/** Use the given ClassLoader rather than using the system class */ protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass classDesc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String cname = classDesc.getName(); if (cname.startsWith("[")) { // An array Class component; // component class int dcount; // dimension for (dcount = 1; cname.charAt(dcount) == '['; dcount++) ; if (cname.charAt(dcount) == 'L') { component = loader.loadClass(cname.substring(dcount + 1, cname.length() - 1)); } else { if (cname.length() != dcount + 1) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(cname); // malformed } component = primitiveType(cname.charAt(dcount)); } int dim[] = new int[dcount]; for (int i = 0; i < dcount; i++) { dim[i] = 1; } return Array.newInstance(component, dim).getClass(); } else { return loader.loadClass(cname); } }
boolean tryDir(String d) { ClassLoader L = getClass().getClassLoader(); File p = new File(d, PACKAGE); // System.out.println("Try "+p); if (!p.exists() || !p.isDirectory()) return false; for (File f : p.listFiles()) { String s = f.getName(); if (!s.endsWith(".class")) continue; String name = s.substring(0, s.length() - 6); try { Class<?> c = L.loadClass(PACKAGE + "." + name); if (!Quotation.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) continue; Q.put(name, (Quotation) c.newInstance()); System.out.println(" " + name); // ClassNotFoundException InstantiationException IllegalAccessException } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } return Q.size() > 0; }
/** Look on disk for an editor with the class name 'ocName'. */ PluggableEditor loadEditorFromDisk(String ocName) { // if here, we need to look on disk for a pluggable editor class... log.finer("looking for ocName: " + ocName); try { Class c = myLoader.loadClass(ocName); Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(new Class[0]); // XXX If the pluggable editor has an error in the constructor, under some // XXX circumstances it can fail so badly that this call never returns, and // XXX the thread hangs! It doesn't even get to the exception handler below... // XXX but sometimes if the constructor fails everything works as expected. Wierd. PluggableEditor editor = (PluggableEditor) constructor.newInstance(new Object[0]); editors.put(ocName, editor); // add the new editor to our list return editor; } catch (Exception e) // expected condition - just means no pluggable editor available { if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) // rare exception - an error was encountered in the plugin's // constructor. { log.warning("unable to load special editor for: '" + ocName + "' " + e); if (JXConfig.debugLevel >= 1) { log.warning("Error loading plugin class: "); ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException().printStackTrace(); } } log.log(Level.FINEST, "'Expected' Error loading " + ocName, e); editors.put(ocName, NONE); // add a blank place holder - we can't load // an editor for this, and there's no point looking again. (change if want dynamic loading, // i.e. look *every* time) } return null; // only here if an error has occured. }
/** * Instantiate a JavaBean. * * @param classLoader the class-loader from which we should create the bean. If this is null, then * the system class-loader is used. * @param beanName the name of the bean within the class-loader. For example "sun.beanbox.foobah" * @exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if the class of a serialized object could not be * found. * @exception java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public static Object instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { java.io.InputStream ins; java.io.ObjectInputStream oins = null; Object result = null; boolean serialized = false; java.io.IOException serex = null; // If the given classloader is null, we check if an // system classloader is available and (if so) // use that instead. // Note that calls on the system class loader will // look in the bootstrap class loader first. if (cls == null) { try { cls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } catch (SecurityException ex) { // We're not allowed to access the system class loader. // Drop through. } } // Try to find a serialized object with this name final String serName = beanName.replace('.', '/').concat(".ser"); final ClassLoader loader = cls; ins = (InputStream) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { if (loader == null) return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(serName); else return loader.getResourceAsStream(serName); } }); if (ins != null) { try { if (cls == null) { oins = new ObjectInputStream(ins); } else { oins = new ObjectInputStreamWithLoader(ins, cls); } result = oins.readObject(); serialized = true; oins.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { ins.close(); // Drop through and try opening the class. But remember // the exception in case we can't find the class either. serex = ex; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ins.close(); throw ex; } } if (result == null) { // No serialized object, try just instantiating the class Class cl; try { if (cls == null) { cl = Class.forName(beanName); } else { cl = cls.loadClass(beanName); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // There is no appropriate class. If we earlier tried to // deserialize an object and got an IO exception, throw that, // otherwise rethrow the ClassNotFoundException. if (serex != null) { throw serex; } throw ex; } /* * Try to instantiate the class. */ try { result = cl.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { // We have to remap the exception to one in our signature. // But we pass extra information in the detail message. throw new ClassNotFoundException("" + cl + " : " + ex); } } if (result != null) { // Ok, if the result is an applet initialize it. AppletStub stub = null; if (result instanceof Applet) { Applet applet = (Applet) result; // Figure our the codebase and docbase URLs. We do this // by locating the URL for a known resource, and then // massaging the URL. // First find the "resource name" corresponding to the bean // itself. So a serialzied bean "a.b.c" would imply a // resource name of "a/b/c.ser" and a classname of "x.y" // would imply a resource name of "x/y.class". final String resourceName; if (serialized) { // Serialized bean resourceName = beanName.replace('.', '/').concat(".ser"); } else { // Regular class resourceName = beanName.replace('.', '/').concat(".class"); } URL objectUrl = null; URL codeBase = null; URL docBase = null; // Now get the URL correponding to the resource name. final ClassLoader cloader = cls; objectUrl = (URL) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { if (cloader == null) return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName); else return cloader.getResource(resourceName); } }); // If we found a URL, we try to locate the docbase by taking // of the final path name component, and the code base by taking // of the complete resourceName. // So if we had a resourceName of "a/b/c.class" and we got an // objectURL of "file://bert/classes/a/b/c.class" then we would // want to set the codebase to "file://bert/classes/" and the // docbase to "file://bert/classes/a/b/" if (objectUrl != null) { String s = objectUrl.toExternalForm(); if (s.endsWith(resourceName)) { int ix = s.length() - resourceName.length(); codeBase = new URL(s.substring(0, ix)); docBase = codeBase; ix = s.lastIndexOf('/'); if (ix >= 0) { docBase = new URL(s.substring(0, ix + 1)); } } } // Setup a default context and stub. BeansAppletContext context = new BeansAppletContext(applet); stub = (AppletStub) new BeansAppletStub(applet, context, codeBase, docBase); applet.setStub(stub); // If it was deserialized then it was already init-ed. // Otherwise we need to initialize it. if (!serialized) { // We need to set a reasonable initial size, as many // applets are unhappy if they are started without // having been explicitly sized. applet.setSize(100, 100); applet.init(); } ((BeansAppletStub) stub).active = true; } } return result; }
public QSAdminGUI(QSAdminMain qsadminMain, JFrame parentFrame) { this.parentFrame = parentFrame; Container cp = this; qsadminMain.setGUI(this); cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5, 5)); headerPanel = new HeaderPanel(qsadminMain, parentFrame); mainCommandPanel = new MainCommandPanel(qsadminMain); cmdConsole = new CmdConsole(qsadminMain); propertiePanel = new PropertiePanel(qsadminMain); if (headerPanel == null || mainCommandPanel == null || cmdConsole == null || propertiePanel == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Loading of one of gui component failed."); } headerPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 0, 5)); cp.add(headerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); JScrollPane propertieScrollPane = new JScrollPane(propertiePanel); // JScrollPane commandScrollPane = new JScrollPane(mainCommandPanel); JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, true, mainCommandPanel, cmdConsole); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(false); splitPane.setDividerLocation(250); // splitPane.setDividerLocation(0.70); tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); tabbedPane.addTab("Main", ball, splitPane, "Main Commands"); tabbedPane.addTab("Get/Set", ball, propertieScrollPane, "Properties Panel"); QSAdminPluginConfig qsAdminPluginConfig = null; PluginPanel pluginPanel = null; // -- start of loadPlugins try { File xmlFile = null; ClassLoader classLoader = null; Class mainClass = null; File file = new File(pluginDir); File dirs[] = null; if (file.canRead()) dirs = file.listFiles(new DirFileList()); for (int i = 0; dirs != null && i < dirs.length; i++) { xmlFile = new File(dirs[i].getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "plugin.xml"); if (xmlFile.canRead()) { qsAdminPluginConfig = PluginConfigReader.read(xmlFile); if (qsAdminPluginConfig.getActive().equals("yes") && qsAdminPluginConfig.getType().equals("javax.swing.JPanel")) { classLoader = ClassUtil.getClassLoaderFromJars(dirs[i].getAbsolutePath()); mainClass = classLoader.loadClass(qsAdminPluginConfig.getMainClass()); logger.fine("Got PluginMainClass " + mainClass); pluginPanel = (PluginPanel) mainClass.newInstance(); if (JPanel.class.isInstance(pluginPanel) == true) { logger.info("Loading plugin : " + qsAdminPluginConfig.getName()); pluginPanelMap.put("" + (2 + i), pluginPanel); plugins.add(pluginPanel); tabbedPane.addTab( qsAdminPluginConfig.getName(), ball, (JPanel) pluginPanel, qsAdminPluginConfig.getDesc()); pluginPanel.setQSAdminMain(qsadminMain); pluginPanel.init(); } } else { logger.info( "Plugin " + dirs[i] + " is disabled so skipping " + qsAdminPluginConfig.getActive() + ":" + qsAdminPluginConfig.getType()); } } else { logger.info("No plugin configuration found in " + xmlFile + " so skipping"); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Error loading plugin : " + e); logger.fine("StackTrace:\n" + MyString.getStackTrace(e)); } // -- end of loadPlugins tabbedPane.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { int selected = -1; int oldSelected = -1; public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // if plugin selected = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); if (selected >= 2) { ((PluginPanel) pluginPanelMap.get("" + selected)).activated(); } if (oldSelected >= 2) { ((PluginPanel) pluginPanelMap.get("" + oldSelected)).deactivated(); } oldSelected = selected; } }); // tabbedPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0,5,5,5)); cp.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); buildMenu(); }