public synchronized void toggleCurrentSQLResultTabSticky() {
    if (null != _stickyTab) {
      if (_stickyTab.equals(_tabbedExecutionsPanel.getSelectedComponent())) {
        // Sticky is turned off. Just remove sticky and return.
        _stickyTab = null;
        _tabbedExecutionsPanel.setIconAt(_tabbedExecutionsPanel.getSelectedIndex(), null);

      } else {
        // remove old sticky tab
        int indexOfStickyTab = getIndexOfTab(_stickyTab);
        if (-1 != indexOfStickyTab) {
          _tabbedExecutionsPanel.setIconAt(indexOfStickyTab, null);
        _stickyTab = null;

    if (false == _tabbedExecutionsPanel.getSelectedComponent() instanceof IResultTab) {
      // i18n[SQLResultExecuterPanel.nonStickyPanel=Cannot make a cancel panel sticky]
      String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("SQLResultExecuterPanel.nonStickyPanel");
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_session.getApplication().getMainFrame(), msg);

    _stickyTab = (IResultTab) _tabbedExecutionsPanel.getSelectedComponent();
    int selectedIndex = _tabbedExecutionsPanel.getSelectedIndex();

    ImageIcon icon = getStickyIcon();

    _tabbedExecutionsPanel.setIconAt(selectedIndex, icon);
  private void addResultsTab(ResultTab tab, IResultTab resultTabToReplace) {
    if (null == resultTabToReplace && null == _stickyTab) {
      _tabbedExecutionsPanel.addTab(tab.getTitle(), null, tab, tab.getViewableSqlString());
    } else {
      if (null != resultTabToReplace && _session.getProperties().getKeepTableLayoutOnRerun()) {
        TableState sortableTableState = resultTabToReplace.getResultSortableTableState();
        if (null != sortableTableState) {

      int indexToReplace = -1;
      ImageIcon tabIcon = null;

      // Either resultTabToReplace or _stickyTab must be not null here
      if (null != resultTabToReplace && _stickyTab != resultTabToReplace) {
        indexToReplace = getIndexOfTab(resultTabToReplace);
      } else {
        indexToReplace = getIndexOfTab(_stickyTab);
        if (-1 == indexToReplace) {
          // sticky tab was closed
          _stickyTab = null;
        } else {
          tabIcon = getStickyIcon();
          _stickyTab = tab;

      if (-1 == indexToReplace) {
        // Just add the tab
        addResultsTab(tab, null);

          tab.getTitle(), tabIcon, tab, tab.getViewableSqlString(), indexToReplace);