public void show() { dlg = new DialogDescriptor( this, NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "CLIENT_EXCEPTION"), false, NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, DialogDescriptor.OK_OPTION, DialogDescriptor.DEFAULT_ALIGN, this.getHelpCtx(), null); dlg.setOptions(new Object[] {okButton}); dialog = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().createDialog(dlg); dialog.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 300));; }
public void makeTheWarning( int X, int Y, int width, int height, Color fg, Color bg, String title, String text, boolean oneLine, Frame frame) { Font warnFont = new java.awt.Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 12); FontMetrics warnFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(warnFont); // Create Dialog window with modal blocking set to true. // Make final so inner class below can access it. final Dialog mww = new Dialog(frame, title, true); mww.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mww.setSize(width, height); mww.setLocation(X, Y); // Use Label for 1-line warning if (oneLine) { Label hT = new Label(text, Label.CENTER); hT.setForeground(fg); hT.setBackground(bg); hT.setFont(warnFont); mww.add("Center", hT); // Use TextArea for multiline warning } else { TextArea hT = new TextArea("", height, width, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_NONE); hT.setEditable(false); hT.setForeground(fg); hT.setBackground(bg); // no effect once setEditable (false)? hT.setFont(warnFont); mww.add("Center", hT); hT.appendText(text); } mww.setTitle(title); // Add dismiss button Panel botPanel = new Panel(); botPanel.setBackground(Color.lightGray); Label label1 = new Label(); Label label2 = new Label(); Button dismissButton = new Button("Dismiss"); botPanel.add(label1); botPanel.add(dismissButton); botPanel.add(label2); // Add inner class event handler for Dismiss button. This must be // added to the dismissButton before botPanel is added to mww. dismissButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { mww.hide(); mww.dispose(); } }); mww.add("South", botPanel); // Add window closing button (inner class) mww.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { mww.hide(); mww.dispose(); } });; // Note that this show must come after all the above // additions; otherwise they are not added before the // window is displayed. }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Dialog d = new ToeDialog(Integer.parseInt(rows.getText()), Integer.parseInt(cols.getText()));; }
public static int crossOver(int version, JoConnection conn, Config config) throws Exception { Dialog dlg = null; try { if (version < 1002) { // ---------------------------------------------------- // New Columns GamePlayer.Color and GamePlayer.Result // ---------------------------------------------------- dlg = JoDialog.createMessageDialog( "Database Update", "jose will now update the database structure.\n" + "This may take up to some minutes.", false);; dlg.paint(dlg.getGraphics()); Setup setup = new Setup(config, "MAIN", conn); /* setup.addColumn("GamePlayer","Color",3); setup.addColumn("GamePlayer","Result",4); /* alter table gameplayer modify column PId integer not null, add column Color tinyint not null, add index GamePlayer_3 (Color), add column Result tinyint not null, add index GamePlayer_4 (Result) * / // fill in values String upd1 = "UPDATE GamePlayer, Game" + " SET GamePlayer.Color = 1, GamePlayer.Result = Game.Result" + " WHERE GamePlayer.GId = Game.Id" + " AND GamePlayer.PId = Game.WhiteId"; /** Color = 1 = White * Result = Game.Result (from white's perspective) * / conn.executeUpdate(upd1); String upd2 = "UPDATE GamePlayer, Game" + " SET GamePlayer.Result = CASE WHEN Game.Result < 0 THEN Game.Result ELSE 2-Game.Result END" + " WHERE GamePlayer.GId = Game.Id" + " AND GamePlayer.PId = Game.BlackId"; /** Color = 0 = Black * Result = 2-Game.Result (from black's perspective) * / conn.executeUpdate(upd2); */ System.err.print("[create GamePlayer"); try { setup.dropTable("GamePlayer"); } catch (Exception e) { Application.error(e); } setup.createTable(null, setup.getTable("GamePlayer"), null, true); JoConnection.getAdapter().disableConstraints("GamePlayer", conn); String ins = "INSERT INTO GamePlayer" + " SELECT Id, WhiteId, 1, Result FROM Game " + " UNION" + " SELECT Id, BlackId, 0, CASE WHEN Result<0 THEN Result ELSE 2-Result END FROM Game"; conn.executeUpdate(ins); JoConnection.getAdapter().enableConstraints("GamePlayer", conn); System.err.println("]"); Setup.setTableVersion(conn, "MAIN", "GamePlayer", 102); Setup.setSchemaVersion(conn, "MAIN", version = 1002); } return version; } finally { if (dlg != null) dlg.dispose(); } }