/* * We need to know if the caret is currently positioned on the line we * are about to paint so the line number can be highlighted. */ private boolean isCurrentLine(int rowStartOffset) { int caretPosition = component.getCaretPosition(); Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if (root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset) == root.getElementIndex(caretPosition)) return true; else return false; }
private static int getNSVisualPosition(EditorPane txt, int pos, int direction) { Element root = txt.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int numLines = root.getElementIndex(txt.getDocument().getLength() - 1) + 1; int line = root.getElementIndex(pos) + 1; int tarLine = direction == SwingConstants.NORTH ? line - 1 : line + 1; try { if (tarLine <= 0) { return 0; } if (tarLine > numLines) { return txt.getDocument().getLength(); } Rectangle curRect = txt.modelToView(pos); Rectangle tarEndRect; if (tarLine < numLines) { tarEndRect = txt.modelToView(txt.getLineStartOffset(tarLine) - 1); } else { tarEndRect = txt.modelToView(txt.getDocument().getLength() - 1); } Debug.log(9, "curRect: " + curRect + ", tarEnd: " + tarEndRect); if (curRect.x > tarEndRect.x) { pos = txt.viewToModel(new Point(tarEndRect.x, tarEndRect.y)); } else { pos = txt.viewToModel(new Point(curRect.x, tarEndRect.y)); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { Debug.error(me + "Problem getting next visual position\n%s", e.getMessage()); } return pos; }
public Element getLineAtCaret(int caretPosition) { Element root = getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if (caretPosition == -1) { return root.getElement(root.getElementIndex(getCaretPosition())); } else { return root.getElement(root.getElementIndex(root.getElementIndex(caretPosition))); } }
public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { // when the cursor moves on _textView // this method will be called. Then, we // must determine what the line number is // and update the line number view Element root = textView.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int line = root.getElementIndex(e.getDot()); root = root.getElement(line); int col = root.getElementIndex(e.getDot()); lineNumberView.setText(line + ":" + col); // if text is selected then enable copy and cut boolean isSelection = e.getDot() != e.getMark(); copyAction.setEnabled(isSelection); cutAction.setEnabled(isSelection); }
/** * Repaint the region of change covered by the given document event. Damages the line that begins * the range to cover the case when the insert/remove is only on one line. If lines are added or * removed, damages the whole view. The longest line is checked to see if it has changed. */ protected void updateDamage(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) { Component host = getContainer(); updateMetrics(); Element elem = getElement(); DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec = changes.getChange(elem); Element[] added = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenAdded() : null; Element[] removed = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenRemoved() : null; if (((added != null) && (added.length > 0)) || ((removed != null) && (removed.length > 0))) { // lines were added or removed... if (added != null) { int addedAt = ec.getIndex(); // FIXME: Is this correct????? for (int i = 0; i < added.length; i++) possiblyUpdateLongLine(added[i], addedAt + i); } if (removed != null) { for (int i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) { if (removed[i] == longLine) { longLineWidth = -1; // Must do this!! calculateLongestLine(); break; } } } preferenceChanged(null, true, true); host.repaint(); } // This occurs when syntax highlighting only changes on lines // (i.e. beginning a multiline comment). else if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE) { // System.err.println("Updating the damage due to a CHANGE event..."); int startLine = changes.getOffset(); int endLine = changes.getLength(); damageLineRange(startLine, endLine, a, host); } else { Element map = getElement(); int line = map.getElementIndex(changes.getOffset()); damageLineRange(line, line, a, host); if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) { // check to see if the line is longer than current // longest line. Element e = map.getElement(line); if (e == longLine) { // We must recalculate longest line's width here // because it has gotten longer. longLineWidth = getLineWidth(line); preferenceChanged(null, true, false); } else { // If long line gets updated, update the status bars too. if (possiblyUpdateLongLine(e, line)) preferenceChanged(null, true, false); } } else if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) { if (map.getElement(line) == longLine) { // removed from longest line... recalc longLineWidth = -1; // Must do this! calculateLongestLine(); preferenceChanged(null, true, false); } } } }
/** * Adds the matching block end. * * @param offset the offset * @return the string after adding the matching block end * @throws BadLocationException if the offset is invalid */ protected String addMatchingBlockEnd(int offset) throws BadLocationException { StringBuffer result; StringBuffer whiteSpace = new StringBuffer(); int line = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(offset); int i = m_RootElement.getElement(line).getStartOffset(); while (true) { String temp = m_Self.getText(i, 1); if (temp.equals(" ") || temp.equals("\t")) { whiteSpace.append(temp); i++; } else { break; } } // assemble string result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(m_BlockStart); result.append("\n"); result.append(whiteSpace.toString()); if (m_UseBlanks) result.append(m_Indentation); else result.append("\t"); result.append("\n"); result.append(whiteSpace.toString()); result.append(m_BlockEnd); return result.toString(); }
/** * Returns the line. * * @param content the content * @param offset the offset to start at * @return the line */ protected String getLine(String content, int offset) { int line = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(offset); Element lineElement = m_RootElement.getElement(line); int start = lineElement.getStartOffset(); int end = lineElement.getEndOffset(); return content.substring(start, end - 1); }
/** * Highlight lines to start or end delimiter. * * @param content the content to parse * @param line the line number * @throws BadLocationException if offsets are wrong */ protected void highlightLinesAfter(String content, int line) throws BadLocationException { int offset = m_RootElement.getElement(line).getEndOffset(); // Start/End delimiter not found, nothing to do int startDelimiter = -1; int endDelimiter = -1; if (getMultiLineComment()) { startDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentStart(), offset); endDelimiter = indexOf(content, getMultiLineCommentEnd(), offset); } if (startDelimiter < 0) startDelimiter = content.length(); if (endDelimiter < 0) endDelimiter = content.length(); int delimiter = Math.min(startDelimiter, endDelimiter); if (delimiter < offset) return; // Start/End delimiter found, reapply highlighting int endLine = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(delimiter); for (int i = line + 1; i < endLine; i++) { Element branch = m_RootElement.getElement(i); Element leaf = m_Self.getCharacterElement(branch.getStartOffset()); AttributeSet as = leaf.getAttributes(); if (as.isEqual(DEFAULT_COMMENT)) applyHighlighting(content, i); } }
/* * Get the line number to be drawn. The empty string will be returned * when a line of text has wrapped. */ protected String getTextLineNumber(int rowStartOffset) { Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset); Element line = root.getElement(index); if (line.getStartOffset() == rowStartOffset) return String.valueOf(index + 1); else return ""; }
/** * Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the * view mapped to it. * * @param pos the position to convert * @param a the allocated region to render into * @return the bounding box of the given position is returned * @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a valid location in * the associated document. */ @Override public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException { // System.err.println("--- begin modelToView ---"); Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds(); RSyntaxTextArea textArea = (RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(); alloc.height = textArea.getLineHeight(); // metrics.getHeight(); alloc.width = 1; int p0 = getStartOffset(); int p1 = getEndOffset(); int testP = (b == Position.Bias.Forward) ? pos : Math.max(p0, pos - 1); // Get the token list for this line so we don't have to keep // recomputing it if this logical line spans multiple physical // lines. RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = map.getElementIndex(p0); Token tokenList = doc.getTokenListForLine(line); float x0 = alloc.x; // 0; while (p0 < p1) { TokenSubList subList = TokenUtils.getSubTokenList( tokenList, p0, WrappedSyntaxView.this, textArea, x0, lineCountTempToken); x0 = subList != null ? subList.x : x0; tokenList = subList != null ? subList.tokenList : null; int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, tokenList, x0); if ((pos >= p0) && (testP < p)) { // pos < p)) { // it's in this line alloc = RSyntaxUtilities.getLineWidthUpTo( textArea, s, p0, pos, WrappedSyntaxView.this, alloc, alloc.x); // System.err.println("--- end modelToView ---"); return alloc; } // if (p == p1 && pos == p1) { if (p == p1 - 1 && pos == p1 - 1) { // Wants end. if (pos > p0) { alloc = RSyntaxUtilities.getLineWidthUpTo( textArea, s, p0, pos, WrappedSyntaxView.this, alloc, alloc.x); } // System.err.println("--- end modelToView ---"); return alloc; } p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p; // System.err.println("... ... Incrementing y"); alloc.y += alloc.height; } throw new BadLocationException(null, pos); }
public Element getLineAtPoint(MouseEvent me) { Point p = me.getLocationOnScreen(); Point pp = getLocationOnScreen(); p.translate(-pp.x, -pp.y); int pos = viewToModel(p); Element root = getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int e = root.getElementIndex(pos); if (e == -1) { return null; } return root.getElement(e); }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int line1 = map.getElementIndex(dot); if (dot != mark) { int line2 = map.getElementIndex(mark); int begin = Math.min(line1, line2); int end = Math.max(line1, line2); Element elem; try { for (line1 = begin; line1 < end; line1++) { elem = map.getElement(line1); handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } elem = map.getElement(end); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { handleDecreaseIndent(end, elem, doc); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { Element elem = map.getElement(line1); try { handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } }
// // Implement CaretListener interface // @Override public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { // Get the line the caret is positioned on int caretPosition = component.getCaretPosition(); Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int currentLine = root.getElementIndex(caretPosition); // Need to repaint so the correct line number can be highlighted if (lastLine != currentLine) { repaint(); lastLine = currentLine; } }
/** * Determine how many lines have been changed, then apply highlighting to each line. * * @param offset the offset of the changed lines * @param length the length of the change * @throws BadLocationException if offset is invalid */ public void processChangedLines(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException { String content = m_Self.getText(0, m_Self.getLength()); // The lines affected by the latest document update int startLine = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(offset); int endLine = m_RootElement.getElementIndex(offset + length); // Make sure all comment lines prior to the start line are commented // and determine if the start line is still in a multi line comment if (getMultiLineComment()) setInsideMultiLineComment(commentLinesBefore(content, startLine)); // Do the actual highlighting for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { applyHighlighting(content, i); } // Resolve highlighting to the next end multi line delimiter if (isMultiLineComment()) commentLinesAfter(content, endLine); else highlightLinesAfter(content, endLine); }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); boolean indentError = false; Document doc = text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); String tabWhitespace = PreferencesUser.getInstance().getTabWhitespace(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int dotLine = map.getElementIndex(dot); int markLine = map.getElementIndex(mark); if (dotLine != markLine) { int first = Math.min(dotLine, markLine); int last = Math.max(dotLine, markLine); Element elem; int start; try { for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { elem = map.getElement(i); start = elem.getStartOffset(); doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } elem = map.getElement(last); start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { text.replaceSelection(tabWhitespace); } }
/** Calculate the number of lines that will be rendered by logical line when it is wrapped. */ final int calculateLineCount() { int nlines = 0; int startOffset = getStartOffset(); int p1 = getEndOffset(); // Get the token list for this line so we don't have to keep // recomputing it if this logical line spans multiple physical // lines. RSyntaxTextArea textArea = (RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(); RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = map.getElementIndex(startOffset); Token tokenList = doc.getTokenListForLine(line); float x0 = 0; // FIXME: should be alloc.x!! alloc.x;//0; // System.err.println(">>> calculateLineCount: " + startOffset + "-" + p1); for (int p0 = startOffset; p0 < p1; ) { // System.err.println("... ... " + p0 + ", " + p1); nlines += 1; TokenSubList subList = TokenUtils.getSubTokenList( tokenList, p0, WrappedSyntaxView.this, textArea, x0, lineCountTempToken); x0 = subList != null ? subList.x : x0; tokenList = subList != null ? subList.tokenList : null; int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, tokenList, x0); // System.err.println("... ... ... break position p==" + p); p0 = (p == p0) ? ++p : p; // this is the fix of #4410243 // we check on situation when // width is too small and // break position is calculated // incorrectly. // System.err.println("... ... ... new p0==" + p0); } /* int numLines = 0; try { numLines = textArea.getLineCount(); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println(">>> >>> calculated number of lines for this view (line " + line + "/" + numLines + ": " + nlines); */ return nlines; }
private void checkCompletion(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = getDocument(); Element root = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int pos = getCaretPosition(); int lineIdx = root.getElementIndex(pos); Element line = root.getElement(lineIdx); int start = line.getStartOffset(), len = line.getEndOffset() - start; String strLine = doc.getText(start, len - 1); Debug.log(9, "[" + strLine + "]"); if (strLine.endsWith("find") && ke.getKeyChar() == '(') { ke.consume(); doc.insertString(pos, "(", null); ButtonCapture btnCapture = new ButtonCapture(this, line); insertComponent(btnCapture); doc.insertString(pos + 2, ")", null); } }
private String addWhiteSpace(Document doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException { StringBuilder whiteSpace = new StringBuilder("\n"); Element rootElement = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = rootElement.getElementIndex(offset); int i = rootElement.getElement(line).getStartOffset(); while (true) { String temp = doc.getText(i, 1); if (temp.equals(" ") || temp.equals("\t")) { whiteSpace.append(temp); i++; } else break; } return whiteSpace.toString(); }
/* * Determine the Y offset for the current row */ private int getOffsetY(int rowStartOffset, FontMetrics fontMetrics) throws BadLocationException { // Get the bounding rectangle of the row Rectangle r = component.modelToView(rowStartOffset); int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight(); int y = r.y + r.height; int descent = 0; // The text needs to be positioned above the bottom of the bounding // rectangle based on the descent of the font(s) contained on the row. if (r.height == lineHeight) { // default font is being used descent = fontMetrics.getDescent(); } else { // We need to check all the attributes for font changes if (fonts == null) { fonts = new HashMap<String, FontMetrics>(); } Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset); Element line = root.getElement(index); for (int i = 0; i < line.getElementCount(); i++) { Element child = line.getElement(i); AttributeSet as = child.getAttributes(); String fontFamily = (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily); Integer fontSize = (Integer) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize); String key = fontFamily + fontSize; FontMetrics fm = fonts.get(key); if (fm == null) { Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, fontSize); fm = component.getFontMetrics(font); fonts.put(key, fm); } descent = Math.max(descent, fm.getDescent()); } } return y - descent; }
/** * Returns a token list for the <i>physical</i> line above the physical line containing the * specified offset into the document. Note that for this plain (non-wrapped) view, this is simply * the token list for the logical line above the line containing <code>offset</code>, since lines * are not wrapped. * * @param offset The offset in question. * @return A token list for the physical (and in this view, logical) line before this one. If * <code>offset</code> is in the first line in the document, <code>null</code> is returned. */ public Token getTokenListForPhysicalLineAbove(int offset) { RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = document.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = map.getElementIndex(offset); FoldManager fm = host.getFoldManager(); if (fm == null) { line--; if (line >= 0) { return document.getTokenListForLine(line); } } else { line = fm.getVisibleLineAbove(line); if (line >= 0) { return document.getTokenListForLine(line); } } // int line = map.getElementIndex(offset) - 1; // if (line>=0) // return document.getTokenListForLine(line); return null; }
/** * Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the view * mapped to it. * * @param pos the position to convert >= 0 * @param a the allocated region to render into * @return the bounding box of the given position * @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not represent a valid location in * the associated document * @see View#modelToView */ @Override public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException { // line coordinates Element map = getElement(); RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); int lineIndex = map.getElementIndex(pos); Token tokenList = doc.getTokenListForLine(lineIndex); Rectangle lineArea = lineToRect(a, lineIndex); tabBase = lineArea.x; // Used by listOffsetToView(). // int x = (int)RSyntaxUtilities.getTokenListWidthUpTo(tokenList, // (RSyntaxTextArea)getContainer(), // this, 0, pos); // We use this method instead as it returns the actual bounding box, // not just the x-coordinate. lineArea = tokenList.listOffsetToView((RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(), this, pos, tabBase, lineArea); return lineArea; }
/** * Returns a token list for the <i>physical</i> line below the physical line containing the * specified offset into the document. Note that for this plain (non-wrapped) view, this is simply * the token list for the logical line below the line containing <code>offset</code>, since lines * are not wrapped. * * @param offset The offset in question. * @return A token list for the physical (and in this view, logical) line after this one. If * <code>offset</code> is in the last physical line in the document, <code>null</code> is * returned. */ public Token getTokenListForPhysicalLineBelow(int offset) { RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = document.getDefaultRootElement(); int lineCount = map.getElementCount(); int line = map.getElementIndex(offset); if (!host.isCodeFoldingEnabled()) { if (line < lineCount - 1) { return document.getTokenListForLine(line + 1); } } else { FoldManager fm = host.getFoldManager(); line = fm.getVisibleLineBelow(line); if (line >= 0 && line < lineCount) { return document.getTokenListForLine(line); } } // int line = map.getElementIndex(offset); // int lineCount = map.getElementCount(); // if (line<lineCount-1) // return document.getTokenListForLine(line+1); return null; }
/** * Fetches the child view index representing the given position in the model. This is implemented * to fetch the view in the case where there is a child view for each child element. * * @param pos the position >= 0 * @return index of the view representing the given position, or -1 if no view represents that * position */ protected int getViewIndexAtPosition(int pos) { Element elem = getElement(); return elem.getElementIndex(pos); }
/** * Draws a single view (i.e., a line of text for a wrapped view), wrapping the text onto multiple * lines if necessary. Any selected text is rendered with the editor's "selected text" color. * * @param painter The painter to use to render tokens. * @param g The graphics context in which to paint. * @param r The rectangle in which to paint. * @param view The <code>View</code> to paint. * @param fontHeight The height of the font being used. * @param y The y-coordinate at which to begin painting. * @param selStart The start of the selection. * @param selEnd The end of the selection. */ protected void drawViewWithSelection( TokenPainter painter, Graphics2D g, Rectangle r, View view, int fontHeight, int y, int selStart, int selEnd) { float x = r.x; LayeredHighlighter h = (LayeredHighlighter) host.getHighlighter(); RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = getElement(); int p0 = view.getStartOffset(); int lineNumber = map.getElementIndex(p0); int p1 = view.getEndOffset(); // - 1; setSegment(p0, p1 - 1, document, drawSeg); // System.err.println("drawSeg=='" + drawSeg + "' (p0/p1==" + p0 + "/" + p1 + ")"); int start = p0 - drawSeg.offset; Token token = document.getTokenListForLine(lineNumber); // If this line is an empty line, then the token list is simply a // null token. In this case, the line highlight will be skipped in // the loop below, so unfortunately we must manually do it here. if (token != null && token.getType() == Token.NULL) { h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, r, host, this); return; } // Loop through all tokens in this view and paint them! while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) { int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, token, x); x = r.x; h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p, r, host, this); while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getEndOffset() - 1 < p) { // <=p) { // Selection starts in this token if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) { if (selStart > token.getOffset()) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selStart); // Clone required since token and tempToken must be // different tokens for else statement below token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset()); if (selCount == token.length()) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } else { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selCount; x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } } // Selection ends in this token else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selEnd); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely selected else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely unselected else { x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } token = token.getNextToken(); } // If there's a token that's going to be split onto the next line if (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getOffset() < p) { int tokenOffset = token.getOffset(); Token orig = token; token = new TokenImpl( drawSeg, tokenOffset - start, p - 1 - start, tokenOffset, token.getType()); // Selection starts in this token if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) { if (selStart > token.getOffset()) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selStart); // Clone required since token and tempToken must be // different tokens for else statement below token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset()); if (selCount == token.length()) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } else { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selCount; x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } } // Selection ends in this token else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selEnd); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely selected else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely unselected else { x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } token = new TokenImpl(orig); ((TokenImpl) token).makeStartAt(p); } p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p; y += fontHeight; } // End of while (token!=null && token.isPaintable()). // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here, // but don't because I'm just too lazy. if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) { g.setColor(host.getForegroundForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.setFont(host.getFontForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.drawString("\u00B6", x, y - fontHeight); } }
/** * Draws a single view (i.e., a line of text for a wrapped view), wrapping the text onto multiple * lines if necessary. * * @param painter The painter to use to render tokens. * @param g The graphics context in which to paint. * @param r The rectangle in which to paint. * @param view The <code>View</code> to paint. * @param fontHeight The height of the font being used. * @param y The y-coordinate at which to begin painting. */ protected void drawView( TokenPainter painter, Graphics2D g, Rectangle r, View view, int fontHeight, int y) { float x = r.x; LayeredHighlighter h = (LayeredHighlighter) host.getHighlighter(); RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = getElement(); int p0 = view.getStartOffset(); int lineNumber = map.getElementIndex(p0); int p1 = view.getEndOffset(); // - 1; setSegment(p0, p1 - 1, document, drawSeg); // System.err.println("drawSeg=='" + drawSeg + "' (p0/p1==" + p0 + "/" + p1 + ")"); int start = p0 - drawSeg.offset; Token token = document.getTokenListForLine(lineNumber); // If this line is an empty line, then the token list is simply a // null token. In this case, the line highlight will be skipped in // the loop below, so unfortunately we must manually do it here. if (token != null && token.getType() == Token.NULL) { h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, r, host, this); return; } // Loop through all tokens in this view and paint them! while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) { int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, token, x); x = r.x; h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p, r, host, this); while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getEndOffset() - 1 < p) { // <=p) { x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); token = token.getNextToken(); } if (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getOffset() < p) { int tokenOffset = token.getOffset(); tempToken.set( drawSeg.array, tokenOffset - start, p - 1 - start, tokenOffset, token.getType()); painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.makeStartAt(p); token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p; y += fontHeight; } // End of while (token!=null && token.isPaintable()). // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here, // but don't because I'm just too lazy. if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) { g.setColor(host.getForegroundForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.setFont(host.getFontForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.drawString("\u00B6", x, y - fontHeight); } }
/** * Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical coordinate space of the * model. * * @param fx the X coordinate * @param fy the Y coordinate * @param a the allocated region to render into * @return the location within the model that best represents the given point in the view * @see View#viewToModel */ @Override public int viewToModel(float fx, float fy, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias) { // PENDING(prinz) implement bias properly bias[0] = Position.Bias.Forward; Rectangle alloc = (Rectangle) a; RSyntaxDocument doc = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); int x = (int) fx; int y = (int) fy; if (y < alloc.y) { // above the area covered by this icon, so the the position // is assumed to be the start of the coverage for this view. return getStartOffset(); } else if (y > alloc.y + alloc.height) { // below the area covered by this icon, so the the position // is assumed to be the end of the coverage for this view. return getEndOffset() - 1; } else { // positioned within the coverage of this view vertically, // so we figure out which line the point corresponds to. // if the line is greater than the number of lines // contained, then simply use the last line as it represents // the last possible place we can position to. RSyntaxTextArea textArea = (RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(); alloc.height = textArea.getLineHeight(); int p1 = getEndOffset(); // Get the token list for this line so we don't have to keep // recomputing it if this logical line spans multiple // physical lines. Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int p0 = getStartOffset(); int line = map.getElementIndex(p0); Token tlist = doc.getTokenListForLine(line); // Look at each physical line-chunk of this logical line. while (p0 < p1) { // We can always use alloc.x since we always break // lines so they start at the beginning of a physical // line. TokenSubList subList = TokenUtils.getSubTokenList( tlist, p0, WrappedSyntaxView.this, textArea, alloc.x, lineCountTempToken); tlist = subList != null ? subList.tokenList : null; int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, tlist, alloc.x); // If desired view position is in this physical chunk. if ((y >= alloc.y) && (y < (alloc.y + alloc.height))) { // Point is to the left of the line if (x < alloc.x) { return p0; } // Point is to the right of the line else if (x > alloc.x + alloc.width) { return p - 1; } // Point is in this physical line! else { // Start at alloc.x since this chunk starts // at the beginning of a physical line. int n = tlist.getListOffset(textArea, WrappedSyntaxView.this, alloc.x, x); // NOTE: We needed to add the max() with // p0 as getTokenListForLine returns -1 // for empty lines (just a null token). // How did this work before? // FIXME: Have null tokens have their // offset but a -1 length. return Math.max(Math.min(n, p1 - 1), p0); } // End of else. } // End of if ((y>=alloc.y) && ... p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p; alloc.y += alloc.height; } // End of while (p0<p1). return getEndOffset() - 1; } // End of else. }
public int getLineNumberAtCaret(int caretPosition) { Element root = getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); return root.getElementIndex(caretPosition) + 1; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int yForLineContaining(Rectangle alloc, int offs) throws BadLocationException { Element map = getElement(); int line = map.getElementIndex(offs); return yForLine(alloc, line); }
private void insertNewlineWithAutoIndent(JTextComponent text) { try { int caretPos = text.getCaretPosition(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int lineNum = map.getElementIndex(caretPos); Element line = map.getElement(lineNum); int start = line.getStartOffset(); int end = line.getEndOffset() - 1; int len = end - start; String s = doc.getText(start, len); String leadingWS = PythonIndentation.getLeadingWhitespace(doc, start, caretPos - start); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\n"); sb.append(leadingWS); // TODO better control over automatic indentation indentationLogic.checkIndent(leadingWS, lineNum + 1); // If there is only whitespace between the caret and // the EOL, pressing Enter auto-indents the new line to // the same place as the previous line. int nonWhitespacePos = PythonIndentation.atEndOfLine(doc, caretPos, start, s, len); if (nonWhitespacePos == -1) { if (leadingWS.length() == len) { // If the line was nothing but whitespace, select it // so its contents get removed. text.setSelectionStart(start); } else { // Select the whitespace between the caret and the EOL // to remove it text.setSelectionStart(caretPos); } text.setSelectionEnd(end); text.replaceSelection(sb.toString()); // auto-indentation for python statements like if, while, for, try, // except, def, class and auto-deindentation for break, continue, // pass, return analyseDocument(doc, lineNum, indentationLogic); // auto-completion: add colon if it is obvious if (indentationLogic.shouldAddColon()) { doc.insertString(caretPos, ":", null); indentationLogic.setLastLineEndsWithColon(); } int lastLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeLastLineIndentation(); int nextLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeNextLineIndentation(); if (lastLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 1, lastLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum, lastLineChange); // nextLineChange was determined based on indentation of last line before // the change nextLineChange += lastLineChange; } if (nextLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 2, nextLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum + 1, nextLineChange); } } // If there is non-whitespace between the caret and the // EOL, pressing Enter takes that text to the next line // and auto-indents it to the same place as the last // line. Additional auto-indentation or dedentation for // specific python statements is only done for the next line. else { text.setCaretPosition(nonWhitespacePos); doc.insertString(nonWhitespacePos, sb.toString(), null); analyseDocument(doc, lineNum, indentationLogic); int nextLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeNextLineIndentation(); if (nextLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 2, nextLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum + 1, nextLineChange); } } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { text.replaceSelection("\n"); Debug.error(me + "Problem while inserting new line with auto-indent\n%s", ble.getMessage()); } }