public void addGlobalMetadata(Product product) { final MetadataElement globalElement = new MetadataElement("Global_Attributes"); addAttributesToElement(globalAttributes, globalElement); final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); metadataRoot.addElement(globalElement); }
private static void readCalibrationLUT( final File file, final String lutName, final MetadataElement root, final boolean flipLUT) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) return; final org.jdom.Document xmlDoc = XMLSupport.LoadXML(file.getAbsolutePath()); final Element rootElement = xmlDoc.getRootElement(); final Element offsetElem = rootElement.getChild("offset"); final double offset = Double.parseDouble(offsetElem.getValue()); final Element gainsElem = rootElement.getChild("gains"); double[] gainsArray = StringUtils.toDoubleArray(gainsElem.getValue().trim(), " "); if (flipLUT) { double tmp; for (int i = 0; i < gainsArray.length / 2; i++) { tmp = gainsArray[i]; gainsArray[i] = gainsArray[gainsArray.length - i - 1]; gainsArray[gainsArray.length - i - 1] = tmp; } } final MetadataElement lut = new MetadataElement(lutName); root.addElement(lut); final MetadataAttribute offsetAttrib = new MetadataAttribute("offset", ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT64); offsetAttrib.getData().setElemDouble(offset); lut.addAttribute(offsetAttrib); final MetadataAttribute gainsAttrib = new MetadataAttribute("gains", ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT64, gainsArray.length); gainsAttrib.getData().setElems(gainsArray); lut.addAttribute(gainsAttrib); }
/** * Provides an implementation of the <code>readProductNodes</code> interface method. Clients * implementing this method can be sure that the input object and eventually the subset * information has already been set. * * <p> * * <p>This method is called as a last step in the <code>readProductNodes(input, subsetInfo)</code> * method. * * @throws if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected Product readProductNodesImpl() throws IOException { Product product; try { final File fileFromInput = ReaderUtils.getFileFromInput(getInput()); dataDir = createDirectory(fileFromInput); dataDir.readProductDirectory(); product = dataDir.createProduct(); addCalibrationLUT(product, fileFromInput.getParentFile()); product.getGcpGroup(); product.setFileLocation(fileFromInput); product.setProductReader(this); product.setModified(false); final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product); isAscending = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.PASS).equals("ASCENDING"); isAntennaPointingRight = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.antenna_pointing).equals("right"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.trace(e.toString()); final IOException ioException = new IOException(e.getMessage()); ioException.initCause(e); throw ioException; } return product; }
private void handleMetadataGroup(Group group, MetadataElement metadataElement) throws ProductIOException { List<Variable> variables = group.getVariables(); for (Variable variable : variables) { final String name = variable.getShortName(); final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable); Array array; try { array =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage()); } final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(dataType, array.getStorage()); final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute("data", data, true); final MetadataElement sdsElement = new MetadataElement(name); sdsElement.addAttribute(attribute); metadataElement.addElement(sdsElement); final List<Attribute> list = variable.getAttributes(); for (Attribute hdfAttribute : list) { final String attribName = hdfAttribute.getShortName(); if ("units".equals(attribName)) { attribute.setUnit(hdfAttribute.getStringValue()); } else if ("long_name".equals(attribName)) { attribute.setDescription(hdfAttribute.getStringValue()); } else { addAttributeToElement(sdsElement, hdfAttribute); } } } }
public void addInputParamMetadata(Product product) throws ProductIOException { Variable inputParams = ncFile.findVariable("Input_Parameters"); if (inputParams != null) { final MetadataElement inputParamsMeta = new MetadataElement("Input_Parameters"); Array array; try { array =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProductIOException(e.getMessage()); } String[] lines = array.toString().split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { String[] parts = line.split("="); if (parts.length == 2) { final String name = parts[0].trim(); final String value = parts[1].trim(); final ProductData data = ProductData.createInstance(ProductData.TYPE_ASCII, value); final MetadataAttribute attribute = new MetadataAttribute(name, data, true); inputParamsMeta.addAttribute(attribute); } } final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); metadataRoot.addElement(inputParamsMeta); } }
private void addSubsetInfoMetadata(Product product) { if (getSubsetDef() != null) { ProductSubsetDef subsetDef = getSubsetDef(); Product sourceProduct = getSourceProduct(); String nameSubsetinfo = "SubsetInfo"; MetadataElement subsetElem = new MetadataElement(nameSubsetinfo); addAttribString("", sourceProduct.getName(), subsetElem); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubSampling.x", subsetDef.getSubSamplingX()); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubSampling.y", subsetDef.getSubSamplingY()); if (subsetDef.getRegion() != null) { Rectangle region = subsetDef.getRegion(); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubRegion.x", region.x); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubRegion.y", region.y); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubRegion.width", region.width); subsetElem.setAttributeInt("SubRegion.height", region.height); } String[] nodeNames = subsetDef.getNodeNames(); if (nodeNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeNames.length; i++) { addAttribString("ProductNodeName." + (i + 1), nodeNames[i], subsetElem); } } ProductUtils.addElementToHistory(product, subsetElem); } }
private static void setLatLongMetadata( final Product product, final MetadataElement absRoot, final String tagLat, final String tagLon, final float x, final float y) { final PixelPos pixelPos = new PixelPos(x, y); final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos(); if (product.getGeoCoding() == null) return; product.getGeoCoding().getGeoPos(pixelPos, geoPos); final MetadataAttribute lat = absRoot.getAttribute(tagLat); if (lat != null) lat.getData().setElemDouble(geoPos.getLat()); final MetadataAttribute lon = absRoot.getAttribute(tagLon); if (lon != null) lon.getData().setElemDouble(geoPos.getLon()); }
private static void setSubsetSRGRCoefficients( final Product sourceProduct, final Product targetProduct, final ProductSubsetDef subsetDef, final MetadataElement absRoot, final boolean nearRangeOnLeft) { final MetadataElement SRGRCoefficientsElem = absRoot.getElement("SRGR_Coefficients"); if (SRGRCoefficientsElem != null) { final double rangeSpacing = absRoot.getAttributeDouble("RANGE_SPACING", 0); final double colIndex = subsetDef.getRegion() == null ? 0 : subsetDef.getRegion().getX(); for (MetadataElement srgrList : SRGRCoefficientsElem.getElements()) { final double grO = srgrList.getAttributeDouble("ground_range_origin", 0); double ground_range_origin_subset; if (nearRangeOnLeft) { ground_range_origin_subset = grO + colIndex * rangeSpacing; } else { final double colIndexFromRight = sourceProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - colIndex - targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth(); ground_range_origin_subset = grO + colIndexFromRight * rangeSpacing; } srgrList.setAttributeDouble("ground_range_origin", ground_range_origin_subset); } } }
private ProductNodeSubsetPane createAnnotationSubsetPane() { final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); final MetadataElement[] metadataElements = metadataRoot.getElements(); final String[] metaNodes; if (metadataElements.length == 0) { return null; } // metadata elements must be added to includeAlways list // to ensure that they are selected if isIgnoreMetada is set to false if (givenProductSubsetDef != null && !givenProductSubsetDef.isIgnoreMetadata()) { metaNodes = new String[metadataElements.length]; for (int i = 0; i < metadataElements.length; i++) { final MetadataElement metadataElement = metadataElements[i]; metaNodes[i] = metadataElement.getName(); } } else { metaNodes = new String[0]; } final String[] includeNodes = StringUtils.addToArray(metaNodes, Product.HISTORY_ROOT_NAME); return new ProductNodeSubsetPane(metadataElements, includeNodes, true); }
public void addBandMetadata(Product product) throws ProductIOException { Group group = ncFile.findGroup("Geophysical_Data"); if (productReader.getProductType() == SeadasProductReader.ProductType.Level2_Aquarius) { group = ncFile.findGroup("Aquarius_Data"); } if (productReader.getProductType() == SeadasProductReader.ProductType.Level1B_HICO) { group = ncFile.findGroup("products"); } if (group != null) { final MetadataElement bandAttributes = new MetadataElement("Band_Attributes"); List<Variable> variables = group.getVariables(); for (Variable variable : variables) { final String name = variable.getShortName(); final MetadataElement sdsElement = new MetadataElement(name + ".attributes"); final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable); final MetadataAttribute prodtypeattr = new MetadataAttribute("data_type", dataType); sdsElement.addAttribute(prodtypeattr); bandAttributes.addElement(sdsElement); final List<Attribute> list = variable.getAttributes(); for (Attribute varAttribute : list) { addAttributeToElement(sdsElement, varAttribute); } } final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); metadataRoot.addElement(bandAttributes); } }
/** * Read the LUT for use in calibration * * @param product the target product * @param folder the folder containing the input * @throws IOException if can't read lut */ private static void addCalibrationLUT(final Product product, final File folder) throws IOException { final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product); final boolean isAscending = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.PASS).equals("ASCENDING"); final boolean isAntennaPointingRight = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.antenna_pointing).equals("right"); final boolean flipLUT = flipToSARGeometry && ((isAscending && !isAntennaPointingRight) || (!isAscending && isAntennaPointingRight)); final File sigmaLUT = new File(folder, lutsigma + ".xml"); final File gammaLUT = new File(folder, lutgamma + ".xml"); final File betaLUT = new File(folder, lutbeta + ".xml"); final MetadataElement origProdRoot = AbstractMetadata.getOriginalProductMetadata(product); readCalibrationLUT(sigmaLUT, lutsigma, origProdRoot, flipLUT); readCalibrationLUT(gammaLUT, lutgamma, origProdRoot, flipLUT); readCalibrationLUT(betaLUT, lutbeta, origProdRoot, flipLUT); }
public void addSmiMetadata(final Product product) { // Variable l3mvar = ncFile.findVariable("l3m_data"); final MetadataElement bandAttributes = new MetadataElement("Band_Attributes"); List<Variable> variables = ncFile.getVariables(); for (Variable variable : variables) { final String name = variable.getShortName(); final MetadataElement sdsElement = new MetadataElement(name); final int dataType = getProductDataType(variable); final MetadataAttribute prodtypeattr = new MetadataAttribute("data_type", dataType); sdsElement.addAttribute(prodtypeattr); bandAttributes.addElement(sdsElement); final List<Attribute> list = variable.getAttributes(); for (Attribute varAttribute : list) { addAttributeToElement(sdsElement, varAttribute); } } final MetadataElement metadataRoot = product.getMetadataRoot(); metadataRoot.addElement(bandAttributes); }
public void addGeocoding(Product product) throws IOException { double pixelX = 0.5; double pixelY = 0.5; double easting; double northing; double pixelSizeX; double pixelSizeY; boolean pixelRegistered = true; if (productReader.getProductType() == SeadasProductReader.ProductType.ANCNRT) { pixelRegistered = false; } if (productReader.getProductType() == SeadasProductReader.ProductType.OISST) { Variable lon = ncFile.findVariable("lon"); Variable lat = ncFile.findVariable("lat"); Array lonData =; // TODO: handle the 180 degree shift with the NOAA products - need to modify // SeaDasFileReader:readBandData // Below is a snippet from elsewhere in BEAM that deals with this issue... // SPECIAL CASE: check if we have a global geographic lat/lon with lon from 0..360 instead of // -180..180 // if (isShifted180(lonData)) { // // if this is true, subtract 180 from all longitudes and // // add a global attribute which will be analyzed when setting up the // image(s) // final List<Variable> variables = ncFile.getVariables(); // for (Variable next : variables) { // next.getAttributes().add(new Attribute("LONGITUDE_SHIFTED_180", 1)); // } // for (int i = 0; i < lonData.getSize(); i++) { // final Index ii = lonData.getIndex().set(i); // final double theLon = lonData.getDouble(ii) - 180.0; // lonData.setDouble(ii, theLon); // } // } final Array latData =; final int lonSize = lon.getShape(0); final Index i0 = lonData.getIndex().set(0); final Index i1 = lonData.getIndex().set(lonSize - 1); pixelSizeX = (lonData.getDouble(i1) - lonData.getDouble(i0)) / (product.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1); easting = lonData.getDouble(i0); final int latSize = lat.getShape(0); final Index j0 = latData.getIndex().set(0); final Index j1 = latData.getIndex().set(latSize - 1); pixelSizeY = (latData.getDouble(j1) - latData.getDouble(j0)) / (product.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1); // this should be the 'normal' case if (pixelSizeY < 0) { pixelSizeY = -pixelSizeY; northing = latData.getDouble(latData.getIndex().set(0)); } else { northing = latData.getDouble(latData.getIndex().set(latSize - 1)); } northing -= pixelSizeX / 2.0; easting += pixelSizeY / 2.0; try { product.setGeoCoding( new CrsGeoCoding( DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, product.getSceneRasterWidth(), product.getSceneRasterHeight(), easting, northing, pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY, pixelX, pixelY)); } catch (FactoryException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (TransformException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } else { String east = "Easternmost_Longitude"; String west = "Westernmost_Longitude"; String north = "Northernmost_Latitude"; String south = "Southernmost_Latitude"; Attribute latmax = ncFile.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase("geospatial_lat_max"); if (latmax != null) { east = "geospatial_lon_max"; west = "geospatial_lon_min"; north = "geospatial_lat_max"; south = "geospatial_lat_min"; } else { latmax = ncFile.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase("upper_lat"); if (latmax != null) { east = "right_lon"; west = "left_lon"; north = "upper_lat"; south = "lower_lat"; } } final MetadataElement globalAttributes = product.getMetadataRoot().getElement("Global_Attributes"); easting = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(east).getData().getElemDouble(); float westing = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(west).getData().getElemDouble(); pixelSizeX = Math.abs(easting - westing) / product.getSceneRasterWidth(); northing = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(north).getData().getElemDouble(); float southing = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(south).getData().getElemDouble(); if (northing < southing) { mustFlipY = true; northing = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(south).getData().getElemDouble(); southing = (float) globalAttributes.getAttribute(north).getData().getElemDouble(); } pixelSizeY = Math.abs(northing - southing) / product.getSceneRasterHeight(); if (pixelRegistered) { northing -= pixelSizeY / 2.0; westing += pixelSizeX / 2.0; } else { pixelX = 0.0; pixelY = 0.0; } try { product.setGeoCoding( new CrsGeoCoding( DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, product.getSceneRasterWidth(), product.getSceneRasterHeight(), westing, northing, pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY, pixelX, pixelY)); } catch (FactoryException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (TransformException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }
protected void addAttributeToElement(final MetadataElement element, final Attribute attribute) { final MetadataAttribute metadataAttribute = attributeToMetadata(attribute); element.addAttribute(metadataAttribute); }
private static void updateMetadata( final Product sourceProduct, final Product targetProduct, ProductSubsetDef subsetDef) throws IOException { try { final MetadataElement root = targetProduct.getMetadataRoot(); if (root == null) return; final MetadataElement absRoot = root.getElement("Abstracted_Metadata"); if (absRoot == null) return; boolean nearRangeOnLeft = isNearRangeOnLeft(targetProduct); final MetadataAttribute firstLineTime = absRoot.getAttribute("first_line_time"); if (firstLineTime != null) { final ProductData.UTC startTime = targetProduct.getStartTime(); if (startTime != null) firstLineTime.getData().setElems(startTime.getArray()); } final MetadataAttribute lastLineTime = absRoot.getAttribute("last_line_time"); if (lastLineTime != null) { final ProductData.UTC endTime = targetProduct.getEndTime(); if (endTime != null) lastLineTime.getData().setElems(endTime.getArray()); } final MetadataAttribute totalSize = absRoot.getAttribute("total_size"); if (totalSize != null) totalSize.getData().setElemUInt(targetProduct.getRawStorageSize()); if (nearRangeOnLeft) { setLatLongMetadata(targetProduct, absRoot, "first_near_lat", "first_near_long", 0.5f, 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "first_far_lat", "first_far_long", targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1 + 0.5f, 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "last_near_lat", "last_near_long", 0.5f, targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1 + 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "last_far_lat", "last_far_long", targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1 + 0.5f, targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1 + 0.5f); } else { setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "first_near_lat", "first_near_long", targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1 + 0.5f, 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata(targetProduct, absRoot, "first_far_lat", "first_far_long", 0.5f, 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "last_near_lat", "last_near_long", targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1 + 0.5f, targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1 + 0.5f); setLatLongMetadata( targetProduct, absRoot, "last_far_lat", "last_far_long", 0.5f, targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight() - 1 + 0.5f); } final MetadataAttribute height = absRoot.getAttribute("num_output_lines"); if (height != null) height.getData().setElemUInt(targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight()); final MetadataAttribute width = absRoot.getAttribute("num_samples_per_line"); if (width != null) width.getData().setElemUInt(targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth()); final MetadataAttribute offsetX = absRoot.getAttribute("subset_offset_x"); if (offsetX != null && subsetDef.getRegion() != null) offsetX.getData().setElemUInt(subsetDef.getRegion().x); final MetadataAttribute offsetY = absRoot.getAttribute("subset_offset_y"); if (offsetY != null && subsetDef.getRegion() != null) offsetY.getData().setElemUInt(subsetDef.getRegion().y); final MetadataAttribute slantRange = absRoot.getAttribute("slant_range_to_first_pixel"); if (slantRange != null) { final TiePointGrid srTPG = targetProduct.getTiePointGrid("slant_range_time"); if (srTPG != null) { final double slantRangeTime; if (nearRangeOnLeft) { slantRangeTime = srTPG.getPixelDouble(0, 0) / 1000000000.0; // ns to s } else { slantRangeTime = srTPG.getPixelDouble(targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth() - 1, 0) / 1000000000.0; // ns to s } final double halfLightSpeed = 299792458.0 / 2.0; final double slantRangeDist = slantRangeTime * halfLightSpeed; slantRange.getData().setElemDouble(slantRangeDist); } } setSubsetSRGRCoefficients(sourceProduct, targetProduct, subsetDef, absRoot, nearRangeOnLeft); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } }