.ItemEffect(1, this); // MEELE_WEAPON=null; // Assign Magic SPELL_LIST.add(FIREBALL); // Inventory type INVENTORY.Type = "Player"; } else if (CLASS.equals("Citizen")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Health Potion", 25, 1, "Health Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); // Add Ai NAI = new NPCAI(this); // Add Gold this.GOLD = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 15 + 5); INVENTORY.Type = "Friendly"; } else if (CLASS.equals("Blacksmith")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Silver Dagger", 250, 1, "Dagger_3.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=10", "Attack Speed=1"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Steel Dagger", 450, 1, "Dagger_5.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=35", "Attack Speed=1"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Assassin blade", 750,1, "Dagger_6.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=45","Attack Speed=1"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Serpent Dagger", 5000,1, "Dagger_2.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=50","Attack Speed=1"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Dagger of Time", 5050,1, "Dagger_1.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=75","Attack Speed=1"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Steel Sword", 450, 1, "Sword_1.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=30", "Attack Speed=0.65"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Iron Sword", 50, 1, "Sword_2.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=15", "Attack Speed=0.65"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Silver Sword", 100, 1, "Sword_5.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=20", "Attack Speed=0.5"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Iron Scimitar", 150,1, "Sword_7.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=15","Attack Speed=0.75"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Steel Scimitar", 500,1, "Sword_4.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=50","Attack Speed=0.75"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Steel Katana", 450,1, "Sword_6.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=40","Attack Speed=0.95"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Butcher's Sword", 5000,1, "Sword_3.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=100","Attack Speed=0.55"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Blood Thirster", 6000,1, "Sword_8.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=200","Attack Speed=0.75"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Iron Hammer", 150, 1, "Hammer_1.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=40", "Attack Speed=0.15"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Steel Hammer", 450,1, "Hammer_0.png","Meele",new // String[]{"Damage=60","Attack Speed=0.15"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Iron Mace", 50,1, "Mace_1.png","Meele",new String[]{"Damage=15","Attack // Speed=0.5"}); INVENTORY.addItem("Steel Helmet", 250, 1, "Head_1.png", "H_armor", new String[] {"Armor=20"}); INVENTORY.addItem("Iron Helmet", 150, 1, "Head_2.png", "H_armor", new String[] {"Armor=5"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Iron Horn Helmet", 350,1, "Head_6.png","H_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=50","Magic Resist=0"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Steel Horn Helmet", 500,1, "Head_7.png","H_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=80","Magic Resist=0"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Skysteel Helmet", 4000,1, "Head_4.png","H_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=60","Magic Resist=25"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Iron Cuirass", 250, 1, "Chest_4.png", "C_armor", new String[] {"Armor=20"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Steel Cuirass", 350, 1, "Chest_1.png", "C_armor", new String[] {"Armor=30"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Scale Cuirass", 550,1, "Chest_3.png","C_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=50"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Dark metal Cuirass", 750,1, "Chest_6.png","C_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=70"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Master Cuirass", 3050,1, "Chest_5.png","C_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=80","Magic Resist=25"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Legendary Cuirass", 3050,1, "Chest_2.png","C_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=100","Magic Resist=100"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Wooden Shield", 50, 1, "Shield_1.png", "Shield", new String[] {"Armor=5", "Magic Resist=0"}); // Add AI NAI = new NPCAI(this); // Identify as trader INVENTORY.Type = "Trader"; // Set Stats STATS.setStats(new String[] {"Level = 5 "}); MAX_HEALTH = 200; HEALTH = (int) MAX_HEALTH; } else if (CLASS.equals("Alchemist")) { // Add Items INVENTORY.addItem( "Health Potion", 25, 50, "Health Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Mana Potion", 20, 50, "Mana Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Speed Potion", 10, 50, "Speed Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=5"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Invisib Potion", 50, 10, "Invisibility Pot.png","Potion",new // String[]{"Points=5"}); // Add AI NAI = new NPCAI(this); // Identify as trader INVENTORY.Type = "Trader"; } else if (CLASS.equals("Inn Keeper")) { // Add Items INVENTORY.addItem("Roasted Fish", 15, 10, "Fish.png", "Food", new String[] {"Points=5"}); INVENTORY.addItem("Apple", 15, 10, "Apple.png", "Food", new String[] {"Points=2"}); // Add AI NAI = new NPCAI(this); // Identify as trader INVENTORY.Type = "Trader"; } else if (CLASS.equals("Mage")) { INVENTORY.addItem( "Leather Cap", 250, 1, "Head_8.png", "H_armor", new String[] {"Armor=5", "Magic Resist=25"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Dark Leather Cap", 300, 1, "Head_9.png", "H_armor", new String[] {"Armor=5", "Magic Resist=50"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Jesters Cap", 500,1, "Head_5.png","H_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=10","Magic Resist=90"}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Skull Helmet", 5000,1, "Head_3.png","H_armor",new // String[]{"Armor=100","Magic Resist=100"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Shock Spell Stone", 250, 1, "Stone_1.png", "SpellStoner", new String[] {"Damage=" + SHOCK[0].STATS.DAMAGE}); // INVENTORY.addItem("Darkness Spell Stone", 500,1, "Stone_1.png","SpellStoner",new // String[]{"Damage="+DARKNESS[0].STATS.DAMAGE}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Life Drain Spell Stone", 300, 1, "Stone_1.png", "SpellStoner", new String[] {"Damage=" + LIFE_DRAIN[0].STATS.DAMAGE}); // Add AI NAI = new NPCAI(this); // Identify as trader INVENTORY.Type = "Trader"; } else if (CLASS.equals("Skeleton")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Bone Club", 5, 1, "Mace_2.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=5", "Attack Speed=1"}); // Add Gold this.GOLD = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 10 + 2); // Use Item INVENTORY.ItemEffect(0, this); // Add AI EAI = new EnemyAI(this); } else if (CLASS.equals("Skeleton Chieftan")) { // Add Item INVENTORY.addItem( "Iron Sword", 50, 1, "Sword_2.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=15", "Attack Speed=0.65"}); INVENTORY.addItem( "Health Potion", 25, 1, "Health Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); // Add Gold this.GOLD = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 50 + 25); // Use Item INVENTORY.ItemEffect(0, this); // Assign Stats STATS.LEVEL = 3; HEALTH = 250; MAX_HEALTH = 250; // Opify Opify(1 / 1.25); // Add AI EAI = new EnemyAI(this); } else if (CLASS.equals("Shaman")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Health Potion", 25, 1, "Health Pot.png", "Potion", new String[] {"Points=50"}); // Add Ai NAI = new NPCAI(this); } else if (CLASS.equals("Dark Elf")) { // Add items INVENTORY.addItem( "Rusted Dagger", 20, 1, "Dagger_4.png", "Meele", new String[] {"Damage=10", "Attack Speed=1"}); INVENTORY.addItem("Iron Helmet", 150, 1, "Head_2.png", "H_armor", new String[] {"Armor=5"}); // Assign Stats STATS.LEVEL = 2; HEALTH = 150; MAX_HEALTH = 150; // Add Gold this.GOLD = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 15 + 2); // Use Item INVENTORY.ItemEffect(0, this); INVENTORY.ItemEffect(1, this); // Add Ai EAI = new EnemyAI(this); } else if (CLASS.equals("Prisoner")) { INVENTORY.addItem("Key", 0, 1, "Key.png", "Key", new String[] {}); // NAI= new NPCAI(this); } }
public static String getVersionCache() { return Paths.getCacheDirectory() + File.separator + "info.dat"; }
public class SketcherConstants { // Path for images public static final String imagePath = "D:/Sketcher/Images/"; // Toolbar icons public static final Icon NEW24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "New24.gif"); public static final Icon OPEN24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Open24.gif"); public static final Icon SAVE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Save24.gif"); public static final Icon SAVEAS24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "SaveAs24.gif"); public static final Icon PRINT24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Print24.gif"); public static final Icon LINE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Line24.gif"); public static final Icon RECTANGLE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Rectangle24.gif"); public static final Icon CIRCLE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Circle24.gif"); public static final Icon CURVE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Curve24.gif"); public static final Icon TEXT24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Text24.gif"); public static final Icon RED24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Red24.gif"); public static final Icon GREEN24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Green24.gif"); public static final Icon BLUE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Blue24.gif"); public static final Icon YELLOW24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Yellow24.gif"); public static final ImageIcon CUSTOM24 = new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(24, 24, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)); // Menu item icons public static final Icon NEW16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + " new16.gif"); public static final Icon OPEN16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + " Open16.gif"); public static final Icon SAVE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + " Save16.gif"); public static final Icon SAVEAS16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "SaveAs16.gif"); public static final Icon PRINT16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "print16.gif"); public static final Icon LINE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Line16.gif"); public static final Icon RECTANGLE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Rectangle16.gif"); public static final Icon CIRCLE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Circle16.gif"); public static final Icon CURVE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Curve16.gif"); public static final Icon TEXT16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Text16.gif"); public static final Icon RED16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Red16.gif"); public static final Icon GREEN16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Green16.gif"); public static final Icon BLUE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Blue16.gif"); public static final Icon YELLOW16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Yellow16.gif"); public static final ImageIcon CUSTOM16 = new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)); // Element type definitions public static final int LINE = 101; public static final int RECTANGLE = 102; public static final int CIRCLE = 103; public static final int CURVE = 104; public static final int TEXT = 105; // Initial conditions public static final int DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPE = LINE; public static final Color DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLOR = Color.BLUE; public static final Color HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = Color.MAGENTA; public static final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 12); // Font point size range specification public static final int POINT_SIZE_MIN = 8; // Minimum font point size public static final int POINT_SIZE_MAX = 24; // Maximum font point size public static final int POINT_SIZE_STEP = 2; // Point size step // Operating modes public static final String NORMAL = "Normal"; public static final String MOVE = "Move"; public static final String ROTATE = "Rotate"; // Default directory and file name for a sketch public static final Path DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home")).resolve("Sketches"); public static final String DEFAULT_FILENAME = "Sketch.ske"; }
public static String getServiceKey() { return Paths.getSettingsDirectory() + File.separator + "service.key"; }