/** Initializes the call button. */ private void initCallButton() { List<ProtocolProviderService> telephonyProviders = CallManager.getTelephonyProviders(); if (telephonyProviders != null && telephonyProviders.size() > 0) { if (callButton.getParent() != null) return; callButton.setAlignmentX(JButton.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); callButton.setMnemonic( GuiActivator.getResources().getI18nMnemonic("service.gui.CALL_CONTACT")); buttonPanel.add(callButton); callButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String searchText = parentWindow.getCurrentSearchText(); if (searchText == null) return; CallManager.createCall(searchText, callButton); } }); } else { buttonPanel.remove(callButton); } }
/** * Updates the text area to take into account the new search text. * * @param searchText the search text to update */ private void updateTextArea(String searchText) { if (callButton.getParent() != null) { textArea.setText( GuiActivator.getResources() .getI18NString( "service.gui.NO_CONTACTS_FOUND", new String[] {'"' + searchText + '"'})); this.revalidate(); this.repaint(); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Component parent = extensionButton.getParent(); while ((parent != null) && !(parent instanceof Frame)) parent = parent.getParent(); String newExtensions = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( parent, "Edit the extension list.\nSeparate extensions by commas.\n\n", filter.getExtensionString()); if ((newExtensions != null) && !newExtensions.trim().equals("")) { newExtensions = newExtensions.replaceAll("\\s", ""); filter.setExtensions(newExtensions); extensionButton.setText(filter.getDescription()); properties.setProperty("extensions", filter.getExtensionString()); directoryPane.reloadTree(); } }
/** * Creates the <tt>UnknownContactPanel</tt> by specifying the parent window. * * @param window the parent window */ public UnknownContactPanel(MainFrame window) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.parentWindow = window; TransparentPanel mainPanel = new TransparentPanel(new BorderLayout()); this.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); if (!ConfigurationUtils.isAddContactDisabled()) { initAddContactButton(); } initCallButton(); initSMSButton(); initTextArea(); mainPanel.add(textArea, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (callButton.getParent() != null) { textArea.setText( GuiActivator.getResources() .getI18NString( "service.gui.NO_CONTACTS_FOUND", new String[] {'"' + parentWindow.getCurrentSearchText() + '"'})); } else { textArea.setText( GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.NO_CONTACTS_FOUND_SHORT")); } if (buttonPanel.getComponentCount() > 0) { TransparentPanel southPanel = new TransparentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); southPanel.add(buttonPanel); mainPanel.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } loadSkin(); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (getFrame() != null) { setState(getFrame().getExtendedState()); } JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); Window window = getWindow(); boolean leftToRight = (window == null) ? rootPane.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight() : window.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); boolean isSelected = (window == null) ? true : window.isActive(); int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); Color background; Color foreground; Color darkShadow; if (isSelected) { background = UIUtil.getPanelBackground(); // myActiveBackground; foreground = myActiveForeground; darkShadow = Gray._73; // myActiveShadow; } else { background = UIUtil.getPanelBackground(); // myInactiveBackground; foreground = myInactiveForeground; darkShadow = myInactiveShadow; } g.setColor(background); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // g.setColor(darkShadow); // g.drawLine(0, height - 1, width, height - 1); // g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 0); // g.drawLine(width - 1, 0, width - 1, 0); int xOffset = leftToRight ? 5 : width - 5; if (getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.FRAME) { xOffset += leftToRight ? IMAGE_WIDTH + 5 : -IMAGE_WIDTH - 5; } String theTitle = getTitle(); if (theTitle != null) { FontMetrics fm = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(rootPane, g); g.setColor(foreground); int yOffset = ((height - fm.getHeight()) / 2) + fm.getAscent(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); if (myIconifyButton != null && myIconifyButton.getParent() != null) { rect = myIconifyButton.getBounds(); } int titleW; if (leftToRight) { if (rect.x == 0) { rect.x = window.getWidth() - window.getInsets().right - 2; } titleW = rect.x - xOffset - 4; theTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(rootPane, fm, theTitle, titleW); } else { titleW = xOffset - rect.x - rect.width - 4; theTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(rootPane, fm, theTitle, titleW); xOffset -= SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(rootPane, fm, theTitle); } int titleLength = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(rootPane, fm, theTitle); if (myIdeMenu == null) { SwingUtilities2.drawString(rootPane, g, theTitle, xOffset, yOffset); xOffset += leftToRight ? titleLength + 5 : -5; } } int w = width; int h = height; h--; g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("MenuBar.darcula.borderColor")); g.drawLine(0, h, w, h); h--; g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("MenuBar.darcula.borderShadowColor")); g.drawLine(0, h, w, h); }
private void setState(int state, boolean updateRegardless) { Window wnd = getWindow(); if (wnd != null && getWindowDecorationStyle() == JRootPane.FRAME) { if (myState == state && !updateRegardless) { return; } Frame frame = getFrame(); if (frame != null) { JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); if (((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0) && (rootPane.getBorder() == null || (rootPane.getBorder() instanceof UIResource)) && frame.isShowing()) { rootPane.setBorder(null); } else if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0) { // This is a croak, if state becomes bound, this can // be nuked. rootPaneUI.installBorder(rootPane); } if (frame.isResizable()) { if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0) { updateToggleButton(myRestoreAction, myMinimizeIcon); myMaximizeAction.setEnabled(false); myRestoreAction.setEnabled(true); } else { updateToggleButton(myMaximizeAction, myMaximizeIcon); myMaximizeAction.setEnabled(true); myRestoreAction.setEnabled(false); } if (myToggleButton.getParent() == null || myIconifyButton.getParent() == null) { add(myToggleButton); add(myIconifyButton); revalidate(); repaint(); } myToggleButton.setText(null); } else { myMaximizeAction.setEnabled(false); myRestoreAction.setEnabled(false); if (myToggleButton.getParent() != null) { remove(myToggleButton); revalidate(); repaint(); } } } else { // Not contained in a Frame myMaximizeAction.setEnabled(false); myRestoreAction.setEnabled(false); myIconifyAction.setEnabled(false); remove(myToggleButton); remove(myIconifyButton); revalidate(); repaint(); } myCloseAction.setEnabled(true); myState = state; } }
private boolean isStuck() { return (unstickButton.getParent() != null); }