void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required"); return; } Undo.setup(Undo.ROI, imp); Roi roi2 = null; if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE) { double width = roi.getStrokeWidth(); if (width <= 1.0) roi.setStrokeWidth(1.0000001); FloatPolygon p = roi.getFloatPolygon(); roi.setStrokeWidth(width); roi2 = new PolygonRoi(p, Roi.POLYGON); roi2.setDrawOffset(roi.getDrawOffset()); } else { ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); ip2.setColor(255); roi.drawPixels(ip2); // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show(); ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection(); roi2 = tts.convert(ip2); } transferProperties(roi, roi2); roi2.setStrokeWidth(0); Color c = roi2.getStrokeColor(); if (c != null) // remove any transparency roi2.setStrokeColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue())); imp.setRoi(roi2); Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone(); }
void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required"); return; } if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE && roi.getStrokeWidth() == 1) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Straight line width must be > 1"); return; } ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); ip2.setColor(255); if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE) ip2.fillPolygon(roi.getPolygon()); else { roi.drawPixels(ip2); // BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), // BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); // Graphics g = bi.getGraphics(); // Roi roi2 = (Roi)roi.clone(); // roi2.setStrokeColor(Color.white); // roi2.drawOverlay(g); // ip2 = new ByteProcessor(bi); } // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show(); ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection(); Roi roi2 = tts.convert(ip2); imp.setRoi(roi2); Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone(); }
void createMaskFromThreshold(ImagePlus imp) { ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) { IJ.error("Create Mask", "Area selection or thresholded image required"); return; } double t1 = ip.getMinThreshold(); double t2 = ip.getMaxThreshold(); IJ.run("Duplicate...", "title=mask"); ImagePlus imp2 = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); ImageProcessor ip2 = imp2.getProcessor(); ip2.setThreshold(t1, t2, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); IJ.run("Convert to Mask"); }
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (canceled) return; slice++; if (imp.getStackSize() > 1 && processStack) imp.setSlice(slice); if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) { ip = (ImageProcessor) imp.getProperty("Mask"); ip.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); } if (!analyze(imp, ip)) canceled = true; if (slice == imp.getStackSize()) { imp.updateAndDraw(); if (saveRoi != null) imp.setRoi(saveRoi); } }
void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required"); return; } ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); ip2.setColor(255); if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE && roi.getStrokeWidth() > 1) ip2.fillPolygon(roi.getPolygon()); else roi.drawPixels(ip2); // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show(); ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection(); Roi roi2 = tts.convert(ip2); imp.setRoi(roi2); Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone(); }
void createSelectionFromMask(ImagePlus imp) { ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); if (ip.getMinThreshold() != ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) { IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection", ""); return; } if (!ip.isBinary()) { IJ.error( "Create Selection", "This command creates a composite selection from\n" + "a mask (8-bit binary image with white background)\n" + "or from an image that has been thresholded using\n" + "the Image>Adjust>Threshold tool. The current\n" + "image is not a mask and has not been thresholded."); return; } int threshold = ip.isInvertedLut() ? 255 : 0; ip.setThreshold(threshold, threshold, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.filter.ThresholdToSelection", ""); }
private void makeBand(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { noRoi("Make Band"); return; } if (!roi.isArea()) { IJ.error("Make Band", "Area selection required"); return; } Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); double pixels = bandSize; double size = pixels * cal.pixelWidth; int decimalPlaces = 0; if ((int) size != size) decimalPlaces = 2; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Make Band"); gd.addNumericField("Band Size:", size, decimalPlaces, 4, cal.getUnits()); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; size = gd.getNextNumber(); if (Double.isNaN(size)) { IJ.error("Make Band", "invalid number"); return; } int n = (int) Math.round(size / cal.pixelWidth); if (n > 255) { IJ.error("Make Band", "Cannot make bands wider that 255 pixels"); return; } int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); ImageProcessor ip = roi.getMask(); if (ip == null) { ip = new ByteProcessor(r.width, r.height); ip.invert(); } ImageProcessor mask = new ByteProcessor(width, height); mask.insert(ip, r.x, r.y); ImagePlus edm = new ImagePlus("mask", mask); boolean saveBlackBackground = Prefs.blackBackground; Prefs.blackBackground = false; IJ.run(edm, "Distance Map", ""); Prefs.blackBackground = saveBlackBackground; ip = edm.getProcessor(); ip.setThreshold(0, n, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); int xx = -1, yy = -1; for (int x = r.x; x < r.x + r.width; x++) { for (int y = r.y; y < r.y + r.height; y++) { if (ip.getPixel(x, y) < n) { xx = x; yy = y; break; } } if (xx >= 0 || yy >= 0) break; } int count = IJ.doWand(edm, xx, yy, 0, null); if (count <= 0) { IJ.error("Make Band", "Unable to make band"); return; } ShapeRoi roi2 = new ShapeRoi(edm.getRoi()); if (!(roi instanceof ShapeRoi)) roi = new ShapeRoi(roi); ShapeRoi roi1 = (ShapeRoi) roi; roi2 = roi2.not(roi1); imp.setRoi(roi2); bandSize = n; }