public static FontMetrics getFontMetrics(JComponent c, Graphics g, Font f) { FontMetrics fm = null; if (getJavaVersion() >= 1.6) { try { Class swingUtilities2Class = Class.forName("sun.swing.SwingUtilities2"); Class classParams[] = {JComponent.class, Graphics.class, Font.class}; Method m = swingUtilities2Class.getMethod("getFontMetrics", classParams); Object methodParams[] = {c, g, f}; fm = (FontMetrics) m.invoke(null, methodParams); } catch (Exception ex) { // Nothing to do } } if (fm == null) { if (g == null) { if (c != null) { g = c.getGraphics(); } } if (g != null) { if (f != null) { fm = g.getFontMetrics(f); } else { fm = g.getFontMetrics(); } } else if (c != null) { if (f != null) { fm = c.getFontMetrics(f); } else { fm = c.getFontMetrics(c.getFont()); } } } return fm; }
@Override public void customizePainter( @NotNull JComponent component, @NotNull Collection<VcsRef> references, @Nullable VcsLogRefManager manager, @NotNull Color background, @NotNull Color foreground) { FontMetrics metrics = component.getFontMetrics(getReferenceFont()); myHeight = metrics.getHeight() + RectanglePainter.TOP_TEXT_PADDING + RectanglePainter.BOTTOM_TEXT_PADDING; myWidth = 2 * PaintParameters.LABEL_PADDING; myLabels = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); if (manager == null) return; List<VcsRef> sorted = ContainerUtil.sorted(references, manager.getLabelsOrderComparator()); for (Map.Entry<VcsRefType, Collection<VcsRef>> entry : ContainerUtil.groupBy(sorted, VcsRef::getType).entrySet()) { VcsRef ref = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(ContainerUtil.getFirstItem(entry.getValue())); String text = ref.getName() + (entry.getValue().size() > 1 ? " +" : ""); myLabels.add(Pair.create(text, entry.getKey().getBackgroundColor())); myWidth += myLabelPainter.calculateSize(text, metrics).getWidth() + PaintParameters.LABEL_PADDING; } }
public Rectangle getVisualBounds(JComponent c, int type, int width, int height) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); if (type == VisuallyLayoutable.CLIP_BOUNDS) { return bounds; } AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c; if (type == VisuallyLayoutable.COMPONENT_BOUNDS && b.getBorder() != null && b.isBorderPainted()) { Border border = b.getBorder(); if (border instanceof BackgroundBorder) { border = ((BackgroundBorder) border).getBackgroundBorder(); if (border instanceof VisualMargin) { InsetsUtil.subtractInto(((VisualMargin) border).getVisualMargin(c), bounds); } else if (border instanceof QuaquaButtonBorder) { InsetsUtil.subtractInto(((QuaquaButtonBorder) border).getVisualMargin(c), bounds); } } return bounds; } String text = b.getText(); boolean isEmpty = (text == null || text.length() == 0); if (isEmpty) { text = " "; } Icon icon = (b.isEnabled()) ? b.getIcon() : b.getDisabledIcon(); if ((icon == null) && (text == null)) { return null; } FontMetrics fm = c.getFontMetrics(c.getFont()); Insets insets = c.getInsets(viewInsets); viewR.x = insets.left; viewR.y =; viewR.width = width - (insets.left + insets.right); viewR.height = height - ( + insets.bottom); iconR.x = iconR.y = iconR.width = iconR.height = 0; textR.x = textR.y = textR.width = textR.height = 0; String clippedText = layoutCL(b, fm, text, icon, viewR, iconR, textR); Rectangle textBounds = Fonts.getPerceivedBounds(text, c.getFont(), c); if (isEmpty) { textBounds.width = 0; } int ascent = fm.getAscent(); textR.x += textBounds.x; textR.width = textBounds.width; textR.y += ascent + textBounds.y; textR.height -= fm.getHeight() - textBounds.height; bounds.setBounds(textR); return bounds; }
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) { int fontHeight = 0; Font font = c.getFont(); if (font != null) { fontHeight = c.getFontMetrics(font).getHeight(); } return new Dimension(0, fontHeight / 2 + 2); }
private static String getTitle2Text(String fullText, JComponent pathLabel) { int labelWidth = pathLabel.getWidth(); if (fullText == null || fullText.length() == 0) return " "; String home = SystemProperties.getUserHome(); if (FileUtil.startsWith(fullText, home)) { fullText = "~" + fullText.substring(home.length()); } while (pathLabel.getFontMetrics(pathLabel.getFont()).stringWidth(fullText) > labelWidth) { int sep = fullText.indexOf(File.separatorChar, 4); if (sep < 0) return fullText; fullText = "..." + fullText.substring(sep); } return fullText; }
public void ellipsifyValues(int width) { int maxKeyWidth = 0; int[] maxAdditionalColumnsWidth = new int[additionalColumns]; for (JComponent keyComp : keyKeyComponentMap.values()) { maxKeyWidth = Math.max(maxKeyWidth, keyComp.getPreferredSize().width); } for (String k : keyValueComponentMap.keySet()) { for (int i = 0; i < additionalColumns; i++) { JComponent extraComp = getAdditionalColumn(k, i); if (extraComp != null) { maxAdditionalColumnsWidth[i] = Math.max(maxAdditionalColumnsWidth[i], extraComp.getPreferredSize().width); } } } width -= maxKeyWidth; for (int i : maxAdditionalColumnsWidth) { width -= i; } for (String k : keyValueComponentMap.keySet()) { JComponent comp = getComponent(k); if (comp != null) { int avail = width; /*for (int i = 0; i < additionalColumns; i++) { JComponent extraComp = getAdditionalColumn(k, i); if (extraComp != null) { avail -= extraComp.getPreferredSize().width; } }*/ if (comp instanceof JLabel) { while (avail < comp.getPreferredSize().width) { String text = ((JLabel) comp).getText(); if (text.endsWith("…")) { if (text.length() > 2) { // Already truncated. text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 2); } else { break; // As short as we can get. Can't truncate any more. } } else { // Reasonable first truncation is to trim off the last word. int spacePos = text.lastIndexOf(' '); if (spacePos > 0) { text = text.substring(0, spacePos); } else { FontMetrics fm = comp.getFontMetrics(comp.getFont()); while (fm.stringWidth(text + "…") > avail) { // causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if text is empty. if (text == null || text.length() < 2) {"Text is null or empty in KeyValuePairPanel"); break; } text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 2); } // text = text + "…"; // text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); } } ((JLabel) comp).setText(text + "…"); } } else { // Can't truncate, but we can force the preferred size. comp.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(avail, comp.getPreferredSize().height)); } } } }
public static void main(String args[]) { JComponent ch = new JComponent() {}; ch.getAccessibleContext(); ch.isFocusTraversable(); ch.setEnabled(false); ch.setEnabled(true); ch.requestFocus(); ch.requestFocusInWindow(); ch.getPreferredSize(); ch.getMaximumSize(); ch.getMinimumSize(); ch.contains(1, 2); Component c1 = ch.add(new Component() {}); Component c2 = ch.add(new Component() {}); Component c3 = ch.add(new Component() {}); Insets ins = ch.getInsets(); ch.getAlignmentY(); ch.getAlignmentX(); ch.getGraphics(); ch.setVisible(false); ch.setVisible(true); ch.setForeground(; ch.setBackground(; for (String font : Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontList()) { for (int j = 8; j < 17; j++) { Font f1 = new Font(font, Font.PLAIN, j); Font f2 = new Font(font, Font.BOLD, j); Font f3 = new Font(font, Font.ITALIC, j); Font f4 = new Font(font, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, j); ch.setFont(f1); ch.setFont(f2); ch.setFont(f3); ch.setFont(f4); ch.getFontMetrics(f1); ch.getFontMetrics(f2); ch.getFontMetrics(f3); ch.getFontMetrics(f4); } } ch.enable(); ch.disable(); ch.reshape(10, 10, 10, 10); ch.getBounds(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)); ch.getSize(new Dimension(1, 2)); ch.getLocation(new Point(1, 2)); ch.getX(); ch.getY(); ch.getWidth(); ch.getHeight(); ch.isOpaque(); ch.isValidateRoot(); ch.isOptimizedDrawingEnabled(); ch.isDoubleBuffered(); ch.getComponentCount(); ch.countComponents(); ch.getComponent(1); ch.getComponent(2); Component[] cs = ch.getComponents(); ch.getLayout(); ch.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); ch.doLayout(); ch.layout(); ch.invalidate(); ch.validate(); ch.remove(0); ch.remove(c2); ch.removeAll(); ch.preferredSize(); ch.minimumSize(); ch.getComponentAt(1, 2); ch.locate(1, 2); ch.getComponentAt(new Point(1, 2)); ch.isFocusCycleRoot(new Container()); ch.transferFocusBackward(); ch.setName("goober"); ch.getName(); ch.getParent(); ch.getGraphicsConfiguration(); ch.getTreeLock(); ch.getToolkit(); ch.isValid(); ch.isDisplayable(); ch.isVisible(); ch.isShowing(); ch.isEnabled(); ch.enable(false); ch.enable(true); ch.enableInputMethods(false); ch.enableInputMethods(true);;;; ch.hide(); ch.getForeground(); ch.isForegroundSet(); ch.getBackground(); ch.isBackgroundSet(); ch.getFont(); ch.isFontSet(); Container c = new Container(); c.add(ch); ch.getLocale(); for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) ch.setLocale(locale); ch.getColorModel(); ch.getLocation(); boolean exceptions = false; try { ch.getLocationOnScreen(); } catch (IllegalComponentStateException e) { exceptions = true; } if (!exceptions) throw new RuntimeException("IllegalComponentStateException did not occur when expected"); ch.location(); ch.setLocation(1, 2); ch.move(1, 2); ch.setLocation(new Point(1, 2)); ch.getSize(); ch.size(); ch.setSize(1, 32); ch.resize(1, 32); ch.setSize(new Dimension(1, 32)); ch.resize(new Dimension(1, 32)); ch.getBounds(); ch.bounds(); ch.setBounds(10, 10, 10, 10); ch.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10)); ch.isLightweight(); ch.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); ch.getCursor(); ch.isCursorSet(); ch.inside(1, 2); ch.contains(new Point(1, 2)); ch.isFocusable(); ch.setFocusable(true); ch.setFocusable(false); ch.transferFocus(); ch.getFocusCycleRootAncestor(); ch.nextFocus(); ch.transferFocusUpCycle(); ch.hasFocus(); ch.isFocusOwner(); ch.toString(); ch.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); ch.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT); ch.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.UNKNOWN); ch.getComponentOrientation(); }